My servant in the Tang Dynasty is Li Shimin

Chapter 213 From now on, Liaodong will belong to Datang!

Chapter 213 From now on, Liaodong will belong to Datang!

So far, Goguryeo is completely destroyed!

This once mighty empire in the Liaodong Peninsula, which became a thorn in the flesh and a thorn in the side of the Tang Dynasty, has become a ruin, and there is no possibility of revival!
Once the royal city is broken, all that is left is to clean up the mess.

If Wang Yuan were here, he would definitely be deeply moved when he saw this scene.

According to the original history, although Li Shimin would also attack Anshicheng, defeat the Goguryeo and Mohe reinforcements led by Nasa Yanshou and Huizhen.

But in the end, because of the weather, they were still forced to withdraw their troops and left, unable to fight for a long time, and stopped before the final victory.

In that battle, Datang did win, but he did not win completely, leaving room for future generations to be "proud".

In fact, Li Shimin did nothing wrong in history, because if the delay continues, Datang is likely to fall into the same predicament as the former Sui Dynasty.

But now, history has completely changed. With the help of Hongyi Cannon, the entire Goguryeo has been reduced to ruins!

Those sticks in later generations will never again. No!There should be no universe stick country anymore.

Datang's victory in this battle was undisputed and attracted worldwide attention!
Liaodong City has become Liaozhou, Baiyan City has become Yanzhou, Gaimu City has become Gaizhou, and the three continents have completely become the indivisible territory of China!
When the gate of Anshi City was wide open and Li Shimin entered with his army, there were countless emaciated and ragged Sui people in the city, and they all knelt down to greet him.

Some of them had tears in their eyes, some were very excited, and more people couldn't even cry, their lips were chapped, they were extremely miserable, and they would just kowtow to Li Shimin constantly.

It is conceivable what horrible suffering they have all experienced, and how difficult it is to live to this day.

Even the etiquette is forgotten, only this kind of numb, humble kowtow to express my gratitude.

And the reason why they can live to this day is also because the king of Goguryeo was afraid that Datang would directly launch "Shenwei" just like he did against Liaodong City and Gaimu City.

King Goguryeo wanted to use the lives of these former Sui soldiers to threaten Datang.

It's a pity that Datang didn't mean to negotiate at all, and directly launched a general attack.

In fact, at the last moment, the King of Goguryeo even ordered to kill them, the former soldiers and civilians of the Sui Dynasty, and let them all be buried with Goguryeo.

Fortunately, the Tang army was so strong that it took a few hours to break through the entire Anshi City without giving the Goguryeo king the last chance to go crazy.

Moreover, the Goguryeo army had no fighting spirit, so no tragedy occurred.

"Congratulations to the Holy Son of Tang!"

"Long live the Holy Son of Heaven! Long live! Long live!"

"Long live."

"Eternal grace!"

Li Shimin led the army in, and all the former Sui soldiers and civilians knelt down to welcome them, even those who were already skinny and hungry, they mustered their strength to shout and cheer.

Hearing this, the corners of Li Shimin's mouth twitched, he turned his head sideways, and covered his eyes with one hand, as if he was afraid that tears would fall.

The same is true for Li Jing, Li Ji, Li Daozong and other generals. Everyone's face is full of unbearable and pain, and it feels like there is a stone in their throat.

They looked at the ragged former soldiers and civilians of the Sui Dynasty on both sides of the street, at these Chinese descendants who were connected with their own blood, and at the surprises and scars on their faces.

Men's cripples became the norm, with whip marks and iron marks of slaves all over their bodies, and some of their eyes turned black with no pupils.

The same is true for the women, all of whom are naked, or even naked. It is conceivable how devoid of dignity their daily life is.

Seeing such a scene, everyone's heart twitched violently, as if being severed by a blade.

These men who have no fear in the face of Wanjun can't help but collapse emotionally in the face of this situation.

When a country is weak, the worst people are often the civilians of the country.

At the same time, their anger towards Goguryeo, which had just dissipated, rose again!
It can even be said that it is stronger than before!

Everyone looked at Li Shimin, and Li Shimin also put down his palms, with red eyes, holding a sword, and riding forward!
"Goguryeo is cruel and innocent, and the people of Tang Dynasty who bully me!"

"Today, I want to seek justice for all the Chinese people who died in the battle of Liaodong!"

"From now on, anyone in the city of Anshi who bullies our citizens of the Tang Dynasty with a stick will be executed!"

"Kill or kill!"


"Kill or kill!"

Countless soldiers of the Tang Dynasty responded one after another, repeating Li Shimin's words hoarsely!

In fact, this is the only thought in their hearts!
Those who offend China must be killed!

From the generals to the soldiers, they were all shouting loudly to vent their anger!
On this day, rivers of blood flowed in the city of Anshi, people's heads rolled, and countless people died in Huangquan!

In just one day, more than 2 Goguryeo soldiers were executed in the city of Anshi, and each of them had cruel deeds against the former Sui soldiers and civilians written on their hands.

These evil people all died under the sword of Datang.

In the end, Li Shimin brought many generals into the capital of Koguryo, Anshicheng, where countless corpses had fallen.

The closed palace door was directly smashed open!

The emperor of the Great Tang Dynasty looked around, and finally fixed his eyes on the highest point.

There was nothing but a dark golden chair.

Without further hesitation, Li Shimin stepped forward, pulled out the divine sword, chopped off the throne where the King of Goguryeo once sat, and kicked it to pieces!

Cut the weeds!

With practical actions, he announced to the whole world the complete demise of Goguryeo!

The throne was shattered, and the supreme kingship of Goguryeo ceased to exist from now on!
Whoever dares to restore is to be an enemy of the entire Tang Dynasty!

As he said before, Koguryo must complete its demise, they do not deserve to be controlled by the economy!
In the dilapidated palace, Li Shimin stood in front of the broken throne.

And the battle reports of this battle also came from the outside again and again, passed to Li Shimin, and caught his eyes.

Every word above is full of the glory of Datang.

In this battle, Datang beheaded more than 5 enemies. If it is counted as the result of the previous dozen days, the total number of enemies killed was at least more than [-].

At the same time, more than 5 war horses, more than 3 cattle and sheep, more than 1 stones of grain, more than 3000 pieces of armor, countless weapons, and countless gold and silver treasures were also seized, with a total value of more than [-] million guan!
This is a super empire at its peak, accumulating wealth for countless years!

In this battle of the Tang Dynasty, not only did they not suffer any losses, they even made a fortune, making the national treasury richer than ever before!
Although some were destroyed by the mad Goguryeo King at the last moment, compared with the total number, it was just a drop in the bucket.

This in itself is a very ironic thing. He had so much wealth during his lifetime, but after his death, he didn't even have the right to destroy it.

Things like money are really the strongest slavery locks in the world.

As for Datang, less than 1000 people were lost in this battle, and most of the casualties occurred in the final battle.

But even in the most tragic siege battle, Datang still gained an overwhelming advantage.

Captured Anshi City with the fewest casualties!

Big win!

This is an unprecedented super win!
On the same day, when Li Shimin was happy, he changed the city of Anshi to Anzhou, and at the same time set up the Andong Governor's Mansion.

At the same time, Cheng Zhijie, the general of Youweiwei, also known as Cheng Yaojin, was appointed to lead [-] soldiers and horses to guard Liaodong.

Next, as Anshi City was breached and King Goguryeo died in the chaos, the whole country of Goguryeo fell into an unprecedented panic.

After Anshicheng, the Goguryeo defenders in Huangcheng, Yincheng, etc. all fled, abandoned the city and left, leaving only civilians.

Datang's army was not stopped by any means, and it took only ten days to take over all these cities, adding more than 100 million people to Datang's population.

From the beginning to the end of this battle, Datang broke through a total of eighteen Goguryeo cities, killed more than 15 enemies, and physically wiped out the two cities of Liaodong and Gaimu!
After the war, Li Shimin asked people to take out a military map, and it took only one day to divide the whole Goguryeo into 42 continents and more than 100 counties.

Every state and county has sent officials to station to achieve full control!

In this Eastern Expedition, Datang won a complete victory!
From the top to the bottom of Goguryeo, all resistance forces were wiped out without exception.

And the first thing Li Shimin did after occupying the entire territory of Goguryeo was to pick up a handful of black soil from the land of Liaodong with his own hands.

These soils are the legendary black soil, the most fertile planting soil in the world.

Goguryeo can have such a prosperous age, these black lands are indispensable.

Because the foundation of ancient civilization is agriculture.

Li Shimin carefully handed the black soil to his face and smelled its fragrance.

Immediately, Baiqi was sent to send a letter, Heitu and the victory battle report back to Chang'an, and passed it on to Prince Li Chengqian who was supervising the country.

The letter was made of Hsinchu. Seven days later, Crown Prince Li Chengqian got the letter and opened it to find that there were only three simple sentences on it.

"Send it to a big dog, and tell him that the black soil in Liaodong is very suitable for farming."

"At the same time, His Majesty has decided to make the Liao, Gai, An, and Yan four continents his duke fiefdoms."

"If he dares to refuse, I will break your leg!"

Li Chengqian: "???"

So. Is he really his own?
 Thank you Tengchun for your two rewards, thank you very much.

  There are also three rewards of 51 shi. I have been too busy recently, so I forgot to thank you.

  There is always someone waiting for you in the corner of QQ reading, the reward from Emperor Yan Bawang.

  There are also big monthly tickets from everyone, thank you very much.

  There is another update tonight, and I have caught up with the drawings for a week, and I need to adjust the status on May [-]st.

(End of this chapter)

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