41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 14 Considerations for Using Like-For-like Comparisons

Chapter 14 Considerations for Using Like-For-like Comparisons
However, it is not a simple matter to use the similar comparison method well, and it takes a long time of exercise to be proficient and handy.Generally speaking, the following basic requirements should be paid attention to when using the similar comparison method:

First of all, to scientifically use the method of similar comparison, one must pay attention to the comparability between things, and do not compare things that are not comparable, otherwise it is just a waste of time.

Generally speaking, all comparable things have at least one basic and main common point, and these common points must be related to the differences to be compared, otherwise they are incomparable.In learning, it is generally a comparison of similar things, such as the comparison of two different learning methods.

Second, pay attention to the breadth of the comparison.The so-called universality means not only vertical comparison, but also horizontal comparison; not only comparing two objects with each other, but also comparing the phenomenon with the whole.Only in this way will the final conclusion be more convincing.

Again, not only the phenomenon of things should be compared, but more importantly, the essence of things should be compared.In fact, this is also the requirement for us to do a good job in learning: everything should not stay on the surface, but go deep into its essence.

For example, when comparing the bourgeois revolutions in the United States and France, why did the United States "smoothly sail" and achieve victory and establish a bourgeois republic in a short period of time, while France achieved its final victory after going through ups and downs?At this time, we must delve into the history of the two countries.The United States was originally a British colony, and its development did not go through the stage of feudal society, so there was basically no resistance to the bourgeois revolution; the situation in France was very different.France has experienced a long period of feudal society, and in the Middle Ages it was the center of feudal forces in the entire European continent.Therefore, the remnants of feudalism were deeply rooted in France.Therefore, the French Revolution has twists and turns, repeated many times.

(End of this chapter)

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