Chapter 260 You Didn't Recognize Me 2
Mu Sirui suddenly reached out to Xia Luo: "Give me your phone."

Xia Luo's heart tightened and he didn't speak.

"Mr. Mu, you are taking a big joke." Cheng Siyu's eyes turned cold.

"A joke? Do you look like I'm joking?" Mu Sirui was already a little angry, and he was indifferent when he saw Xia Luo, "Forget it, anyway, the movie you want to make is invested by Chuangshi, we will see you when we look down. The future will be brighter." , Luoluo."

Xia Luo raised his head and looked at him, his eyes were full of complaints.

Mu Sirui got up and pulled Mu Nian up: "Yaya, there's no need to rush to meet your big idol, anyway, he will appear in front of you all day long."

Mu Nian swallowed.

"Let's go. We need to save some time for this uncle. It seems that Luoluo hasn't said anything to her prospective boyfriend."

Walking to the door, Xia Luo finally spoke.


"Oh? Stop pretending? I thought you would keep pretending."

"As a reunion, please treat me to this meal."

Mu Sirui raised his eyebrows.

Xia Luo stood up and picked up her bag, "Cheng, do you want to go?"

Cheng Siyu stood up, feeling a little confused for a while.

"Don't you invite me?" Xia Luo looked at him amusedly.

"Please!" Mu Sirui gritted his teeth, "As a reunion, of course we must!"

Xia Luo walked past him without any hesitation, she naturally took Cheng Siyu's hand.

Mu Sirui clenched his fists tightly, he never expected to meet her here and in this way.

Mu Nian looked up at Mu Sirui: "Brother..."

"what happened?"

"Are you crazy?"

"Yes, I'm crazy! I'm crazy to let that woman go!"

"No... I want to say, is the money you brought enough for four people?"

Mu Sirui lowered his head, only to feel that the wallet in his arms was more than half full!Not to mention that you have to eat and drink next month, you will even have to pay for the next month.


Mu Sirui took out the card and handed it to the waiter.

Mu Nian gave Mu Sirui a thumbs up: "Brother, so handsome!"

Mu Sirui and Mu Nian walked out of the Garden International Hotel and got into the car. Mu Sirui looked at Mu Sirui with a gossipy face: "Brother, did you and Luo Xia really know each other before?"

"When I was very young." Mu Sirui said.

"Why didn't you tell me? Could it be..." Mu Nian seemed to suddenly recall something, "The woman who called you a long time ago was Luo Xia?!"

Mu Sirui started the car, and it turned out that the last phone call five years ago was the day before her debut.He has almost forgotten what he said, and only remembers what he said. If we have the opportunity to meet again, I hope we can still be good friends.

In a word, their relationship will be far away.

At that time, he was already 20 years old, he had his own pride, and he didn't think what Xia Luo said was anything, what's more, as he got older, although there was still contact between them, it was getting less and less. At the beginning, I called once every six months, then once a year, then once every two years, and then the last time five years ago.

He is not so rigid, he also called, but the number became empty.

At that moment, he told himself that he was really just a child.

However, today, when she really stood in front of her, she didn't care, and she was really in love with another man, Mu Sirui knew very well that she was very angry, quite angry.

She knew it was herself early in the morning, but she didn't keep her expression on her face, as if she was a bystander watching a play... If he hadn't thought about it a few times, maybe he wouldn't have known that she was Xia Luo, and she, maybe she would have It's as simple as finishing your meal and walking away.

He is the only one whose mood goes up and down!

"Brother, brother... calm down." Mu Nian took Mu Sirui's hand, and the car drove faster and faster.

Mu Sirui loosened his arm, and he said seriously: "Can you not buy your purse?"


"I'll use that money to bring your sister-in-law back."

Mu Nian swallowed her saliva, this happened so suddenly, the big star that I adored wholeheartedly turned into my brother's younger brother, and my brother who has always grown up like a monk threatened to kill Luo Summer to take home! ?

"Don't you want that bag because Xia Luo endorsed it? If she becomes your sister-in-law, I will allow you to use her as a bag!"

"it is good."

The corners of Mu Sirui's mouth raised, joking, showing up so carelessly, he didn't even say hello to him, he clearly agreed to be his bride...

Could it be that he was the only one who persisted in the end?
Go back to the room.

Xia Luo hung the bag aside, just as he took off his shoes and was still barefoot, Cheng Siyu grabbed his arm and pressed him against the wall.

"Do you know Mu Sirui?"

"Cheng, let go." Xia Luo looked at him.

"If you don't tell me, how can I let go?"

"Let go!" Xia Luo squeezed her wrist and couldn't break free, so she kicked it out. Cheng Siyu saw that her bare foot was like a sharp blade, straight towards his crotch, and let go of his hand.

"You are so cruel to me?"

Xia Luo rubbed her wrists and sat on the sofa: "Can't you talk properly if you have something to say?"

Cheng Siyu sat across from her: "I know you don't like to have physical contact with others, but I'm not someone else."

Xia Luo looked at him.

"I went to kindergarten here when I was five years old, and he was my kindergarten classmate."

"Kindergarten classmate?" Cheng Siyu was very surprised.

"Everyone bullied me back then."

"Bullying you? Are you sure you didn't bully others?"

"It's because others bully me that I bully others!" Xia Luo explained sharply.

"Okay." Cheng Siyu smiled, "Continue on, is he the only one who doesn't bully you?"

"No..." Xia Luo's eyebrows lowered, and he said in a low voice, "But I think he is the most unhappy... That's why he often beats him until his nose is blue and his face is swollen."

"But later, he took me to his house, and the uncles and aunts were very nice. When my parents came to pick me up, he said he wanted me to be his bride. That's it."

"That's it? Is he a born masochist?"

"Well, you can understand it this way." Xia Luo said, "Then who would take what he said when he was a child, if this kind of thing is said, if he said it, he would keep it, I don't know how many grooms there are. He is too naive! Always! "

However, Cheng Siyu's gaze calmed down, and he looked at her quietly.

"It was annoying when I was a child, even more annoying than a girl!" Xia Luo looked disgusted.

"But he remembers you." Cheng Siyu said.

"That's his business, it has nothing to do with me. If he said something casually, should I spend my whole life with him?"

"Luoluo..." Cheng Siyu shouted softly.

Xia Luo got up and stretched her waist: "What? I'm going to take a shower. I'm sweating all over my body, I'm going crazy."

"But you don't look like you're bothering him now."

"It seems to be very happy..."

Xia Luo gave her a blank look, stopped talking, and walked into the bathroom.

Sitting on the sofa, Cheng Siyu slowly clenched his fists. He knew very well that the man was telling the truth and not joking, even though his words and actions were a little childish.


Of course, he will be able to become a regular boyfriend in one month. He will not be afraid of Mu Sirui. He and Xia Luo have been together for five full years. Isn't it better than a joke when he was five years old?

They are all adults, and real life is more important than childhood sweethearts.

He believed that Xia Luo was not such a childish person.

Xia Luo walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower, leaned aside by herself,
"The meaning is very simple. Maybe you don't remember Xia Luo, but I remember it very clearly. You are my bride-to-be."

"A joke? Do you look like I'm joking?"

"Forget it, anyway, the movie you want to make is funded by Chuangshi Investment. Let's look down and see you. The future will be long, Luoluo."

"Stinky dwarf..." She took off her clothes and stood under the shower. The warm water poured down from her head, washing her clean body like jade.

"Yaya, don't tell your parents when you get home." Mu Sirui urged.

"En? Why? This is a happy event. Tell your parents so they don't have to worry about you being a monk all the time."

"If you want Xia Luo to be your sister-in-law, just listen to brother, don't talk nonsense."

Standing at the door of the house, Mu Nian nodded his head.

"Remember to take medicine after going upstairs."

"I know, I won't forget it!" Mu Nian said with a smile, and then walked into the entrance.

"Mom and Dad, my brother and I are back."

Yin Se crossed her arms and leaned against the stairs: "Si Rui, you told me just now that your pockets have bottomed out, but today you are very generous and took Yaya to a top restaurant for dinner!"

Mu Sirui scratched his head, then spread his hands helplessly: "The money in the card has been wiped out."

Yin Se covered her mouth and chuckled, "Hurry up and take a rest, it's getting late."

" don't feel bad at all, you should support me a little bit anyway!"

"A man who can manage money well is a good man." Yin Se walked into the bedroom after saying this.

Mu Sirui let out a long sigh, "If Grandma Grandma is still here, she will definitely support me secretly."

Mu Nian laughed: "If Grandma Grandma is still here, you will be even worse!"

This night, they were together in the metropolis of city A. Over the years, it should be the closest time for the two of them to get close. However, they both had a sleepless night.

The next day, Mu Sirui entered the company with a panda eye. As soon as he entered the company, he fell into the office. The book was handed over to Mu Shengchen.

"Dad, you invested in the movie "Hot Snow"?"

"En." Mu Shengchen nodded. The middle-aged Mu Shengchen had more signs of age on his face, but his thick eyebrows were still drawn, his nose was still straight, his eyes were still deep, and the corners of his eyes were still charming. .

(End of this chapter)

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