41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 51 Building the original model

Chapter 51 Building the original model (1)
The quality of the original model has a great influence on the smoothness of the upcoming reading.The establishment of the original model is not out of thin air and random, but can be established based on some informal information (that is, information other than the text).This informal information available is plentiful and can be roughly classified as about the work and about the author.The preface and postscript of the book, even the title and table of contents of the book provide us with important information about the book.There are also book reviews and introductions obtained through other channels.If you read a literary masterpiece, you can get the general outline of the book by reading the relevant part of the history of literature first.The author's life time, ideas and style characteristics are also extremely valuable information.With this informal information, we can preform the structural model of the book.Of course, we can use informal information to pre-construct various possible structural models, that is to say, the original model can be single or multiple.This original model built using only informal information may be extremely rough, extremely vague, and extremely unstable, but it is better than nothing. After all, it provides a general direction for the next reading.

Read—check the model

After the original model is established, you start reading, that is, you enter the process of verifying the model with the "reality" of the original work.The process of verification is the process of gradual evolution from model to structure.There are unidirectional and multidirectional paths for model to structure evolution.During the reading process, either the original model is constantly revised, or one model replaces another, in short, the whole process always maintains a single model.This is a one-way evolutionary path.There is also a multi-directional evolution path, that is, a situation where multiple models coexist during the reading process.In reading, it is often encountered that multiple structural models need to be assumed for screening and comparison, and multi-directional paths appear at this time.Whether to use one-way or multi-way depends on the specific situation.

Advantages of model reading method

The model reading method has two significant advantages over the traditional reading method.First of all, it is easy to concentrate.The concentration of attention in the reading process is a prerequisite for understanding.Experiments in educational psychology have proved that reading with questions makes it easier to concentrate.

The model reading method also has an advantage that the traditional reading method does not have, that is, its comprehensiveness.A model is actually a simulation of a structure.In the early stage of reading, whether the model is vague or holistic is a requirement of the model itself.Using the model reading method to read, reading is carried out around the evolution of the model, so that readers can maintain a comprehensive thinking, which is conducive to a comprehensive and overall grasp of the original work without dismembering the original work.

The Reader's Requirements of the Model Reading Method
The model reading method has advantages over the traditional reading method, and also puts forward higher requirements for readers, requiring readers to have the following thinking:

①Open thinking.

Readers are required to have a wide range of knowledge, to maintain a strong interest in new things, and to have a sufficient amount of information reserves, so that they can have both sides when constructing models.Otherwise, you will inevitably do what you want, invalidate the model, or even produce the opposite effect, which will not help you reveal the structure of the original work, but will make you deviate more and more from it.

② Critical thinking.

Ensuring that the model evolves towards the correct structure depends on critical thinking.Readers are required not to hesitate about inappropriate models, and to constantly revise and rebuild new models based on the objective reality of the original work.Otherwise, stubborn preconceived ideas may distort the original work, and it will never be able to achieve the same objective structure.

③ Reflective thinking.

That is to say, readers are required to reflect on their own thinking process after reading a book: What is the reason why the abandoned model is wrong?How is the correct model established?Over time, if you develop a good habit of introspection, practice makes perfect, and you can effectively use the model reading method, which will benefit you a lot.

"Model" Reading Method Creates "Model" of Human Language

Xu Xiaoping, the founder of the model reading method, is the biggest beneficiary of the "model" reading method. He first entered Beijing Normal University's education department from a rural middle school in Jiangxi Province, and was later recommended as a graduate student in the department without examination.When talking about his original intention of creating the "model" reading method, he wrote: Model has become a very frequently used word in modern life.As an important category, model attracts attention in modern scientific methodology.When scientists are engaged in scientific research, most of them follow such a path: first propose a theoretical model, then verify the previous model with the observed facts, and then revise or overthrow the original model during the verification process .With the continuous improvement of the model, the essential structure of the object can be understood.This process can be simplified as: model - verification (including correction or reconstruction) - structure.This process is a revolution to the traditional empiricism methodology, which embodies the view of the times in which man asks nature, and has important philosophical significance.When people consider its philosophical significance, few people have noticed that it will have an impact on pedagogy, and few people have talked about it as an effective reading method and paid enough attention to it.

Accordingly, the "model" reading method is the product of transplanting the model theory in scientific research to the field of learning, so it has high scientific and strong practicality.

The combination of loud recitation and secret chants.Zhu Xi, an educator in the Song Dynasty, once said, "Where to read...you must read every word loudly. You can't miss a word, you can't miss a word, you can't add a word, you can't reverse a word, you can't memorize it far-fetchedly, just recite it several times. Catchy, long-lasting." High recitation is easy to remember, and it is suitable for reading poetry, ancient prose, poetry and other literary works as well as foreign language and science and technology books.Tianyin is easy to think, and if you taste it carefully, you can not only deeply understand the ideological content of the poems, but also understand their momentum, rhythm and charm more deeply.

Chanting Tianyin can not only deepen memory, but also exercise eloquence and improve speech ability.It is also an important method of reviewing the past and learning the new. Comprehension is beneficial to recitation, and recitation can also consolidate understanding. If you recite more times, it will naturally deepen the memory impression, and you will be able to achieve the effect of comprehension and inference.

Zhu Ziqing's reading emphasizes "reading"

Zhu Ziqing's exposition on the theory and method of reading is also quite abundant.He not only pays attention to the quantity and quality of reading, but also pays more attention to the method of reading. In the method of reading, he strongly advocates the method of thorough reading and emphasizes the effort of "reading".In the article "On Reading aloud", he praised Yao Nai of the Qing Dynasty for "reading loudly, and self-realization for a long time" and Zeng Guofan for "unless reading aloud, you can't get its majestic generality, and you can't explore its profound interest without secret chanting." the opinion of.This is true for reading ancient Chinese, and it is also true for reading vernacular Chinese.He believes that reading is of course for understanding, and "reading" texts to extract meaning and interpretation "includes the degree of understanding and the degree of appreciation" ("How to Learn Chinese").Therefore, we must pay attention to reading, "because thoughts also exist in vocabulary, words, chapters, and tones."He pointed out: "Familiar reading is indispensable. Reciting is closely related to understanding, and it is a necessary step for appreciation. When reciting, the meaning of the dead language written on paper can be obtained from the sound and become alive. tone."

Zhu Ziqing regards recitation as an important method of understanding and appreciating original works, and advocates that not only reading poems and other literary works requires recitation, but also rereading classic works.He pointed out in the article "On Hundred Readings": "The classics give people knowledge and teach people how to be a human being. There are many topics in language, history, and self-cultivation, and there are many annotations. In addition, there are many related textual researches. Read Hundreds of times, it may not be able to penetrate everywhere, it is reasonable to teach people to read more."

(Chen? Sheng "excited to high voice") Chen Sheng is a well-known industrial microbiologist at home and abroad.He loves reading books all his life, especially ancient Chinese, and he always buys some of his favorite books after he gets paid, just to see them first.Usually, Mr. Chen devotes himself to scientific research, and when he has a little spare time, he "exhibits the volume of poems leaning on the window" and "chants loudly".Such a reading method makes him very familiar with ancient Chinese, and he can quote classics in his treatises to achieve better results.

Fu Lei teaches his son to recite ancient prose
Fu Lei has read a lot of books all his life. He has profound knowledge in various fields such as literature, painting, music, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. He also has very high requirements for the education and training of his two sons.

The second son Fu Min once recalled that when he first entered junior high school, his father asked him to read "Guwen Guanzhi".Fu Lei said to his son: "This anthology of ancient texts, from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty to the end of the Ming Dynasty, has a total of 220 articles, which can take care of various article genres and various artistic styles. Many of these excellent articles reflect the various aspects of ancient my country. The different styles of proses of writers, such as the rigorous and concise record of "Warring States Policy"; the thoughtful and meticulous reasoning of strategists; Your study and cultivation of ancient prose is helpful." Every Sunday, he chooses one of them to explain in detail, and the children have to recite it after they understand it.

Once, Fu Min failed to recite "The Story of Yueyang Tower" because he was busy with the ball game.With his head down, he felt uneasy, waiting for his father to criticize.Fu Lei, who is usually very strict with his son, did not lose his temper this time.Smoking hard on the cigarette, he said slowly, "In the past, private school teachers asked students to memorize books. Zi said, Shiyun, even if they didn't understand, they had to parrot and memorize. It is true that rote memorization should not be advocated. However, in all fairness, It seems to make sense. Seven or eight-year-old children have a strong memory. Instead of memorizing useless jingles, it is better to memorize more ancient poems and prose. There are many good poems and prose in China. Store them one by one in the In the mind. It has been a long time, and the impression is very deep. When you grow up, chew and taste carefully, you will realize the meaning. This is called rumination. If you start to memorize it when you are 30 or [-] years old, or even later, I am afraid it will be difficult. Forget it. 'Young people don't work hard, the boss is sad', this is all experience? Choose..." Looking at his son who has already known his mistake, Fu Lei opened the "Yueyang Tower" and asked his son to read it aloud stand up……

Tolstoy read the article emotionally

For foreign and modern works, such a learning method can also be adopted.It can make us better understand the author's feelings.Tolstoy liked to read literary works aloud, and felt or judged the quality of a literary work while reading.

Tolstoy often read some of his favorite literary works emotionally when he was resting, leisure or chatting with friends, and he was often moved to tears by reading aloud.Sometimes, after he read aloud, he would comment on it.It is rare for other famous writers like Tolstoy to like to read other people's works aloud and then comment on them, but it is of great benefit to deepen the understanding of the emotion and connotation of a literary work .

We should also keep these teachings in mind.For the classics, you should often recite Tianyin aloud, and strive to better understand it.

Choose the study method that best uses your brain time.The best brain time is when brain cells are in an excited state. At this time, people are focused, active in thinking, rich in imagination, strong in memory, and vigorous in creativity. The efficiency of the brain in receiving information, organizing information, storing, creating, and outputting information is higher than other times high.

To master the best time method, pay attention to: ①Find out the rules, that is, carefully observe, experience, and find out when you use your brain efficiently, that is, the best time to use your brain.

② Reasonable arrangements, that is, to arrange the main learning content and creative mental work in the best time of the day as much as possible.And the rest of the time learning something easy and dealing with other things.

③ Perseverance means to form a habit of studying at the best time every day, which will cause the brain to form a conditioned reflex, and the brain will be excited at this time, and immediately carry out high-efficiency learning.

In learning, memory is the key, however, memory is also the most scientific.Psychological research shows that memory does not exist alone, it is closely related to brain activities such as thinking and consciousness. After all, memory is not the ultimate goal.Therefore, unhygienic memory methods such as fatigue memory not only fail to remember the things that need to be remembered, but also cause adverse effects such as memory loss and memory confusion.Scientific memory, get twice the result with half the effort.

Learning should pay attention to methods. The following seven tips hope to be helpful to students who have memory problems.

maintain a stable and happy mood
Memory is not a single thinking activity. A happy mood can enhance the breadth and depth of memory. When you are in a happy mood, you will not only remember faster and more, but also remember more firmly.This is also easy to understand, a happy mood will make you full of initiative in memory instead of being miserable and forced.

attention to proper nutrition

A large amount of memory consumes a lot of energy, so it needs to be supplemented with proper nutrition.It is necessary to eat some fish and meat, especially egg yolk, in a planned and appropriate amount to maintain memory function.In addition, fresh air can make the brain get enough oxygen and enhance memory.The air is dirty, the mind is swollen, and the effect of memory is affected.

must not smoke and drink

Smoking reduces people's memory, and the more you smoke, the more obvious the reduction will be.Long-term drinking can cause distraction, decreased comprehension, decreased memory, and depression.

Combination of work and rest, memory is not tired

The method of fighting fatigue and vainly trying to grow a wide range of crops is definitely a stupid method and is not advisable.Instead of being drowsy, it is better to combine work and rest. After studying for a period of time, take a proper rest, do gymnastics, play ball, sing, talk and laugh, all of which can give the brain a proper rest, and then get twice the result with half the effort after the brain is rejuvenated. Learn to remember.

Reasonable work and rest system is very important

The biological clock of the human body is always rhythmic. If a daily life rule is formed, engaging in fixed activities at a fixed time can easily lead to a better state of mind and body.If you often arrange life and study irregularly, your body will sing against your will, which is not what you imagined at all.Set up a daily work and rest time and strictly abide by it and not change it easily, so as to ensure a good physical condition for the college entrance examination.

Pay attention to the best memory time
Although not always, generally speaking, the morning and evening before going to bed are the best times for memory.Psychological research has proved that remembering things is always easy to remember the beginning and the end deeply, that is because the memory always interferes with each other, and the less interfering factors at the beginning and the end, it is easier to remember.In the morning, the brain is undisturbed by the material learned before bedtime, and before bed, it is undisturbed by new learning.So every day before going to bed, go through the main content of the day's study in your mind like watching a movie, which is very good for memory consolidation.The material memorized at night, memorized again the next morning, the effect will be better.

Reasonable use of brain
Reasonable use of the brain to excite and inhibit different parts of the cerebral cortex in turn helps to enhance memory and keep people in a state of fatigue.Taking one course for a long time is not as effective as learning different courses alternately.Do not review courses with similar content next to each other.The right hemisphere is used when studying, and the left hemisphere is used when listening to music and songs.When the left hemisphere is excited for a few minutes, the right hemisphere can take a rest.Using music to regulate and achieve rational use of the brain has been widely valued in universities around the world.

The method of differential treatment is a learning method that treats students differently according to their needs and improves their reading ability.

Due to the different types, properties, contents, and writing methods of books and periodicals, the needs of readers are different. Therefore, it is impossible to read them in a unified mode that is equal in size and one method; it can only be treated differently in specific situations.Classical works, representative works of disciplines, textbooks and other books should be carefully read chapter by chapter and section by chapter; while reference books and information books are only read and searched when the work requires them.From the perspective of readers' needs, there are great differences in the breadth, narrowness and depth of reading, and various people have different reading purposes, requirements, depth, and breadth of various books and periodicals.

Therefore, we should bear in mind the principle of "never over-reading" before reading. There is a way to avoid over-reading, that is, whenever a book is popular with most readers, don't read it rashly.Such as being famous, or having several editions of a book in a year, whether it is political or religious or fiction or poetry.You see, whoever writes for fools is always popular with the masses.It is better to devote precious time to reading the famous works of great men who have already been evaluated. Only these books are beneficial to open the book.This requires us to classify books and treat them differently.

Historian Chen Yuan classified books first

The famous historian Chen Yuan has a method of "three classifications" when studying books.

When Chen Yuan was a teenager, he got the book "Bibliography Answers" written by Qing Dynasty scholar Zhang Zhidong by chance.When I opened it, I found that this book listed many famous classics in history, identified them, and introduced the way of learning for readers.Chen Yuan was very happy, and quickly bought a large number of books according to the bibliography.Someone asked him: "Can you finish reading so many books you bought?" Chen Yuan replied: "Not all books have to be read carefully. Some are for browsing, some are for reference, and some need to be familiarized with." Memorize. Some books require deep understanding, while others need not be understood!" It turned out that Chen Yuan divided the books to be read into three categories according to the content and purpose of the books: general reading, careful reading and familiar reading memorize.Some can be read in a day or two, some need to be read for a week, and some need to be recited over and over again.

This method of "three classifications" enables Chen Yuan to avoid the problem of "one size fits all" and equal energy in his studies.He reads more books than the average person, and his intensive reading is deeper than the average person.Until old age, he was still able to recite some famous works of past dynasties. At the age of 90, he could recite King Luo Bin's "A Call to the Empress" from beginning to end word for word.He can quote many basic historical materials without searching the original text, which brings great convenience to academic research and research work.

The writer Mrs. Woolf reads in two steps

(End of this chapter)

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