Chapter 736
Duguhan knew that using Nuwan himself would be the worst decision.

Zi Xing is not someone else, she is very careful, even if everything today is within her expectation, even if that Nu Wan who appeared suddenly helped her, she would still check her details.

He knew that this matter could not be hidden from her after all.

Mixue has never been aware of Nuwan's current whereabouts. She was young at that time, and Nuwan was just the housekeeper's daughter. Although she also grew up in their house, she was as old as she was at that time. I remember that there was a playmate at the beginning, because of his father, he became a singing girl.

If she knew about this, she would definitely stop it, because it was too dangerous.

He also thought about redeeming Nuwan's body, but her status did not allow him to do so at all.

He wanted to help Zixing, and similarly, he also wanted Prince Ning's Mansion to pay the price for what happened back then. According to Zixing's planning, a servant might be able to accomplish something, but it was not as useful as Nuwan.

So he took the risk and knew that one day he would be asked by her.

For her, he didn't use those subordinates that his father left behind just to protect him and Mixue.

But he has no regrets.

"She is just the daughter of a distant uncle who was used as an official prostitute. I can't redeem her. Maybe if Tiange is gone, she can regain her freedom. That's why she chose to help me do this. No Other meanings. I will never have anything to do with General Dongfang."

His determination did not reduce the sadness on Zixing's face.

"Maybe! Do you know that the day after I was pushed off the cliff by Situ Lan'er, Seventh Brother came to the palace and told Emperor Father that it was you who took me away because you had something to do with General Dongfang. If not If I suddenly appeared, his words may become your crime. General Dongfang colluded with the enemy and betrayed the country. Even though it has been so many years, it has always been the father's heart disease. You'd better let Nu Wan keep his mouth shut, otherwise... I'm afraid Then I won't be able to save you."

The four words 'cooperate with the enemy and betray the country' that came out of Zixing's mouth pierced Duguhan's heart fiercely.

He clenched his fist tightly, his joints creaked, Zixing heard it and looked towards him, but he strode away without saying a word.

Zixing looked at his cold back, and the thought between his brows became more and more intense.

Dongfang Chong, Duguhan, really as he said, are they really unrelated?

She suddenly thought of another person.

"Sister." He Lianli hurriedly called Zixing before the white man arrived.

Zixing withdrew her thoughts and forced a smile: "What's wrong?"

"Liuying just came back from Minzhou. As soon as she entered the city, she heard about Prince Ning's mansion. Is Prince Ning injured? I want to go out of the palace to see him, is that okay?" He Lianli looked at him with white eyes asked.

Ever since Zixing promised her that she would marry Nangong Yu as she wished, she had already regarded herself as Princess Ning, and when she heard that Nangong Yu was injured, she was eager to see him.

"Now Nangong Hao is being hunted everywhere outside, it's not safe for you to leave the palace." Zixing wanted to refuse, but Helian Libai hurriedly said: "It's okay, with Liuying and Liubo by my side, everything will be fine. I'll go and see him, and as long as he's okay, I'll go back to the palace immediately. Can you help me talk to the empress?"

(End of this chapter)

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