
Chapter 1226 Assessment

Chapter 1226 Assessment
On top of this, there are middle-grade true immortal arts, top-grade true immortal arts, and even legendary legendary true immortal arts.

There are not many people who have mastered the True Immortal Technique in Xiatianmen. The main reason is that the True Immortal Technique is not open to the public, and can only be exchanged through contributions, or an equivalent amount of Zengxian Pill or Yucui Pill!

Liu Chen didn't have Zengxian Pill, but Yucui Pill was abundant, so Liu Chen decided to go to Tongxian Pavilion to try his luck, maybe he could exchange it for a true fairy art that suits him.

With the True Immortal Technique for self-defense, he will have the confidence to face the elder brother next time.

Thinking of the powerful Extinguishing Finger, Liu Chen's heart became agitated. After seeing the power of the Extinguishing Finger, Liu Chen suddenly felt that the fairy arts he had learned were simply too weak.

Sure enough, the real fairyland is powerful, far from being comparable to the fairyland, which can also explain why people in the fairyland are so afraid of the fairy people.

It must be the fear of the powerful strength of the real fairy world.

With a flash of a figure, Liu Chen rushed straight to Tongxian Pavilion.

Tongxian Pavilion stands on the highest peak of Xiatianmen, soaring into the clouds, surrounded by clouds and mist, with no end in sight, but the whole body exudes a heavy majesty.

Gradually, Liu Chen got closer and closer to Tongxian Pavilion.

"It should be here soon!" Liu Chen hurried along the direction of Tongxian Pavilion for a whole day, obviously feeling that the distance to Tongxian Pavilion was getting closer, but he still couldn't see Tongxian Pavilion.

Finally, after another day, Liu Chen saw the gate of Tongxian Pavilion.

The door is carved with lifelike reliefs of monsters and beasts, exuding a simple and simple atmosphere.

Standing straight outside the door were two disciples guarding the door. When they saw Liu Chen approaching with a bamboo hat, they immediately stopped him and said, "Please show your ID card!"


Liu Chen yelled inwardly. He has been here for so long, and he doesn't know about the identity card at all. Thinking of this, Liu Chen suddenly rang out that the last time he released the pill, everyone got the Zengxian Pill, but he didn't have it. It may be related to the identity card .

How to do!
Liu Chen suddenly stopped at the entrance of Tongxian Pavilion, with a hesitant look on his face, and gradually retreated. He came to Tongxian Pavilion full of expectations, but came back disappointed, somewhat unhappy in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Chen finally left.

"Since you're here, why are you in a hurry to leave?" A slightly vicissitudes of voice sounded.

Liu Chen stopped abruptly, and then, a strong wind blew past, blowing Liu Chen's bamboo hat off.

"turn around!"

Liu Chen didn't dare not to do it, because the man's eyes locked on him, like a scourge, staring at him with chills on his back and sweat on the soles of his feet.

Liu Chen had no doubt that that person could kill him with a wave of his hand.

"Shen Huan? You're not dead!"

"Shen Huan?"

When the two gatekeepers saw Liu Chen's face, they were speechless in surprise.

The two guards were only in the Void Refinement Realm, and behind them stood a white-haired middle-aged man. Judging from his face, he was only middle-aged, but his head was full of white hair. The middle-aged man's eyes were like torches, as if he wanted to see through Liu Chen.

Liu Chen felt uneasy, could it be that he has seen through me?
The middle-aged man stared at Liu Chen for a while, then looked away, and left silently, muttering.

"Am I feeling wrong?"

"Since it's Senior Brother Shen Huan, there's no need to show your ID card!" One of the gatekeeper disciples smiled and stepped aside to open the way.

"Thank you!" Chen Huan clasped his hands together, gave a salute, and walked quickly into Tongxian Pavilion.Shen Huan is really famous, even the disciples who guard the gate of the Immortal Pavilion know it.

But fortunately, he didn't get through in the end, Liu Chen suddenly remembered the change in the middle-aged man's expression from the time he appeared to when he was about to leave.

He seemed to be confirming something!
Stepping into Tongxian Pavilion, there are tall bookshelves on the left and right, and the eyes glanced roughly.There are about a hundred rows of bookshelves on the first floor, and on each row of bookshelves are placed more than a dozen real immortal arts.On the far right of the first floor is a circular wooden ladder leading to the second floor.

After staying on the first floor for half a day, I remembered most of the names of Zhenxianshu, but I couldn't open it to study.

Under each True Immortal Technique, the contributions and immortal stones required for exchange are clearly written.

After half a day, Liu Chen touched his savings bag. Fifty thousand immortal stones were only enough to exchange for a low-grade true immortal art. Although he had already expected it in his heart, he was still a little disappointed at the moment.

The true fairy arts are arranged in order to the right according to the degree of cost. Liu Chen finished browsing the entire first floor, and finally wandered around in the middle. Looking at the gorgeous true fairy arts on the bookshelf, Liu Chen was simply intoxicated. take them all away.

"Is there any true fairy art you like?" Suddenly, a crisp voice came from behind Liu Chen, and then, a beautiful woman appeared in front of Liu Chen.

Liu Chen turned around and stared blankly at the woman, a little bewildered.

"Not yet." Liu Chen took a deep breath, knowing that he had lost his composure just now, so he quickly withdrew his gaze and said in embarrassment.

The woman covered her mouth and smiled lightly, not paying any attention to what happened just now, instead she walked to the bookshelf, took out a True Immortal Art from above, and introduced: "Devil Extermination Finger is the stronger True Immortal Art among the low-rank True Immortal Art. It’s just that it’s difficult to learn, so it’s put here!”

"Devil's Finger?" Hearing this name, Liu Chen suddenly realized, wasn't it the Demon's Finger that the big brother said that day!
"I want it!" Liu Chen nodded in satisfaction, took the Magic Finger True Immortal Technique from the woman, and immediately slapped the savings bag, saying: "[-] immortal stones, just right!"

When he was still in the Immortal Realm, there were tens of millions, hundreds of millions of immortal stones, but now in the Real Immortal Realm, Liu Chen is a pauper.

"Puchi!" The woman was amused by Liu Chen's behavior, and pointed to the direction leading to the second floor.

Looking in the direction of the woman, the three large characters of the registration office came into view, and Liu Chen's face flushed immediately, extremely embarrassed.

There was no sign of ridicule on the woman's face, but instead she said, "This is the first time you have come to Tongxian Pavilion, right? In fact, you don't have to worry about it, I was just like you when I came here for the first time!"

Hearing this, Liu Chen's affection immediately increased, and he followed the woman to the registration office, and took out the Magic Finger True Immortal Technique, and returned it to Liu Chen immediately after the woman registered.

After completing all the procedures, Liu Chen quickly left the Tongxian Pavilion with the Demon-killing Finger True Immortal Art.

Staying in front of the woman for another second, Liu Chen would feel a lot of pressure. After leaving Tongxian Pavilion, Liu Chen quickly burrowed into the forest, aiming for the Demon God Mountain. Only there could Liu Chen feel safe.

Liu Chen put on his bamboo hat again, and in order to avoid being discovered, he took a long detour before entering the Demon God Mountain.

Back in front of the wooden house that he had built with his own hands, Liu Chen took out the Magic Finger True Immortal Technique, placed the True Immortal Technique in front of him with full expectation, and sat cross-legged.

After adjusting his breath and keeping his spirit at its peak, after waiting for half an hour, Liu Chen opened his eyes, shot out bursts of light, locked on to the magic finger, stretched out his hands, and opened it!


There was nothing in it, it was blank!
Suddenly, a bright light shot into Liu Chen's mind, and then, difficult words appeared in his mind, and it took Liu Chen half a day to understand the meaning inside.

Stretch out your hands, make a formula with both hands, and the spiritual power slowly gathers in your hands!

A large amount of spiritual power accumulated in his hands, so that Liu Chen's hands were squeezed and deformed, and seemed to explode at any moment.

"Come out!" Liu Chen snarled, shaking violently.

With a bang, the spiritual power in his hands dissipated. Looking at the beating spiritual power, Liu Chen shook his head in disappointment. It was too far away from the magic finger cast by the elder brother.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Chen once again mobilized his spiritual power to gather in his hands, but this time it was only a small part.


In an instant, an invisible flame flashed from the fingertips.

"Come again!"

Liu Chen tried more than ten times in succession, and finally, the black flames danced from his fingertips, but they were very weak and could not be sustained, and would go out between breaths. Obviously, this level could not be used to attack, and would only waste spiritual power in vain.

"Come again!" The spiritual power in the body was almost consumed, less than two-tenths.

Liu Chen cheered up and planned to use the remaining spiritual power to try again.

He controlled the remaining spiritual power to gather on his right hand, and then forcibly compressed the spiritual power, poured it into his fingers, and said in a low voice, "True Immortal Technique! Extinguishing Demon Finger!"

call out!
As soon as the words fell, the black flames rose up, and the spiritual power in Liu Chen's body drained rapidly, his pale face was immediately congested with blood, his body trembled and fell to the ground, and the black flames were extinguished.

Liu Chen lay on the ground, his body collapsed, his whole body was extremely weak.

At this moment, any disciple who came here could easily kill him!

"Finally succeeded!" Liu Chen looked up at the sky in the gap between the trees, showing a confident smile.

The green breath appeared out of nowhere, and the continuous green halo nourished Liu Chen's body.

After more than twenty breaths, Liu Chen's face returned to normal, full of physical strength and spiritual power, Liu Chen jumped up from the ground, simply inserted the green breath by his side, and practiced the magic finger again.


With the first successful experience, the next two successive successes.

The black flame shot out from the fingertips and hit the big tree not far away. Suddenly, a shocking scene appeared, and the black flame the size of a little finger spread rapidly.

In an instant, the thick and towering giant tree disappeared into nothingness. Watching a giant tree disappear in front of my eyes, the feeling is hard to describe in words.

After feeling for a while, Liu Chen got up and left.

After truly mastering the Demon-killing Finger, not only confidence but also self-confidence increased in my heart.When facing the elder brother again, he is not without the power to fight.

After leaving Demon God Mountain quickly, and walking a short distance, he heard a big news immediately.

"Registration for the annual Shangtianmen assessment has started. I heard that some senior brothers who have been closed for a long time in the realm of refining the virtual have been separated, and they have already registered!"

"There is no limit on the number of people in the assessment of Shangtianmen. As long as you have enough strength, you can enter. Last time, senior brother failed to participate in the assessment. This time he will definitely go!"

"Eldest brother is a strong person in the half-step fusion realm, and he will definitely be able to enter the Shangtianmen. Besides, senior sister Chen Yi will definitely go too. She seems to be also a half-step fusion realm powerhouse now!"

"Let's go! Let's go and see too! Enjoy the demeanor of geniuses!"

(End of this chapter)

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