Chapter 287 The Dwarf Bar

Lu Shuxin looked at the man in front of her, and lost her mind for a moment. Yesterday, she was still confident, but today, what this man said in front of her made her righteousness go in vain.

She actually began to think about the pros and cons of what he said.

Indeed, she is not poor now, and she and his father are doing well, but with 500 million in cash and three sets of real estate, let alone peace of mind, in this modern society, these are enough for two or three generations to rest easy.

Moreover, Lu Shuxin actually has a hidden worry, which is Xia Luo's identity. Six years ago, she was amazed by the way she held the gun and the accuracy of the marksmanship, and the man who came to save her alone was even more indifferent. do not worry.

Thinking about it this way, it might be the best choice to take away what Mu Sirui gave her now, and live her own life, not to pursue the past.

"How is it? Am I right in my analysis?" Mu Sirui put his hands in his pockets, and at this moment, he seemed to be overbearing.

Lu Shuxin smiled: "You wasted money for Xia Luo, aren't you afraid that I lied to you and knocked you out of money?"

"Lu Shuxin, before today, I would not say anything. After all, I was kicked out by my father to become a small salesman, and I was stepped on by you. But now, I am the general manager of Chuangshi Group and the only heir of Chuangshi. You have the ability to lie to me, and I must have the ability to make you regret. Xia Luo will come back one day, so one day, I will check it out, but I am giving you these now because I see Xia Luo again, I hope you wipe Over the shoulder."

Lu Shuxin's eyes gradually darkened, so this man simply used the money to buy an insurance for Xia Luo.

"It's a deal." Lu Shuxin was convinced after all, no matter what, she actually made a fortune.

Mu Sirui stretched out his hand and spread it in front of her, "Bring it."

Lu Shuxin looked at his empty palm, and asked, "What?"

"A note! That torn note!" Mu Sirui gave her a white look, "Although it's not threatening, it's always against me for you."

Lu Shuxin sighed helplessly, now she can really be sure that this man can't remember her face at all, of course, there is no need to remember, and stuffed that note into his hand.

Mu Sirui glanced at it and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Xiao Fang, show her the contract and ask her to sign it."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the Xingyuan project building, tore up the note in his hand and threw it into the trash can, and sat in the car. He looked at the road in front of him lightly, his pair of black phoenix eyes were deeply deep at this moment, those eyes Every little bit of light seems to show his wisdom and shrewdness.

Mu Sirui thought, if he had known Xia Luo's background earlier, maybe this day would not have been so easy and stress-free.

If Xia Luo's departure is related to his parents, then he won't worry about whether Xia Luo has changed his mind for the time being. The only thing he needs to worry about is whether he can become a man who can protect her if he works hard now. Will it be too late? , will it be too late.

After a while, Lu Xiaofang came back, sat in the driver's seat, and handed the agreement to Mu Sirui.

Mu Sirui glanced at the agreement and put it in the document bag.

"General Manager, does President Mu have any objection to paying such a high price?" Lu Xiaofang asked.

"How could he give me these things for no reason, because I said I would earn back." Mu Sirui rubbed his head. There is actually such a father in this world who "forces" his son to write an IOU.

Lu Xiaofang smiled lightly, always feeling that this seemed to be Mr. Mu's personality.

"Anyway, the general manager is welcome back."

Mu Sirui chuckled.

one year later.

In the Chuangshi Group building, Mu Sirui and Mu Shengchen were coming out of the conference room.

"Actually, I think our price should be two points lower." Mu Sirui said, "After all, the competitors are veterans in the field of real estate. As far as I know, every piece of land they bid for is almost overwhelming The opponent's price line, they must also be evaluating the price of our creation."

"No, no need." Mu Shengchen said calmly, he looked at Mu Sirui, "If it's just two points, the other party will not use it to balance who they want to cooperate with."

"But isn't it safe to do so?"

"If you really want to get this land, you can't use the skills on the negotiating table." Mu Shengchen said with a smile, "It's the skills on the wine table."

Mu Sirui raised his brows and looked at his father, "Aren't you going to betray me again?"

Mu Shengchen shrugged, "I'm teaching you the fastest way, you know, I can't drink alcohol."

Mu Sirui was completely speechless.

"Grab the opponent's weakness, and then you can easily grab him." Mu Chengchen patted him on the shoulder, and then walked into the elevator.

Mu Sirui stood at the door of the elevator and sighed helplessly. He thought, it's a good thing Mu Shengchen can't drink. If he could drink, he really didn't know how many deals he could complete on the wine table when he was young.

When Mu Sirui returned to his office, he hung his coat on the hanger.

"Lu Xiaofang, help me contact the boss of Hualing Group, and say that I want to discuss cooperation with them and invite them to drink in the evening."

"Okay." Lu Xiaofang walked out of the office and turned back, "General manager, where?"

"The location..." Mu Sirui thought for a while, then looked at Lu Xiaofang, "They must have been to many ordinary places, do you have any good suggestions or introductions?"

"The newly opened "Little Man" bar is very good. I heard that the environment, the atmosphere, the wine are good, and the people are good..."

"Okay, let's just go to this one. If I go and find it's not good, I'll come back and kill you." Mu Sirui said.

Lu Xiaofang answered and walked out.

Mu Sirui leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes and rested his mind for a while, the days passed so quickly, a year passed in a blink of an eye, this cruel woman is really cruel.

However, it's coming soon, no matter how patiently he waits, if she doesn't show up, he will take the initiative to find her.

At noon, sitting in the restaurant and having lunch with Lu Xiaofang, the employees in the company greeted him politely when they saw him.

Ms. Sun Hong from the secretariat walked up to Mu Sirui with the food, and ate with Lu Xiaofang and the others.

"Sister Sun." Lu Xiaofang called out, "It's rare to see you eating in a restaurant."

"Yeah, I'm about to be enslaved by this company to death." Sun Hong said.

"Ahem!" Mu Sirui coughed twice, "Aunt Sun, I didn't enslave you..."

Sun Hong looked at Mu Sirui: "As long as you're not like Mr. Mu, I shouldn't blame you."

"So, Aunt Sun, are you blaming my father?" Mu Sirui looked at her amusedly, "Otherwise, I'll go back and tell him?"

"Come on, you." Sun Hong said to Mu Sirui in front of her, "If you want your Aunt Sun to be cornered, just go ahead and talk about it."

Mu Sirui smiled, and put the braised pork in the bowl into Sun Hong's bowl, "Of course I will keep it a secret. Auntie Sun has helped me a lot, and I will keep it in mind."

Sun Hong looked at the braised pork that Mu Sirui used to please her in the bowl, and couldn't help but find it funny. Compared with Mu Shengchen, Mu Sirui was much easier to get along with, and he was a very approachable child.

After joking, Sun Hong ate the rice in the bowl, then raised her head and said in a low voice: "Speaking of which, now privately in the company, the female employees have begun to regard you as an object of fantasy. kind of species."

The corner of Lu Xiaofang's mouth twitched, this Secretary Sun's mouth...why did the words sound so awkward.

Mu Sirui smiled proudly: "I inherited my father's and my mother's appearance. Most of the girls nowadays belong to the Appearance Association. With this face, how can they not like it?"

"Hehe, you enjoyed it quite a bit."

"No, don't blackmail me, Aunt Sun, I don't know if you don't tell me." Mu Sirui hastily clarified.

"Actually, there are quite a few excellent female employees in the company, why don't you just pick one and have a look?"

"Office love can't afford to hurt, not to mention I have a girlfriend, Aunt Sun, don't look at me as a "lonely person" in the future, okay?"

Sun Hong gave Mu Sirui a look, "I'm not doing it for your own good. If you don't settle down sooner, the female employees in the company won't be in the mood to concentrate on their work. They will all be staring at you."

"Secretary Sun, what you said is too exaggerated. I don't think the charm of the general manager has reached this level."

"If he was a little colder like his father, he wouldn't be in this situation. But this kid, he always greets people with a smile, even a female employee would think wildly." Sun Hong scolded.

"By the way, Aunt Sun, you seem to be upset with me..." Mu Sirui put down his chopsticks and asked solemnly.

"It's not that you are upset, but I really hope that you can settle down soon. I always feel lonely when I see you alone."

Mu Sirui sighed, whether he was being sympathized or pitiful...

"I'm only 26 years old..."

At this time, Lu Xiaofang said: "Secretary Sun, the general manager hanged himself on a tree all his life. Do you have the heart to tease him for being so infatuated?"

Mu Sirui heard the ridicule in Lu Xiao's words, and stared at him with blank eyes.Lu Xiao lowered his head, and Sun Hong laughed out loud.

Mu Sirui ate with his head down, but he complained all over Xia Luo in his heart.

In the "Little Man" bar, Mu Sirui and Lu Xiaofang sat on the sofa in the corner of the bar. Opposite them were the general manager of Hualing Group and several senior executives.

"President Mu is really in a good mood today, please come here for a drink." The president of Valin Group said.

"That's Mr. Lin, you gave me face." Mu Sirui said, then raised his wine glass and touched his counterpart, and drank the whole wine in one gulp.

Mr. Lin looked at Mu Sirui: "Assistant Lu said that you came to us to discuss a cooperation case?"

"Let's not talk about the cooperation case, it's a disappointment, it's just an excuse." Mu Sirui waved his hand, "Drinking and having fun today, I will never stop getting drunk."

"Haha, I have long heard that Mr. Mu is a straightforward person, and it seems to be true."

"Speaking of which, why did Mr. Mu choose this bar?" Mr. Lin was only about 30 years old, and he and Mu Sirui got along well, but in fact they had a good relationship in private, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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