Chapter 183: Scaring Myself 1
Hey... Sighing lightly, she was really worrying blindly, that person's name was Mu Shengchen, and she thought that there would be something she could think of, but he couldn't.

Yin Se lowered his head and touched his abdomen: "Yaya, after birth, you shouldn't be as smart as your father, and don't be as smart as Mu Sirui. You should be a little bit stupid, so that your mother can feel a sense of accomplishment, right?"

She didn't know if she would be struck by lightning if she said such words, but there was no way, she had suffered too much in front of Mu Shengchen and Mu Sirui.

If there is such a smart child again, Yin Se really feels that his brain cells are not enough.

Then, the next day, Yin Se learned that Murong Qing had indeed jumped to the Long Group.

A day later, Chuangshi Group's network was attacked, and two days later, Chuangshi Group's stock began to fall.

Yin Se walked into Mu Shengchen's office, holding a stack of materials and putting them on his desk.

"The Long Group is getting restless."

"Indeed." Mu Shengchen nodded.

"Don't be so calm, please, my President Mu Da." Yin Se looked at him pleadingly.

"Yin Se, if your husband panics one day, you probably won't feel well." Mu Shengchen teased her.

"Compared to the creation of the world, you should care about Yin Xuan'er."

"What happened to her? Why should I care about her?"

"She gave birth to a son, and now her status in Long's is getting higher and higher."

Yin Se frowned slightly.

"She directly threatened to have a one-on-one with you."


Mu Shengchen waved at her.

Yin Se walked over.

Mu Shengchen opened the webpage and showed Yin Se the latest news.

Yin Se looked at the big photo on the Internet. Yin Xuan'er was wearing a decent suit, standing in front of the gate of the Long Group, and held a press conference. The chairman of the Long Group, who is Long Lingwang's father, Chairman Long, Announcing her appointment as the general manager of the Long Group.

Yin Xuan'er's expression looked so confident, she put her hands on the simple triangular platform, facing the flashlight and the camera in front of her.

"Everyone doesn't know that many years ago, my half-brother Yin Se made an agreement. The seven-year deadline was to prevail in the business world. I don't care if she remembers it or not. I will continue to make this agreement." go down."

Yin Se looked at Yin Xuan'er's swear words recorded on the Internet, and she couldn't help showing a ridiculous expression.

Will she continue?

I've really seen people who don't know what's good or bad, and I've never seen such a person who doesn't know what's good or bad.

Yin Se can only use speechless to describe her current mood.

"How?" Mu Shengchen asked.

Yin Se took a breath: "Sure enough, when life is good, people start to act. Since she has said so, it makes no sense for me to be a coward. Naturally, I want to fight and implement the agreement seven years ago. "

"This time, you will be a turtle." Mu Shengchen said lightly.


"Don't pay attention to her, don't pay attention to her, what she says or does has nothing to do with you."

"Cheng Chen, I don't understand." Yin Se frowned.

"Because you can't beat her."

Yin Se couldn't understand the meaning of his words, "Do you think I am inferior to her? Do you think she is more powerful?"

"Ser, calm down." Mu Chengchen grabbed her hand, "I ask you, if it were you, would you make such a big show of challenging the media in front of the media?"

"Of course not, I'm so stupid." Yin Se said as a matter of course.

"Then do you think Yin Xuan'er would be so stupid? No matter what it is, if it is put in front of the media, it will cause a mess. Compared with you, she has a deeper understanding."

"But she's not as smart as me. I think she's such an idiot." Yin Se said angrily.

Hearing her childish words, Mu Shengchen didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Chengchen, I don't want to be a coward. What's more, I made a swearing bet with her back then. Now that she has made it clear, I haven't responded at all. I can't save face."

Mu Shengchen was also speechless to her, "I think your IQ is almost the same as Yin Xuan'er."

"You just don't use your brain? Do you think she wants to fight you in a fair way? If you want to be fair, she will poach Murong Qing away?"

Yin Se pouted, "I also know that she can't be aboveboard, but even if she plays tricks, I won't"

"You too? What about you? You can't do anything." Mu Shengchen said firmly, "If you think about it carefully, you will know that her purpose is not to compete with you, but simply to destroy you."

"If she is competing with you, she will be facing the Chuangshi Group. If you lend her courage again, she will not dare to say that she is against Chuangshi in front of everyone. She is just using a gimmick to destroy you. "

"Break me? She's out of her mind! I don't care about anything with her, and she still wants to find fault with me?"

Mu Shengchen held her waist: "Don't forget, both Zhang Huijuan and Yin Tianjiang are in prison."

Yin Se pursed her lips, "That's what they deserve, she has no position."

"One more thing." Mu Shengchen's expression gradually became serious, "You know something you shouldn't know."

"What?" Yin Se asked curiously.

Seeing her genuinely puzzled expression, Mu Shengchen felt helpless and wanted to laugh, this little woman is heartless sometimes, if Yin Xuan'er found out, she would probably be so angry that she would bleed internally.

"Her child is not Long Lingwang's."

It was only then that Yin Se slowly remembered, yes, her child was not Long Lingwang's, God, if Mu Shengchen didn't mention it, she would have forgotten it long ago.

"She is now in a high position because of that child." Mu Chengchen continued to analyze, "She knows that you don't like her well and is afraid of you. Instead of letting you know what she has now, it's better to show it to you earlier. , and then set your sights on the agreement with her."

"Is she an idiot?" Yin Se suddenly felt that he was even more idiot when he challenged her at the beginning, "Who would care about her well-being now, and run out to find a way out when she has nothing to do. I forgot about her 800 years ago. "

"It's a bold move, but, Ser, you're more of an idiot than she is."

"Because with just one glance, you have been successfully diverted by her."

Yin Se froze, recalling how she felt when she first read the news, she really only thought that she was going to bring up the old story of her nerves again, and she was overwhelmed with fuss...

Didn't expect these to exist.

She didn't even think about her child at all...

She turned her head and looked at Mu Chengchen adoringly: "Why did you think of it?"

Mu Shengchen remained silent, looked at her, and said quietly: "I want you to promise me that you won't give Yin Xuan'er any response."

Although Mu Shengchen could see through everything, Yin Se was still hesitating.

"Not for anything else, but for the sake of our children." Mu Shengchen said quietly.

Yin Se's eyes looked at his abdomen, and he reached out to touch it: "Okay, I'll just be a turtle for once."

Mu Chengchen chuckled, reached down to her neck, and kissed her lips.

"But Chengchen, Chuangshi's stock is falling"

"You don't have to worry about that."

Seeing his confident appearance, Yin Se puffed up his cheeks.

"Any thing else?"

She shook her head.

"Then go back."

Yin Se nodded and walked out of the office, but as soon as she stepped out of the office, she thought why he was so confident, there was only one possibility

He was the one who caused Genesis' stock to fall!

That profiteer!Yin Se was speechless.

It is estimated that Murong Qing gave the information about the creation of the world to the Long Group, her resignation was sudden, and she took it for granted that Mu Shengchen was defenseless.

However, Mu Shengchen had already expected that the information Murong Qing gave to the Long Group must be false.

But, what exactly is Murong Qing thinking... and aside from Yin Xuan'er, what does Long want to do with Chuangshi?What does Mu Shengchen know?What is he planning...

Her frown became tighter and tighter.

Yin Se returned to the office. In the afternoon, she was busy with work and was about to take a nap on the table when her cell phone rang, and there were a series of calls from strangers.

Although it was an unfamiliar call, Yin Se was very familiar with it. It was Yin Xuan'er's number.

She watched silently for a long time, then picked up: "Hello, who is it?"

Yin Xuan'er's voice came: "Xiao Se, don't come here without any problems."

"Ah! So it's sister Xuan'er, I haven't contacted her for a long time." Yin Se said delicately, as if she was so happy to receive her call.

Yin Xuan'er snorted coldly: "Didn't you watch the news?"


"Then you forgot the seven-year bet we only met back then."


Yin Xuan'er on the other side of the phone never expected Yin Se to say these two words without thinking.

"Seven-year bet?" Yin Se said in a tone he had heard for the first time, "It means seven years. Do you mean we want to gamble?"

"Yin Se, don't pretend, I know you remember."

"You can see that I'm pretending? Not bad, I've made progress." Yin Se praised.

(End of this chapter)

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