My servant in the Tang Dynasty is Li Shimin

Chapter 27 Because I'm a Good Person

Chapter 27 Because I'm a Good Person
"it is good!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin and Wei Zheng became excited immediately, and hurriedly followed Wang Yuan's pace.

Compared to the anxiousness of the two, Wang Yuan seemed careless.

Xiao Le'er also looked reluctant, yawning all the time, obviously wanting to go back to take a nap.

Although she has only been with Wang Yuan for a few days, she has already developed a set of regular work and rest habits.

Not long after, a group of people came to a workshop without any shelter. Dozens of cauldrons were set up scatteredly in the workshop, and many servants of the palace came in and out here.

"My lord, is it possible that this is the salt workshop?"

Seeing this scene, Lao Li and Lao Wei were both stunned.

The scene in front of them is really far from what they imagined!
Refined salt, which is regarded as the most precious treasure in Chang'an City, and its refining method, are actually placed here without any concealment!

This is too outrageous, right?
"Yes, what's the problem?" Wang Yuan didn't know why, so he asked doubtfully:
"If it's not like this, what should it be like?"

Hearing that Li Shimin's liver was in pain, he glanced at Wei Zheng from the corner of his eye, and the latter's expression was not much better than his.

Obviously, they were all shocked by the "simpleness" of Wang Yuan's workshop!
"My lord, what I mean is, aren't you going to cover up such an important workshop?"

"At the very least, build a house, right?" Li Shimin gritted his teeth and asked.

He suddenly felt a little regretful. If he had known that the refining method could be obtained so easily, he should have visited Lantian County more, instead of staying by Wang Yuan's side.

It's just a big loss!

"What's there to cover up?" Wang Yuan curled his lips and said disdainfully:
"This thing is not worth a lot of money, and I hope that others will steal it and help me promote it, so that my family will be practicing."

"It's time-consuming, labor-intensive, and frightening all day long, and it's not doing any good."

While complaining, Wang Yuan waved his hands to greet the servants of the workshop, and continued to shape his "good" personality.

But Li Shimin stood where he was, speechless for a while.

He finally understood that Wang Yuan's outlook on wealth is completely different from that of ordinary people!

How much is refined salt worth?

Only this big dog can say these words!
"Okay, don't stand like a log, hurry up and follow!"

Wang Yuan yelled with Xiao Le'er, Li Shimin and Wei Zheng did not dare to neglect, and followed immediately.

"Meet the prince!"

A few people entered the workshop amidst a burst of greetings. In fact, they came to a big iron pot, because there are not many walls here, just a shed.

"The process of making salt is very simple, you can learn it by just looking around."

Wang Yuan spoke casually, then pointed around, and said slowly:

"First, crush red rock ore into powder, boil it with water, and then filter it through a fine mesh several times."

With that said, Wang Yuan walked up to a big iron pot, where the servants were doing the steps he just said.

Li Shimin looked at it, his eyes were red, and he immediately took some pens and paper from his "workmates" to copy, refusing to let go of every detail.

The same was true for Wei Zheng, who was drawing with a pen and paper, and the two of them followed behind Wang Yuan, walking between the iron pots, diligently, just like a follower.

Moreover, the more they wrote, the more excited they became!

They never dreamed that refined salt could be refined so easily!

You must know that there are a lot of red salt mines in Datang, but because the purity is too low, they have been used to feed livestock before.

Who would have thought that it could be used to refine refined salt?

No wonder Prince Wang is so dismissive of the value of refined salt, it turns out that refined salt is really so cheap!

I'm afraid it won't be long, not to mention the war, the people of the Tang Dynasty will be able to use refined salt in every household.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help being happy.

This is a great contribution that can benefit all peoples!

Xiao Le'er put her little feet up, watched the scene, and kept giggling, because she had never seen her Ye Ye look like this before.

It's so funny.

"Yeah, you seem to be the prince's disciple."


Hearing Xiao Le'er's joke, Li Shimin wanted to turn around and reprimand him.

But before he could say anything, he laughed too.

Indeed, what is the difference between his current appearance and his disciples?

"How about Lao Li, you can worship me as your teacher now!" Wang Yuan also joked, and said with a light smile:

"Really, my son is extremely talented, and I don't mind being promoted by you."

"Hey! That's how good I am!"


"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Wei Zheng choked up, covered his stomach, and laughed wildly regardless of his image, Li Shimin was also speechless for a while.

This Prince, it's fine if he wants to be his boss, but now he wants to be his master, it's going too far!

It's outrageous to even talk about high climbing!
When did he become so humble as the emperor of the Tang Dynasty?

"Don't really think about it?" Wang Yuan smiled cheaply, still "persuading and persuading".

"Don't talk about it, Prince, I don't think about it!" Li Shimin shook his head resolutely.

Don't even think about this kind of thing!
"What about you, Old Wei?" Wang Yuan looked at Old Wei again, and said with a light smile, "I'm here with food and lodging included!"

"I...I'll go back and talk to Lao Fang and the others for you." Wei Zheng felt ashamed for a while, and kicked the ball directly to others.

"Cut! It's really boring!"

Wang Yuan muttered, and continued to introduce, leaving the two of them embarrassed.

After a while, Li Shimin and Wei Zheng, who had written down the refining method of refined salt, couldn't wait to resign.

The matter of refined salt must be promoted as soon as possible!

"Be careful on the road! Remember, Lao Li, the holidays are only a few days away, so don't miss work for me!" Wang Yuan waved his hand to bid them farewell.

"Haha! Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely remember!"

Li Shimin repeatedly said yes, and after talking to Xiao Leer a few more words, he dragged Wei Zheng away, eager to promote the method of making refined salt.

And Xiao Le'er stood by Wang Yuan's side, watching Ye Ye's leaving back, with tears of reluctance in her big eyes.

Wang Yuan glanced at the little girl, and immediately smiled and said, "Xiao Le'er, do you think you come here so rarely, but you don't care much about you?"

"No." Xiao Le'er shook her head, but her tone was still very low: "I understand, yeah, I have business to do."

"Don't pretend to be an adult like this. In fact, children don't need to be so sensible."

Wang Yuan squatted down with a smile, and helped her arrange some wrinkled clothes:

"The more sensible you are, the more troublesome you are, and you haven't reached the time to be troublesome yet."

"Next time if you want to be like this again, just go up and scold him and beat him up!"

"With my backing, you don't need to give him face, you know?"

Hearing this, Xiao Le'er's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed: "In that case, will Yeye be angry?"

"how come?"

After tidying up, Wang Yuan stood up again, helped Xiao Leer smooth her hair with his hands, and said with a smile:

"Xiao Le'er, you have to remember that there are only two men in this world who will truly treat you selflessly."

"One is your father, and the other is your future husband."

"For them, you can lose your temper at will, without hiding your heart."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xiao Le'er to reply, Wang Yuan turned around and walked back into the house: "Let's go, go back and take a nap."

But just after Wang Yuan walked a few steps, Xiao Le'er suddenly said:

"Prince Wang! Please wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Wang Yuan paused.

"My lord, why are you being so nice to me?"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Le'er turned her head slightly, and there was an inexplicable brilliance in her eyes.

Why are you so nice to me?

Wang Yuan was slightly taken aback.

To be honest, he really didn't think about it.

Wang Yuan thought for a while and said with a smile, "Because I'm a good person, and I'm a bad person."

It's fine to be issued a good person card in the previous life, but now you have to give yourself a good person card yourself.

Hey, the more I live, the more I come back.

(End of this chapter)

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