Chapter 182 Don't hide anything from me 2
"Do you know what the nightmare I had that day was?" Yin Se drowsily fell asleep and read in a daze.

"Huh?" He asked softly, with some coaxing in his tone.

"I dreamed that you were doing what I was doing with others..." She said lightly, she didn't care anymore, so she could say it casually.

Mu Chengchen looked at her sleeping face, sleeping peacefully and quietly. That night, she yelled out in terror and her face was pale, while he was flustered, unable to guess what she dreamed about, what brought her so much pain. Big fear.

It was him.

He hugged her tightly again, he knew very well how important each other's loyalty was to this woman, she was afraid that she would repeat her mother's mistakes, be dazzled by love, and be played by men.

She, silly and stubborn, made him feel bad.

For a long time since then, Dongfang You and Dongfang Ran, no, it should be said that Chen Xiaoyu has not appeared.

Dongfang You went to Africa.

Yin Se was very surprised. She was in Mu Chengchen's office looking at the photos of Dongfang You posted on the Internet.

"Why doesn't he become a photographer?"

"The Dongfang family doesn't allow it." Mu Shengchen said.

Yin Se flipped through the various wild animals he photographed on the African savannah, some cute koalas, groups of lion cubs, and elephants drinking water by the river.

"So he was so keen on photography." Yin Se asked.

"He likes to walk around and see all kinds of things that he has never seen before." Mu Shengchen said, "It has been like this since he was very young."

"Did you grow up together?"

"It doesn't count, I just lived together for a few months." Mu Chengchen explained.

Yin Se nodded clearly.

"Mu Shengchen!"

"En?" Mu Shengchen was startled when she called her.

"Isn't this you?" Yin Se pointed at a gray-tailed wolf.

Mu Shengchen looked at her speechlessly.

"In your heart, is your husband like this?"

"No, this wolf looks quite kind." Yin Se said to himself, pointing the mouse and slowly moving down, "Ah! This one, this one is the most similar, and it's still drooling, haha! "

Mu Shengchen looked at those pictures expressionlessly, and listened to her cold jokes in boredom.

"Then what are you?" Mu Chengchen asked softly, wrapping his arms around her waist, and knocking on her shoulder.

"Ah?" Yin Se was slightly taken aback.

"Is this it?" Mu Shengchen pointed to the place where the wild wolf's green eyes were staring at, and the little sheep was carefully drinking water by the river.

Yin Se frowned, and quickly slid his hand up, "This is me!"

Yin Se pointed to the lioness and said.

"It turned out to be a lioness." Mu Shengchen nodded his head as if knowing it, and then smiled lightly, "When will you do something similar to a lioness to see?"

"Chengchen, you don't understand. The point is not the lion, but the point is that the lion is better at suppressing the wolf."

"Oh? Really? That means you think you can hold me down?"

"Do you think I'm not capable?"

Yin Se glanced at him, let go of the mouse, and hooked his neck: "Do you believe that I stayed in your office all afternoon?"

"I'm free!"

"Do you believe it or not, and I'll tear down your desk once when someone comes in?"

"Do you believe that I can't even hold your head up in front of the secretary?"

"I believe it." Mu Shengchen said honestly, "But believe it or not, in the end, you must be worse than me."

Seeing his confident expression, Yin Se lost his confidence, "I, I don't believe it..."

"Then we can try." Mu Shengchen kissed her small mouth.

"Anyway, my wife doesn't care much about morals or lower limits. In fact, I don't mind being on a reality show in front of everyone."

"Damn it! Mu Chengchen, you're a pervert!" Looking at his malicious expression, Yin Se gradually understood what he said!
"Sorry, I asked you to marry a pervert, what should I do? You have no choice in this life."

"I won't talk to you anymore. I'm really bored. I'm going to work."

"Don't worry, there is still half an hour for lunch break." Mu Shengchen still hugged her, "You came up to eat with me, don't you just want to be gentle with me for a while!"

"Mu Chengchen, what is your face made of? You can say such things?" Yin Se was speechless.

"Haha." He laughed out loud, looking at her flushed face, he was in a very happy mood.

"Dong Dong" knocked on the door.

Yin Se hurriedly stood up from him, straightened his clothes, and sat down on the sofa in a serious manner.

"Come in."

Yin Se didn't expect that it was Murong Qing who came in, but she had a solemn expression, and she had the feeling that Mu Shengchen owed her money.

"Murong Qing, what's the matter?" Mu Shengchen asked.

Murong Qing glanced at Yin Se, Yin Se shrugged and pretended not to see it, which meant that I didn't hear what you said.

"President Mu, I want to resign. This is my letter of resignation."

After Murong Qing finished speaking, he handed the letter to Mu Shengchen.

Yin Se looked up in surprise, Murong Qing's tall figure was standing in front of her, her figure was more lonely than usual.

"Is there a reason?" Mu Shengchen didn't seem surprised when he received this resignation letter, he asked calmly.


"That's a violation of the labor contract. You go to the personnel department to deal with it yourself. After the deal is over, you can leave."

"Got it." Murong Qing clenched his hands tightly.

She turned around and walked out without even looking at Yin Se.

Yin Se walked up to Mu Shengchen, "Murongqing is leaving? You just let her go? What's going on?"

"Can't you guess?" Mu Shengchen said lightly.

"I don't know how to guess. Although these two days have been weird, I was very happy a few days ago. How do I know what's wrong with her... Uh, could it be?" Yin Se seemed to have thought of something.

"You guessed it."

"Dongfang You regretted her marriage?!"

"He came back to the United States for this matter."

"God, this man, he promised so chic at the ball back then, so he has already made plans..."

Mu Shengchen remained silent, it turned out that Dongfang You would not be controlled by anyone, anyone...

"But her marriage with Dongfang You was blown up, why did she resign?" Yin Se was puzzled.

"There are many reasons for this. Since she wants to leave, I don't need to keep her."

"But our secretary department lacks the general secretary..." Yin Se looked at him speechlessly.

"Call another person up." Mu Shengchen said lightly.

"Hey, Mu Shengchen, can't I?" Yin Se asked with a flash of light in his mind.

Mu Chengchen looked up at her: "You?"

"What are you doing? I used to be the general secretary in the United States, okay?" Yin Se looked at him speechlessly, "Why do you look down on me?"

"Ser, it's not that you doubt your ability, it's that you don't have enough energy now."

Yin Se looked down at his stomach, frowning slightly.

"Thinking about what?"

"You're right. Pregnancy is not necessarily a good thing. It ruined my great opportunity for promotion." Yin Se felt helpless.

Mu Shengchen chuckled lightly.

She stretched her waist: "Forget it, don't worry about it, I'm going back to work, this time the opportunity is gone, there will be more opportunities in the future, after the child is born, I will use the unspoken rules, I don't believe I can't get the position of the general secretary .”

Listening to her muttering words, Mu Shengchen was a little dumbfounded, unspoken rules?Every time these three words came out of her mouth, he felt happy. She could do whatever she wanted, but he would be the one who benefited.

Back in the office, Murong Qing had already packed his things, walked out from the inner room, and bumped into her head-on.

"General Secretary." Yin Se called out.

Murong Qing glanced at her indifferently.

"I hope to have the opportunity to meet again in the future. I will treat you to tea then."

"Yin Se, no matter when or where we meet, it will not be a relationship where we can sit and drink tea together."

Her words were rather cold, even stinging.

Yin Se didn't know how she had offended this woman, she only knew that no matter what, she still admired Murong Qing very much.

"Murong Qing, I don't know why you are hostile to me, but I want to say thank you for taking care of me during this time."

The corner of Murong Qing's mouth curled into a sarcastic smile, and she walked out without saying anything.

Yin Se scratched his head, looking a little irritable.

Back on her seat, Sun Hong secretly said to Yin Se: "Little Se, I saw General Secretary Murong dealing with people from the Long Group in the cafe two days ago."

"What?" Yin Se looked at Sun Hong in surprise.

Sun Hong nodded: "I don't know what their relationship is, but the general secretary was expressionless at the time, so I didn't dare to guess randomly, but I didn't expect the general secretary to resign today..."

Yin Se's mind whirled several times. Being in the position of general secretary of Chuangshi Group can indeed attract the eyes of a large number of competitors from all walks of life.

I hope that Murong Qing will not do anything that is not conducive to the creation of the world...

"No!" Yin Se thought for a while and stood up.

"Xiao se?" Sun Hong looked at her.

"Don't tell anyone about this."

"Oh, good." Sun Hong nodded.

Yin Se got up and walked into the inner room, flipped through the things on Murong Qing's table, looked at every corner, and then checked the waste paper in the trash can.

After checking everything, she came out with a complicated expression.

"Xiaohong, I'll go upstairs."


Yin Se hurried to the door of the president's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Mu Chengchen's voice came.

Yin Se walked in.

"What's wrong?" He looked up.

"Murong Qing is gone."

"I know."

"Sun Hong said that she met with people from the Long Group two days ago."

"It's probably because he jumped to Long's Group." Mu Shengchen remained calm.

Yin Se frowned: "Cheng Chen, it's not that I have a prejudice against Murong Qing, will she go to Long's..."

Mu Shengchen put down his pen: "The day after tomorrow, Pan Ming will come back and take the position of general secretary."

"Pan Ming?" Yin Se was surprised, "Why is she willing to jump from the position of general manager to the position of general secretary?"

"She said that she is willing, so she is willing." Mu Shengchen clasped his hands together, "I know what you are worried about. Murong Qing's position is too high, and she knows quite a lot about the creation of the world, but you also need to know that she Gao is also just a general secretary."

Yin Se was still a little worried.

"Even if she has any purpose, and what agreement she has reached with Long, Pan Ming will deal with it properly when he comes back."

Yin Se looked at Mu Shengchen, quite speechless: "Husband, in fact, you already know what Murong Qing is thinking, right?"

"You bitch." Yin Se said lightly, then turned around and walked out of the office after speaking, smiling helplessly, when will she be able to do it, what she found, Mu Shengchen didn't find out...

(End of this chapter)

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