Chapter 286 Buying Insurance
"Have you heard of "Red Gate"?"

Mu Sirui swallowed his saliva. Of course he knew that he was one of the four major mafia gangs in Italy, and it was also a mafia group that made the police very troubled in China.

"Xia Luo's father is the boss of Chimen."

Mu Sirui's whole body tightened, he looked at Mu Chengchen in disbelief, he never knew, Mu Shengchen never told him, "Dad..."

"What? Are you scared?" Mu Shengchen looked at him indifferently.

Mu Sirui was not afraid, but rather shocked, quite shocked that Xia Luo was the daughter of a mafia family as big as "Chimen".He didn't think about her parents' identities and backgrounds at all, he didn't care about these things, what's more, Mu Shengchen and Yin Se were familiar with them, they only thought they were businessmen like their father or other...

However, she never expected her background to be so...thick.

"If this matter is leaked out, do you know that Xia Luo will be killed?" Mu Shengchen asked calmly, then lowered his head indifferently, flipping through the documents in his hand.

Mu Sirui looked at Mu Shengchen so leisurely and calm, they shouldn't be talking about such an easy topic now, right?But Mu Shengchen acted in a daze that it was no big deal.

"So, Si Rui." Mu Shengchen paused the pen in his hand, "If you want to be with Xia Luo, can you support her world?"

Mu Sirui swallowed, his throat rolled up and down, he didn't think so far, nor did he think so deeply, he only knew that he liked Xia Luo, and Xia Luo also had feelings for him, they would get married like a normal couple , and start a family, just like his parents...

"Dad, you never told me..." He was quite puzzled by this point.

"Is it important?" Mu Shengchen looked up at him, "Does Xia Luo's background affect your determination?"

"No, it's not about whether it affects me, but about you, aren't you worried?"

"What are you worried about? Being connected with a mafia family and causing death?" Mu Shengchen asked amusedly.

Mu Sirui looked at him, still with a calm attitude, he really admired his father, who always blocked him like this so that he couldn't speak, always made him feel that he was so far behind him.

"Isn't it?"

"Si Rui." Mu Shengchen looked at him quietly, "Your uncle Xia saved your mother's life and helped me a lot, and he is also a close friend with your father, so there is nothing wrong with me or your mother." Prejudice, of course, if you are afraid because of Xia Luo's background, your mother and I have nothing to say. Regarding marriage, what your parents say is just a reference, and your own decision is the most important."

Mu Sirui frowned, it turned out that he really didn't know anything about Xia Luo... It turned out that her world was so far from his...

Mu Shengchen was doing his own thing, while Mu Sirui stood aside for half an hour.

Then he spoke.



"I want to go back to Genesis."

Mu Chengchen raised his head, his eyes were meaningful.

"Dad, you are punishing me by throwing me into the Xingyuan project for sales, but it is no longer necessary now. I will work hard in Genesis, and I will show you the results you want to see."

"What?" Mu Shengchen smiled, "Why are you so motivated all of a sudden?"

"The background of the Xia family is so deep, how can a simple rich second generation bear it?" Mu Sirui asked amusedly, "I think, at least I have the ability of you, father, to be qualified to match Xia Luo. If it is It’s too slow to start with sales.”

Mu Shengchen looked at his son, so he said that people need pressure, pressure from all sides, if life is too carefree, people just lose motivation.

Although Mu Sirui did not grow up in doting, and also suffered some hardships, his grandma and him taught him a lot since he was a child, and sometimes he was very tired from studying, but after all, he is still a child who grew up in a stable family. He doesn't have particularly strong perseverance, and it's normal for him to ignore most things.

It's just that Mu Shengchen didn't expect that the background of the Xia family would become such an opportunity, and he didn't expect that he would be so rational.It didn't even occur to him that he would take the initiative to ask to return to Genesis.

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because I have your and mother's genes in me." Mu Sirui's eyes were never serious and serious, "Because I must be worthy of Xia Luo, and have the ability to escort Xia Luo. "

Mu Shengchen looked at the big man in front of him. He and Yin Se were getting old slowly, and their only hope was this pair of children.

"Starting tomorrow, come back."

"En!" Mu Sirui replied heavily, as if to show his determination.

Mu Shengchen didn't say anything else, his philosophy has always been that only when he takes the initiative to grow, can he grow strong and fast.

So, as a father, all he did was wait for his grades.

After dinner in the evening, the atmosphere was obviously different. Mu Sirui was struggling to pick up the rice, and Mu Nian and Yin Se were both a little dazed. What's going on?
"Brother..." Mu Nian swallowed, and asked, "You... have been hungry all day?"

Mu Sirui looked up at her: "What's wrong?"

"No one is robbing you, you don't have to worry about eating..."

While listening, Mu Sirui picked up the chopsticks and stuffed the food into his mouth. It was not a question of grabbing or not grabbing. After finally swallowing the food in his mouth, he opened his mouth and replied: "How can there be a problem if you don't eat enough?" Work hard?"

Mu Nian's eyebrows were raised high, but his face was still dull, "Didn't you say to go into sales? How did you become a coolie?"

Mu Sirui chuckled lightly: "Don't worry about your brother, I'll eat more, it's good for you."

"What's in it for me?" Mu Nian asked puzzled.

"You can only buy what you want if you earn money, don't you think so?" Mu Sirui coaxed Mu Nian well.

Mu Nian frowned, and immediately ignored everything, and put a piece of braised pork into his bowl: "That's right, brother, you should eat more."

Yin was still in a daze, she looked at Mu Chengchen, he was eating in a leisurely manner, not surprised at all, raised her head to meet Yin Se's questioning gaze, Mu Shengchen didn't respond either, just the same I picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in her bowl.

what's the situation? !

Yin Se looked at Mu Shengchen fiercely, and tortured him to extract a confession.


Mu Shengchen answered her with actions.

In the evening, Mu Shengchen was still coerced by Yin Se to add "sex" to lure him into confessing. After hearing this, Yin Se was in a good mood. No matter what, the development of the situation is good.

It's just that Yin Se felt a little strange.

She leaned over to Mu Chengchen and asked puzzledly: "How many times have I told him that he didn't try his best to be strong, and then made up his mind for the sake of Xia Luo? Does this mean that he values ​​his wife more than his parents? tendency?"

Mu Shengchen was flipping through the magazine in his hand, and smiled lightly, she is a woman, how could she understand a man's mind?
"Chengchen, are you sure there's nothing wrong with this?" Yin Se was a little worried and a little jealous, she kept talking to her mother, but she was willing to go crazy for her girlfriend.

Her son was raised for nothing.

On the second day, Mu Sirui stood in a neat suit outside the Xingyuan project building, with his assistant following behind him.

"General manager, why did the president reinstate you?" Wang Xiaofang asked.

Mu Sirui glanced at him: "Are you upset that I'm back?"

"General manager, what you said really wronged me."

Mu Sirui smiled and said, "If I don't come back, you should have an easier job. Once I come back, you will be enslaved by me again. I'm sorry!"

Lu Fang scratched his head. There was nothing wrong with saying that, but the general manager never came back, and it was annoying that he had no work to do.

"But why come here so early in the morning?" Wang Xiaofang asked puzzled.

Mu Sirui chuckled, and then said: "There are some things to deal with."

He took a step upstairs and walked into Lu Shuxin's office.

Lu Shuxin lowered his head and was doing sales records for the past few days. When he saw Mu Sirui coming in, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up, but seeing his appearance in a neat suit, he definitely didn't come here to be her assistant, so he couldn't help frowning.

"Mu Sirui, you really..."

Mu Sirui walked up to her, took the suitcase from Lu Xiaofang and put it in front of Lu Shuxin.

"This is 500 million cash."

Lu Shuxin raised her brows, a little confused, "What are you?"

"If it's not enough, I can give you three properties." Mu Sirui said lightly, "I've checked your information. Although you and your father are living a rich life, they are not so rich that you can rest easy. But take what I've given you, and you can rest easy with your father."

Lu Shuxin got up, and looked at him amusedly: "Musirui, can I understand that you are afraid that I will trouble Xia Luo, so you use this money to seal my mouth and block my actions?"

"Of course, that's the truth." Mu Sirui was very serious. Lu Shuxin and his father were involved in the underworld no matter what. She dared to stand up and yell at him so rationally, which shows that they are capable now, and he The information he found also made him clear that it was the best choice to settle the matter before Xia Luo appeared.

"Money? Real estate?" Lu Shuxin chuckled, "You're using these to send me off? You think I'm looking for Xia Luo for these?"

"Aren't you looking for Xia Luo just to ask for an explanation?" Mu Sirui knew this too.

"Yes, a statement."

"Xia Luo is my girlfriend." Mu Sirui looked at Lu Shuxin, "With her character, she will not bow to others casually. I also understand the grievances and grievances between you two. Maybe it seems that Xia Luo is It's cruel, but it's not a unilateral fault. First, your father did participate in the kidnapping. Second, all the gangsters died, but you and your father survived."

Lu Shuxin frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

"You hold a grudge against her. After all, you wasted six years of time, so I will give you these compensations, this money, real estate, which you can't earn as a project manager here for 60 years." The pros and cons were in front of her, "As for your mother's death, there is really nothing you can do about it. Your mother is seriously ill. Even if there is no kidnapping incident, your mother may not survive."

(End of this chapter)

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