Chapter 184: Scaring Myself 2
Yin Xuan'er was stunned for a moment by her wrong words.

"Little se, don't you dare?"

"Yin Xuan'er, it's not that I don't dare, it's that I don't want to. You are bored, and I don't need to be bored with you, do you think so?" Yin Se said lightly, "What's more, compared to you who think about how to deal with me all day long, my current Lived much happier days.”

In a word, it successfully stabbed the sore spot in Yin Xuan'er's heart.

"It seems that you really don't intend to accept the appointment." Yin Xuan'er said.


"Then would you mind taking some time to have a cup of coffee with me?" Yin Xuaner asked.

"I'm pregnant and can't drink coffee."

"You should be breastfeeding, and you can't drink coffee."

"Then let's have a meal at the head office, I have something to say to you alone." Yin Xuan'er's words were full of sincerity.

Yin Se chuckled: "You don't mean to poison me, do you?"

Yin Xuan'er twitched all over, and then said with a smile: "How come? It's just that there are some things I want to say to you for a long time."

"Since you miss me so much, it's a bit too much for me to refuse, isn't it?"

"Set a time, I'll go." Yin Se said seriously.

The corners of Yin Xuan'er's mouth curled up, "I will inform you of the time and place."

"Okay, if it's okay, I'll hang up, General Manager Yin Xuaner." Yin Se smiled.

Yin Xuan'er was scheduled to be in a restaurant in a famous commercial street in City A two days later.

It was sunny and sunny, and Yin Xuan'er came to the restaurant early after five o'clock. She sat in a corner and watched the time anxiously.

She ordered two drinks, quietly looking at the empty seat in front of her, she reached out and threw a thin tablet into the drink.

Poison?How could she be poisoned?
But she will drug it.

Since Yin Se couldn't obediently follow her way, she had no choice but to use some abnormal means to make her follow her way.

In fact, she should have acted according to her own ideas long ago, instead of listening to Murong Qing's words.

Why did she take so many detours and take so many detours for things that could be solved with a single drug?

After Yin Se came, she would use all kinds of methods to drug her, then throw her into the crowd of men, take some photos and videos, and it would be over for her.

Of course, her purpose is not to kill her, but to keep her secret.

To deal with a cunning person like Yin Se, she thinks this two-hundred-five method is the simplest and clearest.

Mujia, just after eating, Yin Se walked out.

Mu Shengchen was slightly surprised: "It's so late, where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm going out for a walk." Yin Se said and walked out.

"Come back early." Before Mu Shengchen could finish his words, she had already disappeared.

Mu Shengchen was sitting in the living room, planning to play chess with Mu Sirui, when the vibration from the phone on the table caught his attention, and he looked helplessly at the phone on the table.

This idiot doesn't even take his cell phone.

Mu Shengchen looked at the flashing text message from an unfamiliar number on the phone screen.

he clicked
Where have you been? Why are you still here?
Mu Shengchen was startled and ran out of the gate, but there was no one outside the gate.

He looked carefully at Yin Se's call and text message records, and he was completely sure that Yin Se was going to see Yin Xuan'er.

This stupid woman, Mu Chengchen clenched her fists tightly, when will she take his words as words and listen to them in my heart!

"Father?" Mu Sirui looked at Mu Shengchen's serious face, grabbed his clothes, and looked at him strangely.

"Si Rui, Dad has something to go out."

"Didn't you say you can play chess?"

"I'll accompany you when Dad comes back." Mu Shengchen said.

Mu Sirui could only nod obediently.

Mu Shengchen picked up the keys and drove the car to the commercial street. His forehead was sweating. Yin Se is now a pregnant woman. It is really easy for Yin Xuan'er to do something to her.

Yin Xuan'er is capable of anything, and Mu Shengchen is very convinced, so he made Yin Se promise that he would never approach her, but this woman completely ignored his words!
But at this moment, rather than anger, he was more nervous and afraid. The scene after she was taken away by Xu Yan suddenly rolled in his mind like a movie, making him unable to think, and even a little unable to breathe.

He needs to be calm.

When driving to the commercial street, Mu Shengchen looked for it according to the location in the text message.

He stepped into the store in a few steps and looked around, but he didn't see Yin Se and Yin Xuan'er. His appearance caused quite a wave in the store.

"Sir, how many are you?" The waitress asked nympho with her eyes full of love.

Mu Chengchen frowned: "Are there two women in the store just now?"

"Um? Are there any characteristics? There are too many women who sat down and ate in our restaurant this day."

"Just now, one with long hair and one with curly hair."

"Oh, sir, you mean Miss Yin Xuan'er!"

"Yes, that's the one." Mu Shengchen looked closely at the waitress.

"After the other lady came, they left, not long after."

"Which direction?" Mu Shengchen asked anxiously.

"This... I don't know too well."

Mu Shengchen pursed his lips tightly, walked out with a serious face, and quickly dialed the number on his mobile phone.

"Help me find out where Yin Xuan'er is now!"

"Yes, Mr. Mu."

Mu Shengchen hung up the phone, still looking around, not wanting to miss any clues.

"Yin Se, if you dare to do something, try it..."

Afterwards, he called Fan Xiwen again and asked if it was possible that Yin Se was at their house, but the answer was obvious, Mu Shengchen felt like an ant on a hot pot now, and basically lost his mind.


"Do you know what time it is?" Xia Zixiu, who was still asleep, answered the phone and asked silently.

"I don't know, if you lend me a few people, something may happen to Yin Se again."

Xia Zixiu frowned.

"I see."

Just after hanging up the phone, Mu Shengchen quickly dialed a series of numbers.

"I want all the recordings of Yin Xuan'er's calls these days!"

"Mr. Mu, I'm afraid this is a bit difficult!"

"Difficulties must also be found out."


Sitting in the car, Mu Shengchen slapped the steering wheel with both hands, making a piercing sound.

He can do nothing but wait here...

Obviously he has already told her the good and bad of the matter, and he has already told her Yin Xuan'er's purpose, but she still wants to meet Yin Xuan'er without telling herself!
Does she know if something happens to her
The phone rang, and it was a recording of the call.

Mu Shengchen opened it.

"I'm going to charm her... You get some people to wait in the hotel room... Get the camera ready..."

Mu Shengchen clenched his fists tightly, he couldn't delay for a moment now, he knew that Yin Xuan'er would use nothing but these dirty tricks!

And that idiot Yin Se!
"Find out which hotel and which room it is for me."

Mu Shengchen said coldly.


Starting the car, with an impatient flick of the tail, the precious car drew a deep car mark on the road, and the piercing sound of the car made people frightened. As he galloped on the road, the fear in his heart became more and more serious.

He didn't know when he became so timid, not only became timid, but became more and more timid...

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and he walked in, "Room 405!"

"Sir, this is the guest's room, you can't go in."

"I'll say it again, room 405!" Mu Shengchen's eyes almost shot a cold sword.

At this time, the lobby manager came over and saw Mu Shengchen, without saying a word, he took the room card and took Mu Shengchen to the room, and then opened the door.

There were a few wretched men sitting in the room.

Mu Shengchen stepped forward, looked around, but didn't see Yin Se, he grabbed a man casually: "Where's the woman?"

"Who are you?" A man looked up at Mu Chengchen in confusion.

"What about people!"

"Who? What are you talking about?"

"Don't pretend to me, don't tell the truth, I will send you all to hell!"

One sentence made everyone present freeze, unable to move at all, it was obviously just an ordinary threat, but when it came out of Mu Shengchen's mouth, it was full of deterrent force.

A man who seemed timid stood up slowly and said, "Are you talking about the woman who asked us to rape?"

Mu Shengchen's eyes were bloodshot.

"She, she..."

Mu Chengchen lost all patience and punched the man in the face with his fist.

His punch made several men lose their patience, so they confronted Mu Chengchen one after another.

However, they didn't expect that Mu Chengchen still had some skills, and he didn't show any weakness in one-to-four. The lobby manager who led the way for Mu Shengchen called the security guard to come in, and then pulled the two sides away, and Mu Shengchen's face was already hung. Colored.

"Send all these people to the police station!" Mu Shengchen said flatly.

"That woman hasn't been delivered yet." A man said immediately.

Mu Shengchen frowned.

"Where is she?"

"I, we don't know... It was agreed to be at 06:30, but it's already seven o'clock, and it still hasn't been delivered..." the man said timidly.

"Send them all to prison." After Mu Shengchen said this, he left the hotel and sat in the car again, without a clue.

Call Yin Xuan'er and turn off the phone.

Where is it?Yin Se...

He looked at the busy traffic on the street and the extremely gorgeous neon lights, his eyes were so dark that there was no light at all.

Xia Zixiu's phone call came.

"How's it going."

"I can't find her..." Mu Shengchen felt his whole head was burning hot.

"Have you been to the Long family?"

(End of this chapter)

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