The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 711 The Death of the Imperial Concubine 19

Chapter 711 The Death of the Imperial Concubine 19
And Zixing always thought that in Nangong Ling's heart, Helian Qingwei was the most important.

But she never expected that the one who drove her crazy in the end was the child she had painstakingly asked for.

Because she failed to snatch Helianye from Mrs. Qiu's side smoothly, she wanted to have a prince who could be loved by her father just like Helianye.

Her painstaking efforts were really painstaking.

The tea bowl in Helian Yueru's hand fell to the ground with a bang, she shook her head and said, "Impossible, she was fine when I went to see her last time, how could she be crazy?"

"Princess, the fact that the imperial concubine was thrown into the cold palace has been passed on to the Sixth Palace, and she has been sent to the Jingning Palace. It is already true." Baoling also did not want to believe that this matter was true. Really, but the facts are in front of them, it's not that they don't believe it, it didn't happen.

"Where is King Ning? Does he know about this?" Helian Yueru asked hurriedly.

"Should have known it! The Empress must have sent someone to tell Mrs. Ning Wang about this matter. But they have not been summoned, and they have no way to enter the palace to intercede for the imperial concubine now!" Baoling said, "Besides, Now no one can intercede for the imperial concubine, there are so many Tianguangsan in her bedroom, even if we have the heart, we must not do anything, otherwise we will hurt ourselves."

"But..." Helian Yueru always felt that something was wrong, and suddenly thought of it, and asked anxiously: "But, how come there are so many skylights in her hand? Originally, she didn't have many in her hand. After Lian Qingwei came out to take the blame, wasn't everything destroyed? Where did she come from?"

Baoling was stunned for a moment, "This... I don't even know about this!"

"Sister, do you want to know?" Zixing's voice suddenly came from the door, and Helian Yueru suddenly turned her head, glaring at Yinuo who was behind her bitterly. It was as if wandering around in her own palace.

"My sister is acting more and more crazy now? At least let someone tell you?" Helian Yueru said.

"Send it? I saw that the palace people outside were all dismissed by my sister, so I knew that my sister must be discussing 'big things' with your confidantes in the house. I was curious, so I didn't let anyone pass it on. Call them over, if you hear something you shouldn't hear, won't you hurt innocent people again? My sister is always cautious in doing things, and I don't want to hurt others." Zi Xing said with a smile.

Helian Yueru snorted coldly, "Sure enough, it's your trick again. You dare to admit it."

"I don't admit it. Didn't my sister think that I did it? You are not the only ones who can make Tianguangsan, but I can do it too, and I can do it more. I have to thank you for setting a precedent for me. Only then can I follow suit. Don't bother thinking about what kind of 'poisonous trick' to use against you." Zi Xing still smiled.

"You have already succeeded, what are you doing here? Do you want me to see how you succeeded? I have seen enough of your face, you don't need to show off your power anymore." Helian Yueru turned her face away Don't go to see her.

"I'm just about to see the dawn soon, and I feel a little lost because there is no one to share it with. That's why I came here to find my sister. You know, there are some things that I really can't find anyone else to talk about except my sister. "

(End of this chapter)

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