41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 12 Studying in the Allotted Time

Chapter 12 Studying in the Allotted Time

In the book "Scientific Learning Methods for Middle School Students" written by Japanese scholar Tazaki Hitoshi, many viewpoints, methods and suggestions may give us some useful inspiration and help.From the perspective of rational use of time, the author puts forward the following views and practices:
Is it better to study longer?No, because learning efficiency is not determined by quantity (time) but by quality (learning method).Studying after 12 o'clock in the evening is naturally inefficient, and studying all night is the least efficient method of learning.The key question is what time of day to study and with what method. "Learn in the specified time", this is one of the important rules of the learning method recommended by experts in the study of learning methods.

Nine Dos and Ten Don'ts for Effective Use of Time Learning
To use your time effectively, do:

① Clearly separate what must be done from what may or may not be done;

② Start with important and difficult things first;

③ There must be a practical study timetable;
④ Use free time correctly;
⑤ Keep learning tools at hand so that they can be used at any time;
⑥ Don't think wildly during the learning process;
⑦ To really drill in and develop the habit of working hard;

⑧ To master the correct method of reading and writing;
⑨ Choose a work and rest time that suits your personality.

To avoid wasting time, get rid of the following habits while studying:

① thinking about other things;

② uneasy;

③ looking for something;
④ Drink tea and go to the toilet from time to time;

⑤ Keep a diary, write and read letters;

⑥ Scribbling in a notebook;
⑦ Being distracted by TV and radio programs;

⑧ Being distracted by other people's activities and laughter;
⑨ Chatting;

⑩ nap.

Please seize every bit of time, work hard, and move towards your goal!
In order to make it easier for everyone to understand and master this method, we first briefly introduce the relevant knowledge of the comparative method here.

The comparative method is a research method that compares the different manifestations of a certain type of phenomenon under different circumstances according to certain standards, and finds out its general laws and its special nature.Simply put, it is a method of understanding the laws of phenomena through comparison.

There are three conditions for using the comparative method: first, there must be more than two kinds of things, second, these things must have a common basis, and third, these things must have different characteristics.

The main types of comparative methods are:
① Longitudinal comparison.

Vertical comparison is to compare different stages of development of the same thing.For example, in order to understand the learning situation of a certain student in the past year, we can compare his ranking in the class when he entered school with his current ranking in the class, and we can immediately get the learning situation of this student in this year. Is it progress or regress.

② Horizontal comparison.

Horizontal comparison is to compare things that coexist at the same time.For example, in order to understand the gap between urban and rural areas, we can choose their investment in education for comparison.According to statistics, the percentage of urban education expenditures in public expenditures (17.8%) is much higher than that of rural education expenditures in public expenditures (10.5%).

③ Similar comparison.

Similar comparison is the comparison of the characteristics of two or two types of things with the same nature, and the common points of things are found in the comparison.For example, we know that the first object has a certain characteristic X, and at the same time has another characteristic Y.At this time, if we know that the second object also has the second feature X, then we can immediately deduce that the second object should also have the feature Y.

④ Comparison of differences.

Dissimilarity comparison is to compare two or two types of things with opposite properties or the pros and cons of a thing.That is to compare the different attributes of two things, so as to explain the difference between the two things.This comparison, as far as its thought process is concerned, is the same as the comparison of the same kind, and it is also a reasoning from individual to individual, but what it shows is not the similarity of two things but the difference between two things.

(End of this chapter)

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