Chapter 261 Duplicity
"Give it to me to take over."


"You don't want me to do something, isn't this a chance? I want to be the producer."

"How much do you know about movies?" Mu Shengchen looked at him quietly.

"Give me two days, I can learn."

Mu Chengchen couldn't help laughing: "Son, can you give me a better reason?"

Mu Sirui thought for a while, then took a deep breath: "Luo Xia, the tentative heroine of this movie is Luo Luo."

Mu Shengchen raised his eyebrows slightly: "Didn't you lose contact five years ago? How did you know?"

Looking at Mu Chengchen's slightly smiling face, Mu Sirui couldn't help feeling strange: "Dad, you know that Luo Xia is Xia Luo, don't you?!"

"Dad! You didn't tell me!" Mu Sirui suddenly felt dark.

"I accidentally chatted with her father."

"Then this movie..."

"Pure coincidence." Mu Shengchen swore.

"You can do it if you want, I have no objection, I just want the final grade."

Mu Sirui nodded, but he was still quite upset, and was swayed by his father again.

Forget it, no matter what, he got the right to be the producer. In this way, the real future will be bright. He doesn't know what this woman is thinking, but what he knows is that she wants to treat him as air and be with others as if nothing had happened. Uncle named Cheng Siyu...

Film producer, to be honest, he really knows nothing.

"Secretary Sun, help me prepare an introduction to film production." Mu Sirui walked into the secretariat and said to Sun Hong.

"Yes, general manager." Sun Hong replied.

Mu Sirui walked back to the office and began to search for all the information about Xia Luo on the Internet. From every movie she acted in and every record she released, he has not left behind, and of course it also includes all the messy, daily scandals.

He really, really wanted to know why she chose to enter the showbiz. He never knew that she pursued the art of acting and singing.

What is the reason...

Picking up the phone, he dialed Cheng Siyu.

"Are you free? Come out for a meal."

"President Mu? It may not be convenient now."

"It's about the movies."

"Understood, let's go tonight, or at the Garden Hotel, how about it?"

"no problem."

"Let's stay in my room. After all, Luoluo is a public figure. It's not good to always show up in public places."

"I see."

After hanging up the phone, Mu Sirui closed his eyes. For some reason, he felt relieved for no reason. Looking at the white sky outside the window, although things were not satisfactory, it was much better than not knowing where she was.

He knew that no one would take seriously the jokes he made when he was a child, but he didn't stick to the words when he was five years old, but in the past 20 years, all the women he had come into contact with could not arouse his interest, even He couldn't even imagine playing with other rich men.

And last night, when he knew that the woman sitting in front of him eating with him was Xia Luo, the joy in his heart, the excitement in his heart was unprecedented.

It's like, it's a kind of destiny.

So, if you don't try it, how will you know how much of a joke the phrase "You are my bride" is?

Wearing a gray suit, Mu Sirui put his hands in his pockets and walked to the door of the Garden Hotel room.

He knocked on the door.

"It's so late, who is it?" Xia Luo's questioning voice came from the room.

"It's Mr. Mu, he came over to talk to us about movies."

"Go in and change your clothes and come out."

Mu Sirui's thin lips tightened. Does this woman live with this man?
The door is opened.

"President Mu, come in." Cheng Siyu said.

Mu Sirui walked in, Xia Luo was only wearing simple home clothes, her long figure was refreshing.

"Good evening." She greeted.

Mu Sirui looked at her, "That's great, don't treat me as an outsider at all, not bad."

Xia Luo frowned.

Cheng Siyu chuckled, "I've already ordered the meal, and the waiter will bring it after a while. Mr. Mu, sit down. Luoluo, go in and change your clothes. Please respect Mr. Mu."

"No, no, I've slept in the same bed before, and it's too outlandish to change clothes specially, isn't it, Luoluo."

Xia Luo didn't speak, sat on the table, propped his chin with his hand, looked at Mu Sirui: "But, at first glance, you didn't recognize me."

Mu Sirui froze.

"It can be seen that we are already too strangers."

"Let's talk about the movie. I have no other requirements, only three points."

"No kissing scenes, no bed scenes, and no socializing with any male actors after filming."

"Luoluo, although I didn't recognize you, we really have a good understanding." Mu Sirui smiled, then took out the contract from his bag, and pointed to the additional conditions on it: "The heroine is not allowed to ask for kiss scenes or bed scenes. , you are not allowed to casually participate in actor entertainment."

"However, I find it very strange. You have all these requirements, why are there so many scandals?"

Xia Luo folded his arms around his chest: "This is what you don't understand."

"There is no scandal, how can people be popular?"

"But it would be too stupid to lose myself for the sake of Hong. Chief Pastor, do you know what it means to be able to accept and release?"

Mu Sirui looked at her steadfastly, always feeling an impulse in his heart that he couldn't restrain.

"By the way, the director of the pastor, to a certain extent, I doubt your professionalism. Let me guess, you are the supervisor because of me, right?"

Mu Sirui chuckled lightly: "It's good that you understand."

"It can be retracted or released, that's what you can do in front of the media, try it in front of me."

Xia Luo sat sideways, with her legs folded together, her big eyes raised slightly, and then she didn't answer.

Cheng Siyu felt as if he was being treated as a decoration, and things couldn't develop like this.

"President Mu, I hope you can respect Luoluo and me, after all, I am..."

"Broker Cheng." Mu Sirui's eyes were cold, "I just said very clearly, why am I the producer of this film? It's because of this woman. You are just his manager, and she even the three brides-to-be You don't pay attention to the words, what do you think is preparing a boyfriend?"

Xia Luo raised his eyes: "Musirui, are you here to quarrel?"

"Xia Luo, I'm not here to argue, I just want you to know that you owe me an explanation!"

"Are you naive?"

"You're right, I have no other skills, but I am naive and first-rate, just like you, I have no other skills, but I am first-rate if I don't have anything to do."

Xia Luo got up, didn't want to talk anymore, went into the room, and the door slammed shut.

Mu Sirui clenched his fists slightly.

Cheng Siyu looked at him intently: "Director Mu, the contract hasn't been signed yet, Xia Luo has no obligation to play the heroine of this movie. If you want to pester her endlessly, we won't act."

Mu Sirui looked at him closely.

"Cheng Siyu, then I have the ability to prevent her from getting along in the entertainment industry."

Xia Luo, who was leaning against the door, pursed her lips, clenched her fists tightly, brat...

"Haha!" Cheng Siyu sneered, and then stood up: "In this case, the cooperation will be broken. Let's see if you can make Xia Luo unable to get along in the showbiz."

The door was opened again, Xia Luo walked over, took the contract on the table, and wrote his name on it.

"Luoluo?" Cheng Siyu was puzzled by her behavior.

Xia Luo folded his arms around his chest, "Do you like the five-year-old Xia Luo or the 25-year-old Xia Luo, can you tell the difference?"

"Do you think the five-year-old Xia Luo can still be the same as the 25-year-old Xia Luo?"

"We haven't seen each other for 20 years, Mu Sirui, do you know how many things will happen in 20 years? If I hadn't become an artist, I might have married someone else and had a child with someone else. In this case, you So what?"

"The point is you didn't."

"No?" Xia Luo chuckled, and then brought Cheng Siyu to her side, "Do you think he's just my prospective boyfriend?"

"I have lived with him for five years. We have done all the things that a normal couple should do. I am an artist. The so-called prospective boyfriend is pointing to the media to announce the relationship between me and him."

Mu Sirui looked at Xia Luo and Cheng Siyu in disbelief.

"You're so funny, you actually took what you said when you were five years old and took it seriously in front of a person you haven't seen in 20 years."

Mu Sirui only felt that the veins on his forehead were exposed.

"I'm not as pure as you think. Of course, I didn't expect you to be so pure."

"So...that's your explanation?" Mu Sirui asked.

"Yes. I will accept this movie. If you want to continue pestering me, I have no opinion. There are too many men pestering me. If I give up a movie every time I meet one, am I stupid?"

Mu Sirui suddenly found it funny, he was completely played by her.

"Looks like I was wrong."

"It's me who thinks things too simply."

"You just understand."

"My mother said that women are duplicity creatures. Come to think of it, you used to be like this. How open is society now?" Mu Sirui grabbed Xia Luo's wrist and looked down at her, "How many women are there? It’s pure and pure, and I didn’t come here from time immemorial? Luoluo, let me tell you a way to make me give up. I’ll go get a marriage certificate with this Mr. Cheng Siyu tomorrow. Don’t worry, no matter how naive I am, Mu Sirui, I won’t touch a married woman. woman."

Just as Cheng Siyu was about to step forward and pull Mu Sirui away, Mu Sirui turned to look at him: "This is between me and Xia Luo!"

(End of this chapter)

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