Chapter 308 You Like Me 1
"En. I'm going to report to Uncle, hoping to get your approval." Xia Moqing said.

"Are you serious about Yaya?" Mu Shengchen asked.

There was a wry smile from the corner of Xia Moqing's mouth, since he was not serious anyway, "I don't know, uncle, I can't promise you anything, the only thing I can guarantee is that during the period before the operation, I will be well I will protect Yaya from any harm, and I will take her where she wants to go, and do things she wanted to do but didn't have time to do."

Mu Shengchen took a shallow breath, and said lightly, "After all, it's your young people's business. If you have discussed it with Mu Nian, I won't object."

"Uncle, thank you."

Xia Moqing said, no matter what, I always feel that this is a kind of respect for Mu Nian and Mu Shengchen.

Walking out of the study, Xia Moqing went downstairs.

"Let's go."

Mu Nian raised his eyebrows, "It's only past three o'clock, so don't have to have dinner so early..."

Xia Moqing looked at her speechlessly, this girl is really completely uninterested, and she really loves her family too much.

Wouldn't it be nice to go out early and watch a movie or something?
Yin Se looked at Xia Moqing again with meaningful eyes, and then said: "Then when will you send Yaya back?"

"Auntie, I will definitely take her home before eight o'clock."

"Why is it so late? It's only six o'clock—"

"Okay, then I must send my daughter back before eight o'clock." Yin Se reminded.

"Don't worry, auntie." Xia Moqing said, then looked at Mu Nian and stretched out his hand.

Fan Qianggong sat on the side for a long time, and asked, "Yaya, if you go out to discuss any travel itinerary, remember to count me in."

Xia Mo glanced at Fan Qianggong shallowly, then said nothing, but pulled Mu Nian who had already got up, "Auntie, Mr. Fan Xiao, let's go, goodbye."

Mu Nian grabbed his bag on the sofa, and followed Xia Moqing out.

Then in the living room, Fan Qianggong sighed, "Auntie, you are selling your daughter."

Yin Se smiled dryly, "Where is it?"

"Auntie, do you also value Dr. Xia's appearance? Is my appearance worse than Dr. Xia's?"

"Qiang Gong, don't think I don't know, don't you have a girlfriend?"

Fan Qianggong couldn't continue his joke, and then sighed, "We had a quarrel."

Yin Se chuckled: "So come back to find Yaya?"

"No, I just want to come back to relax, and my mother told me that Yaya is going to have an operation. I thought about it, and my brother is also her brother. At least I have to see her recover from illness."

Yin Se nodded: "Thank you. Yaya has always been happy."

"Auntie is a bit too polite when she said this. Forget it, Yaya was taken away. It's meaningless for me to stay here. I'm going home."

"Aren't you going to stay for dinner?" Yin Se asked.

"You and your uncle are finally two people, will I disturb you so ignorantly?" Fan Qianggong said with a smile, "Even if you are a light bulb, you have to be the light bulb of those two in my family."

Yin Se just smiled lightly.

After Fan Qianggong left, Mu Shengchen came down from upstairs.

Yin Se raised his head and looked at Mu Chengchen, "Did Mo Qing tell you about Yaya?"

Mu Shengchen walked up to her and sat down, "I said it."

"Tell me, I know that child can't tell everything in front of Yaya."

"Heart replacement surgery and artificial heart surgery, choose one of the two. Although heart replacement surgery is good for the body, if there is rejection..."

"Is there a suitable heart?" Yin Se asked.

"Yes." Mu Shengchen replied.

Yin Se raised her head: "Let's have a heart replacement operation. An artificial heart is too risky for Mu Nian, and her physique is too poor..."

In fact, there is not much difference in risk, but Yin Se still wants to choose the one that is more suitable for Mu Nian, which will be better for her in the future.

Mu Shengchen nodded: "Listen to you."

Yin Se bent down, wrapped his arms around Mu Chengchen's waist, leaned against him, and gently stroked his chest with his hands, feeling his nose sore, "Chengchen, Yaya will be fine, right?"

He rubbed her hair: "Don't worry, she will be fine, she will want to live, really want to, just like I did back then, really want to live, for someone."

Yin Se pursed his lips and closed his eyes.

"She is my daughter, Mu Shengchen."

"Does your Mu Chengchen's daughter have more mouths, more arms, and more legs than others?" Yin Se chuckled.

"It's also your Yin Se's daughter."

Yin Se chuckled, "Of course, my Yin Se's daughter can be as strong as she wants."

Mu Shengchen lowered his head and touched her hair, which was filled with the fragrance of shampoo.

Mu Nian stood in the cinema frowning, holding popcorn and a large glass of Coke in his hands.

Xia Moqing put his hands in his pockets and just finished queuing up to buy two movie tickets.

"Moqing, aren't you eating?"

"It's still early for dinner, watch a movie."

Mu Nian pouted and muttered, "That's why I said not to come out so early..."

Xia Moqing moved closer to her, "Will you be so reluctant to watch a movie with me?"

"No..." Mu Nian raised her head and smiled at him, she just wanted to watch Yin Se at home.

Xia Moqing took the popcorn in his hand, stretched out his hand in front of her, Mu Nian blinked and looked at him: "En?"

"Didn't you say you can hold hands?"

Mu Nian replied, it is true that he can hold hands, but looking at the big hand in front of him, he pondered for a few seconds, then grabbed him firmly with his vacant hand, and said, "My family is silent. Protect this hand of yours!"

Xia Moqing didn't want to listen anymore, and dragged her to the screening room, probably it had something to do with the operation, anyway, there wouldn't be any romantic words.

They sat in the middle, because it was to pass the time, and Xia Moqing didn't choose a movie specifically, he just bought a ticket when he saw that the movie was showing at this time.

I came in and took a look, only to realize that it was a shootout movie...

I thought Mu Nian would have to read for a long time, but she just blinked her eyes and stared at the screen, eating her own popcorn and then drinking Coke.

Xia Moqing himself is not very sensitive to shootout movies, he just wants to watch a movie with Mu Nian, it's very simple.

"What movie do you like to watch? I'll show you the movie you want to watch next time." Xia Moqing leaned into Mu Nian's ear and said.

Mu Nian didn't even turn his head: "I'm an omnivorous animal, so I can look good."

Xia Moqing didn't know what to say for a while, and after establishing a relationship with this girl, it was easier to be cold...

He sighed softly, and then watched the movie quietly. After about half an hour of silence, Mu Nian turned to look at Xia Moqing, "Moqing, is my chance of surviving really 50.00%?"

"I'm just asking casually..." Mu Nian immediately shook his hand again.

Xia Moqing turned his head to look at her, she was still holding a piece of popcorn in her hand, but at this moment, he was so distressed, he leaned over and kissed her cheek again, Mu Nian was stunned, Xia Moqing quickly took her hand Swallow the popcorn held on the table.

"I said that I will do my best [-]%, so you can rest assured."

Mu Nian looked at his empty hand, and said after a long time, "If I really can't survive, I won't blame you."

"I'm very afraid of death, but if the sky wants to kill me, there's nothing I can do!" Mu Nian raised her face and smiled at him.

Xia Moqing pursed her lips and took her hand, "Watch a movie. Stop talking."

This girl, she has no good things to say. As long as she speaks, it will make him feel bad and make him sad. She always talks about death and death, and don't mention death if you are afraid of death. Don't understand this?

Mu Nian looked at the big screen in front of him, he was dumbfounded by the hail of bullets.

Looking at it, Mu Nian's eyelids twitched, and his head jerked back and forth.

Xia Moqing turned her head to look over, and gently pulled her head to rest on her shoulder.

Mu Nian's apricot pupils opened slightly, then remained calm and continued to lean against him, and then slowly closed them again.

For a long time, Mu Nian only felt that in the darkness, a pair of hands was touching her leg. She frowned slightly, and pushed the hand on the leg, but the hand on the leg continued to touch it. Be bolder.

Mu Nian was impatient, opened her eyes, and then realized that Xia Moqing was holding her hand with one hand, and the other hand was stuffing popcorn boringly, the hands on those legs...

She started up suddenly, and the hand on her hind leg was suddenly withdrawn.

Mu Nian looked to the side, and saw that sitting next to him was a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body and a greasy face.

"What were you doing just now?" Mu Nian panicked, she glared at the greasy man.

The man looked at her innocently. Sitting next to him was his wife. His wife came over and said, "What's wrong?"

Mu Nian stood up abruptly, feeling goosebumps all over his body, and slapped the middle-aged man on the face, tears of panic fell down his face for a moment: "What are you touching on my leg!"

Immediately, everyone around Mu Nian turned their attention to them.

"What nonsense are you talking about, girl?" The middle-aged man frowned with an innocent look on his face.

Xia Moqing pulled up Mu Nian and walked out.

"There are all kinds of girls these days, just like her, I touch her? My wife, don't listen to her nonsense!" The middle-aged man's voice is not too soft, Mu Nian can hear it clearly, if it weren't for Xia Mo's clear Pulling tightly, she can't wait to...

After walking out of the auditorium, Xia Moqing bent down and looked at the aggrieved Mu Nian who was shedding tears.

He reached out and wiped her tears away.

Mu Nian's teeth were trembling with anger, the touch of the man touching her leg was still sticky, Mu Nian only felt nausea in her stomach, she raised her head and looked at Xia Moqing: "Did that man really touch it?" Me!"

(End of this chapter)

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