41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 19 Su Qin's "Bone-piercing Cone" Finally Becomes a Great Weapon

Chapter 19 Su Qin's "Bone-piercing Cone" Finally Becomes a Great Weapon

Su Qin was successful in his studies, bid farewell to his master Guiguzi and went down the mountain. He exchanged all his wealth for a hundred gold and a sable fur coat. Then he led his chariot and horse servants to visit mountains, rivers, terrains, folk customs, and mastered the interests of the world. .However, several years have passed, Su Qin has never been reused, and there is nowhere to display his talents.In the end he ran out of money and had to go home dejected.When he got home, the whole family blamed him for being idle and dragging the whole family down.The wife was so angry that she didn't recognize him as her husband, her sister-in-law didn't recognize him as her uncle, and her mother was so angry that she didn't recognize him as her son.In desperation, Su Qin remembered the words of his master Gui Guzi when he was leaving: "If you can't get an official position by lobbying other countries, you only need to read the book "Yin Fu" well, and you will naturally gain a lot." Staying behind closed doors, delved into books on the art of war such as "Yin Talisman" and "Six Secret Teachings", studying diligently day and night.Whenever it was late at night, when people were dizzy, eyes were astringent, and they always wanted to sleep, they would prick their own thighs with an awl prepared in advance (sometimes even bleeding profusely), so that they could wake up and read again.A year later, Su Qin finally had a great understanding and grasped the situation of the countries and the world in his heart.He traveled to various countries and succeeded in Yan and Zhao.Afterwards, the six countries were united to fight against Qin together, and achieved immortal feats.In the end, he finally became a celebrity of a generation, spread across the seven kingdoms, and became famous all over the world.

Later generations combined the two stories of Sun Jing's "head hanging from the beam" and Su Qin's "cone stabbing the thigh" as an idiom to inspire future generations to study hard.

(End of this chapter)

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