41 Learning Methods That Benefit a Lifetime

Chapter 52 Building the original model

Chapter 52 Building the original model (2)
British writer Mrs. Woolf, there are two steps in reading: the first step is to open your mind as much as possible to accommodate the countless impressions the author has brought to yourself; the second step is to compare and judge.The second step is much more complicated and difficult than the first step. Only after extensive reading, sufficient comprehension and good memory can it be possible to make a vivid and powerful comparison.It is even more difficult to make an accurate evaluation of the work, pointing out its failures and successes, which part is its advantage and which part is its defect.For these two steps, Mrs. Woolf vividly compares them to being a "friend" and being a "judge".Being a "friend" is to understand the content of the book and get an impression.But that's only half of the reading process, and it's not okay to stop there.To get the full benefit from reading, further thinking and judgment is necessary.Initial impressions are sometimes unreliable.When people compare a book with other books, it means that attitudes have changed. Once a friend of the author, now they want to be a judge.We also can't be too strict.But some readings are exceptions.For those fake books, bad books, and bad books, the judgment on them must be severe.When evaluating a book, it is best to compare it with the best works of the same kind, not only to distinguish its advantages and disadvantages, but also to make those excellent works complement each other and leave a deeper impression on us.Her method of reading is actually a way of treating them differently: treating good books as friends and bad books as enemies.

Readers should read three types of books
Mr. Lu Shuxiang, a famous contemporary linguist, believes that a scholar should read three types of books, and if one is missing, he cannot be called a "scholar".

"Books about one's major" is the most recommended book for the elderly.Mr. Lu said that such books must be read no matter when and under what conditions. They are the foundation of a professional.Therefore, even in the days when the old man was "forced to be idle" in the early years, he would go into second-hand bookstores to look through them from time to time, and took out the few money he had to bring some books home.The books listed as the second category by Mr. Lu are "books related to other majors", "you should read as many books as possible. It is beneficial." The third category of books is "a must-read book for being a modern Chinese".Lu Lao emphasized his tone: Every Chinese living today should understand his own nation, its long history of thought, culture, and science; Various new technologies, new trends of thought, and new cultures sprouting in the environment, from which we can discover new goals, new starting points, and new tasks for our exploration and learning. "Otherwise" even if you are an expert or an influential scholar, you By no means a reader.

Hua Luogeng uses guessing method to select books
The famous mathematician Hua Luogeng also has a unique method of selecting and classifying books.When he gets a book, he doesn't open it and read it from beginning to end, but thinks about it for a while, then closes his eyes and meditates quietly.He guessed the layout of the book, and opened the book after thinking about it. If the author's thinking was consistent with his guess, he would stop reading.Hua Luogeng's guessing method not only saves reading time.And cultivate one's own thinking and imagination, so as not to make oneself a slave of books.

Alexandre Dumas concentrated on reading selected books

The famous French writer Alexandre Dumas has a set of selected reading methods.In the book "The Count of Monte Cristo", he portrayed a learned and knowledgeable character - Elder Faria, and talked about such a reading method through the mouth of the elder: "In my study in Rome, I have almost 150 books, but after reading them many times, I found that as long as a person has 3 selected books, he can have all the knowledge of human beings, at least what is enough or should be known. I have devoted three years of my life to studying these 150 books, and I will not stop until I have them all in my heart." Here, he believes that 150 books can contain "all human knowledge", obviously Not scientific enough.However, Dumas paid attention to "reading selected good books", which is worth learning from.

Poet Ji Yu talks about reading

When the poet Ji Yu talked about reading, he believed that "there is no restricted area for reading, independent thinking is necessary, exposition is the most necessary, and intensive reading is very beneficial." He mainly writes poems and reads a lot of poems, but he also reads all interesting books. Partial eclipse, no taboo, and in certain periods of time, mainly read books other than poetry, love to read books on aesthetics, art theory, miscellaneous works, notes, etc., especially the biographies of people in them.As a literary youth, it is needless to say that he should read more literary books, but he must also read a little aesthetics and understand a little art theory. This is a very important and indispensable artistic accomplishment.If you don’t learn some aesthetics, how can you experience beauty, discover beauty, and sing beauty in life?A real writer has always mastered all kinds of martial arts. Although it cannot be said that he is proficient in all eighteen martial arts, he must not be like Li Kui, except for two axes, he has two fists.

He emphasized that there are too many books, and it is impossible to read them all.He will make different distinctions between books when he reads books. There are three main situations:

① Rough reading: browse, just know the title, author, and main content of the book.You can check when you use it, and you can find it;

②Careful reading: move pen and ink, draw circles, and copy key points;
③Frequent reading: I can’t put it down, read it almost whenever I have time, and think over and over again; read a book for a while before going to bed every day, and take the book with me when I go out, chewing slowly.

The quality of books in the world is not the same. We should choose the best books to read, and don't waste our energy on second-rate and third-rate books. The law of "take the law from the top, only get the middle; take the law from the middle, only get the bottom" should be kept in mind when reading.

The salon exchange method of meeting friends through literature is a learning method in which several people discuss and discuss issues together, which can deepen understanding of knowledge, consolidate memory impressions, and correct memory errors.A person's understanding is always limited and one-sided.Similarly, reading a book, due to the limitations of knowledge, social experience, thinking ability and other conditions, everyone's feelings and gains are different.Let's come together to communicate, learn from each other, discuss together, express our opinions, inspire each other, brainstorm, learn from each other, or suddenly enlighten, or trigger inspiration, learn from each other's strengths, and complement each other.Carry out ideological confrontation, true and false, black and white, right and wrong, so that the right can be affirmed, and the wrong can be revealed and corrected.

Ways to learn by discussing

To put it simply, the learning salon is actually a method of discussing in learning and learning in discussion.The organization of the learning salon is relatively simple, and it can be carried out by any unit, and the forms can also be varied.At present, the most used method of this study is the study of English.Universities, enterprises, governments, etc. all have such activities.

The English salon held by the university has the most diverse forms and the most colorful content.Taking China Three Gorges University as an example, an English salon event lasted for one month, including four parts: English lectures, English party, Western food culture, and English masquerade party. The masquerade party in particular attracted hundreds of students from the whole school to participate , School leaders and hospital leaders also came to add to the fun.Its activities are extremely rich in content and diverse in form, and it also attracted Jin Yudie hair art and romantic wedding dresses to provide sponsorship for them.There are not only passionate cha-cha and rumba, but also romantic slow three slow four, as well as youthful and dynamic dancing and singing.Several rounds of lottery draws on the spot pushed the dance party to one climax after another, and the dance party was a great success.This English salon activity has played a certain role in promoting the school's English learning and has been widely praised.

English teaching research can also adopt the method of learning salon.For example, in a teaching and research activity with learning as the unit, the problems and countermeasures in the compilation of new textbook test papers were discussed in the form of a forum.The discussion was carried out in a lively atmosphere. The teachers took the "New Curriculum Standards" as the guiding outline, and proceeded from the idea of ​​"student development-oriented", affirmed some practices in the current test papers, and also talked about the existing problems in the preparation of test papers. problems and areas that need adjustment.In the end, everyone put forward some pertinent opinions on the preparation of test papers, and hoped that these suggestions would be effective and be effectively improved in the preparation of test papers in the future, so that this traditional way of evaluating students can maximize its strengths and avoid weaknesses, and play a role in promoting students' development. its role.

Salon Law Provides Opportunities for Creativity

In the study of students, it is necessary to advocate the contentious and exploratory reading method.The so-called contending exploratory reading method is to respect the unique experience of students in the reading process, encourage students to read creatively, break the frame of thinking, re-examine things from a new perspective, think about what others have not thought, and think about what others have not Think, mention what others have not mentioned.In the past, we often complained that students had little sense of innovation, but it was not. "There are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers." The difference in knowledge background and life experience of each person will inevitably have different views and experiences on the same thing and the same paragraph of text.Teachers in the classroom should cherish the unique feelings, understandings and experiences of students.For example, there is such a paragraph in the teaching "Lin Hai": "How many kinds of green colors, deep, light, bright, and dark, the green is indescribable. I am afraid that only a painter can paint so many green colors." First, the teacher should guide the students to understand why there are so many green colors in Daxinganling.Some students may think that there are many varieties of Daxinganling trees, and their leaves are very different, so there are so many kinds of green?Some students may think that Daxing’an Mountains is a virgin forest, and the trees in it are of different sizes. Some have just grown, and some have grown for decades or even hundreds of years. There are many layers of old green and new green, which form so many kinds of green; some The student associations of the Daxinganling Mountains believe that the denseness of the trees in the Greater Khingan Mountains varies, and because of the light, there are so many colors, which also highlights the large number of trees in the Daxinganling Mountains.Although the ideas of the students are not comprehensive, they all have their own perspectives and are very unique. That is when the personality emerges and the opportunity for creativity sprouts.

Everyone can read books, but some people just can't read, understand, or understand, and even become more confused the more they read.Here it is explained that there is a difference between getting the law and not getting the law in reading, but we must believe that there is always a way to find it.Reading can't be done properly, as mentioned above, on the contrary, there are many people who have read the book well and mastered it.There is more than one method of reading, and now I have selected the twelve methods of reading in the ancients for reference and reference...

"Thinking, Asking, and Learning" Reading Method
This is the reading method advocated by Confucius.

(Example 1) Emphasis on thinking.In the process of learning, use your brain.He said: "Learning without thinking will lead to death, and thinking without learning will lead to peril." ("The Analects of Confucius")
(Example 2) Ask if you don’t understand.Reading is to seek knowledge. If you don't understand and don't ask, you can't seek knowledge.He said: "Smart and eager to learn, don't be ashamed to ask..." ("The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang")
(Example 3) The same is true for Confucius himself: "When you enter the Taimiao, you ask about everything. Or say: 'Who do you say that the son of the Man of Man knows the rituals? When he enters the Taimiao, he asks about everything.' When Zi heard about it, he said, "It's the etiquette." '" ("The Analects of Confucius·Bayi")
(Example 4) When a problem is found, it is necessary to try to solve it, and the solution is nothing more than asking people or reading related books.Confucius said: "Knowing what you know is knowing what you don't know, and knowing what you don't know is knowledge." ("The Analects of Confucius")
(Example 5) Advocate frequent consolidation review.Confucius said: "Learning and practicing it from time to time, isn't it also said? Bud" ("The Analects of Confucius")
(Example 6) He also said: "Reviewing the past and learning the new, you can be a teacher." ("The Analects of Confucius")
"Fake" Reading Method
This is what Xunzi, a student of Confucius, advocated.

(Example) The gentleman said: "Learning is impossible... I think about it all day long. It is not as good as learning it for a while. I am limping and looking at it. It is not as good as climbing a height. It is not as good as climbing a height. Recruiting from a height does not lengthen your arms." If you call with the wind, the sound will not make you sick, but if you hear it, it will be clear. A fake horse is not good enough, but it can travel thousands of miles; a fake boat is not good at water, but it cuts off the river. A gentleman lives It’s not different, good and false are better than things.” ("Xunzi Encouraging Learning")
(Analysis) Xunzi regards "fake things" as an important learning method, which means to use all favorable conditions to learn.He believes that there is not much difference between people's talents, as long as they are good at making full use of objective conditions, they can shorten the time to become a talent.

"Sophisticated" Reading Method
This is the reading method proposed by Wang Chong, that is, the reading method of single-mindedness.

(Example) Bole learned to look at horses, and what Gu Wan saw was nothing but horses.Pao Ding of the Song Dynasty learned how to handle cattle, but he did not see live cattle for three years, and all he saw were dead cattle. (Wang Chong's "Lunheng")
(Analysis) Wang Chong's view of "exquisiteness" is just a kind of reading to the state of fascination and obsession, in order to learn "exquisiteness".

"Do not ask for deep understanding" reading method
This is the reading method proposed by Tao Yuanming.It is required to grasp the key points when reading, simplify and think independently.

(Analysis) Yang Shen, the number one scholar in the Ming Dynasty, said: "Tao Yuanming did not seek deep understanding in reading, because he was not influenced by the cumbersome textual research in the scriptures since the Han Dynasty, but was able to maintain his own independent opinions." (Volume 48 of "The Complete Works of Shengan") This explanation is Reasonable and appropriate.Tao Yuanming's reading does not seek deep understanding, that is, don't be swayed by some trivial, minor, and not necessarily reliable materials in the book, but should read with purpose, discernment, and analysis.Reading can't be swallowed whole, can't understand half of it, can't just know the general idea.

"Summary hook Xuan" reading method
This is the reading method advocated by Han Yu.The purpose is to grasp the key points and clarify the purpose, so as to directly explore the source and extract the essence.

(Analysis) Han Yu thinks that after achieving the "hook mystery" and "summary", he must repeatedly chant and review the rich and quintessential parts of the book, so that he can turn the wonderful meaning of the article into his own.

Han Yu is diligent in reading and pays attention to methods.There are two sentences in his "Jin Xue Jie" summarizing his reading method: "The recorder draws up the main point, and the compiler must draw up the mystery." reading method.

"Counting Words and Reciting Daily" Reading Method
This is Ouyang Xiu's statistics of the total number of words that should be read, and then distribute it as the number of pages per day, as the progress of the day's reading, a long-term reading method.

(Example) Ouyang Xiu's reading method of "counting words and reciting daily" is carried out as follows: according to his own needs, he selected ten books such as "Book of Filial Piety", "The Analects of Confucius" and "Book of Songs" with a total of 455865 words, and then stipulated Read 300 words by heart every day, and finish all of them in three and a half years.It only takes seven years to memorize 150 words every day.He said: "Although there are many volumes, if you can accumulate merits every day, why not suffer?" This is a talk from experience, which shows the importance of familiarity with ancient prose.Quantitative counting of words every day, the steady flow of water, the accumulation of little things, is the method of reading that Ouyang Xiu has practiced and proved to be effective.

"Ask for what you want" reading method
This is what Su Shi advocated.

(Analysis) Su Shi believes: "People's energies can't be harvested at the same time, but they can get what they want. Therefore, scholars seek it with one intention every time." The biggest feature of this "seek it with one intention" reading method is "seek "One", that is, to read classic works, and each time you read it, you only focus on one center, focus on one content, grasp one clue, and solve one problem.This kind of reading and learning is like fighting a war. The enemy is broken into pieces and defeated one by one. In order to avoid distraction, everything that has nothing to do with "seeking one" and "main attack" is not involved in the reading.Such directed reading is worth learning.

"Experience · Step by Step · Refined thinking" reading method
This is what Zhu Xi advocated.

(Example) ① about "experience".Zhu Xi said: "To learn and study, you must be patient and careful to understand it, and you must not be careless... Remove all the skin and you will see the flesh; remove all the flesh and then you will see the bones; remove all the bones and then you will see the marrow." He also said: " Reading should not only seek the truth on paper, but also deduce it from oneself.” “It’s kind of intimate to read a book based on one’s own experience, but it’s better to go through the audience’s reasoning to suit their interest. If you only rely on your own opinion, it’s not Fearing that things are not well-reasoned, if you want to be in a hurry, you will be slow."

②About "sequence".Zhu Xi said: "If we talk about two books, we should first talk about "Lun" and then "Meng", and then go through one book and then reach another book; if we talk about one book, the order of the first and last sentences of the chapters should be orderly and not chaotic. Also." He also said: "As far as we can, make an appointment with the course and stick to it. Ask for the instruction in the words, and ask for the conclusion in the sentence. Before you get it, you dare not ask for it. Peter."

③About "exquisite thinking".Zhu Xi said: "In general, when reading a book, you must first read it carefully, so that all the words come from my mouth; and then think carefully, so that all the meaning seems to come from my heart. Then you can get it." ("Zhu Zi Daquan· "The Essentials of Reading") also said: "If you read and think, think and read, you will naturally be interested. If you read without thinking, you don't know its taste; if you think without reading, even if you know it, you will be uneasy in the end.  … If If you read it well and think carefully, you will naturally have the same mind and reason, and you will never forget it.” (Ibid.)

"Five categories and four categories" reading method
This is the reading method advocated by Tang Biao.

(Example) Tang Biao divided books into "five categories": "There are books you should read, there are books you should read, there are books you should read carefully, there are books you should read carefully, and there are books you should prepare for examination. .” He believes that classified reading is conducive to handling the relationship between fine and broad.This "five categories" reading method is similar to the "four different" reading methods proposed by some ancient scholars. "Four Bie" refers to the separation of "the book of eye treatment (just read it once), the book of oral treatment (not only to read but also to memorize), the book of necessary treatment (not only to memorize but also to think carefully), and the book of hand treatment. (not only read and memorize but also extract the summary and write it down)" and other four categories of books.

"Five Essentials" Reading Method
This is Pu Songling's reading method to ensure the smooth progress of reading from the three aspects of time, calligraphy and method.

(Example) ① One must read every day.Pu Songling ordered a notebook by herself, and every morning after getting up, she would mark in the notebook what books to read and what articles to write during the day.If there is a blank under the date, he will feel guilty.

② Second, read every night.Pu Songling had to be busy with his livelihood during the day, and at night there was often a volume of books and a lamp, and he would study hard until late at night.After going to bed, he would read a few pages by candlelight.

③ The third is to read for the elderly.In Pu Songling's later years, he became pale, deaf, and lost his teeth, but his eyes were good, so reading through books was enough to make him feel happy.There are his poems as evidence: "Only eyes and one organ can do their duty, and turning over the book is fortunate enough to be happy." In his poem "Sit in Silence", he wrote: "I like to spread books all my life, and I am as crazy as I used to be when I was old. The sun follows the west window."

④ Fourth, copy and read.One of the biggest reasons why Pu Songling refused to leave after teaching in Bi's family for 30 years was that there were many books in Bi's family for him to copy.He is fortunate to borrow and copy books to read.

⑤ five to classify reading.Pu Songling divided books into intensive reading and extensive reading, and read them differently.For some books, it is enough to understand the general idea; for some books, you have to read them repeatedly and keep playing until you have read them thoroughly.The requirements for reading through are: self-questioning, self-seeking answers, filtering out the dross, and getting the essence.As evidenced by his poem, "Reading and analyzing doubts is like filtering water, so that the dregs are clear."

"Precious" reading method
This is a reading method advocated by Dai Zhen in order to obtain specialized knowledge.

(Analysis) Essence means to work hard in depth, to gain something by reading and understanding the book, to obtain practical knowledge, to do some learning, you have to specialize in one item, and drill down seriously and deeply.

"Seek doubt where there is no doubt" reading method
This is Jiao Xun's reading experience.

(Analysis) When summing up his reading experience in his later years, Jiao Xun said: "Study is valuable and good at thinking; in my life, I am most able to learn from the eight characters of 'easy to learn and think deeply, and know its meaning'".Jiao Xun's reading formula is: "Reading──question──deep thinking──rereading──thinking──seek solutions".

(End of this chapter)

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