
Chapter 1225

Chapter 1225
After a while, the whole wooden house was filled with spiritual power. The strange thing is that this spiritual power will not leak out and hovers in the wooden house all the time.

Whenever the spiritual power is strong enough to a certain level, the green breath will stop releasing spiritual power.

At this moment, a man in a state of embarrassment in the Demon God Mountain had fierce eyes and walked cautiously, as if he was looking for something.

"Damn waste! You have caused me such a big loss!" The senior brother suddenly stopped, holding the cracked yellow talisman in his hand, with strong regret in his ferocious expression.

"Hmph! It's better to be eaten up by monsters!" The elder brother searched for a while, and after making sure that he didn't find any trace of Liu Chen, he left the Demon God Mountain angrily.

In the elder brother's opinion, Liu Chen would definitely be eaten by monsters so that there would be no scum left.

Not to mention Liu Chen's weak strength, he can't run far just because Liu Chen's legs are disabled. The senior brother has searched almost all the places Liu Chen can reach at present, but he can't find Liu Chen. There is no whole body in the dust!

After half a month!

Liu Chen opened his eyes, bursting out bursts of light.

With a wave of his hand, the green aura was immediately put into the savings bag, and the Zengxian Pill in front of him disappeared. At the same time, Liu Chen's cultivation has also improved a lot.

It's just that there is still a long way to go before the realm of integration!
"Drink!" Liu Chen punched vigorously, then nodded in satisfaction.

"The cultivation base has improved a lot!"

Pushing open the door and walking out of the wooden house, I felt dizzy and felt like I was going to faint.

Liu Chen hastily closed his eyes. He hadn't come out for half a month, and he almost couldn't get used to the dazzling sunlight. Fortunately, there were lush branches and leaves above his head, otherwise he might have passed out for a short time.

After getting used to it for a while, Liu Chen quickly walked down the mountain, and the group of monsters behind him stayed close at every step. Since Liu Chen was practicing, he had been obediently staying outside the house.

Approaching the foot of the mountain, the monsters stopped one after another. Liu Chen glanced at the group of monsters behind him, took a deep breath, and rushed out of the Demon God Mountain.

The outside of the Demon God Mountain was empty, and there was no one in sight. For some reason, when I got out of the Demon God Mountain, I felt a lot more relaxed.

Eldest brother is suspicious and patient, and after waiting for more than half a month, he will become impatient, thinking that Liu Chen will surely die.

"It's really uncomfortable to use this identity!" Liu Chen let out a sigh of relief, using this identity to get involved in the Immortal Sect, but he didn't expect to be ridiculed and insulted by his fellow sect first, that's fine, with Liu Chen's heart, he can bear it.

Later, it turned into a life-and-death struggle, which was a bit unbearable for Liu Chen.

It's not a wise choice to be hunted down everywhere with Shen Huan's identity, but the two of them look exactly the same.

Obviously he came to Xianmen sect to become a strong man, but he almost didn't become a strong man and became a dead man.

Thinking of this, Liu Chen couldn't help but take a deep breath, and smiled confidently, life and death battles are also what one must go through to become a strong man!

"Huh!" Taking a few deep breaths in a row, he adjusted his mood, immediately took out his hat, and rushed towards the square.

Half a month has passed, and today should be the day to release the elixir, I hope I won't be late, because I didn't get the Zengxian elixir last time, Liu Chen felt very unbalanced.

With both feet on the ground, the whole person galloped out, walking all the way at an extremely fast speed, and there was no one in sight, so they should have all gone to the square.

"I heard that Shen Huan died in the Demon God Mountain. Do you think this is true?"

"I saw it with my own eyes! How can it be fake! That day, the senior brother forced Shen Huan to jump off the cliff and fell into the Demon God Mountain, and then came out of the Demon God Mountain alone in a panic, and entered it again afterwards, and came out alone. Lian Da A strong man like Senior Brother has become miserable, do you think that trash like Chen Huan can survive?"


"You said it was not good for him to offend anyone, but Eldest Brother, and he ended up like this in the end!"


Seeing his classmates coming towards him, Liu Chen lowered his bamboo hat and walked over. If all his classmates came back, the release of pills must be over.

"How did Chen Huan offend Eldest Senior Brother in the first place, can you tell us!" Liu Chen said with a suppressed voice.

Hearing this, the rest of the disciples all took a look at Liu Chen, and Liu Chen's heart thumped in fright.

Then they turned their gazes to the person who spoke, full of anticipation.

Everyone in the sect knew that Chen Huan had offended the elder brother, but about half of the people did not know how Chen Huan had offended the elder brother in the first place.

"Shh! I told you, but you must not tell others!" The man made a silent gesture, then walked a few steps quickly, exited the crowd, found a hidden corner, and narrated.

"Two years ago, the senior brother was a strong late stage of the Void Refining Realm, while Shen Huan was only a disciple in the early stage of the Void Refining Realm. At that time, the senior senior brother was invited to enter the Shangtian Gate because of his outstanding talent. Congratulations to the disciples who entered the Shangtian Gate this year. "

"You must know that all the disciples in the Shangtianmen are invincible and powerful. It is rumored that some disciples are stronger than the elders, and they are the place where the strong are like dragons. What does it mean for a senior brother to be invited to enter the Shangtianmen! Explain that he He has great potential, and he will be one of the next batch of disciples entering the Upper Heaven Sect!"

"At that time, the disciples who were invited were not only senior brothers, but many people went, all of them were experts in the Void Refining Realm. At that time, many disciples from the Lower Heaven Sect went to watch, wanting to see the demeanor of the upper Heaven Sect disciples!"

"It happened at that time that Shen Huan appeared and clamored to enter the Shangtianmen! With his ability, let alone entering the Shangtianmen, even entering the Xianmen sect took advantage of the sect master's reincarnation! But at the time, I didn't know why, a The elder suddenly appeared, and said to let the elder brother suppress his cultivation to the early stage of Void Refining Realm, and have a competition with Shen Huan!"

"It's nothing. Almost everyone thought it was a contest without any suspense! But the result surprised everyone! Not only did Shen Huan win, but he was also so clean!"

"One move! Shen Huan defeated the elder brother with only one move, and in front of so many disciples and elders from the Xia Tianmen! If you think this is the end, then you are very wrong!"

"Chen Huan glanced at the elders in the sky, and left a sentence, 'What nonsense, the next disciple of the Heavenly Gate is not as good as me, I won't go! You go in!' Then he walked away."


The man spoke with joy and spit, wishing to reproduce the scene at that time.

Liu Chen smiled slightly, and finally understood why senior brother hated Shen Huan so much.

The higher you stand, the harder you fall.

Eldest senior brother has outstanding talent, he was a strong person in the Void Refinement Realm two years ago, he is proud and arrogant, so naturally he would not put a disciple like Shen Huan in his eyes.

Suddenly one day, when he was defeated by the trash he had always looked down upon, especially in front of so many people, one could imagine the emotions in his heart. If the elder wasn't there, Liu Chen had no doubt that the elder brother would have killed Shen Huan in public .

Having said that, Liu Chen also noticed that Shen Huan defeated the elder brother with only one move. After all, the elder brother is a strong person in the realm of refining the virtual realm. Between the moves, ordinary disciples would lose.

What kind of method did Shen Huan use to defeat the elder brother with one move!

After hearing this story, apart from being interested in the mysterious fingering, Liu Chen became more interested in Shen Huan.

Liu Chen knew that Shen Huan was definitely not someone who would take nothing for granted, otherwise a trash who had never improved his cultivation would not be able to still live in the Immortal Sect.

"Then what happened later? Why didn't senior brother kill him? Now he is killing him!"

"Later, after Eldest Senior Brother came out from the Heavenly Gate, his expression was always very bad. He let go of the people under his command and looked for Shen Huan everywhere. Finally, he found it. At the very moment, another elder appeared and stopped them. Since then , Shen Huan left a word, and disappeared!"


"Two years later! I will kill your whole family!"

Liu Chen took a deep breath, personal grievances, is it necessary to involve family members!
"I only found out about this recently. I heard that senior brother killed a group of people randomly when he went out once, and among that group of people were Shen Huan's parents and relatives." The man lowered his voice and said cautiously. .

Liu Chen couldn't understand the feeling of watching his relatives fall in front of him.

No wonder Shen Huan uttered such cruel words, it turned out to be because of this.

Liu Chen silently left the crowd, no matter whether it was Shen Huan or Liu Chen, the big brother must die.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, there are many thoughts in my mind. The place I am in is a part of the Xianmen sect, the Xiatianmen, and above this, there is the Shangtianmen. Maybe I can only get closer to the strong if I enter the Shangtianmen !
"Now that we know about this kind of thing, we must do something!" A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Liu Chen's mouth, and then a figure flashed, running among the mountains, spreading the news.

The news that the elder brother killed Shen Huan had already spread throughout Xiatianmen, and for a while, the elder brother became the object of conversation after dinner with the same sect.

At this moment, Liu Chen embellished the story he had heard, and described the elder brother as a scumbag who can no longer exist as a scumbag.

"I didn't expect Eldest Brother to be this kind of person, because of personal grievances, he killed Shen Huan's family!"

"No, you are wrong! Eldest brother is bloodthirsty, he killed Shen Huan's family first, which led to the incident outside the Heavenly Gate, and then killed Shen Huan."

"I respect his strength on weekdays, but I didn't expect such a bloodthirsty and despicable person!"


"The effect is good!" Liu Chen hid in the corner, watched everyone talking, and sneered in his heart.This time, the big brother was definitely pushed to a point where he was alone and helpless.

In less than two days, news spread throughout Xiatianmen that the elder brother killed Shen Huan's family and Chen Huan.

All of a sudden, the elder brother became a street mouse, everyone shouted and beat him, and more and more people sympathized with Shen Huan.

If it wasn't for the senior brother's cultivation, Liu Chen had no doubt that someone would come to challenge the senior senior brother at this moment.

Even so, Liu Chen's goal has been achieved, and the next step is to improve his cultivation and defeat the elder brother as soon as possible.

But before that, Liu Chen was going to a place, and that was the Tongxian Pavilion. After some inquiries, he learned that the mysterious fingering method that the elder brother performed on the Demon God Mountain that day was the magic finger, which belonged to the low-grade true immortal technique.

(End of this chapter)

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