41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 47 Introduction to Card Making

Chapter 47 Introduction to Card Making
Cards need to be convenient for reference and long-term storage, so they should be set up according to a certain specification as much as possible, and the size is determined by yourself.Too big for storage, too small to remember many things.The most commonly used ones are 64 format. The card size is 6cm×9cm, 75cm×25cm. The main columns include: category, main content, source, author, publication date, number of pages cited, publisher Etc. If it is simpler, only indicate the category, content, and source.In addition to the feeling card, other cards must indicate the source of the information (title of the book or thesis, author, name of the publisher, edition or date of issue, and page number. If the information is on a newspaper, the name of the newspaper, date and edition must be indicated etc.) for checking when citing.Any card, including the casual card, must indicate the category (when the content is long, it can be divided into subcategories), the serial number of the information, etc.

There are too many cards accumulated, there must be a classification guide, write the table of contents, index and page number.The title, index, and number should also be written for the bound notebooks to facilitate search and future research.Diary data can be classified by year and month, and reading notes are best classified by content.As for clippings, the basic requirements are roughly the same as for cards and notes.The range of newspaper clippings is relatively wide. You can consciously pay attention to some newspapers and magazines that you think are more valuable for a long time, and pay attention to the continuity and systematicness of the materials.Controversial articles and articles with different views on the same issue should be collected in order to find differences and discover new things in the comparison.Some newspaper clippings and materials with fine and short content can be pasted on the card directly or after processing.

Attached below are two cards for your reference.

([-]) Short form knowledge card
Guo Moruo (1892~1978)

Formerly known as Guo Kaizhen, he used pen names Guo Dingtang, Mai Ang, and Yi Kanren.A native of Leshan, Sichuan. In 1919, he published his poems in Shanghai "Current Affairs News· Xue Deng". In 1921, the Creation Society was established, and he became the backbone of the Creation Society.In Guo Moruo's long creative career, the most representative and most successful new poetry is the poetry anthology "Goddess" published in 1921.The author combines the idea of ​​pantheism with the spirit of democracy, praising nature, praising urban civilization, and praising the power of the 20th century. These brand-new contents, with the help of Whitman's free verse, properly express the spirit of the times during the May Fourth Movement.These poems are full of emotion, the verses are gushing out, the rhythm is tight, and they have the power to move people.At the time when the new poems had not completely degenerated from the old poems, these poems with a new style appeared, which had a great influence on the poetry world, and erected a monument in the creation of romantic poetry.

([-]) Traditional
When using the data card method, you should also pay attention to it. If you want to receive better results, you need to make every effort, seize the time, and review in time.Making study cards is also a good way to review in time.It is best to make a summary of the day's study every night, to clarify what you have memorized, what needs a second round of review, and so on.If you don’t have time, you should also recall the knowledge you have learned in the day in your mind, so that each question has a coherent train of thought from the beginning to the end. If you don’t remember it, you must write it down and make it into a data card to consolidate it again. .And the previous summaries should be read at any time. It seems time-consuming to do so, but it actually lays a good foundation for the general review in the future.There is also the need to make learning cards so that you can carry them with you, so that you can make full use of fragmented time.This is a learning method recommended by many people. Try to record all the content you memorized the day before on the card, and see if you can strengthen your memory in time when you are riding or waiting for the bus the next day.

If you can accumulate strictly according to this method for a long time, I believe you will definitely gain a lot!
As the saying goes, "Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times." Knowledge comes from practice and must be tested by practice.Through on-the-spot investigation and practice, we will verify what we have learned, and will also enable us to better understand and master this knowledge, laying the foundation for flexible application in the future.

Xu Xiake who travels thousands of miles
In the era when Xu Xiake, a famous traveler and geographer in the Ming Dynasty in my country, lived, ordinary intellectuals adhered to the tradition of "study lectures and face the wall to read".However, Xu Xiake did not take the imperial examination, did not enter the official career, and did not pursue fame and wealth. He devoted all his energy to the geography research of the motherland.He started a life of arduous travel and exploration at the age of 22. Until the year before his death, he did not avoid hardships and dangers for more than 30 years, and inspected Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Henan, Shaanxi, and Shandong. , Hebei, Shanxi, Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou, Yunnan and other 16 provinces.Wherever he went, he conducted in-depth investigation and research on landforms, geology, hydrology, climate, plants, etc.He used the style of a diary to make detailed scientific records of the results of his investigation and research, and wrote it as "Xu Xiake's Travel Notes", which has an important position in the history of world science and technology.

Xu Xiake not only has a realistic spirit of not avoiding hardships and hardships, but also has a serious spirit of being meticulous in every situation and exploring the truth.In order to clarify one thing, he often conducts on-the-spot investigations again and again until he fully understands it.He visited Yandang Mountain three times and gave a scientific and detailed description of the landforms of Yandang Mountain; he went to Fujian three times to conduct on-the-spot investigations on the rivers in Zhangping, Fujian, and made scientific inferences.Every time he examines a problem, he always has a description, analysis, and originality, and he never blindly believes in book knowledge or echoes what others say.

Wei Yuan, who learned from the barbarians to control the barbarians
Wei Yuan was a famous thinker and writer in the late Qing Dynasty.When he was young, his family was in decline, and he read from his mother, "Mother taught his son to read, happily forgetting poverty." He once edited "Digest of Imperial Times" for He Changling, the chief minister of Jiangsu, and since then he has paid attention to the study of economics and talents.Later, as a candidate for the cabinet, he said to himself: "The cabinet is the collection of classics, and the sea of ​​the country's government is to pay attention to the study of allusions for a generation." Reading advocates the combination of "learning" and "action", and there is no "learning" "Not qualified for "asking".He also believes that reading must be useful and practical, and can solve practical problems, and sticking to books cannot be called learning.Those who read father's books should not talk to soldiers, those who keep old cases should not talk to law, and those who plagiarize can't talk to Wenwen. To mislead the world" is "Mediocre Confucianism".It is really useless "rotten Confucianism" to criticize scholars at that time who only ruled classics and history and did not pay attention to agriculture and mulberry.After the Opium War, he was worried and indignant about state affairs, and wrote "Sheng Wu Ji" to explain the martial arts of the Qing Dynasty with official documents and various private writings, arousing people's enthusiasm for patriotism and martial arts.

Wei Yuan also relied on Lin Zexu's compilation of Western historical and geographical materials "Sizhou Zhi", referring to the illustrations of various schools and historical annals, and compiled "Haiguo Tuzhi", which became my country's first world geography textbook in the late Qing Dynasty.He advocated the establishment of a translation center to translate Western books to understand the situation in the West, "to control the barbarians by learning from the skills of the barbarians."

read with bacon

In foreign countries, education pays more attention to the combination with reality.Bacon was a famous philosopher in England from the 16th to the 17th century.He is the author of "New Tools", "On the Value and Development of Science", "On the Wisdom of the Ancients", and "A Collection of Essays".In addition to his great influence in the history of human philosophy, he has researched theology, literature, law and natural science.He once served as the Queen's special counsel, a justice and the Speaker of the House of Lords.The reason why he is so knowledgeable and accomplished is inseparable from his own studious and reasonable reading method. He also advocates such a learning method combined with practice.

Bacon believed that "the purpose of reading is to understand the principles of things...to find the truth and enlighten wisdom".At the same time, he also warned people to pay attention to three aspects when reading.

First, reading should not be too slow.

Bacon believed that "reading too slowly will lead to laziness". Therefore, he hoped that people should read with sharp minds and concentrated attention, and not too slow, so that it is easy to take effect.

Second, don't put on airs.

Bacon believed that "reading for decoration is deceit".

Third, don't copy books.

Bacon believed that "it is a fool to only follow the book".That is what we usually call "nerds". Their most obvious feature is that they can do whatever they say in the book, and they don't know how to adapt or use it flexibly.

That being the case, what kind of reading method did Bacon advocate?How to read is reasonable?To sum up, there are about three points.

① For different books, different reading methods can be adopted.

He believes that "books are like food. Some books only need to be tasted, and some can be swallowed. Only a few need to be chewed carefully and tasted slowly. Therefore, some books only need to read part of them, and some books only need to know the outline. For a few good books, Read it, read it, and read it over and over again.

② Different choices can be made for different books.

Because there are so many books in ancient and modern China and abroad, their categories and contents are different. In this case, Bacon believes that he can choose an appropriate one according to his own needs and knowledge structure.In his opinion, "reading history makes people wise, reading poetry makes people smart, calculation makes people precise, philosophy makes people profound, morality makes people noble, and logical rhetoric makes people eloquent."

③ It is not enough to just study and learn, it must be applied and practiced.

Bacon is a very smart and intelligent person, not only a scholar, but also involved in politics, and once served as the Lord Seal of the Queen of England. Therefore, he has always paid attention to and emphasized the use of book knowledge and the combination of book knowledge and practical experience.He said: "Although learning can guide the direction, it is often superficial and must rely on experience to lay a foundation."

In order to let people further understand what he meant, he compared the situations of several people and said: "The cunning despises knowledge, the foolish admires it, and the wise use it. Knowledge itself does not tell people how to use it. The wisdom to use lies outside the book. It is a craft that cannot be learned without experience."

Gorky who experienced books in life
Gorky is a famous writer in the former Soviet Union.Born in a carpenter's family, he worked many jobs, wandered around, and became an outstanding writer entirely by himself.He recorded his study life in detail in "Childhood", "In the World" and "My University".Books played a pivotal role in his growth.So he developed a heartfelt gratitude and admiration for books.How did he read?Let's take a look at his three reading methods.

① Read both bad and good books, and distinguish between good and bad in reading.

Due to his poor life in his early years, Gorky wandered around and always read whatever books he got, including books that people thought were unsuitable for reading.Through extensive reading of good books, bad books, and various books, he felt that "whether decent books or bad magic books are good, the more you read, the better. Only by reading all the books can you find good books." Books." Books can only be distinguished from good or bad by comparison.And by reading all kinds of good and bad books, we can distinguish the good and bad in life.

②Be open-minded when reading, and read with an attitude of wanting others to learn.

He believes that reading should not only rely on one's own hobbies to pursue a certain genre and category, but to read and observe various literary genres and schools of thought, and absorb what is beneficial to oneself with a learning attitude.The attitude of reading should be serious and open-minded.

③ After reading the book, return to life to test.

He advocated paying attention to reading while also paying attention to life, and suggested that it is best to go back to life to test the books you have read to see which ones are correct and useful, and which ones are wrong and useless.Reading in this way is of great benefit to book knowledge or life understanding, and only then can good results be received.

No matter what method they adopt, it all boils down to one point: go back to practice, test with practice, and gain more knowledge through practice.This is worth our attention and learning.

Confucius, an educator at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period in my country, put forward the idea of ​​"not ashamed to ask questions" (from "The Analects of Confucius·Gongye Chang").There are two meanings:
①No matter how smart a person is, it is not enough to study hard on his own. He must also ask people who know more than himself to increase his knowledge and solve his doubts in his research.

② Everyone has their own strengths, that is, "the inch is long, and the ruler is short".People who are lower in knowledge or status than you are also worth asking yourself. Asking others humbly to make up for your own shortcomings is just a way to learn and grow knowledge that cannot be ignored.Confucius' knowledge is very profound, and he is very proficient in ancient documents and histories such as "Poetry", "Book", "Li", "Yue", "Yi", "Spring and Autumn", but he still humbly asked for advice. Ask everywhere.

Not only that, Confucius also advocated that a person should ask more questions and listen more when studying, and don't pretend to understand what he doesn't understand.No matter who you are, as long as you have expertise in a certain area, you should humbly ask him for advice.He once said: "Three people walk together, there must be my teacher. Choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones." It means that if there are three people walking together, one of them must be better than himself in a certain aspect , I should choose its good aspects and learn from him, and correct its bad ones.

(End of this chapter)

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