Chapter 128 The Smart Man 1
Mu Chengchen stared at the ring in a daze, and closed his eyes. However, what people never expected was that the next moment, Mu Chengchen spurted out a big mouthful of blood, staining the clean quilt red...

"Chengchen!" Mrs. Mu shouted in panic.

"Go and call the doctor!"

Su Rou covered her mouth, closed her eyes tightly, and Fan Xiwen hugged her.

Mu Chengchen wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and shook his hand: "I want to be alone..."

"What nonsense are you talking about, let the doctor see the situation first!"

"Get out!" Mu Shengchen roared.

Xia Zixiu frowned, sighed, walked to Mu Sirui and picked him up: "Let's go out."

Fan Xiwen walked out slowly with his arms around Su Rou.

He was the only one left in the huge ward.

Yin dead?
It can't be like this, it won't be like this, it won't be like this...

What was worn on his finger was a black jade ring, there was no trace of warmth on it, the cold made him tremble, as if someone was scraping his chest fiercely with a knife, trying to slice his heart into pieces.

He understands that this is called heart-piercing.

"Ser, you broke your promise, and let me break your promise too..." He said lightly, slowly closing his eyes, and put the ring on his chest. No one knows what he is thinking now, maybe he doesn't know either .

At this moment, his world seemed to have collapsed, there was no more vitality, no more color.

He once said that if one day she was gone, he would never do something like die for love, that would be too stupid a thing.

He believes that life will still go on as usual, the earth will still rotate, but there will be something missing, and some habits need to be changed...

But now, his mind is filled with the idea of ​​finding her from heaven to earth, whether it is heaven or hell, if it can be done after death, he will really jump out of the window without hesitation.

miss her.

I want to touch her face, kiss her lips, even have a word or two with her.

It turns out that the distance between life and death is like this. It's not like he didn't think about it. Six years ago, when he had heart surgery, he thought about all the possibilities, and thought that he would be separated from her.

However, six years ago, God gave him a chance to survive. Could it be that the price he paid was to let her die six years later?
Such a joke is too big.

"I want mom!"

Mu Sirui's scream came from outside the door.

"You all go away! I hate you! Mom won't abandon me! She won't! I will find her! You don't want her anymore, I want her!" Mu Sirui's childish voice passed through the wall and entered his ears inside.

Mu Shengchen looked out of the window, the glass was covered with mist, and the weather was still cold.

Ser, are you cold?

Why didn't you bring that yellow down jacket?Do you think the color is bad?Then listen to you next time, change the color you like...

"Grandma! Let me go! I'm going to find my mother!" Mu Sirui kept shouting outside the door, but Mu Shengchen just listened quietly. After a long time, Mu Sirui's voice became hoarse, crying The sound is getting louder and louder.

He lifted the quilt, put on his shoes, and opened the door.

The people outside were all crying, and they were all distressed by Mu Sirui's yelling.

"Si Rui." Mu Shengchen called softly.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Mu Shengchen.

Worried, panicked, stunned...

Mu Sirui immediately stopped all shouting, broke free from Mrs. Mu's arms, ran to Mu Shengchen's side, grabbed his hand, and looked up at him.

"Dad, let's go find Mom!"

Mu Chengchen looked at him firmly, and then said: "Your mother is too bad."

"She went to another world early."


"From now on, Si Rui has to get used to not seeing his mother."

"Don't..." He shook his head, "No, Dad is lying too!"

"Si Rui, I allow you to cry, but remember, your mother is watching every move you make. Do you want your wicked mother to laugh at you?"

Mu Sirui shook his head: "I want a mother, let her laugh at me! I want a mother! Dad, you lied, you said that a family of three will never be separated again! You clearly said it!"

Mu Shengchen's throat moved, and he let go of his hand: "We will be together, she and us are only separated temporarily, and after many years, we will still meet again, in another world."

They don't need to say it so tactfully, Mu Sirui can also understand what happened, he is not an ordinary child, he is very smart, he knows a lot, because of this, he is more sure that he wants his mother back, no matter what he has to pay All prices are good!
Mu Shengchen glanced at him, stopped talking, and turned to the ward.

Mu Sirui looked at his back, gritted his teeth tightly, clenched his fists tightly, tears wet his little face, finally, he rushed forward, hugged Mu Chengchen's thigh, and began to cry loudly stand up.

Mu Shengchen stood still, feeling his head was still spinning, he lowered his waist and hugged Mu Sirui tightly.

They all have to get used to the life without Yin Se, but before that
Ser, those people, I will let them be buried with you.

Mu Shengchen's amber phoenix pupils are now sinking like a pool of death, like ink splashing, black without bottom.

"Chengchen, you can't be discharged from the hospital yet!" Mrs. Mu said as she watched him putting on his clothes.

Mu Shengchen put on the black windbreaker silently, and an icy chill radiated from his whole body.

"Chengchen, can you listen to grandma? Little se is also looking at you, you treat her like this"

"She will understand that I can't let go of those who took her away from me."

"Chengchen, don't do stupid things!" Mrs. Mu was startled, "Xu Yan is dead, who else do you want to find..."

Mu Shengchen walked out of the ward without looking back, and took out his mobile phone.


"Where is the person you arrested?"

"I'll come pick you up."


Mu Shengchen put his hands in his pockets and stood quietly by the side of the road. The vehicles coming and going on the road, the sky was cloudy and the clouds were heavy, as if they were about to collapse in the next moment, destroying everything he could touch Exhausted.

Pedestrians hurried past him, and he just stood there, but his solemnity made people feel flustered.Is that an existence like a god or a god of death...

After a while, a black sports car stopped in front of him.

"Come up." Xia Zixiu said as he rolled down the car window.

Mu Shengchen opened the door and sat in.

"Is there nothing wrong with your body?" Xia Zixiu asked lightly.

"that's not important."

Xia Zixiu didn't say anything more, and the car sped away.

Halfway through the drive, Xia Zixiu spoke again: "I'll tell you some news."

"The Mrs. Lin who helped at your house has disappeared."

"What did you say?" Mu Shengchen couldn't hide the surprise on his face.

"It seems that you really don't know. It was your good friend Fan Xiwen who came looking for me in private, and he asked me to ask someone to find out about Mrs. Lin's whereabouts."

"The results of it?"

Xia Zixiu glanced at Mu Chengchen: "There is nothing missing."

"Did the person who was arrested say anything?"

"These things are still waiting for you to ask yourself."

Mu Shengchen lowered his eyes, the car was parked in a small shabby house in the suburbs.


Mu Chengchen got off the car, and Xia Zixiu led him into the dilapidated house.

Inside were five people tied to stools.

"Are these people?" Xia Zixiu asked.

Mu Shengchen looked at them one by one with serious eyes, and said lightly: "There is still a woman missing."

"That woman belongs to the Long family." One of Xia Zixiu's subordinates said.

"Catch it here, and take Long Lingwang here by the way." Xia Zixiu said lightly.


Mu Shengchen walked up to those people: "Where is the middle-aged woman who was taken away by you?"

"do not know."

"Where is the middle-aged woman who was captured by you?" Mu Shengchen repeated.

The person sitting in the middle was startled, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he knew that the man in front of him was Mu Chengchen who was beaten by them.

"really do not know."

Mu Chengchen turned around and looked at Xia Zixiu: "In your underworld, if these people disappear, what will happen?"

Xia Zixiu shrugged: "If it were someone else, it would cause a bloody fight between the gangs, but with me, there is no consequence."

Mu Shengchen hooked the corners of his lips: "Then let them disappear."

The five people sitting together suddenly raised their heads in unison, and looked at the pale and even weak man in front of them in astonishment. If it wasn't for the stern look on Mu Chengchen's face, they would have thought it was just a joke...

Xia Zixiu glanced at Mu Chengchen, then winked at the subordinates standing beside him, and saw that the five people immediately panicked, and the one in the middle shouted: "That, that middle-aged woman, I know, I know!"

Mu Chengchen turned around and looked at them indifferently.

"I, I told you yes, but you have to let us go."

"Where is she?"

"I'm impatient." Mu Shengchen declared.

"I said..." The man in the middle is obviously the little leader among these five people, and he is actually a subordinate of a big gang, but the moment he saw Xia Zixiu, he knew that there was no other way to survive except to be soft, so he swallowed. Swallowing, "She, she was taken away by that woman."

Mu Shengchen watched his expression closely.

Xia Zixiu stood silently waiting for Mu Chengchen's decision.

"Let them disappear." Mu Shengchen didn't change his mind, turned around and walked to the other side, took out his phone, and checked the time.

"Mu, President Mu! Let us go!" The leader couldn't believe that he still gave the death order, "I've told everything I know, we're just in charge of the scene, we don't know the inside story .”

He turned around: "So you can only disappear."

(End of this chapter)

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