My servant in the Tang Dynasty is Li Shimin

Chapter 212 Goguryeo's Destruction

Chapter 212 Goguryeo's Destruction (End)
Yes, pure fear.
Who would have thought that 5 people would all die like this?

Died so "silently", so "lighter than a feather".

The so-called fate is worthless, but it is nothing more than that.

Or some people ran away, but that didn't matter anymore.

Because this bombardment was enough to cast a shadow on them for a lifetime, making them dare not face Datang directly for eternity.

Li Ji was crying. The entire Great Tang warrior, who was fearless in the face of an army of ten thousand people, was so frightened that he collapsed directly, crying like a child!
Li Shimin was silent, and so were all the generals, and the surrounding air, including the army, was as quiet as death.

Because apart from being silent, they no longer knew what else to do.


Or should we just look at the sky in silence?


"Don't cry, there is no battle damage, that's a good thing."

It was not until a long time later that Li Shimin let out a long sigh, broke the silence, comforted Li Ji, and looked at everyone:

"Everyone, get ready, Dajun, and move on!"

"This is just the beginning, our war is not over yet."



Like the chorus of a tsunami, breaking all the tranquility, the morale of the Datang army was high, and they continued to attack the other four Iron Blade cities.

The mighty Tang army stepped over the ruins of Gaimu City and attacked the next target, Beisha City.

But this time, unlike before, the mentality of many Datang sergeants has changed.

Originally, they were ready to fight hard to the end, or even to perish in Liaodong.

After all, the capital of the former Sui Dynasty was defeated three times. No matter how strong the Tang Dynasty is, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not repeat the same mistakes and be dragged into the quagmire of war by Goguryeo.

But looking at it now, this war is likely to be just a one-sided crush!
For this, the Tang army was not only grateful, but also extremely awed and even worshiped Li Shimin.

Who would have thought that this expedition to Liaodong would reach such a step?
All this is because of their wise and mighty Holy Son of Heaven!
Without him, there would be no such earth-shattering super magic weapon.

It can be said that this battle not only allowed Goguryeo to see the horror of the Hongyi cannon, but also made Datang's confidence in victory unprecedentedly strong!
The same is true for Li Shimin. While accepting the admiration of everyone, he is also very grateful to a certain wealthy family far away in the Central Plains.

If we say that before the bombardment of Gaimu City, no one would think that this would be an easy battle.

Even after this, no one will think that Goguryeo is Datang's opponent!

All this is because of Wang Yuan!
Datang and Goguryeo are no longer rivals at the same level!
The entire army of the Tang Dynasty knew this well, and Goguryeo also "knows it well"!
When the news that Gaimu City was destroyed by the "fire rain" spread to the Goguryeo King City, everyone from the Goguryeo King to the civil and military officials were all dumbfounded!
Many people even thought they were dreaming!
How could there be such a terrifying weapon in the world?

However, when they heard the news that the Tang army was approaching Beisha City, they all panicked!

It turned out that the previous roar was not the victory drum sounded by God in advance, but the death bell sounded by Datang!
Datang, flattened their city!

Goguryeo is completely finished!


"This is absolutely impossible!"

King Goguryeo couldn't accept everything at all, he growled, smashed and jumped like crazy, like a baboon that has been going crazy.

It seems that by doing so, the Datang army can be scared and let them get out of Liaodong.

It's a pity that this is doomed, it's just self-deception.

At this time, the King of Goguryeo has completely lost the self-confidence and contempt he had at the beginning, replaced by deep fear, which is the fear from the soul!
Is it possible that Goguryeo is really going to perish?

"Pass down the order, even if you use your life to pile up, you must stop those Tang troops!"

"Whoever dares to retreat will be shot to death!"

The king of Goguryeo was crazy, and he kept giving orders, planning to use the whole Goguryeo to fight Datang to the end!
At this point, he must fight Li Shimin to the end.

"Design Sa Yanshou and Huizhen to bring Goguryeo and Mohe soldiers to support!"

On the other side, the Tang army had already arrived at Beisha City, and after discovering that all the defenders had abandoned the city and fled, they marched towards the next target, Liaodong City.

In this world, no one is a fool, especially in the face of life and death.

No matter how much King Goguryeo gave the order to die, the defenders of Beisha City still collapsed in the face of the mighty weapon of the Tang army.

In the Battle of Beisha City, the Tang army still had no battle damage, and even seized more than 8000 shi of grain and captured more than [-] civilians!

For these civilians, Li Shimin did not order the slaughter, but let them stay in Beisha City.

Because in his eyes, these people are already the citizens of Datang.

Then, the army moved towards Liaodong City to encircle, and the way was overwhelming!

Unlike Beisha City, as the core of the Iron Blade Five Cities, the Koguryo defenders in Liaodong City did not abandon the city and flee, but planned to fight to the end.

King Goguryeo sent 1 infantry to support Liaodong City, but Li Shimin only sent Li Ji and Li Daozong to lead [-] cavalry, and they defeated the Goguryeo army and killed more than [-] enemies!
Another [-] came to help, but they were still killed by [-] cavalry and collapsed on the spot!
Datang's 15 troops invaded a large area and surrounded the entire Liaodong City, let alone a living person, not even a bird was let go.

In the next five days, the two groups of Goguryeo's reinforcements were all defeated and collapsed, with more than [-] casualties, while the Tang army lost only a few dozen people!

And as the two battles were fought, King Goguryeo had changed from being angry and afraid before to completely desperate!

Without any Goguryeo reinforcements to support, Goguryeo completely abandoned Liaodong City.

After the second wave of Goguryeo reinforcements were defeated and collapsed, Li Shimin immediately ordered to attack the city the next day!
The process was the same as the previous attack on Gaimu City. Fifty Hongyi cannons were lined up. To show "respect", there were hundreds of catapults behind the cannons!

These catapults are all made by the master craftsman himself, and they can cast more than 300 kilograms of stones for more than one mile!
At the beginning, the former Sui Dynasty was unable to capture Liaodong City, so it could only bypass it, and finally fell into a situation of front and back attack.

But now, Li Shimin wants to blow Goguryeo, a super city with "great military exploits", to the ground with his own hands!

There was no sign, but everything seemed to be in order. The roar of the artillery was earth-shattering, and in conjunction with the catapult, hundreds of shells were projected into Liaodong City!
Flames soared everywhere in Liaodong City, forming mushroom clouds one after another, completely turning this land into a hell on earth.

It has to be said that Liaodong City is worthy of being the head of the Iron Blade Five Cities, and the city wall is as strong as an iron wall.

However, in front of Hongyi Cannon, all of this is just a matter of a few more hours of bombardment.

And no matter how strong the city is, the defenders are only people.

One hour, two hours, three hours, five hours
When the bombardment forced the sun down and turned it into a bright moon, the towering super city in the distance had completely turned into a large ruin!

The Tang army attacked Liaodong City without encountering any resistance. Tens of thousands of defenders in the city fled to their deaths, while some survived and lost their ability to move.

In this battle, Datang captured more than [-] civilians and seized countless grains.

Standing on top of the ruins, Li Shimin climbed up, looked to the east, and announced loudly to the bright moon:

"From then on, Liaodong will be changed to Liaozhou, and it will be my eternal territory of the Tang Dynasty!"

"For my Great Tang Eternal Territory!"

"For my Great Tang Eternal Territory!"

Countless people followed and shouted, and with this unprecedented momentum, they continued to approach the Goguryeo Royal City!

On the No. 11 day when the Tang army crossed the Liaodong River, Goguryeo, who had nowhere to go, gathered more than 1 cavalry near Baiyan City, intending to make a final break with Datang.

In this battle, Li Shimin did not personally meet him, nor did he use cannons. Instead, Li Jing, the military god of the Tang Dynasty, personally led [-] heavy cavalry to fight.

As soon as the two cavalry legions came into contact, Goguryeo was completely defeated and completely collapsed!

More than 1 Goguryeo cavalry were killed crying for their fathers and mothers. They had no power to resist at all. They were chased and killed by Li Jing for a hundred miles, and they barely escaped after losing more than half of them.

It can be said that in this battle, Goguryeo has completely lost the last capital to fight against Datang!
"Goguryeo, it's completely finished."

After returning, facing Li Shimin, Li Jing's expression was extremely complicated, with awe and nervousness.

In the battle just now, he had completely destroyed Goguryeo's last resistance force.

Now Goguryeo has lost its last chance to come back.

In other words, in Datang, in His Majesty, at the moment when the prince said that he would attack, the country of Goguryeo was already counting down to death.

The life and death of the weak has never had anything to do with itself, because it does not have the ability to control its own destiny.

"The Beijing Temple is coming soon."

Facing Li Jing's exclamation, Li Shimin talked about another topic, completely irrelevant to each other.

But Li Jing was instantly taken aback!

Li Shimin turned his head, looked at the astonished Li Jing, and said calmly, "It should be on the other side of the Yalu River."

On the other side of the Yalu River?

Li Jing was silent, Li Shimin didn't speak anymore, and neither did he.

The two stood where they were, with the cold wind blowing, icy cold to the bone.

The wind is cold, and the heart is even colder.

After capturing Baiyan City, the army continued to advance.

On the No.12 day, the army came to the Yalu River, and saw a large expanse of white across the river.

This is not a cloud, but one skeleton after another!

That is Goguryeo's Bone-Bone Jingguan!
The astonishing spectacle created by the bones of [-] Chinese soldiers is Goguryeo's biggest insult to the Chinese nation!

When seeing this "spectacle", all the Tang people present, all the descendants of Yan and Huang were all angry!

Although they had heard before that Goguryeo used the bones of the [-] Chinese soldiers who died in the Sui Dynasty to create an unprecedented capital of bones.

But looking at it now, there are more than a hundred thousand bones in this vast expanse of whiteness?
I'm afraid there are 20!
What insanity is this!

Reminiscent of the previous threats of the King of Goguryeo, more than 70 of the 20 captured former Sui soldiers and civilians have died. Everyone's eyes are red, and their anger has almost turned into reality!

If before this, they might still have a little pity for Goguryeo, and they didn't understand Li Shimin's cruel way of beheading the captives.

So now, this sympathy has been completely replaced by anger!

Must perish!
This country should not exist in the world!

In this world, there has never been kindness, and all respect is based on equal strength!
Standing in front of this Beijing Temple, anyone who was born in China and lived in this land would feel sincere anger.

"This is bloody revenge!"

"Goguryeo! I've already crushed this disgusting country!"

Li Shimin clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were red: "Here is my order, the army will stay for two days, and the bones will be collected!"

Even though he had already made mental preparations, he still couldn't hold back his anger after all!

Following the delivery of the order, the Datang army began to take action one after another to send these bones back to the Central Plains of the Tang Dynasty for burial.

Although these people who died in battle were all citizens of the former Sui Dynasty, the blood in their bones was exactly the same as that of the people of Tang Dynasty.

Soldiers who died for their country should return their souls to their hometowns.

This is not only an order, but also a responsibility and obligation!
Even if for this reason, it is very likely that the Goguryeo King City will wait for reinforcements, it doesn't matter.

When the No.15 day comes, with a roaring heart, all the Tang troops can't wait to fight to the last Koguryo royal city!
That is - Anshicheng!

Here is the last bastion of Goguryeo!

"Sage of the Tang Dynasty, my king is willing to surrender!"

"As long as Datang withdraws"

A Goguryeo envoy appeared and shouted loudly, wanting to convey the wish of the Goguryeo king to surrender.

But just halfway through his conditions, before he finished, an arrow feather flew towards him and pierced his heart directly!

The direction it came from was the dark army of the Tang Dynasty!

With a sword in his hand, Li Shimin went into battle in person, and with a loud voice, he ordered the final charge to completely wipe out Goguryeo!
There are more than 50 surviving former Sui soldiers and civilians in the city. The Hongyi cannons cannot be used, otherwise innocent people will be hurt, and the most primitive force can only be used to siege the city!
But at one point, everything doesn't matter anymore!

All soldiers of the Tang Dynasty have anger in their hearts, and this anger can only be healed by the blood of the enemy!

Half an hour later, most of the walls of Anshi City were captured.

An hour later, the gate of Anshi City opened wide and was forcibly broken by the Tang army!

Two hours later, Sa Yanshou and Huizhen in northern Goryeo led 15 Goguryeo and Mohe soldiers to rescue Anshicheng, and fought the final battle with the Tang army!
15 hit 15!
However, in the end, nothing changed.

The Tang army defeated Goguryeo and Mohe soldiers, directly crushed them head-on, beheaded more than [-] levels, and split the reinforcements in half at the core!
Three hours later, the fleeing King Goryeo died among the rebels, and was personally killed by the Goguryeo defenders.

Four hours later, Nusa Yanshou and Huizhen surrendered and were executed by Li Shimin himself.

Since then, only fifteen days since Li Shimin crossed the Liaoxi River, Goguryeo was completely destroyed!
 Today is still an update.

  Two updates will be resumed tomorrow, and the map is finally handed in, almost everyone ascended to heaven. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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