The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 710 The Death of the Imperial Concubine 18

Chapter 710 The Death of the Imperial Concubine 18
"Qingwei's painstaking efforts? So, you are trying medicine for me again, and you are going to bear Qingwei's painstaking efforts for me again, right?" Helian Longyi suddenly became very calm, and there was even a smile on his face. smile.

With him like this, even Zixing is a stranger.

"That's right, that's right! The emperor is right, so can you let Qing Wei go? She didn't do anything wrong, did she?" Nangong Ling asked anxiously, her eyes full of expectation.

"Yes! Qingwei did nothing wrong, because from the beginning, she chose the wrong mother and concubine, and she became what she is today! If there is a mother, there must be a daughter!" Helian Longyi repeated Nodding her head, she took a deep breath suddenly, her eyes froze, "Yu Xian, you send someone to tell the queen that from today onwards, the imperial concubine will be sidelined. I don't want to see her again."

"Into the cold palace?" Nangong Ling looked at him in astonishment, "Why? Your Majesty, what did this concubine do wrong? You want to send this concubine to the cold palace? Don't go to the cold palace, my concubine is still pregnant with your dragon heir. How can you be thrown into the cold palace? Your Majesty..."

Helian Longyi brushed her hand away, and said to Zixing: "Xing'er, let's go! Don't stay here for too long, she remembered that she had no children, and said that you hurt her. Let's go! I don't want to stay here any longer."

Zixing glanced at Nangong Ling, who fell on the ground, without saying anything, and left with Helian Longyi.

Situ Jing was surprised when she heard the words sent by Yu Xian.

"What did you say? A lot of Tianguangsan were found in Ganquan Palace?"

"Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. The emperor is driving here now. If you have any questions, you can ask the emperor in person. This servant will leave first."

Situ Jing nodded, "Go down first!"

She stood up, walked around the room a few times with her brows tightly furrowed, "How could this be?"

"Your Majesty, don't think about it, the emperor is here, so everything is clear?" the female officer explained.

"Let's prepare to welcome you first!" Situ Jing sighed.

The matter of Nangong Ling was quickly spread to Liugong. Later, Yu Xian found a prescription in Ganquan Palace. After seeing it, Imperial Physician Du confirmed that it was a folk secret recipe for seeking a child.

This also explained why Nangong Ling fantasized about being pregnant after taking Tianguang San.

Zixing understands that maybe Nangong Ling didn't say those words, and her father might not be determined to put her in the cold palace.

She thought she was pregnant, so she asked her father to make her child the crown prince.

What is her intention in the end has been clearly stated by herself.

She bothered to beg for a son, and wanted to let the emperor go to her Oasis Palace, all because of this reason.

At that moment, father's heart became cold.

During the Lantern Festival, he was also moved, otherwise, he would not have gone to Ganquan Palace to have dinner with Nangong Ling on purpose the next day. If she hadn't planned to trick his father away, Nangong Ling's first purpose Then it really came true.

Tianguangsan can make people see hope, because it will paralyze people's thinking and enclose themselves in the world they imagined.

In Mrs. Qiu's heart, she was always worried about Helian Mingyu, because she was not around, and as a mother, she was always worried that she would not be doing well outside and whether she had been bullied, and she couldn't know quickly, so would have such a nightmare.

(End of this chapter)

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