41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 46 Strong ability depends on "whale swallowing"

Chapter 46 Strong ability depends on "whale swallowing" (2)
When Chairman Mao was studying in Changsha when he was young, there was a Dingwang Terrace in Changsha City, where the Hunan Provincial Library was located at that time.There are various Chinese and foreign books on the upper floor of the library, and the downstairs hall is the reading room.This library has just opened, and there are not many people who go to read books every day.But every day as soon as the door opened, a tall young man in plain clothes walked into the museum without any haste.When he borrowed a book, he leaned over the table in the reading room, read it attentively, and didn't go out until the library was closed.This young man, like this every day, rain or shine, he is Mao Zedong.He concentrates on studying here every day, and only goes out to buy a few steamed buns or sesame cakes at noon to satisfy his hunger.When Mao Zedong later recalled this period of life, he once said: "When he arrived at the library, he was like a cow entering a vegetable garden, eating desperately!" Mao Zedong read all kinds of books, including history, geography, philosophy, literature…….During this period, he read Adam Smith's "Original Wealth", Darwin's "On the Origin of Species", Hudgers' "Evolution of Nature", Muller's "Famous Studies", Spencer's "Groups" Study", Montesquieu's "Fa Yi", Rousseau's "On the Civil Contract", "Social Interpretation", etc., as well as literary works of ancient Greece and Rome... In short, all the masterpieces translated from foreign languages ​​into Chinese at that time, He read almost all of them.

However, Chairman Mao's reading is not simply a matter of finishing it at one time.At a meeting in the 20s, when talking about reading "A Dream of Red Mansions", he said with deep emotion: "Only after reading it at least five times can he have the right to speak." In fact, he read some novels more than five times.He advocated that reading books should be studied carefully and read repeatedly.

Chairman Mao has always opposed the method of reading that only seeks to be fast and does not focus on results.When he was reading the complete works of Han Changli's poems and essays, except for a few chapters, he carefully pondered and studied each one carefully, from vocabulary, sentence reading, chapters to the meaning of the full text, never letting go of any aspect.Through repeated reading and chanting, most of the poems in Han Ji can be recited fluently. He had read "Journey to the West", "A Dream of Red Mansions", "Water Margin", and "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" since elementary school, and re-read them in the 60s.He has seen more than ten different versions of "Dream of Red Mansions".

Through such a wide range of research, and then repeated reading and absorption, he was able to learn from the past and the present and become an outstanding great man in Chinese history.

Matters needing attention in learning "cow food" method
In our daily study and life, to use this learning method, we can do the following:
①Every book worth reading must be read at least twice.Read quickly the first time, focusing on understanding the main theme and characteristics of the whole article.Read it slowly a second time, evaluating the content of the book critically.

② After reading a book, you must take notes on the outline, highlights and your own opinions.Taking notes can not only help you remember, but also force you to be careful and stimulate your thinking.

③ Reading must also strive to achieve three qualities: tenacity, memory, and understanding.If you have toughness and no memory, you will read for nothing.If you have memory but no comprehension, the book is a dead book.

Comprehension is very important, and everything is alive in one fell swoop.In addition, there is no fixed method for learning, and how to operate it varies from person to person.

The data card method is a learning method that uses cards to extract relevant materials.

Each card generally only remembers one question, which can briefly describe the content of a book or article, a paragraph of incisive words, a typical vivid example, a topic, or even the source of a certain article or the introduction of the author of the article. You can write your "flash thoughts" when you read a book or think about a problem, or write a difficult problem on the card.People can classify dozens or hundreds of kinds of materials to put together their opinions on a certain issue, which is convenient for comparison and research.

As for the notes in the whole book, different types of information are recorded in a mess, like a hodgepodge, which is easy to forget and hard to find after a long time.

The practice of randomly memorizing this homework book and that exercise book also has the disadvantage of being difficult to find. It is not as easy to consult as card information.

Therefore, the biggest advantage of the data card method is that it is flexible and easy to organize and search.When the cards have accumulated to a certain amount, they must be classified and cataloged according to their content and nature.There must be a guide card between the category and the item, and the source, author, time, and page number should be indicated on the card, and each card should be marked with an eye-catching title and label for easy reference.After the card is used, put it back to the original fixed position, so as to facilitate the search, and it is handy to use.That is, write down the key points of knowledge to be remembered on a small card, so that it can be stored, retrieved, and carried at any time for searching, memorizing, and accumulating information.

"Cards" accumulate into everyone
(Wu Han's "Note Cards") Wu Han, a famous modern historian in my country, is good at writing articles with profound historical knowledge and beautiful writing style, which comes from his unique "Note Cards".For decades, whenever Wu Han came across materials that he thought were valuable, he would write them down on cards, and keep them classified by content and nature.His experience in making cards is: write only one content on a card, add the title, note the category, and clearly write the source of the information, that is, the author, title, page number, etc.

(Jack London's various small notes) American writer Jack London also likes to apply this method, but he uses small notes instead of cards.Anyone who has been to his house finds it very strange: on the curtains, on the hangers, on the cabinets, on the head of the bed, on the mirror, on the wall... There are all kinds of small notes everywhere. I thought it was some kind of special decoration.

Actually, these little notes are not blank.It is full of all kinds of materials he collected: there are wonderful words, vivid metaphors, and all kinds of materials.Jack London never wanted time to slip by under his nose.Before going to bed, he silently read the small note on the bedside; when he woke up the next morning, he read the small note on the wall while dressing; while shaving, he looked at the small note on the mirror; While pacing and resting, he recalled the content on the small note, and at the same time looked for words and materials that inspired his creation.Not only at home, but also when going out.When going out, Jack London put the little note in his pocket, and whenever he was free, he would take it out anytime and anywhere to have a look, think about it, and write it down.Because of his perseverance in collecting and accumulating materials, putting them into his mind bit by bit, and using them flexibly, he has written brilliant works one after another.

Learn English with the help of "cards"
The role of the data card method in English learning is obvious.When middle school students learn new words, it is best to combine listening, speaking, reading and writing.The more ways to learn, the higher the efficiency of memory.Experts recommend: Read aloud several times, then write and tell with the words covered.Do not learn more than 30 new words a day.Use index cards to connect familiar things at home to new study material, and review them every few weeks.For grammar, students can only master grammar rules if they can illustrate them with their own words and examples.

College students have to accept a lot of practical knowledge in a very short period of time, so it is very important to arrange their studies reasonably.If the key points are extracted with cards and the key points are classified with the help of learning cards, it will be easier to digest piles of learning materials.Before the exam, it is very beneficial for the exam to review the content of the textbook with the help of study cards or study notes.

Therefore, whether it is a middle school student or a college student, the role of the data card method in English learning is obvious.

Especially in middle school learning, the data card method is also very useful for other subjects.For example, a physics teacher pointed out in his learning method guidance: "The current textbooks are arranged according to the structural form of 'phenomenon first, then essence', 'macro first, then micro', and 'parts first, then the whole'. At the general review stage, you should Consider the systematic aspect of knowledge, resummarize and reorganize the knowledge of each chapter, and form a knowledge network. Generally, it is classified according to force, light, heat, electricity, etc., so as to clarify the ins and outs of knowledge and the interconnection and relationship between knowledge. difference, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

After organizing the knowledge, if some basic points, important points, difficult points, connection points between knowledge, error-prone points, etc. are made into learning cards, it can save time for reviewing later.You only need to flip through before the exam, and you can have a panoramic view of its essence, and you don't have to face the thick books and find it difficult to start.

Regularly "inventory" the cards

But accumulating data is a hard work that requires patience, care and perseverance. For this, you must first be diligent.One person makes a few cards a day, a few years in college, and then decades of work, accumulating over time, this is a very valuable asset.The information has been accumulated, and it must be fully utilized, communicate with others, and acquire new knowledge more quickly.The second is to organize regularly. "Turn over often", "review the past to learn the new", often have new discoveries on old materials, and inspire new creative inspiration.It is necessary to regularly clear and check the database, remove some outdated and useless materials in a timely manner, and add new materials in a timely manner.Like this, just can save time, improve memory effect, convenient and efficient.

When sorting out data cards on a regular basis, we can learn from the "inventory-style" reading method of Chinese sociologist Fei Xiaotong.

The "inventory-style" reading method refers to extracting relevant materials at any time, and regularly classifying, comparing, summarizing and refining these materials, just like a store needs to purchase goods at any time and conduct regular inventory.This method is mainly proposed for self-study, and it is an effective way to improve self-study ability and self-study.

In the process of reading, most self-learners will always extract some valuable information.How to make these extracted information available to us?The most important method of budding is to classify, compare, summarize and refine these materials on a regular basis.If there is no classification and outline, it will be a mess, and the notebook will become a miscellaneous notebook; if there is no comparison, there will be no identification, you will not be able to distinguish the essence from the dross, and you will not be able to choose the best thing; If you don't stick to the main points, you can't summarize the rules; if you don't refine, you can't sublimate knowledge, and you can't create something on the basis of absorption. These are four different and interconnected processes.Every "inventory" in learning will reduce blindness and enhance pertinence, so as to make progress, gain and create.This learning process is like being a "setter". Self-learners must be good at extracting knowledge from others or books, absorbing valuable things, and then adjusting it to an appropriate position. This is also the process of absorption, digestion and creation in learning.

(End of this chapter)

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