Chapter 307 I Won't Blame You
Xia Moqing was dumbfounded, and couldn't say anything for a while, she didn't slap the mosquito, but slapped him, right?
Why is this girl so violent in her heart?

"Then when are you going to take me there?"

"Go to dinner with me tonight, how about we discuss it?" Xia Moqing asked coaxingly.

Mu Nian thought for a while, then nodded: "I'll talk to my mother."

Xia Moqing nodded, no matter what, this girl was finally willing to face herself, instead of running away like noon.

Just as Mu Nian was about to open the door, she seemed to think of something tangled up. She looked at Xia Moqing, "Moqing..."

"En." Xia Moqing nodded in satisfaction, feeling that the shout made his whole body feel better.

"Is your ex-girlfriend really okay?"

"What's the relationship with her?" Xia Moqing asked puzzledly, "Why do you have time to care about others?"

Mu Nian curled her lips, "It looks like she likes you very much...and you are very strange..."


"You don't want such a beautiful and virtuous beauty, why did you focus on me?"

To be honest, now Xia Moqing just wants to bump his head to death in front of her, stare, she actually used the word stare, how unbearable is she thinking about herself...

Mu Nian looked at him with a tangled expression. After thinking about it, it's better not to ask this question. What's the use of her caring about other people's feelings, as long as he is willing to take her to see the sea, to see the snow-capped mountains, and to draw sharks. Well!

"Then can you tell my mother about our affairs?"

Xia Mo looked at her calmly, "Do you want to tell your mother?"

Mu Nian immediately shook her head like a rattle, subconsciously thinking that it would be better not to speak.

If it were the same as before, Xia Moqing would definitely feel that it was nothing, and it wasn't about marriage, so if he didn't talk about it, he wouldn't talk about it, but for some reason, seeing this girl's strong opposition made her feel uncomfortable.


Mu Nian looked up at Xia Moqing, "Do you think you can rest assured if your daughter is dating a vase?"

Xia Moqing was at a loss for words, and after a long time, he said to her, "Didn't you see that my vase is filled with high-quality flowers? Where do you go for a vase that has both the outside and the inside?"

Mu Nian pouted: "Then you want me to tell my mother?"

Xia Moqing didn't speak, he probably didn't think this way, he began to feel annoyed, why did this girl ask this girl what seemed to be a simple matter, so it became complicated?
Mu Nian couldn't understand his reaction, after thinking about it, it was better to follow her original idea and not tell Yin Se.

She opened the door and walked out with Xia Moqing.

Fan Qianggong was still sitting in the living room.

"What did you say?"

Mu Nian walked over to Yin Se and sat down again, and then said: "Mom, Moqing will take me out for dinner tonight."

After Yin Se heard her words, Dr. Xia became Moqing again, and then he was relieved a little, "It's ok, just come back sooner."

Mu Nian nodded, then raised his eyebrows at Xia Moqing, signaling ok!

Fan Qianggong at the side saw the two people flirting and frowning slightly, so he saw the clue.

"Auntie, I want to take Yaya to the beach in two days." Xia Moqing said, "Ask for your opinion."

"Going to the beach?"

"Well, the weather is pretty good now, Yaya said she wants to go to the beach."

Yin Se looked at Xia Moqing, and his shrewd eyes suddenly became meaningful. Xia Moqing was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Yin Se, and cleared his throat.

"Yes, you are a doctor. Of course I am relieved if you take her with you."

"En." Xia Moqing nodded.

Fan Qianggong frowned, "I'll go with you too."

"Okay!" Mu Nian said with a smile.

Xia Moqing's face turned half black.

"Does Doctor Xia have any opinions?" Fan Qianggong looked at Xia Moqing rather ignorantly, and asked seriously.

"I'm a doctor, and it's enough for me to follow alone." Xia Moqing said.

"Lonely men and widows are not acceptable." Fan Qianggong laughed, "After all, Yaya is still a little girl, how strange it is to go out with an old man like you..."

Xia Moqing smiled, uncontrollably, creepily, "Children of the Fan family, the elders are more powerful, and it is easier to protect them. You look about the same age as Yaya. I will take Yaya out and take care of a girl." Ya is not enough, do I still need to be distracted to take care of you?"

Yin Se leaned on the sofa, propped his forehead with one hand, and bit his fingernails. The smile on his face became deeper and deeper. He thought to himself, could it be that these two men have fallen in love with their daughter?
Needless to say, Xia Moqing is a good-looking talent, but he is a bit older...

Age...Yin Se did the math, Xia Moqing is five years older than Mu seems that Cheng Chen is also five years older than himself...

Well, age doesn't matter.

Fan Qianggong, although he is Su Rou's son, may not be very reliable because he is still too young...

It's over, she has a bias in her heart, she glanced quietly at Xia Moqing, only thought that this man looked very pleasing to the eye, and thought to herself, if it was 20 years earlier, maybe it wasn't Mu Shengchen, Ha ha!

Just when Yin Se was immersed in messy fantasies, Mu Shengchen had stood behind Xia Moqing and Fan Qianggong at some point, looking at Yin Se who was smiling happily on the opposite side with a serious face.

When Yin Se came back to his senses, there was a cold war all over his body, and then he said with a smile, "Honey, you're back!"


"Hello, Uncle." Fan Qianggong and Xia Moqing stood up at the same time, then turned around and saluted Mu Shengchen respectfully.

Mu Shengchen nodded.

"Dad." Mu Nian said with a smile.

"Qiang Gong, have you returned home?"

"En." Fan Qianggong nodded, "My mother told me that Yaya needs to be treated. I want to talk about it and see."

Mu Shengchen nodded clearly, and then turned his attention to Xia Moqing, "Is Moqing here too?"

"En." Xia Moqing nodded, and then said, "I'm here to inform my aunt and uncle that Yaya's surgery is scheduled for next month."

Mu Shengchen frowned slightly, glanced at Mu Nian who was sitting on the sofa and smiled, then nodded, "I see."

"Uncle, there is one more thing I want to tell you." Xia Moqing said, with a wink, Mu Shengchen nodded, "Come to my study."

Mu Nian pouted habitually, and didn't care what Xia Moqing wanted to say to Mu Shengchen.

Fan Qianggong leaned over to Mu Nian and hurriedly asked, "Yaya, what's your relationship with Dr. Xia?"


Yin Se also came over gossiping, "Yaya, does Mo Qing like you?"

Mu Nian was suddenly dumbfounded, why are they so sensitive, why are they so shy?

Mu Nian scratched her hair, "I, I don't know."

Fan Qianggong smiled and said, "From my point of view, he must be plotting against you."

"I don't think so, Qiang Gong, you can't be a black doctor Xia." Yin Se laughed, "If you also like Moqing, you should accept it quickly. If you don't accept it, it won't be yours!"

Mu Nian was a little dumbfounded, she only felt that her mother was gossiping a lot more than expected.

Anyway, in the face of many problems, Mu Nian has always been more evasive, thinking, the agreement between her and Xia Moqing, it is better not to say that it is a good one, lest everyone think wildly.

In Mu Shengchen's study, he and Xia Moqing were sitting face to face.

"What do you want to say, just say it." Mu Shengchen said lightly.

Xia Moqing nodded, "Uncle Mu, you should be aware of Mu Nian's condition."

Mu Shengchen nodded: "It's getting worse, right?"

Xia Moqing nodded, "The whole body and the heart have been checked before, and the results are not optimistic. It's not a simple periodic attack, but heart failure."

Mu Shengchen pursed his lips.

"Currently, the opinions of experts are divided into two groups, one is heart replacement surgery and the other is artificial heart."

"what is your opinion?"

"Heart replacement surgery." Xia Moqing said, "Because there happens to be a heart that matches Mu Nian, this opportunity is hard-won."

"The success rate of artificial heart surgery is higher than that of heart transplant surgery, isn't it?" Mu Chengchen looked at him and asked.

"There is one difference. Although they match, the heart replacement surgery may also cause physical rejection... But the sequelae of a successful heart replacement surgery are better than those of a successful artificial heart surgery."

Mu Shengchen also knew this.

"I'll discuss it with her mother." Mu Shengchen said.

"If you are still unclear, you can ask me." Xia Moqing said.

Mu Shengchen nodded.

"I have one more thing to report to Uncle Mu."


"I like Mu Nian."

Mu Shengchen was slightly taken aback, he looked at the young man in front of him.

Xia Moqing originally thought that it doesn't matter whether he tells his parents or not, but after seeing Mu Shengchen, he still had an impulse, another whim!It was a damned whim!
"Mu Nian is not suitable for talking about feelings now." Mu Shengchen said lightly.

"I don't force her to talk about feelings. I just take her around as a boyfriend and girlfriend. Do what she wants to do."

Mu Shengchen looked at Xia Moqing: "Have you already made an agreement with Mu Nian?"

Xia Mo really felt that nothing could escape Mu Chengchen's eyes, he nodded, then scratched his head, and said with a light smile, "It's quite sad to say, I confessed my love to this girl at noon, but it scared her , and she fled back."

Mu Shengchen was slightly taken aback, "Are you running away?"

Xia Moqing nodded, it can be seen that the fact that Mu Nian would escape back shocked Mu Shengchen, no matter how you think about it, this is not the personality of his chic daughter.

"But I thought no matter what, I still have to make it clear with her."

"That's why you chased him home again?"

(End of this chapter)

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