Chapter 129 The Smart Man 2
"Mu, Mr. Mu..." The man sitting next to him seemed to be a tough guy, but at the moment he also looked at Mu Chengchen with fear, "I have a child at home... just as old as your son ..."

Mu Shengchen's icy gaze passed through his eyes like a cold sword, and the man felt trembling all over his body, unable to move.

"My son, because of you, has no mother, and I, because of you, have no lover." Mu Shengchen said word by word, "Since you first chose to use the underworld method, then I will just retaliate with an eye, don't be afraid, if You feel lonely, I will send your wives and children to accompany you soon."

"Don't!" The man yelled in horror, "Don't, don't touch them!"

Mu Shengchen chuckled and turned around.

That smile made the man tremble all over: "Don't touch them, Mu Chengchen, I'll disappear, but you don't touch them, you promise not to touch them!"

Xia Zixiu gave his subordinates another look, and they immediately started to release them from the chairs and push them out.

"Mu Chengchen! If you dare to touch them, I won't let you go!" The man acted both soft and hard, panicked and at a loss...

Mu Shengchen just didn't give him a guarantee, even if he died, he couldn't rest in peace.

The voice gradually quieted down, Mu Chengchen's body trembled slightly, Xia Zixiu supported his shoulders: "Sit by the side and wait, after a while, the person should be brought over."

Mu Shengchen nodded, and sat on the sofa beside him. This sofa seemed to be the only one that looked usable, and it didn't fit in with this dilapidated, dilapidated bungalow.

Xia Zixiu sat beside him.

"I should be able to understand how you feel." He said lightly.

"If someone takes A Rui away from me, I will kill his whole family."

Mu Shengchen slightly raised the corners of his lips: "Yin Se, she is the same, she will take revenge."

"A woman of character."

"She will take revenge when she has a grudge, she has a hard mouth, but she has a kind heart, and she can do a lot of things as long as she wants. She will put in energy and work hard for revenge, but she doesn't necessarily take the result of hatred seriously. "

"So, her father is still alive." Xia Zixiu also knew a little about Yin Se, and he matched Du Rui's personality.

"I said to her, you go forward, I will watch, if you go too far, I will hold you."

"Actually, I know in my heart that although she says that the hatred in her heart can't be wiped out, my son and I are more important to her." Mu Chengchen chuckled, "But she will trust me very much, thinking that I am the one who is here. She is supporting her behind her. I am really cunning enough, and she is right."

Xia Zixiu smiled: "It's cunning enough."

"Compared to her, I have done much more extreme things." He chuckled, "She probably doesn't want my hands to be stained with blood..."

"If she is watching from the side, will she hug me from behind and hold me..."

"If you died, I think she would do the same thing, and she would never have the kindness and hesitation you said." Xia Zixiu was very sure.

Mu Shengchen was silent for a while: "Maybe. Because she loves me very much."

"You two love each other very much, I heard from Fan Xiwen."

"But, I didn't even say I love her..." Mu Shengchen said softly, with regret and bitterness that couldn't be concealed in his tone.

Xia Zixiu was silent.

"it will be pass away."

Mu Shengchen looked at him: "It would be great if time really worked. After all, I still have a son to raise. Without a mother, I can't let him lose his father."

At this moment, the door of the dilapidated house was opened, and Xia Zixiu's subordinates walked in, pressing the woman named "Xiaoer" and Long Lingwang.

Long Lingwang turned to Mu Shengchen: "You dare to arrest me, you are crazy!"

Mu Shengchen looked at him indifferently.

"Long Lingwang, long time no see." Xia Zixiu said softly.

Only then did Long Lingwang turn his gaze to Xia Zixiu. The second he saw him, he was terrified: "Xia... Zixiu..."

"That's right, you still know me." Xia Zixiu said.

"You...why are you here? You and Mu Shengchen..." Long Lingwang looked back and forth between the two of them, and his expression became more and more panicked.

"You shouldn't have gotten involved in Xu Yan's troubled waters, otherwise I wouldn't have had a whim and wanted to mess up your Long family." Xia Zixiu said flatly.

Long Lingwang swallowed, "Master Xia... listen to my explanation..."

"Listen." Xia Zixiu and Mu Chengchen leaned there almost in the same posture, with a domineering aura.

"It was Xu Yan who came to look for me. He forced me to help. He is already crazy!"

"Master Xia, I don't know anything!"

Xia Zixiu glanced at Mu Chengchen: "You can do whatever you want and ask any questions, there is only one thing, he can't die."

"I know this." Mu Shengchen nodded, and he stood up, "Long Lingwang, let me declare that I don't have any patience today."

"Tell me everything you know about Xu Yan's plan. Otherwise..."

Long Lingwang swallowed his saliva, and forced himself to push Mu Chengchen: "Otherwise, what are you doing? You didn't listen to Master Xia, so you can't touch me?"

"What he said is that you can't let you die."

"Yeah, you can't let me... die..." Long Lingwang's expression changed again, "You, you shouldn't..."

"Say it, or not."

"I actually don't know anything." He said, "Xu Yan only said that he would make your life worse than death for you and Yin Se. I only knew that you guys made me miserable, so I listened to him."


"I didn't expect him to become crazy like that, and die in the sea of ​​fire with Yin Se."

Mu Shengchen looked at him: "You didn't even know his real purpose and you just lent him someone?"

Long Lingwang raised his eyes and looked at him: "You also know that I'm not a gentleman, if I can just sit and watch you and Yin Se have bad luck, I don't mind, let alone take care of so much."

"In this case, I cut off your hand and sealed your mouth, do you mind?"

"You can't do that."


"My father will not let you go, and neither will the Long family."

"Let it go?" Mu Chengchen pulled his mouth, "My woman was killed by you, do you need me to remind you again?"

"That has nothing to do with me, I don't even know."

Mu Shengchen glanced at him, "If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price."

The woman next to her was trembling all the time, completely without the arrogance she had when she kidnapped Yin Se and Mrs. Lin a few days ago.

Mu Shengchen walked up to her slowly: "Then what about you, don't you know anything?"

"I don't know." The woman named Xiao Er said firmly.

"Really?" Mu Chengchen shrugged his shoulders, "So, a middle-aged woman just disappeared out of thin air?"

The woman's expression was wrong, and her eyes flickered.

"In this case, it shouldn't matter if you disappear out of thin air." His cold words made the woman dumbfounded.

"you can not……"

"Can't? Your five brothers have disappeared, one more than you is not too much, is it?"

Xiao Er raised his eyes and looked at him in horror: "They are all dead, and the middle-aged woman is also dead, and her body sank into the sea!"

Mu Chengchen's eyes became even colder: "You did it?"

Xiao Er swallowed, "It's not me, it's Xu Yan's arrangement."

"You saw it with your own eyes."

"I saw it with my own eyes."

Mu Shengchen closed his eyes, Yin Se is gone, Sister Lin... is gone...

A woman he loves deeply, a woman who watched him grow up with him like a mother...

"You...really..." Mu Shengchen wanted to say something, but in the end he kept silent, saying that it was meaningless, "Since this is the case, I have nothing to hesitate."

Xia Zixiu stood up: "Chop off Young Master Long's hand and seal his mouth, this woman's body will also sink into the sea."

There was no need for Mu Chengchen to speak, Xia Zixiu ordered directly.

"Mu Chengchen..." The woman looked at him in horror.

"Any other advice?"

"Master Xia, you can't do this! My father won't let you go!" Long Lingwang shouted at Xia Zixiu.

"Do it." Xia Zixiu said coldly.

"You can't touch Master Long!" the woman shouted.

"Is it because of the Long family?" Xia Zixiu asked quietly.

"Yes, Master Long will never let you go."

"At a time like this, a woman like you is the most stupid." Xia Zixiu said flatly, "Even if I cut off all the limbs of your Young Master Long and threw them in front of your Master Long, he can't do anything."

"This is the gap, and it is also the price. It is the price for your Master Long not being satisfied and wanting to step on my head!"

The woman kept silent, the two men in front of her clearly had faces like angels, why did they have such a cruel heart...

"Let me ask you again, is Mrs. Lin really dead?"

"Yes." The woman nodded.

"Why did you separate her and sink her into the sea?" Mu Shengchen raised his eyebrows and asked, neither Xu Yan nor anyone else needed to do this, a fire could kill everyone and turn them into coke ...

Except for one possibility...

Mu Chengchen's eyes slowly lifted up, and he walked in front of the woman again, facing her right next to her, his hand squeezed the woman's chin very hard, wishing to crush it: "Xu Yan is not dead, right?!"

The woman looked at him in horror.

Mu Chengchen's eyes slowly lit up, and a little starlight slowly lit up on his dark chest, "Xu Yan is not dead! Yin Se is not dead either! Right!"

The woman looked at him with a frown, "They're all dead! Burned to death!"

"The person who was burned to charcoal was Mrs. Lin, and the other corpse was someone else, right?"

"Mu Chengchen, don't have any hope anymore!"

Don't hold out any more hope?The corners of Mu Shengchen's mouth parted, now, with just a little bit of starlight, he can make it burn into a sea of ​​flames!
He looked into the woman's eyes quietly, and after a long while, he let go of him.

"Zixiu, I want you to help find out where this woman's family is now!"

The woman glared at him.

"If you can't find it, it means that she also has something in Xu Yan's hands, so she has to grit her teeth!"

(End of this chapter)

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