The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 595 'True feelings in adversity'11

Chapter 595 'True feelings in adversity'11
This night, there was an eerie calm in the Purple Star Palace.

Helian Libai didn't fall asleep all night, and asked Liuying to come back to her every half hour, while Liuying and Liubo kept staring at Zixing's bedroom in turn.

Until dawn, heavy snow fell one after another all night.

The whole world was covered in silver, and the first ray of sunshine ushered in. Helian Libai's heart, which had been hanging all along, slowly fell back into his stomach.

She didn't come back!
Did not return overnight!
"Miss, you haven't rested all night, why don't you sleep for a while!" Liu Ying watched Helian Libai open her eyes until dawn, and now she was about to change clothes to greet the queen, she persuaded with some distress.

"No! I'm not sleepy and I'm not tired! As long as I think about watching a good show today, I'm so excited that I can't sleep! I don't know what kind of expression the empress will have when she finds out that Helian Zixing hasn't returned all night. Now is not the time for me to sleep, but the time for me to go to Yaofeng Palace and tell the empress the sad news."

She laughed a little crazy, and suddenly said with a dark face: "Are you sure she hasn't come back?"

"Miss, the servants stared at the servants all night. That Liu Xi and Liu Xu were almost the same as the servants. They stayed up all night and stayed in Princess Zixing's bedroom for fear that someone would find out. And that Liu Xi came out every time. When I looked around, my eyes were red. Presumably I cried all night." Liu Ying said hastily.

Helian Libai snorted coldly, "If I were them, I would have told the queen earlier that their master hadn't come back. It wouldn't cost my life. Let's go! Let's pay our respects!"

Liubo opened the door curtain, Helian Libai walked out, just when he reached the middle of the yard, he stopped there abruptly.

She saw Zixing standing in front of a plum tree in the corner of the yard, looking up at the tree, like a red plum that bloomed overnight.

"Where does my sister want to go so early? If I go to pay my respects to my mother, it is still early, and my mother has not yet got up! Why don't you come and accompany me to enjoy the plum blossoms? White snow and red plums are so beautiful!"

She was wearing a white winter coat with bright red fox fur on the neckline and cuffs.

She was admiring the plums in the snow, but in Helian Libai's view, she herself was the plums in the snow.

Not only was she stunned, but even Liu Ying and Liu Bo opened their eyes wide without realizing it.

Yesterday they clearly saw Liu Xi with red eyes looking like the sky was falling, but when she ran over with the stove, her face was full of vigor, which was completely different from the appearance last night.

"You... When did you come back?" Helian Libai asked involuntarily, but it was too late to regret after asking?
Zixing raised her eyebrows, "Huh? I had a headache yesterday, didn't I go out all day? What do you mean when you came back?" She smiled, as if she really didn't know what she was talking about.

"I, I..." Helian Libai took a deep breath, pretended to be calm and said: "I made an appointment with sister Yueru to enjoy the snow early in the morning, that's why I got up so early. I'm not worthy of my sister to appreciate the plum blossoms."

She came back, she had to hurry up and tell Helian Yueru about it.

Not only was she back, she was unharmed.

Although she always felt in her heart that this was an impossible thing to happen, but now she couldn't care so much, and had to stop what would happen next.

(End of this chapter)

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