Chapter 126 No Breakup, Only Widow 2
Mu Chengchen wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, "That's my woman, of course I have to take it back."

"Hahaha!" Xu Yan laughed lightly, "President Mu, I really admire your sincerity and kindness. Your feelings for Yin Se are truly shocking, and weeping ghosts and gods!"

"Xu Yan, do you know where you lost?"

"I am not defeated!"

Mu Shengchen looked at him silently, without saying a word.

His reaction made Xu Yan fall into an even more collapsed situation.

"What do you mean? What does your reaction mean?!" Xu Yan punched Mu Chengchen in the abdomen.

Mu Shengchen snorted, and then spat out a mouthful of blood.

Yin Se bit her lips tightly until blood dripped out. She never cried out again, but tears fell silently, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Mu Shengchen's vision was a little blurry, he saw the weeping smile on her face, and unconsciously raised the corners of her lips.

"Stand up, let me see who is defeated!"

Mu Shengchen got up: "I let you hit me now because Yin Se is in your hands."

Xu Yan looked at him quietly, even though his face was covered with blood, his eyes were still indifferent, his expression was still calm, his posture was still confident, not happy!It's really annoying to see!
"Mu Shengchen, I really don't understand. Aren't you a genius in the business world? Aren't you very smooth? Why are you so stubborn today?"

"Xu Yan." Yin Se called softly.

Xu Yan stood there looking at Mu Shengchen, with his back to Yin Se, waiting for her next words.

"Can't you let me go?"

The corner of Xu Yan's mouth raised, "Yes."

"What conditions?" Yin Se took a breath and asked.

"You break up."

"Impossible." Mu Shengchen said indifferently, he clenched his fist tightly, he wanted to wait...

Yin Se pursed her lips: "Xu Yan, can you really not let me go?"

"I said I can let you go! As long as you break up!" Xu Yan's voice suddenly rose, resounding throughout the factory.

"This won't work..." Yin Se said lightly.

"Okay, that's fine!" Xu Yan turned around and walked towards Yin Se slowly, "Don't break up, how about you sleep with me for one night?"

Yin Se looked at him in horror.

"Can't you?" Xu Yan looked at her regretfully.

Yin Se's eyes gradually became cruel: "Xu Yan, you are really disgusting."

"Really?" Xu Yan asked indifferently, "Then I'll show you what real disgust is!"

"Go away!" Yin Se felt his whole body trembling, kicked him out, and Xu Yan took a step back.

"Xu Yan, let's fight for wine!" Mu Shengchen said calmly, clenched his hands into fists.

Xu Yan raised his head and met Yin Se's bloodshot eyes. She spit on him, "What are you?"

"Haha, little se, I just like your drive! We are not in a hurry. "

He buttoned her clothes again, turned around and walked towards Mu Chengchen: "Is it a fight for wine?"

"Yes." Mu Shengchen said calmly.

Xu Yan smiled and asked someone to bring the box of liquor over.

"Chengchen, don't!"

Mu Shengchen looked at Yin Se quietly, he always felt that with him around, she would be fine, and he would protect her well, but now, he watched her being humiliated, watching Watching her cry and seeing her hurt, but he couldn't find anything else to do except to procrastinate.

Xu Yan handed a bottle of white wine to Mu Chengchen: "Just fight this, whoever finishes drinking first wins!"

Mu Shengchen stared at the bottle of white wine, feeling a little unsteady boredom in his chest...

The two bottles of wine were opened at the same time, and Mu Shengchen poured them down his throat...

"Chengchen Chengchen! Don't drink, don't drink anymore!" Yin Se was anxious like a scurrying mouse. She panicked, she was terrified, and she was at a loss. She only knew that he was committing suicide. She only knew that he was committing suicide. To stall for time with his life...

"Mu Shengchen! Let's break up!" Yin Se shouted.

Mu Chengchen stopped pouring wine, Xu Yan gently shook the bottle, and looked at Yin Se leisurely, only to see her tears on her face.

"Break up, I admit defeat, I admit defeat! Xu Yan, if you win, I will break up with him."

"Oh? Really?" Xu Yan chuckled and glanced at his watch: "Four and 10 minutes, I thought you would be able to drag it on for an hour!"

Mu Shengchen looked at Yin Se quietly, his eyes seemed indifferent.

"I will break up with him and hand over the divorce certificate in front of you. You let him go, you let him go, don't force him anymore, okay?" Yin Se begged for mercy.

The corner of Mu Shengchen's mouth curled slightly: "Silly Yinse, do you really think that he will let me go after breaking up?"

Xu Yan seemed a little tired, and he sat on a chair beside him: "It's okay, there are still 10 minutes left, I'll give you time to discuss."

Mu Shengchen walked up to Yin Se.

"Xiao Er, let her go, it's not bad for us to watch a mandarin duck show." Xu Yan said lightly.

Xiao Er let go of Yin Se, she stood there, unable to move a step, her legs seemed to be stiff, she shouldn't be brave...

Mu Shengchen opened his hands.

Yin Se stared at his blood-covered chest, puddles and puddles, shocking...

"Come here." He said softly.

Yin Se couldn't bear it any longer and stepped forward to gently lean into his arms.

Mu Shengchen folded his hands and hugged her tightly, resting his chin on her thin neck: "It's my fault..."

"I didn't protect you well."

"No..." Yin Se said in a low voice.

"Even if it's my fault, Seer, you can't say break up. We made an agreement, and you don't have the right to say break up. "

Yin Se bit her lip, her hands were handcuffed behind her, she wanted to hug him tightly, even if she wanted to touch him...

"You've been playing tricks all the time, what does it matter if I play tricks once in a while..." She doesn't depend on him, she shouldn't depend on him all the time...

"You can't." Mu Shengchen said seriously.

Yin Se wanted to break free from his embrace, but Mu Shengchen hugged her tightly: "You are such a miserable bride..."

"I don't want to be your bride anymore..." Yin Se shook her head.

"It's not up to you to decide." Mu Shengchen's voice sank.

Yin Se raised his head: "well, I have no right, so tell me, tell me, can I be dumped by you?"

"Chengchen... I don't want anything to happen to you." Yin Se cried, "Compared to not being able to be with you, if something happens to you, I can't bear it...Chengchen, we lost, we can't fight a madman, Let's not fight, okay?"

He has never seen Yin Se who is so scared...

"En? Chengchen, you are so nice. Besides me, there are so many good women in this world. You just pick one and make it up, and you just say goodbye. Without me, you won't be able to live, right? wrong"

"Seer." He let go of her, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up, and his head lightly rested on her forehead, "My Serre."

"Remember." He kissed her eyebrows lightly.

"There is no breakup between us, only widowhood."

He said so.

The deep and beautiful voice like a cello, mellow and smooth, rubbed into Yin Se's heart and into her chest, causing ripples layer by layer.

She looked at him in astonishment.

He covered her lips and kissed her.

"Papa papa" Xu Yan clapped his hands lightly, "What a touching scene, hahaha!"

Mu Shengchen let go of Yin Se, and she looked at him with tears in her eyes.


Yin Se nodded slowly, and repeated softly: "There is no breakup, only widowhood..."

"It's good that there is no breakup, only widowhood!" Xu Yan's eyes were so red that they were a little purple, "Then I will fulfill you and let you be widowed!"

Without hesitation, Mu Shengchen swung the iron rod behind Xu Yan, and gently wiped Yin Se's tears.

Yin Se looked at Xu Yan in horror...


She watched the iron rod being slowly lifted up, "Chengchen..."

Mu Chengchen put his arms around her shoulders, turned around and kicked off the iron rod in Xu Yan's hand!
Xu Yan smiled strangely, and looked at him: "Do you think you can deal with the six of us alone?"

Mu Shengchen naturally knew that he didn't have that much ability, so he protected Yin Se by his side, "Don't be afraid."

At this moment, three or two people suddenly broke in.

Xu Yan was slightly surprised: "You came earlier than the scheduled time? President Mu, you have some skills!"

Mu Shengchen tightly protected Yin Se.

"But what do you think it's good to rely on these three people?" Xu Yan sneered, then snapped his fingers, only to hear a "pop"...

Yin Se slowly raised his head from Mu Chengchen's arms tremblingly, and slowly raised his empty eyes...

Mu Shengchen was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously wrapped Yin Se around him again.

"Mu Shengchen!"

Bright red blood slipped from his head and dripped slowly on her body.

"Xiao Er, well done!" Xu Yan applauded, and at this moment, several big men came out, "Mu Shengchen, do you think I didn't ambush? Come on, take down all those people! "

As a result, the three who broke in from the door and Xu Yan's men got into a fight.

But Yin Se only felt that the weight on his body was getting heavier...

She slowly slid to the ground, Mu Chengchen leaned against her, blood gurgling down from his head.

"Chengchen..." She opened her mouth, trying hard to make a sound, but her throat seemed to be blocked, and it took a long time to call out his name...

Only tears broke the embankment.

"Chengchen... don't take you like this..." Yin Se murmured weakly, she couldn't hold him with her hands, she couldn't touch him.

Mu Shengchen panted lightly: "My wife..."


"I won't die." He said softly.

"En! I know you won't die!" She lowered her head and touched his nose, "You won't leave me alone."

"En...don't cry, it's too ugly." Mu Shengchen said softly.

"Don't cry, I won't cry. How about you get up, it hurts me so much..." Yin Se said with difficulty, she said not to cry, but the tears fell line by line, mixed with the blood on his face .

(End of this chapter)

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