Chapter 249 All the Affections Live Up to 14
Yin Se lowered his head, he could always see through her thoughts.

"At this time, you have to rest assured if you don't worry, you are not a fairy, you have three heads and six arms."

"We can think of a way. Isn't the villa next to our house empty? Let's buy it and let these children live in it, and then"

"Yin Se!"

"Don't be wild, don't think of yourself as a saint." Mu Shengchen was angry.

Yin Se gritted his teeth, and looked at the children lying on the window, their eyes were so pitiful, so flustered, so helpless...

As if to say: Are we going to be thrown out again?

"I'm not whimsical..."

Mu Shengchen got up: "There are so many orphans in the world, you can take care of them? Yin Se, this is not your turn to take care of it, you don't have to be so sympathetic!"

Yin Se looked up at him: "Chengchen...they are different."

"They're no different." Mu Shengchen stiffened up. This was the only time he was tough on her when he came back from Holland.

He can rely on her for anything, as long as she is happy, but he can't rely on her doing stupid things.

She knew that this woman wanted to put all these children by her side.

"A child is a life. What do you think you are, can you afford more than [-] lives?" Mu Shengchen's face was full of doubts, with an unconcealed look of resentment.

Why is he so angry, because he is sure that Yin Se really thinks so.

Yin Se lowered her head, and she also knew that her thoughts were a little impulsive, as if her head was full of enthusiasm, and then she didn't care about anything.But this impulse... She just had it.

It was as if she could be a saint and help anyone in need.

Mu Shengchen's words were like a basin of cold water being poured over her head.A person is a life, why does Yin Se think that she can escort the lives of more than [-] people?


"Then I'll come here to be the dean." Yin Se grabbed the hem of his clothes, "Anyway, I'm at home when I'm free, why don't I do what I can here, I won't do everything by myself People, I will recruit employees, I have to stay by their side, so I can rest assured..."

"Yin Se, I really don't understand what you are thinking. When did you become so worrying? Without you, these people can't live?"

"But I want to make sure that they will have a good life." Yin Se lowered his head.

Mu Chengchen frowned, and he asked lightly, "What about Si Rui? Where's Nian'er?"

"You put your mind on these children, what about our children?"

"If there is no grandma, do you think you can take care of two children? If you can't take care of two children, do you still want to take care of these children?"

Yin Se was speechless.

Maybe it was because the dean's grandma left too suddenly. Not only were the children at a loss, but she also panicked. There were more than twenty children, and she couldn't think of a way to settle down for a while...

Looking for a new dean?Is it really okay to have some strangers take care of them?

"You, you, you, you think about it before you speak, it's not that I'm behind you, you can think of everything!"

Mu Shengchen knew very well what the Sunshine Orphanage meant to Yin Se. It was her mother. The Sunshine Orphanage was supported by her mother alone. There were not many orphans here, but all of them made people feel distressed.

After her mother died, Yin Se and his father had a falling out, and she didn't want anything, as long as Yin Tianjiang transferred 10 yuan to her account every month, which was not a small sum.

And all of this considerable sum went to the Sunshine Orphanage, which she has supported since she was 11 years old.

The children go to school, eat and dress, and even take medicine for illness, she has never left behind.

These things, Mu Shengchen had checked clearly when he first met her. In fact, if Yin Tianjiang would pay more attention to Yin Se, he would find out what an amazing daughter he has.

This orphanage is not only Yin Xiaoling's concern, but her mother's concern has also become her concern unconsciously. Even in the years she was in the United States, she never left here.

Even if it symbolized Yin Xiaoling, he would not allow it.

Yin Se didn't speak, she frowned slightly.

"What if I insist?"

"Yin Se, you know that I love you even more than my life, and I can depend on you for the rest, but this matter is not negotiable." Mu Chengchen's words have been said to death, impossible is impossible.

Yin Se raised his head, the children in the room were all nestled together, they were silently waiting for something, at this moment, for them, Yin Se's words seemed to determine their future life.

"Even though there are countless orphans in the world, these children are different."

Mu Shengchen closed his eyes.

"They're not the same..." They were children from the Sunshine Orphanage, where her mother held her hope...

"No matter what the reason is, it's impossible. You are not clear-headed now, and we don't want to talk about it. I will pick you up when you are clear-headed."

Yin Se couldn't say a word. She frowned when she saw him take an angry step. It was obvious that they hadn't quarreled for a long time, but because of this problem, he refused to give up even a single step.

How could he just leave like this?

Yin Se's mood is very gloomy, it's getting dark, how could he be willing to leave her here alone...

Taking a deep breath, he was really angry because of her impulsiveness.

Yin Se got up, glanced at the children in the room, and finally walked in. The aunt in the kitchen had prepared the meals and put them on the table, but none of the children was willing to move their chopsticks.

"Why don't you eat?" Yin Se asked with a smile, walked to them, and sat down.

"Senior Sister..."

"Brother Monkey said that no one will take care of us in the future. Is it true?" It was Xin'er who spoke. Xin'er was four years old, and she was sent to the orphanage when she was still a baby.

Yin Se looked at her soft and chubby little face, and hugged her to his side: "Brother Monkey is talking nonsense, no, you won't be left alone, but if you fuck your sister again Call, you really have no one to care about."

"Ah...then I won't be called Sister Se, Aunt Se."

Yin Se really wanted to bump his head to death, "Isn't it okay if you don't add color?"

It seems that for these children, "color" is a symbol of Yin Se, and when she says "Sister Coloring", Auntie Coloring will feel particularly safe.

To be honest, Yin Se didn't feel that he had done much for them, but they looked at Yin Se with such longing and gratitude.

This feeling made Yin Se feel guilty.

Yes, they have their own lives, and without her, Yin Se, they wouldn't be unable to live. However, she just wanted to take care of them personally, just like the dean's grandma.

The dean's grandmother regards these children as her own grandchildren. No matter how hard it is, the dean's grandma will accompany them. Her whole life is devoted to these children. She has no complaints or regrets.

"I promise, you will all be fine. Grandma is gone, and you will still have a good life." Yin Se only dares to say this now, because she is not the dean's grandma after all, she is alone and has her own family .

Mu Shengchen didn't say it, but Yin Se already knew what he meant.

Home and orphanage, in fact, only one can be chosen.

If you want to take good care of your family, you can't take care of the orphanage well, and if you want to take care of the children in the orphanage, it's impossible to give Si Rui and Mu everything.

Looking at the poor children in front of her, she didn't know how those cruel parents would abandon their own flesh and blood, but even if these eyes looked at her pitifully, Yin Se would not choose an orphanage.

Heart rests on her.

"Hurry up and eat, I'm here to accompany you tonight, don't be afraid, huh?"

"elder sister……"


"Why did brother leave in anger?" The one who asked the question was the monkey brother in Xin'er's mouth. He was ten years old, but he was very sensitive.

"He still has a lot of work to do, so he's going back first. He's not angry, he just has facial paralysis, you know facial paralysis, that's it..." Yin Se said and pulled down the flesh on his face.

It made them chuckle.

The atmosphere eased up a little.

Yin Se moved his chopsticks first, and then hurriedly followed.

In the evening, there was no one else in the orphanage except the children and Yin Se. There were two helping aunts in the past, but these days they happened to be on leave, and the aunt who cooked the food also returned home after get off work.

Yin Se coaxed everyone to sleep, and the eyes of several ten-year-old children were still open.

"Sister won't go..."

Yin Se swallowed, "Don't go."

She is coaxing the children in the orphanage here, but what about Mu Nian and Mu Sirui... Suddenly, a sense of guilt filled her heart.

What Sheng Chen said was right, she only came up with that idea on impulse, to become the director of the orphanage and take care of these children, what about her own children?
Compared with these children, she loves her and Mu Shengchen's children more.

It is impossible for her to say these words to these children, but she knows it well, and it is inevitable.

She was lying on the bed near the door with her heart in her arms. To be honest, Yin Se was really a little scared. The grandmother of the dean had just left, and the orphanage was eerily quiet.

The sound of the wind blowing the leaves outside the yard is creepy.

Yin Se held the phone tightly in her hand. She wanted to call Mu Shengchen, but she was afraid that he was still angry. Besides, she hadn't come up with a better solution. Even if she called him, his temper would be frightening. It is also necessary to let her be alone quietly, and let her think clearly before looking for him. In the past, he did it so often.

This is his habit, because he always believes that she can find out the answer by herself.

If it was the right answer, he would give her a hug, and if it was the wrong answer, he would make it right.

With a sigh, how did she become such a little woman? She was so afraid of such a little rumor. If she was afraid, what would these children do?
(End of this chapter)

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