41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 13 The Comparative Learning Method

Chapter 13 The Comparative Learning Method

Next, we focus on the similar comparison method.

In layman's terms, the similar comparison method is to find out the differences as much as possible on the basis of common points or similar points.There are many things that look similar on the surface and have a large proportion of similarities, but they are quite different in essence.According to the research of psychologists, the similarity of objective things is one of the important sources of memory errors, and the more similar things are, the easier it is to make mistakes in their memory.Therefore, in order to make the memory accurate and make no or fewer mistakes, one should learn to find out the differences as much as possible among various similar things, so as to grasp these differences and make various things accurate. The image is firmly held in the mind.This is the application of similar comparison method in learning.For example, when learning some synonyms, it is necessary to use your brain and try to find out the difference in meaning between them, so as not to confuse and disturb memory.

The steps of the comparative learning method
Let's talk about the steps of using the similar comparison method to learn.

First, according to the subject of study, establish the purpose of comparison and choose the appropriate comparison object, that is to say, you must clarify the subject of your comparison, that is, what to compare.

Second, collect and analyze materials related to the object, such as excerpts, notes, etc., and strive to master the basic knowledge of the comparison object; that is, contrastive learning.

Third, formulate a practical standard, and then arrange them according to the specific comparison items of the objects to be compared, and study them one by one.That is to say, what do you plan to use to measure the things to be compared or their characteristics, such as time, hours, years, or the number of correct answers, interests, teaching content, etc. to set comparison standards.

Fourth, collect the data you need in a planned way, and conduct comparative studies separately.The comparison items listed in step [-] should be revised in due course, if necessary.The content of comparative study is to conduct sufficient research on the comparative facts and data, explain why it is this way, not that way, and analyze the reasons and reasons for this fact.

The fifth and most critical step is to analyze the similarities and differences of each project and try to find out the reasons for these differences.Then draw conclusions.Sometimes the conclusion of comparison has been given directly in the process of analysis, which requires you to make a summary conclusion.

(End of this chapter)

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