Chapter 26 Never imagined!

"My lord, can you tell us more about it?"

Lao Li was very excited, and could clearly feel his heart speeding up!
Refined salt can actually help Datang exterminate the Eastern Turks in a short period of time! ?
If he knew that the effect of refined salt was so great, he should have asked about this matter long ago!
Wei Zheng was also shocked: "My lord, what kind of method is this?"

At the same time, he also thought of more.

Datang wanted to attack the Eastern Turks, but that was the top secret among the top secrets. Since Prince Wang knew about it, does that mean that Prince Wang probably came up with this plan?

Recalling that not long ago, His Majesty suddenly ordered a war in the early court, the more Wei Zheng thought about it, the more likely it was!
His Majesty's move is definitely not a whim, but influenced by Wang Yuan!

This young man, who is less than 20 years old, has unknowingly affected the situation in the entire Tang Dynasty!
In just an instant, Wang Yuan's status in Wei Zheng's heart has been elevated by countless levels!

"Don't worry, since I said it, I won't hide it from you."

Seeing the reaction of the two, Wang Yuan smiled and said:

"Old Li, do you remember what I said last time, since we in the Tang Dynasty are suffering from the cold disaster, the cold disaster in the northwest grassland will only be more terrifying?"


Li Shimin nodded lightly: "As the young master said, I specifically asked some friends who were active in Guannei Road not long ago, and they all said that the northwest grassland is already a world of ice and snow, making it difficult to do business."

"Now is the best time to attack the Eastern Turks!"


Hearing this, Wei Zheng's guess was completely confirmed.

His Majesty's sudden plan to send troops to attack the Eastern Turks was indeed influenced by Wang Yuan!
At that moment, he looked at Wang Yuan again, and there was even a trace of awe in his eyes!
Wang Yuan didn't care about the reaction of the two, and nodded: "That's right, the northwest grassland is already a world of ice and snow."

"But Lao Li, have you ever thought that since the ice and snow can weaken the national power of the Eastern Turks, will it become a hindrance to our Tang soldiers?"

After speaking, he gave them a meaningful look.

"Prince, what do you mean?"

Lao Li took a deep breath, he suddenly found that he seemed to have been ignoring a certain problem!

The same was true for Wei Zheng, he was horrified!
"Young master, I know! I know what you mean!"

At this time, Xiao Le'er suddenly stood up, and proudly said softly:

"It's snow! The ice and snow on the northwest grassland will block the roads. In such an environment, it will be difficult for the Tang army to move again!"

"Just like you, son, you either eat or sleep every day!"

"My lord, am I right?"

"If I'm right, can we have dinner? Then go to sleep?"

After speaking, Xiao Le'er looked at the three of them expectantly.

Obviously, for the so-called war, she is more interested in eating.

Wang Yuan: "."

He was suddenly dumbfounded.

If it wasn't for Lao Li's presence, he really wanted to pick up this girl and whip her.

Really, does she like tearing down her desk so much?

The next time you have sex with Lao Li and the others, you must get rid of this little girl!

"Xiao Le'er, be good, Mr. Wang, what do you mean?"

Although Xiao Le'er got mixed up, Li Shimin obviously still focused on the business: "Use refined salt to melt ice and snow!"

"Melting snow with refined salt? This! This?" Wei Zheng stuttered on the side!

When they said these words, they were all taken aback by themselves!
This kind of crazy method is something they have never imagined!
"That's right!"

Wang Yuan rubbed Xiao Le'er's little head angrily, took out some roasted seeds and nuts from his pocket for her to eat, and after comforting her, he said with a smile:
"Actually, there is no need for real refined salt, as long as it is purified a little according to my method."

"At that time, the army only needs to open the way ahead, and the logistics route can be sprinkled with salt to prevent ice and snow from condensing and keep it open."

"And salt can also preserve food, prevent food from being damaged by freezing, and greatly reduce transportation losses."

"Even when the time comes, the Tang army won't need to fight much!"

"As long as you promise enough food to some Turkic people in the grassland to survive the cold winter, those Turkic people will arrest Jieli Khan by themselves!"

"The reason why the East Turkic refugees plundered the border of our Tang Dynasty many times is because they have nothing to eat and cannot survive!"

"If the Tang army promised to give them a bite to eat at this time, their resistance will disappear, and the morale of the army will drop to freezing point!"

"Unlike the Central Plains, the Eastern Turks have been in turmoil for many years. Those herdsmen are far from having the sense of belonging and honor like the people of the Tang Dynasty, and they are very easy to be divided!"

"In ancient wars, the first is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the army, and the second is to attack the city!"

"This is the greatest use of refined salt!"

"With it, it may take less than ten days for East Turkistan to completely collapse!"

After Wang Yuan finished speaking, Lao Li stood where he was, as if struck by lightning.

And Wei Zheng also stood aside, staring the whole time!
Based on the status of the two of them, in terms of resourcefulness, it can be said that they are the top in the entire Tang Dynasty.

But facing Wang Yuan's scheme, they acted like idiots!
There is no other reason, because this strategy is too terrible!

What is the biggest difficulty in trying to exterminate the Eastern Turks within ten days?
In addition to food and grass logistics, that is transportation, that is, logistics transportation lines!

That's right, East Turkic is suffering from the cold, but this also means that all the roads in Eastern Turkic are covered with snow and difficult to pass through!

And at this time, refined salt is the real main force!
Because of it, it can melt snow!

As long as refined salt can be produced on a large scale and ice and snow can be melted away, then Datang's logistics and transportation lines will no longer have any obstacles!
There is no doubt that this is a path they never imagined!
Because refined salt was extremely precious in the Tang Dynasty, who else would be so extravagant to use it to melt snow besides the prince?

Li Shimin and Wei Zheng came to a conclusion after thinking for a moment.

It absolutely works!
Prince, you really have a peerless talent, you are like a god in this world!

"Probably that's the case, you can figure it out, tell the prince what I said."

"If it works, that's a good thing."

"If it doesn't work, forget it. It's not our turn to worry about common people in this world."

"After dinner, I'll take you to the salt workshop."

Wang Yuan spoke casually, watching the dull appearance of the two, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

It's not that he doesn't trust Lao Li and Lao Wei, but they are just businessmen, and it's too difficult to persuade a prince to do this matter.

Even if they had connections before, but now they are all bankrupt, and the so-called connections probably disappeared.

Success is naturally a good business with huge profits, but failure is also normal.

"Thank you, Prince."

Wei Zheng and Li Shimin glanced at each other, and they didn't care about Wang Yuan's casualness, they both saw joy in each other's eyes.

To be honest, they don't want to eat anymore, they just want to see the salt workshop quickly!

Not long after, the few people who had finished talking about their business began to eat.

But obviously, apart from Wang Yuan and Xiao Le'er, Lao Li and Lao Wei didn't have much appetite.

Even though Wang Yuan asked people to cook a few special dishes, they were still absent-minded.

Really, is that all they want to make money?
Wang Yuan couldn't stop laughing, and didn't whet their appetites. After eating and applying herbs, he smiled and said:
"Come with me, I'll show you the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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