41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 20 Liu Bocheng studied hard and became a famous general

Chapter 20 Liu Bocheng studied hard and became a famous general

In fact, from ancient times to the present, we have no shortage of examples in this regard.Marshal Liu Bocheng, one of the top ten marshals, is an excellent example.

Liu Bocheng worked hard and diligently throughout his life, so that he not only completed the progress from soldier to marshal, but also became a proletarian military strategist, known as "Confucian General".

Among the generals of our army, Liu Bocheng is famous for his hard work.Since he was a child, he admired the assiduous spirit of the ancients "hanging the head over the beam" and "pricking the buttocks".When he was in private school, he was often the first to arrive at school and the last to leave. He not only memorized the texts, but also memorized the annotations.In middle school and military academy, he was even more diligent and assiduous, so that his grades in all subjects were outstanding.After entering the army, he still did not forget to study.

After the failure of the Great Revolution, the party sent Liu Bocheng to study in the Soviet Union. He was already 36 years old when he entered the Soviet Red Army Advanced Infantry School.It is quite difficult to learn foreign languages ​​at this age.However, starting from the alphabet and pronunciation, it took him more than two years to overcome the foreign language barrier, and achieved excellent results in Russian and various subjects.By the time he graduated he had been able to translate Russian military theoretical works.

After returning to China, he became the first translation section chief of our army.With the help of Russian tools, he systematically studied the history of Roman warfare, Napoleon's war history, and the history of the Russo-Japanese War, broadening his military horizons.He also systematically studied the regulations, rules, and combat theories of the Soviet army, increasing the knowledge of regularizing the army and fighting modern warfare.

During the revolutionary war years, Liu Bocheng spent most of his time on the front line. He often withdrew military books under artillery fire, putting life and death aside, and devoted himself to the art of war. The endless sound of guns and guns often became his study of military books. accompaniment.For example, in 1941, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army sent a translation of "Contract Tactics" to Liu Bocheng for revision.A year later, this translation was edited and copied. Liu Bocheng wrote in the preface: "This book has undergone three anti-sweeping battles during the correction."At that time, it was the most brutal stage of the Anti-Japanese War, and there were almost daily wars.Even so, Liu Bocheng did not forget the proofreading work, and he regarded this work as a learning task.After that, the translation of the lower part of "Contract Tactics" was sent to Liu Bocheng. When the revision was completed and copied, Liu Bocheng wrote the preface for him.He wrote: "When I was on the front line of the Patriotic Self-Defense War, I brought this "Contract Tactics" and its translation, and then I really started to correct and re-translate. Fortunately, under the supervision of the enemy's aircraft, artillery and tanks, and my staff comrades helped draw it. Next,...completed all the work before the expedition." "People's Daily" reported: "General Liu Bocheng completed the proofreading and translation of the second half of the book "Contract Tactics" in the midst of the war. In the past 20 days, General Liu has made another major contribution besides annihilating [-] brigades of Jiang's army....In the past [-] days, General Liu has galloped across the Hebei-Shandong-Henan Plain, winning five battles and five victories, with an average of one battle every [-] days." "General Liu, in the midst of the extremely busy self-defense war, immediately began proofreading translations if there was a gap."

For Liu Bocheng's hard work, Zhu De praised: "Study hard and never get tired of it." Open-minded, constantly seeking knowledge, compared with the generals of the Kuomintang, he really stands out from the crowd."

In short, the strong stimulation method is actually a method of hard work and continuous study.Hard work will pay off in the end, as long as you keep working hard, you can achieve something in the end.

The method of waking up before going to bed is a learning method born of scientific research.

Suitable for studying before going to bed and after waking up
Experiments by psychologists have proved that things learned before falling asleep can be remembered for the longest time, because during sleep, the nerve cells in the cerebral cortex generally turn into a state of inhibition; things learned before going to sleep are not stimulated by other information. Interference, this is the effect of recency benefit.This is the theoretical basis of the method of waking up before going to bed.At the same time, according to the interference theory of memory, memory is affected by proactive inhibition and posterior inhibition.The so-called proactive inhibition refers to the interference effect of the first learned material on the later learned material.Reactive inhibition is the opposite.Learning before going to bed or after waking up, because there is no influence of posterior inhibition and proactive inhibition, respectively, the memory retention is the largest.

Since the information learned before going to bed is not disturbed, it is clearly recorded in the cerebral cortex, so when we wake up in the morning and before the brain receives external stimulation, we should promptly recall what we learned before going to bed the night before, and at the same time distinguish clearly: remember What do you live in?What did Bud forget?Ya then opened the book and corrected it. If he found that he had forgotten or remembered something wrong, he should correct it immediately, and then press the correct one to remember it again.This learning method is suitable for learning content that is difficult to remember, such as learning foreign languages, memorizing memorization, memorizing words, and memorizing formulas.Proper use of this method can receive unexpected results.Generally speaking, it is best to study one hour after getting up and before going to bed.

Scientific sleep improves efficiency
Engels said that those who can rest will work.When we talk about the method before going to bed and waking up, it is definitely not asking everyone to forget about eating and sleeping.Instead, talk to everyone about how to sleep scientifically.

Each of us sleeps about 8 hours a day.Some people say that it is not cost-effective to spend one-third of your life on sleep. It would be great if you could spend 24 hours a day on work and study.However, this idea is very unrealistic. Almost everyone needs rest, and the most important manifestation of rest is sleep.Rest can make the body accumulate energy, so as to better carry out the next step of work and study.In order to sleep well, you should take a bath and wash your feet before going to bed. You should not overeat, do not drink tea or coffee, underwear should be loose, and the height of the pillow should be moderately soft and hard.

Sleep time should be based on different ages, and there are different standards: preschool children should sleep 12 hours a day, children 10 hours, children aged 13 to 15 9 hours, children after 15 years old 8 hours, adults 7 to 8 hours, the elderly It takes 5-6 hours for a person.So, how can we sleep well?

Specifically, if you want to have high-quality sleep, please pay attention to the following factors.

One is to maintain the normal operation of the body clock.If you get up on time every day and expose yourself to the morning sun (weekends are no exception), then your biological clock will run on time, which is the most critical point for improving sleep quality.

The second is to pay attention to changes in body temperature.Scientific research has shown that fluctuations in body temperature can affect people's biological rhythms.Once a person's body temperature drops, drowsiness comes immediately.Sleep disturbances occur when body temperature regulation is out of control.Take a bath before going to bed, or do 20 minutes of aerobic exercise before going to bed, the body temperature will drop before going to bed, and it is easy to fall into a sweet dreamland.

Third, pay attention to eating habits.Although some people claim that they don't feel bad sleep even if they consume a lot of foods containing stimulating ingredients such as coffee, chocolate, cola and tea, experiments have confirmed that their deep sleep is affected.Although alcohol helps sleep, it releases a natural stimulant during the metabolic process, which disrupts sleep in the second half of the night.

There are also some environmental factors that should be paid attention to, such as noise.If people are exposed to a certain noise environment, they will get used to this environment after a long time, but it will reduce the time of deep sleep. Therefore, noise interference should be avoided as much as possible in life.

In addition, for those who have poor sleep and are prone to insomnia, it is best to go to bed when there is strong drowsiness.The result of going to bed early is often "haste makes waste", which will only aggravate psychological pressure. In some cases, going to bed late and getting up early, reducing sleep time, will actually help improve sleep quality.

How to protect the brain?In fact, as long as you meet the following eight requirements, you will have a healthy brain:

① Be diligent in using your brain;
②Don’t overuse your brain;
③ Ensure the reasonable nutrition of the brain;

④ Maintain an optimistic mood;

⑤ Adequate sleep;
⑥ have the correct sleeping posture;

⑦Quiet bedroom, comfortable bedding;

⑧ To develop good sleep habits.

Broadcast learning is an old but practical learning method.

The so-called "broadcast learning method" refers to the method of using the radio to learn.There are many advantages to using the radio for teaching and learning lectures.First of all, it has simple requirements for learning tools (just a radio is enough, anyone can afford it), so it can be used regardless of urban and rural areas; second, because the radio is not restricted by region (as long as there is a broadcast signal ), so you can directly accept the guidance of first-rate experts; third, because the broadcast time of the daily program content is fixed, it can be included in your own learning plan; fourth, switching on and off by yourself will generate enthusiasm for active learning.

broadcasting features

Broadcasting is a form of speech that faces the audience, focuses on a certain issue, and uses sound to promote to the crowd.Therefore, when using the radio to study, you should pay attention to the following aspects.

First of all, the theme of the broadcast content should be grasped.There is a difference between the content of the broadcast and the content of the book.The content of the book is there, so you can understand it at a glance.Broadcasting is different, we have to rely on our ears to grasp its main content.Therefore, the broadcast must have a clear theme, that is, what it supports and what it opposes, and it must be clear to the audience.Therefore, pay special attention to its theme when listening to the radio.Specifically, it is necessary to figure out its attitude and point of view, that is, whether it is in favor or against, whether it is praise or criticism, and it must not be vague or ambiguous.

Secondly, in order to impress the audience, there must be vivid and specific materials, including facts, stories, famous sayings, statistics and so on.In short, broadcasting is to use materials to clarify one's point of view. The examples it cites must not only be appropriate, but also concise; the materials quoted must be accurate, and some materials must be carefully identified. They cannot be used just because they are misleading. Audience; therefore, when selecting materials, radio will try to choose specific, vivid, novel examples or other visual materials.Only in this way will it not give the audience a sense of blindly reasoning.Moreover, interspersing some figurative materials in more abstract questions can not only turn abstraction into concreteness, but also easily form an appeal in the description of its image and mobilize the audience's feelings.When using the radio to study, we must pay attention to try to figure out these contents.

Third, in order to attract the attention of the audience, the radio will carefully design its "opening remarks".Because the "opening remark" is the first impression it brings to the audience, and it is also the first bridge with the audience, so it must have a strong agitation. Bring out your own point of view, make it vivid and fascinating, and you can also lead the audience into a "successful place" through storytelling. You can also start with a series of questions, set up suspense, and guide the audience to listen.Paying attention to this question when doing radio learning is very helpful for your own language learning, especially writing.

Finally, the language of the radio is excellent, mostly vivid.This is because vivid language can communicate the feelings of both parties, shorten the distance between each other, and make the content more attractive and appealing.Therefore, radio is particularly good at using spoken language, and is good at using metaphors, exaggerations, parallelism and other rhetorical techniques appropriately, so that it can be lively and catch the audience.Paying attention to this at ordinary times should be deeply inspiring to yourself.

Let's take the use of radio for English learning as an example to talk about how to master and use the radio learning method.

There are many benefits to learning English by listening to the radio
Although there are many ways and means of learning English, the vast majority of people who learn English suffer from the lack of an authentic, real and three-dimensional learning environment.Using the radio to learn English can just make up for this deficiency and greatly improve the efficiency and level of English learning.Because using radio to learn English has the following advantages:
①The language is authentic and accurate.

The language used in the English broadcast programs on the radio is relatively standard and authentic, especially radio stations such as BBC, VOA, Radio Australia, and China Radio International can provide us with very authentic examples of English language.

② Strong timeliness.

Because of its own characteristics, English radio programs have strong timeliness.Therefore, both the content and the language we hear are often very fresh and contemporary, which can make up for the major shortage of outdated learning materials.

③ Large amount of information, selective and open.

English broadcast programs have a large amount of information and rich content, involving politics, economy, military, culture, sports, life, entertainment and other aspects of knowledge and information closely related to study, work and life.

At the same time, English broadcasting is also highly selective and open.We can choose to listen to different radio stations and different program content according to our own ability and needs, such as English introduction, English news, special lectures, etc.

What and how to learn English by listening to the radio?bud

English radio programs are rich in content and can be described as varied.As the saying goes, "There are three thousand weak waters, just take one scoop".You can use English radio programs to focus on the following content and develop the following abilities.

① Learn vocabulary.

Enlarging vocabulary is an important part of learning English with English radio programs.The English broadcasting programs on the radio will provide a large number of specific, vivid and real examples for our learning of English vocabulary.Therefore, we should make good use of English radio programs to learn new words, phrases, idioms, idioms, and popular words, and pay attention to learning and mastering different usages of some commonly used words, so as to enrich and enrich our vocabulary.

②Cultivate and improve listening ability, and promote the improvement of oral English ability.

As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, if you keep listening to English broadcasts, your listening will improve naturally.However, when cultivating listening, it should be planned and targeted, and pay attention to the relationship between extensive listening and intensive listening.Some content of English radio programs is presented in interactive ways such as dialogues. Therefore, when listening to these programs, you should pay attention to how the characters in the programs express and communicate, so as to improve and promote your oral expression ability through listening.

③Accumulate cultural background knowledge and improve comprehensive English ability.

English radio programs also provide us with a lot of cultural background knowledge about Western countries such as Britain and the United States.Such as VOA's The Making of A Nation (history of the founding of the country), American Mosaic (American kaleidoscope), BBC's British life, stories of western music, Radio Australia's Australian style, Australian life, etc.They can enable us to understand the cultural background knowledge of these countries' history, geography, architecture, music, customs and other aspects.Therefore, we should pay attention to accumulating in this aspect when listening and studying.These are of great benefit to improving our comprehensive English level and ability.Let’s talk about the general method of learning English by using English broadcasting programs.

The first step is to choose a suitable radio.

"If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools."Good learning tools can get twice the result with half the effort, so pay attention to this problem.If you want to listen to English radio programs clearly, it is best to choose a radio with two channels, good signal reception, and strong anti-interference ability.

The second is to develop a practical listening plan.

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste.Making a practical listening plan is the premise to ensure the listening time and improve the listening effect.Therefore, when using English broadcasting to learn English, you should make a listening plan according to your English foundation and ability, needs, preferences, disposable time and other factors.

Finally, it must be done step by step and persevere.

When using English broadcasting to learn English, you should do what you can and proceed step by step.Before listening, collect some information about the radio station you want to listen to, and be familiar with its column content and the commonly used sentences of the announcer, which will be of great help to listening.In the process, we can also buy some books and audio tapes of English radio programs for warm-up study or comparison and reference in the process of listening and learning.In addition, it is also a good way to ask those who have experience in listening to English broadcasts.

In Japan, a survey of radio listening time and usage methods found that the radio learning method has more advantages than disadvantages.The radio is the same as the class in the classroom, it is mainly based on lectures, and you must always concentrate on using it to learn.

Also pay attention to when using broadcast learning:

① Listen in a planned way, include it in your own study plan, and develop the habit of listening on time;

②Listen selectively, and listen to different subjects for different purposes.

When choosing a program, factors such as personal characteristics, education level, and interest in this subject should be taken into consideration.

In addition to the advantages of the broadcast learning method, this learning method also has a more important feature that increases the role of vision in learning.Modern neuropsychological experiments have proved that it is better for a variety of sensory organs to participate in learning than for one sensory organ to fight alone.People can remember 15% of knowledge acquired from hearing; 25% of knowledge acquired from vision; and 65% of all knowledge acquired by combining hearing and vision.This shows the great significance of the coordination of various sensory organs.The use of TV for learning can fully mobilize the active activities of eyes, ears, brain and other organs, so that satisfactory learning effects can be achieved.However, this method is currently subject to great controversy. Many people believe that this method will affect children's academic performance.One of the reasons for many educators and parents to limit children's exposure to media is that the longer children are exposed to media, the shorter their learning time or even their lack of interest in learning, resulting in a decline in academic performance.

(End of this chapter)

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