Chapter 127 She broke her promise

"Go outside, someone will come to pick you up in a moment."

Yin Se nodded: "I know you won't fight uncertain battles, but... Cheng Chen, we really lost this battle..."

"I lost..." Mu Shengchen whispered, "If you lose, you lose."

Yin Se looked at him helplessly: "Tell me, what should I do?"

"put me here"

"No!" Yin Se growled.


"Don't talk, I want to be with you, you won't die, and I won't, we have to raise a child, you have to return my wedding dress, return my century wedding, and I will return you and me life!"

Mu Chengchen looked at her indifferently, stretched out his hand, and stroked her face: "I won't die..."

"will not."

Xu Yan walked in front of them: "How about widowed?"

Yin Se only knew to look at Mu Shengchen, with a small smile on his lips, "We don't want to be widowed either, we are together."

"Yin Se, Mu Shengchen, you know your weakness! You know what will happen if you fight against me!"

"Chengchen..." She called softly, but he had already closed his eyes, and his hands were hanging down feebly.

"Chengchen, Chengchen, Chengchen..." Yin Se yelled in a low voice, one after another...

"Chengchen, I love you very much, I love you so much!"

Xiao Er gave Yin Se a hand knife behind Yin Se, and Yin Se fainted on the spot.

"Mr. Xu, don't be in a daze anymore, hurry up!"

Xu Yan gritted his teeth.

The fight is still going on outside.

"Drag that aunt here!" Xu Yan said.

Xiao Er dragged Aunt Lin who had already been drugged over.

"You move more quickly."

Xiao Er looked up at Xu Yan: "Mr. Xu, I can't see that your heart is so cruel."

Xu Yan glanced at her: "This aunt is just unlucky. You guys are used to this kind of thing. Compared to you, what am I?"

Xiao Er curled his lips, and took off the clothes of Yin Se and Mrs. Lin.

And Xu Yan was not idle, and started to take off his clothes, "Have you dragged the things from the car?"

"Over there." Xiao Er casually pointed, "It's a shame that you can think of such a method! In order to take this woman as your own, you really would do anything! You love her so much? "

"Love?" Xu Yan chuckled, "It's already nothing to do with love."

"I just want to destroy her beauty!"

"Then why didn't you just kill Mu Shengchen?"

"That would be no fun."

Xiao Er stopped talking and continued with the work at hand.

The few people at the door were beating violently, and suddenly they heard a loud bang from inside the factory!Half the factory collapsed in an instant, and then the fire broke out.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yan's people ran away without saying a word, and the three people who came in behind suddenly panicked, only to see Mu Chengchen lying in a pool of blood, and the fire slowly swept towards him.

"Hurry up!" one urged.

The three of them ran over to carry Mu Shengchen on their backs, and ran out of the factory. Within a few minutes, there was another violent explosion, and after that, the abandoned factory was engulfed in flames...

Police cars and ambulances blare their sirens and drive by.

Ye Rufeng got out of the car, ran in front of the three people, looked at Mu Shengchen who was covered in blood, and was so astonished that he couldn't say anything...

"Ambulance!" he yelled in horror!
Mu Shengchen was carried on a stretcher!

"Where's Yin Se?" Ye Rufeng asked the three men, "Where's Yin Se?"

They lowered their heads in silence, and one of the men said lightly: "There are still people ambushing inside, all of them are professionals. We can't fight against them. When we come to our senses, the factory has already exploded..."

"What do you mean?" Ye Rufeng looked at them in horror: "What do you mean by this?"

With Fan Xiwen's support, Su Rou walked over slowly: "What do you mean by that..."

"we do not know……"

Su Rou couldn't even stand still...

"Ah Rou!"

Ye Rufeng froze on the spot: "I shouldn't listen to him...but it's only an hour..."

He turned around and walked in front of the police: "The kidnapper is Xu Yan! Xu Yan from GW Group!"

"Sir, put out the fire first, and we will do our duty impartially!" said a policeman.

Later, the fire went out...

Inside lay two charred corpses, a man and a woman. Beside the woman's corpse were fragments of a wedding dress and some unmelted diamond fragments. A black jade ring was placed on the scorched middle finger knuckle.

Ye Rufeng was terrified lying on the ground, the corpse covered in white cloth lay in front of him, the scorching smell stimulated his nose, like a roll of bayonet slowly rolled into his throat, then the heart and lungs, and finally the rotten intestines... …

"Don't..." Su Rou burst into tears, Fan Xiwen held her tightly and hugged her body, Su Rou couldn't make a sound, and finally fainted in Fan Xiwen's arms.

"Ah Rou!"

Ye Rufeng stared blankly at the black jade finger on the ground, and finally picked it up quietly.He only felt that the sky was dim and the earth was dark for a while, and his head was a little empty. He couldn't see or hear what the people around him were doing or saying.

Only the horrible reality of Yin Se being burned alive remained in his consciousness.

He didn't remember how he left the ruins, nor when Yin Se's body was taken away, nor how he stood up, how he followed to the hospital, and how he followed to the morgue.

And Mu Shengchen came back alive after being rescued, and fell into a coma in the hospital for three whole days.

In a daze, he seemed to hear Mu Sirui's cry through the wall.

Then the back door was pushed open, and someone came to his side...

He frowned, his head was so dizzy, he slowly opened his eyes, the white ceiling was spinning,
The always soft little hand grabbed his hand.


Mu Shengchen came back to his senses, and his eyes slowly turned to Mu Sirui who was looking at him with red eyes.

Mu Sirui stood behind Mrs. Mu.

"Chengchen... how do you feel?"

His throat moved, and he slowly made a sound: "Yin Se..."

Mrs. Mu looked at him indifferently.

"Dad, they didn't tell me where my mother was. Dad, Uncle Rufeng, Aunt Susu, and Uncle Fan refused to tell me where my mother was. They said that my mother had gone far away."

"Si Rui!" the old lady shouted sharply.

Mu Sirui held Mu Chengchen's hand tightly: "Dad, get up, let's go find Mom!"

Mu Shengchen closed his eyes, then looked at Mrs. Mu: "Grandma... where is Yin Se..."

At this moment, Su Rou and Fan Xiwen walked in.

"Chengchen, you're not sober yet, rest first, you're not joking about hurting your head, let's talk about it in a few days." Fan Xiwen said dryly.

Mu Shengchen's already numb hands gradually became conscious, and he slowly propped himself up.

"Chengchen!" Fan Xiwen hurriedly stepped forward to support him, "You can't move yet."

Mu Shengchen looked up at him: "Where is Yin Se?"

"Fan Xiwen, I'm asking you something. Did you leave with Xu Yan?" Mu Shengchen's eyes were blank, he didn't know what happened afterwards, he didn't know how he crawled back from the edge of life and death.

"No!" Su Rou shouted.

Mu Shengchen put his eyes on her, and asked lightly: "Then where did she go?"

Su Rou bit her lips tightly, unable to utter a word, what should she say?Said Yin Se died?It is said that Yin Se was burned alive, and there was no complete body left, it became coke...

Such a tragic situation, how did she say it...

"Yin Se is dead."

Just when everyone remained silent, Xia Zixiu was standing at the door, and he walked up to Mu Chengchen's window: "Mu Chengchen, I'm sorry, my people arrived late, I didn't have time to do anything, Xu Yan blew up The whole factory was destroyed, and both he and Yin Se died."

Su Rou covered her mouth and closed her eyes tightly, that scene was replayed in her mind repeatedly.

Mu Chengchen looked at Xia Zixiu quietly from the beginning to the end, while everyone turned their attention to Mu Chengchen.

"What did you say?" he asked quietly.

Xia Zixiu pursed his lips tightly, and took a deep breath: "I have arrested all the subordinates that Xu Yan brought over, including Long Shi, I will not let go of any of them, but your wife can't come back anymore. coming."

Mu Shengchen frowned slightly, then looked at Mu Sirui, Mu Sirui didn't say anything, just stared at him with big eyes, waiting for something, despite being so silent, tears dripped from those big eyes row tears.

"You said Yin Se is dead..." Mu Shengchen repeated slowly.

"You still have Mu Sirui, want to open some..."

"Father..." Mu Sirui's voice seemed to be enduring something extremely.

"I don't believe it." He said softly, with no blood on his pale face, and a white bandage on his head.

Su Rou took out the ring from her bag and put it on Mu Chengchen's hand: "Rufeng said, if you don't accept the reality, I'll give you this."

Mu Shengchen picked up the black jade ring, there were obvious burnt marks on it...

Yin Se...

There was a tight pain in the chest.

"Yin Se..." He read out softly, a little lost in thought...

Mrs. Mu stepped forward and took Mu Sirui's hand: "That was Yin Se's life, you still have a son, don't forget."

Mu Sirui turned to look at Mrs. Mu: "Grandma Grandma, what are you talking about, Dad will come back with me to find Mom!"

"Si Rui, your mother has gone far away and won't come back." Mrs. Mu said seriously, with muddy old tears in those old eyes...

Mu Sirui broke away from Mrs. Mu's hand, and grabbed Mu Shengchen's hand again: "Father, they are all bad guys!"

"They don't want their mother anymore! Dad, you said we'd always be together!"

(End of this chapter)

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