My servant in the Tang Dynasty is Li Shimin

Chapter 211 Goguryeo's Destruction

Chapter 211 Goguryeo's Destruction
"Too troublesome, kill them all!"

"Keeping them is just a burden."

Li Shimin smiled very kindly. If his words were ignored, some people might think that he was planning to treat these Goguryeo captives kindly.

Unfortunately, this sentence cannot be ignored at all.

No matter how bright Li Shimin's smile is, it can't cover up the blood in every word!
"Your Majesty, this is not good!"

Li Jing's expression changed, he was not as calm as Li Shimin, and even his heart twitched violently.

To be honest, he never expected that His Majesty would be so cruel to the Goguryeo captives!

These people obviously didn't make any resistance, and just surrendered like this. Why did His Majesty kill them?
In this way, wouldn't it completely intensify Goguryeo's defense?

This is not a wise move at all!

"Isn't it good? I think it's pretty good!"

Li Shimin smiled lightly, then raised his right hand, opened his palm, and swiped horizontally towards the neck slightly:
"In this way, we can cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, so as to avoid future troubles!"

As soon as Li Shimin's words fell, Li Jing's whole body felt cold, and his whole body was shrouded in cold air.

His Adam's apple moved, and he said in horror, "Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Just now when he said this, Li Shimin nodded slightly as if he knew what he was going to say:

"In this battle, where my Tang army has passed, there is no need to leave any survivors, and we will directly kill all the way and smash the Koguryo royal city!"

"These Goguryeo troops are surrendering now, just because they are afraid of me, Datang, not because they really surrender!"

"Even if these people don't rebel, they will only be a burden, slowing down the progress of my Tang army!"

"I, Datang, have no food and no time to waste on them!"

"Since ancient times, compassion has not commanded soldiers, let's kill them all!"

"We don't need prisoners!"

Li Shimin said, although he was smiling, his words became more and more cold.

On the other hand, Li Jing was already dumbfounded, and his heart was extremely restless.

"Your Majesty, we have never killed a surrendered person before!"

In fact, it is reasonable, as the military god of the Tang Dynasty, he is naturally a ruthless person along the way,

After all, being able to command an army requires an extraordinary ability, and it is impossible to only know goodness.

When the Tang Dynasty was founded, he often followed Li Shimin to fight in the north and south, crusade against the princes from all walks of life, and caused endless slaughter.

Every war is actually a massacre in essence!

But even so, he never tried to kill those who surrendered.

After all, if Datang wants to complete the hegemony of unifying the world, the most important thing is the hearts of the people.

"That was before, and it was a civil war, as for now..."

Li Shimin glanced at Li Jing, his gaze was meaningful: "As for now, it's a foreign war!"

"Since ancient times, those who are not of my race must have different hearts!"

"Keep it will only be a disaster."

After speaking, without waiting for Li Jing to reply, Li Shimin stepped forward, called a sergeant, and gave the order to silence him.

As expected, the sergeant was also taken aback and couldn't believe his ears at all. It wasn't until Li Shimin repeated it again that he tremblingly carried out the order.

Li Jing looked at Li Shimin blankly, he wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn't say anything.

Because what he had to say, he had already said.

As for Your Majesty, it is obvious that he is determined to kill.

He didn't know whether His Majesty's decision was right or wrong, but obviously, he worried that it was meaningless.



"No! Leave me alone!"

It didn't take long for the screams to rise immediately, and countless sword lights flashed and fell mercilessly.

All the generals were silent, only the blood was flowing and the figures were falling.

The whole process was cruel and cold.

Half an hour later, the place was completely quiet, and the Tang army rushed past like a torrent of steel, leaving only corpses on the ground.

Now the Liaohe defense line has been completely torn apart.

The next goal of the Tang army is the Iron Blade Five Cities!

There is no doubt that although there are not many defenders in the Iron Blade Five Cities, this will definitely be a bloody battle.

Because after this battle, the entire Goguryeo understood that the Tang army would not accept surrender.

Apart from fighting to the end, they have no way out!

Although fighting may be death, but not fighting is definitely death!
And this is what Li Shimin wanted.

He looked in the direction of the Goguryeo King City, his expression was calm and cold.

In fact, the reason why he would kill Goguryeo's surrendering army was not only the reason he told Li Jing before, but also Wang Yuan's factor.

That big dog said himself that his goal is to flatten Liaodong.

What is taping?

Naturally, it is to destroy all resistance forces!
The weeds can't be eliminated, they will only grow again when the spring breeze blows.

Li Shimin didn't want that big dog to be ridiculed because of his "kindness".

This time, he wants to do things beautifully, and show that big dog how great he is as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty!

"Your Majesty, how are we going to attack the Iron Blade Five Cities next?"

As the army approached the Iron Blade Five Cities, Li Jing asked his inner question, and dozens of generals followed behind him.

In this situation, Goguryeo has fully understood that it has been tricked. Not only is the main force returning, but all Goguryeo troops are already planning to fight to the end.

An unprecedented desperate intention is gathering in the hearts of all Goguryeo troops.

It can be said that whether it is Datang or Goguryeo, there is no way out in this battle.

Although he didn't want to admit it, there was no doubt that Li Jing and the others really panicked.

"There is no way, and there is no need to do anything, Pharmacist, have you forgotten something?"

"It's all come to this point, what kind of strategy does our Tang Dynasty need?"

Li Shimin looked at Li Jing and all the generals, and waved his hand!
"We'll wait for them to defend here!"

"Then use the Hongyi cannons to bombard them all day and night, and charge with four thousand heavy cavalry!"

"The only Liaoxi River that can stop Hongyi Cannon no longer exists, and we don't need to worry about anything else!"

"I don't believe they have any room for resistance!"

This battle was fought by Li Shimin himself. He didn't want Goguryeo to become the new Tubo and East Turks.

In this battle, he will completely destroy everything in Goguryeo!
economic control?

Goguryeo is not worthy!

Li Shimin will use one battle to bring them back to slavery, and they will be completely controlled by Datang!

Let these Koryo sticks understand what is the majesty of the heavenly kingdom!


Li Jing and the others all came back to their senses and were amazed by this.


They obviously still have Hongyi Cannon.

In the current Tang Dynasty, there is no need to consider whether Goguryeo will resist to the end!

When the strength reaches a certain level, killing you has nothing to do with you!
At this moment, they finally knew all of Li Shimin's schemes!

Really wonderful!

"Go down, when Li Ji comes back, the army will launch a general attack on the Iron Blade Five Cities!"

Under Li Shimin's orderly order, the entire Tang army stationed in place, and directly surrounded half of Gaimu City, the first of the Iron Blade Five Cities.

Li Ji soon returned with [-] heavy cavalry and [-] light cavalry to reunite, and followed Datang's main force.

At the same time, on the Goguryeo side, all the Goguryeo troops who had been transferred from the mountain before also returned, and entered Gaimu City for defense in the other half of the direction that was not surrounded.

They didn't understand why Datang did that, and deliberately left them a way to enter.

But at this point, they have been dazzled by hatred, and they have no time to think too much.

The massacre of more than 1 Goguryeo troops is no less than a bolt from the blue for a country with a population of only a few million!

So each of them is gearing up, ready to fight to the death, and ready to defend Gaimu City to the death!

In an instant, the defenders of Gaimu City had reached as many as [-]!
They vowed to fight these Datang troops to the death!
And Datang, in the face of their "enthusiasm", also gave the highest respect!

When all the fish had entered Gaimu City, the Chinese army dispersed, revealing fifty Hongyi cannons lined up, with countless shells piled up in boxes behind them!

When Li Shimin's voice sounded, the earth began to shake!

More than a dozen Hongyi cannons burst into flames at the same time, tearing the sky apart!

Countless meteors appeared in the sky, making this day forever remembered by countless people!

Because this is the first appearance of cannons in the history of human warfare!
They are like ferocious fire dragons, bright and deadly, opening up the age of firearms in the next thousand years, leading human beings step by step out of the shackles of cold weapons, and stepping into a more cruel age of firearms!

On Gaimu City, all the Goguryeo defenders were stunned, looking at the "fire meteor" that occupied their entire field of vision, and fell into deep confusion.

Even though these meteors expanded to occupy all of their field of vision, they still didn't respond.

At this moment, they had already forgotten about running away.

In my mind, there is only one thought reverberating.

Is this Kamui?
Before the gods, mortals have no right to escape.
Boom!Boom!Boom!Boom! Boom!
The shooting star has landed!

The violent roar shook the heaven and the earth, just like the giant god Pan Gu in Chinese mythology, slashing the chaos with his battle axe, separating the turbid and clear, and opening up a thick earth for the world!

The walls of Gaimu City have all collapsed, and the projection of the entire city's horizon is gradually getting lower.

In the face of a cross-age weapon like the Hongyi cannon, the city wall is useless!

After the first round of shelling was over, the second round of shelling began immediately without any pause.

Another beautiful meteor shower landed, but unfortunately, the audience this time was "fewer" by tens of thousands of people than the previous one!
Yes, and still forever less.

And Gaimu City, has been shrouded in smoke and dust, completely invisible!
The earth trembled, and the smoke and dust billowed!
The fifty Hongyi cannons did not stop at all, they were divided into seventeen, seventeen, and sixteen groups, and they continued to take turns shelling, pulling the continuous firepower to the limit!

After one group ended, the other group continued to fire, and the artillery fire never stopped!
On this day, a man-made earthquake occurred in a radius of tens of miles, and even the royal city of Goguryeo heard the roar, one after another, like thunder and war drums.

The king of Goguryeo didn't know what happened. He thought it was a victory drum sounded by God, which symbolized that the battle would be won. So he brought all the civil servants and generals to celebrate with the whole country!
"This is a sign of the great prosperity of my Goguryeo!"

Countless people are cheering!
Cheers to the upcoming victory!
The reality is sometimes so subtle, even though they are not far away, there is hell on one side and celebration on the other.

The joys and sorrows of people are never the same.

The bombardment lasted for a full two hours before slowly stopping.

It's not because there are not enough shells, but because the temperature of the barrel is too high.

Even if they were divided into three groups, it would be difficult to withstand such high-intensity shelling.

When the flames ended, the meteor shower fell to the ground, and in the smoke and dust, all the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, from generals to soldiers, were all stunned.

They put down the palms covering their ears and stood there blankly, very at a loss.

Because at the limit of their vision, Gaimu City has disappeared!


The whole city is gone!
Was physically flattened by them!

Is this the power of the Hongyi Cannon?
Everyone was silent. It wasn't that they were not shocked by the result, but they had already lost the ability to be shocked under the roar of artillery fire.

At the end of the shelling, Li Shimin also closed his eyes subconsciously, and remained silent for tens of seconds before slowly saying:


"Take four thousand heavy cavalry and eight thousand infantry to attack the city and clean up the mess."

He originally wanted to talk about siege, but suddenly realized that there seemed to be nothing to attack.

Because the city no longer exists!
All that's left is to clean up the mess.

Under the cover of the Hongyi Cannon's artillery fire, there was nothing left.

In fact, it seems that there is no need to clean up the mess, but Li Shimin still thinks it is better to do it.

Maybe, this is "inertia".

"As ordered!"

Li Ji took the order and left tremblingly, and set off with the army, but returned to his command within half an hour, the expression on his face was almost exactly the same as when he set out.

"How much is the battle damage? Are there any statistics?"

"Why did it end so quickly?"

Li Shimin asked, as if he was still immersed in some kind of "inertial thinking".

Li Ji was silent, lowered his neck, shook his head and said, "I tell Your Majesty, my Tang Dynasty has not been damaged in this battle."

His tone was dead silent and unwavering, as if he had practiced for a long time on the road and discarded all his emotions before he could speak these words fluently.

"Nothing?" Li Shimin was taken aback for a moment, and the other generals were subconsciously at a loss.

They are still in the "inertia".

Why is there no battle damage?

They obviously fought a war, and they didn't go sightseeing

As he said that, Li Ji lowered his head even more, his calm completely collapsed, and a chill that penetrated into the bone marrow appeared in his eyes:

"The Goguryeo defenders are all dead!"

"[-] defenders, but we didn't even see a single living person!"

After speaking, he fell to his knees and wept silently.

It's not because of sadness, but simply. Scared!
 Update today

(End of this chapter)

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