Chapter 250 All the Affections Live Up to 15
Then, at this moment

The sound of "dong dong" turned into the sound of footsteps again, and all the pores in Yin Se's body suddenly opened.

Xin'er cried out in pain: "Sister, you hurt me..."

Yin Se turned around, but the footsteps did not stop.

Xin'er suddenly hugged Yin Se tightly: "Sister, listen, what's the sound?"

Yin Sexin thought, at this time, who would walk around in the orphanage? The aunts have all gone home. Could it be the soul of the dean's grandma?

"Sister, I'm afraid..."

Yin Se swallowed, feeling afraid, and she was also afraid...

Looking sideways at the children on the other beds, their bright eyes were wide open.

This atmosphere is indescribably weird.

Suddenly there were more footsteps, Yin Se got up immediately, she turned on the light, and at the same time, the door was opened.

Yin Se only felt her heart skip a beat, and when she looked at the door again, her nose was sore, it was Mu Chengchen.

To be honest, Mu Shengchen was also taken aback. He thought the children were asleep, and he wanted to come quietly to wake Yin Se up, but the light in the dark room turned on the moment he opened the door...


"elder brother……"

"Uncle..." Anyway, there are all kinds of names.

Mu Shengchen was a little dazed: "Why didn't you fall asleep?"

Yin Se looked at him quietly, and looked at him a little wronged: "It's too scary here at night..."

The orphanage is in the suburbs, and the suburbs are relatively quiet, so it's weird at night.

Mu Shengchen looked at her exactly like these frightened children, couldn't help but feel distressed, and sighed helplessly, he also wanted to throw her here, let her be quiet and think clearly, but he found that I can't do it anymore, and I don't even have the courage and heart to let her suffer a little bit.

He sighed helplessly, what could he do?

"Yin Se, come out." After he finished speaking, he went to the corridor to wait for her.

Yin Se walked out obediently in silence, put on a T-shirt casually, like a child who made a mistake, and walked to the corridor.

Mu Shengchen stood facing her, both leaning against the smooth wall.

"Have you figured it out yet?" Mu Shengchen asked hopelessly, in such a short time, she still couldn't figure it out.


Mu Shengchen was slightly surprised.

"Have you thought about it?"

"En." Yin Se raised his head, "I'll listen to you."

Mu Shengchen's throat couldn't help rolling.

"I was too impulsive. The dean's grandma just left, and I was in a bad mood and confused. Looking at the children's eyes, I was touched..."

Mu Shengchen listened to her quietly.

"Although it is an orphanage under the care of my mother, it is actually the same as all orphanages. There is no special difference. I listen to you and find a trustworthy and caring new director."

Mu Shengchen's heart warmed slightly. He thought that she would have to struggle with this matter for a while. After all, this was the only concern Yin Xiaoling left for Yin Se. Of course, it was also a burden.

He was very happy to see her figured it out so quickly, although no matter what she thought now, she must be convinced by him in the end.

He stretched out his hand.

Yin Se looked at the arms that were open to him, and walked two steps forward to wrap his arms around him: "I thought you were going to let me go for a few more days."

"Let go of you for a few days, and I will feel sorry for you for a few days. It's okay to make you sad. I can't make things difficult for myself."

The corner of Yin Se's mouth curled into a faint smile. In fact, it was a very easy matter to solve. She just obeyed him, but she was still a little blocked in her heart.

Mu Chengchen kissed the top of her hair, and suddenly asked curiously, "Ser, are you afraid of ghosts?"

Yin Se swallowed, "I'm not afraid."

Mu Shengchen chuckled and stopped continuing.

"Come back with me, these children are taken care of."

"Who?" Yin Se looked up at him.

At this time, a few amiable aunts came up from downstairs.

Yin Se was dumbfounded, "Where did you find it?"

"Don't worry, there's nothing more formal. I troubled Xiao Wang. They are all professionals, so you can rest assured." Mu Shengchen said.

Yin Se was surprised at his speed, did he call someone as soon as he left the orphanage?
"But I promised the children that I won't leave at night..." Yin Se lowered her head.

Mu Shengchen said lightly: "Yaya is crying at home."

Yin Se's heart ached, and he didn't hesitate any more, "Then I'll talk to the children."

"En." Mu Shengchen watched her re-enter the room with a smile on his lips. It's not that he doesn't like the children here, but Yin Se belongs to his family. He has already separated from Mu Sirui, Mu Nian and Mrs. Mu. One Yin Se is gone, and if these twenty or so children are divided equally, where will he be placed.

He will give the best arrangements to these children, and they don't need to worry or doubt at all.

He can't joke about his own happiness and "sex" blessing.

Yin Se walked into the room, facing the pair of shining eyes, she slowly said, "Children, I'm sorry..."

"I have something urgent to do, so I can't accompany you tonight." Yin Se still felt guilty when he said this.

"It's my sister's child!" said the monkey brother.

Yin Se was slightly surprised.

"We have heard what you and brother said..."

Yin Se blushed suddenly, thinking quickly, she probably didn't say anything to Mu Chengchen that she shouldn't have said just now.

"Sister, you and brother can go, anyway, someone is already with us, we are not afraid."

After saying that, the four aunts brought by Mu Chengchen walked in, and every aunt looked very amiable.

Yin Se looked sideways at them: "Auntie..."

"Madam, don't worry, Mr. Mu has told us that we will take care of these children."

Only then did Yin Se nod his head in relief.

"Alright, I'll come back tomorrow." Yin Se said goodbye to the children and followed Mu Shengchen out of the orphanage.

Yin Se was still uneasy, but in front of Mu Chengchen, he didn't show it in the slightest.

Sitting in the car, Mu Shengchen said lightly: "Did you really think it over, or did you say that because you were afraid that I would get angry."

"Of course I really thought about it. In fact, it's a very realistic and selfish issue. It's impossible for me to give up my own family and you, Chengchen, for the sake of these children..."

Mu Chengchen chuckled, and took her hand: "No one asked you to give up on them, just like before, you are the older sister of these children."


"However, at this age, you are still called sister by them, are you ashamed?"

"Don't you also enjoy them calling you brother, obviously at the age of uncle." Yin Se sneered coldly.

Mu Shengchen chuckled, and didn't continue arguing with her.

After returning home, Yin Se looked at Mu Nian who was sleeping peacefully in the crib, and there was no trace of crying on her face...

Yin Se blinked and looked at Mu Shengchen.

Mu Shengchen frowned, and said to Mu Nian, "Yaya, why aren't you crying? You were crying just now."

Yin Se was speechless for a moment, he was willing to use this kind of excuse, poor girl was used by him as an excuse, eh...

Mu Shengchen embraced her from behind: "Believe me, I won't let the orphanage you care about, and those children you care about be displaced."

Yin Se's heart warmed up, and he put his hand on the big hand on her abdomen, and nodded with a slight smile: "Well, I know. It's my fault today."

Mu Chengchen kissed her ear lightly, and his thin lips touched her neck, as if he wanted to smell her body.

Sensing his intention, Yin Se hurriedly pushed him away: "It's getting late, I'll go and see Si Rui."

Mu Shengchen watched her run away helplessly.He looked at Mu Nian who unconsciously opened her eyes in the crib, and her bright little eyes were fixed on Mu Chengchen.

Mu Shengchen's expression softened.

He was lying on the side of the crib, his slender fingers gently touching her soft cheek.

"Hehehehe..." Suddenly Mu Nian laughed, her thin pink lips parted, revealing her small mouth without a single tooth.

"Yaya, if it weren't for you, your mother wouldn't come back. You are really a little lucky star."

Mu Nian waved her little paw, then took Mu Chengchen's index finger, and grabbed it tightly.

"Papa..." She made a voice similar to her father's, and Mu Shengchen's whole heart softened, like ice cream exposed to the sun in summer, which was about to melt.

"Yaya, what's your name?"

"Wow..." Just that one sound turned into wow again.

Mu Shengchen sighed slightly, but his mood was full of joy. He always had a regret that he didn't accompany Yin Se to watch Mu Sirui grow up. He didn't know when Si Rui started weaning, and he didn't know he was When did he start calling his mother, let alone how he learned to walk.

For him, he always felt that as a father, he lacked some experience, because although the birth of Yaya and Nian'er often made him very worried, it made up for one of his regrets.

Mu Nian is Yin Se's impulse, and it is also his impulse.

Mu Shengchen was teasing Mu Nian there.

Yin Se walked to Mu Sirui's room, it was past nine o'clock, and Mu Sirui was already in a deep sleep.

She was sitting by the bed, looking at his handsome face, she really missed Cheng Chen, this handsome face slept soundly and peacefully.After kissing his cheek, she didn't bother him anymore, and walked back to the bedroom lightly.

Seeing Mu Shengchen lying on the side of Mu Nian's crib, humming softly a nursery rhyme, Yin Se suddenly covered his mouth, held back his smile, and carefully walked to the side and sat down on the sofa, with his legs folded together , resting his hands on the backrest, resting his chin on the back of his hands, quietly watching Mu Shengchen's gentle movements.

His voice has always been magnetic, which is very suitable for singing soulful songs, so she couldn't help but find it funny when he hummed a lighthearted and cheerful nursery rhyme with simple tunes.

"Little star, hang in the sky...the moon accompanied me to sleep, my father turned into a locomotive, and my father went to bed...dreams in the carriage...the baby wants to sleep...a ​​little quilt..."

Yin Se's eyes are filled with warmth and emotion.

Seeing that Mu Nian was fast asleep, Mu Shengchen turned his head, only to find that Yin Se had returned to the bedroom, unintentionally meeting her pair of gentle cut pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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