The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 596 'True feelings in adversity'12

Chapter 596 'True feelings in adversity'12
"Sister Yueru should have gone to Yaofeng Palace now, is my sister going to accompany her there to enjoy the snow?" Zixing walked over and just blocked her way.

"I, then I'll wait for her in Pingshuijuli. We made an appointment, and I can't miss it." Helianli Bai was anxious, but Zixing seemed to be pestering her deliberately, she took a step to the left, Zixing then moved a little bit, still blocking her way.

Liuying and Liubo saw her being so 'messy', their eyes froze, their footsteps moved, Zixing raised his eyes to them, and said coldly: "What? Are you planning to attack me here? You are a slave, Who allowed you to look directly at me like this? Come on! Lock the two of them in a dark room, and no one will let them out without my order!"

When Helian Libai heard it, Zi Xing wanted to lock them up, and hurriedly said: "Sister, no, the two of them still don't understand the rules in the palace, I will teach them. You..."

"What are you still doing in a daze? Didn't you hear what I said?" Zixing ignored her explanation at all, and looked coldly at the eunuchs who heard the voice.

The leading eunuch waved his hand, and everyone came up to push them down.

How could Liuying and Liubo allow these people to touch them? When they just raised their hands to hit them, Zixing lazily tossed them a few words, "Your master lives in the palace now, and Zixing Palace is temporarily I will take care of it. If you openly fight, I can't guarantee that I will send you to other places as errands. Or... simply drive you all out of the palace, so that you will never be able to enter again Palace, I can't see your master."

Her words successfully stunned Liu Ying and the others.

Seeing them put down their hands, several eunuchs pressed them down and walked into the backyard.

Helian Libai looked back at them, not knowing what to do!

They were both taken away, and she had no helpers.

"What are you going to do? They didn't do anything at all, why do you punish them?" She asked angrily.

"I didn't do anything? I just sent them to shut up and think about their mistakes. They will be released at night. Even if I just starve them, I will not use lynching. What is my sister afraid of? You know, I have always treated slaves It couldn't be better." Zixing smiled slightly, "I heard that the lights in my sister's room were on all night last night, I guess I didn't sleep well! It's freezing cold, my sister should go back and have a good rest! Yinuo, send Li Miss Bai went back to her room to rest."

"I don't rest. I..." Helian Libai wanted to refuse, but Yi Nuo is not a sympathetic person, and she only listens to Zi Xing's orders, so when she was struggling, she just 'supported her. ’ her arm, and carried her back into the house.

"You" Helian Libai, who was thrown directly on the bed, jumped up and pointed at Yinuo, who just cursed, and Yinuo said coldly: "Miss Li Bai, the princess wants you to rest well , I advise you to take a good rest! If you have to go out, the snow is thick and the road is slippery. If Miss falls somewhere and loses an arm or a leg, this servant will not be able to bear it."

She thought for a while and then said: "Also, the servant will guard outside and will not be disturbed by others. But the servant has a problem, she doesn't like to hear people yelling. If the voice is too loud, the servant will be agitated I can't control my hand. If you hurt the young lady, the young lady doesn't mind."

(End of this chapter)

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