The world is full of poisonous women

Chapter 737 Purple Star Wedding 1

Chapter 737 Purple Star Wedding 1
Zixing thought for a while, and said: "Wouldn't it be better for you to tell the queen yourself? If the queen agrees, she will have a clear idea of ​​many things."

She hinted to Helian Libai that the queen mother is a smart person, if she leaves now and is in a hurry to go out of the palace to see Nangong Yu, she will definitely guess the reason.

And when the time comes, it will be much easier for her to tell the queen mother about canceling the engagement.

Helian Libai was stunned for a moment, then nodded and laughed, "Okay, I'll go right away."

She turned around and ran outside in a hurry, and Liu Ying outside also hurriedly tied her cloak.

After watching their master and servant three leave, Zixing said to Yinuo: "You also follow, pay attention to Liuying, and see if you can find out what she brought from Minzhou to the capital."


Yinuo answered and was about to leave when Zixing lost her voice and called her, "Yinuo..."

Yinuo turned her head, but she swallowed back the words that came to her lips.

"It's okay, you go!"

She wanted to ask if she knew Xiao Qi's 'secret', but then thought, if Xiao Qi refused to tell her, how could Yi Nuo tell her.

Even if he promises to say it, what's the point if he didn't say it himself.

What she wanted was not the answer, but the answer. . .

After listening to Helian Libai's request, Situ Jing looked at the anxious expression on her face, her eyes sank slightly, and the female officer beside her frowned, looking at Li Bai with dissatisfaction.

"Miss Li Bai, the empress..." the female officer spoke first, trying to find a reason to evade her and let her leave quickly.

No matter what happened to Prince Ning's mansion, King Ning is the future son-in-law after all, but she rashly begged to go out of the palace to see him, and also came to beg the empress, what is it.

But before she finished speaking, Situ Jing interrupted her and said, "Go!"

"Thank you, empress!" He Lianli thanked Bai overjoyed, then hurriedly turned and left.

After she left, the female officer asked puzzledly: "Your Majesty? How could you let Miss Li Bai go to Prince Ning's Mansion at this time?"

"Li Bai is not a brainless person. She knows that this request will make me suspicious, but she still comes, which proves that someone asked her to come here." Situ Jing said, smiling helplessly, "Bengong's daughter has always been a person with ideas. Although I said before that I will let her do what she wants to do and what she doesn't do, but now it seems that I can't let her do it. Of course, I don't want her to marry King Ning at this time. The emperor is already a little dissatisfied with the repeated problems in Prince Ning's mansion. But..."

"Your Majesty, do you mean that the little princess might regret the marriage?" the female officer asked in surprise after hearing what she meant.

Situ Jing didn't speak, sighed and laughed again.

"But... the little princess regrets the marriage at this time, I'm afraid the outside world will say it badly. In this way, the princess's marriage will be delayed?" The female official said worriedly.

"That's not necessarily the case, it's just an engagement, if there are bad rumors outside, I will say at that time that I don't want to see Zixing go to Ning Wang's mansion and follow Ning Wang to face all these disasters. I don't believe it anymore, my daughter, with the beauty of the country, will not be able to marry because of this incident?"

At this moment, Situ Jing seemed domineering and conceited, but all of this was because of her love for Zixing.

(End of this chapter)

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