
Chapter 1230 Formal Assessment

Chapter 1230 Formal Assessment
As soon as this remark came out, everyone echoed.

For a moment, all the experts in the Void Refining Realm took a step forward, posing as a demon-killing and defending Taoist, some of the Void Refining Realm experts exploded, wanting to catch Liu Chen.

"Stop me all!"

A roar sounded!Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man fell from the sky, a powerful aura enveloped the audience, and the commotion calmed down again.

"Why is the elder here? Is he going to take away this unknown guy himself?"

"Don't talk, let's see what the elders do!"


"Keep it safe! Don't lose it next time!" The middle-aged man threw out a wooden sign and said to Liu Chen with a blank expression.

"Thank you, elder." Liu Chen took the wooden sign and said respectfully.

Although I don't know why the middle-aged man wants to help himself, as long as he can resolve the immediate crisis, it is enough to stay in the Xianmen sect.

Turning over the wooden sign, Liu Chen thought it was blank, but he didn't expect that there were two big characters engraved on the wooden sign, which read "Three Points for Beginners!"
Liu Chen!

I have been in the Immortal Sect for more than a few months, and I have never revealed my real name to anyone!How could he know!
A deep shock enveloped Liu Chen, followed by many mysteries.

Liu Chen looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously, as if expecting him to tell him the answer.

"He Meng has done a lot of evil, today's incident is purely his own fault! Let's go!" The middle-aged man left these words and flew away.

The middle-aged man handed Liu Chen an ID card, which could prove Liu Chen's identity. However, it was a little unreasonable to personally deliver the ID card to Liu Chen. It seemed that he came here in person because he was in a hurry.

Secondly!Middle-aged people obviously don't need to say the last sentence!Because Montenegro is originally a free zone, whoever lives and who dies depends entirely on strength!Eldest brother is dead, no wonder who!

But the middle-aged man left this sentence obviously to excuse Shen Huan and Liu Chen.

In this way, there will be no excuses for the person who went to the gate of heaven!

Through this incident, analyzing the words and deeds of the middle-aged man, he was more inclined to Liu Chen.

But no matter whether he is leaning towards Shen Huan or Liu Chen, there is an extra huge backer behind the two of them, the elder of Xianmen Sect!
Shen Huan!Two years ago, he was just a waste in the early stage of the Void Refining Realm, and he was looked down upon and insulted everywhere!

Two years later!He defeated the senior brother lightly, and he was not afraid of the powerful existence of the senior senior brother at the Heavenly Gate.

Liu Chen!A strong man who suddenly appeared in Xiatianmen!He was supposed to be caught by the crowd and sent to the elders to deal with, but instead he was rescued by the elders.

All this happened like a dream, which made people feel overwhelmed and unable to react.

The elder brother's body lay quietly on the ground, no one dared to go forward to collect the body.

Liu Chen took a deep breath, buried the elder brother on the spot, and then looked at Chen Yi gratefully. At the critical moment, Chen Yi was probably the only one who remained unchanged.

do not know why!Liu Chen looked at Chen Yi so pleasing to the eye, so beautiful!
"Thank you!" Liu Chen said sincerely, and immediately left the crowd.

The assessment of Shangtianmen is about to start, find a place to rest well, and it's time to start. Chen Yi understood Liu Chen's meaning, so she didn't say anything, nodded with a smile, and the two parted ways.

The protagonists all left, and the others knew that there was no point in staying any longer, so they all looked at the elder brother who was buried underground with complicated eyes, and left separately.

Walking and walking, Liu Chen returned to Demon God Mountain again!

The Immortal sect is very big, but the only thing that makes Liu Chen feel at ease is the Demon God Mountain, and this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

When staying in Demon God Mountain for the first time, Liu Chen always felt a little stressed and uncomfortable.

Now it seems that these pressures and discomforts are gone, and Liu Chen feels relieved, because here, Liu Chen doesn't have to worry about anyone's revenge, and doesn't have to look at other people's faces.


Liu Chen didn't have the slightest thought of cultivating at the moment, his mind was full of Xiaoqing, Tianming, Zixuan and others, and he couldn't get rid of it.

Take a long sigh, tomorrow is the assessment, you must cheer up and pass the assessment!

Immediately afterwards, Liu Chen was shocked, a green aura appeared out of thin air, and the green halo spread, covering Liu Chen.

It took another half an hour, and Liu Chen's heart finally became calm. With the help of the green breath, his breathing became even, all aspects of his body returned to the best condition, and his spiritual power remained full.

Silent all night.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning fell on Liu Chen's eyelids through the overlapping leaves. He opened his eyes, bursts of light burst out, and Liu Chen was ready.

Stand up, move around for a while, and rush to the square quickly.

The Shangtianmen assessment meeting will gather in the square, and the elders will bring them to the assessment site.

Walking on the road, Liu Chen heard a lot about this assessment. This assessment is almost the same as previous assessments, the only difference is that the rewards for this assessment have become more abundant.

There is a top-grade magic weapon and a top-grade true immortal technique at the assessment site, and only No.1 can obtain it.

In normal times, if No.1 can get the middle-grade magic weapon and true immortal technique, it will be invincible!Unexpectedly, the reward for this one is not only top grade, but also two pieces at a time.

The blood of those who participated in the assessment of Shangtianmen could not help being excited. There are many high-grade magic weapons and true immortal arts, and true immortal arts can be exchanged at Tongxian Pavilion, but the amount of contributions and resources required is daunting.

Now there are two things in front of me, so I naturally have to fight hard, even if the chance is slim.

"In this assessment, a dark horse, Shen Huan, suddenly appeared. What do you think?"

"Chen Huan is indeed very strong, but this assessment is not based on personal strength. He has just come out of retreat, and there are not many people in the Xianmen sect who are willing to work with him. I don't think he will win the first place!"

"In addition to Shen Huan, there are two other people who will be the favorites to win the championship. Senior Sister Chen Yi and Senior Brother Fatty, both of them are half-step Fusion Realm powerhouses, and they each master the powerful True Immortal Art, and their combat power is astonishing."

Listening to their discussion, Liu Chen smiled and remained silent.

No. 1 rewards are really rich, everyone wants to get them, but after thinking about it carefully, these rewards don't have much to do with me.

Apart from Shen Huan, that mysterious fat man and Chen Yi are not easy to mess with.

Want to win the championship!It's as difficult as climbing the sky!Instead of thinking about winning the championship, it is better to think about how to lean on the thigh and pass the examination.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Liu Chen's mouth, and there was someone who would definitely help him right now.

now!The square was full of people, and it was a large area of ​​darkness.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that all the people participating in the assessment are divided into groups of different sizes, and in each group there will be one or two half-step fit realm experts, and several half-step fit realm experts.

"This way, this way!" A familiar voice sounded from the crowd, Liu Chen smiled, knowing who this person was without thinking.

So I followed the voice and saw that Chen Yi was smiling and waving at her. Looking at her, she seemed not worried about the assessment at all.

"Get to know each other officially! Liu Chen!" Liu Chen showed his identity card and said solemnly.

Chen Yi smiled, showed her ID card, and said, "My name is Chen Yi, you can call me Senior Sister Chen Yi!"

"Senior Sister Chen Yi."

"Hehe!" Chen Yi covered her mouth and chuckled, and immediately pulled Liu Chen into her team.

Chen Yi's team has a total of four half-step fit realm experts, and the rest are all Void Refining realm experts.

Such a team is definitely the strongest team in this assessment.

Seeing Liu Chen coming in, the rest of the people looked unhappy. Because of Chen Yi's face, they didn't dare to refute, so they had to accept it silently.

"Be smart then! Don't get lost!"

"Better not hold us back! Otherwise I won't waste time trying to save you!"

Chen Yi suddenly became unhappy, and accused: "Junior Brother Liu Chen is now on our team! How can you say that about him!"

Hearing this, the two touched the nib of the pen, and immediately fell silent, but the way they looked at Liu Chen did not change at all.

Suddenly, Liu Chen noticed that there was a person who stood out in the square because there was no one around him, and that person was Shen Huan!
Shen Huan clasped his hands in front of his chest, his expression was indifferent, his eyes were full of confidence, he looked up into the distance, ignoring the eyes of the people around him.

"He killed the elder brother, and he still dares to participate in this assessment. Are you not afraid of being chased and killed by that person after passing the assessment?"

"Then who knows! Maybe he's not afraid of that man!"

Everyone laughed and began to talk about the favorites to win the championship.


"This assessment is the same as previous assessments! It all depends on strength! The location of the assessment is still a place of extreme inflammation!"

Hearing these words, everyone seemed very calm, especially Chen Yi, who had a relaxed smile on his face.

The Land of Extreme Flame is a cave. The legend has no end. The cave is high temperature all year round, like a huge furnace. If you enter the Land of Extreme Flame below the Void Refining Realm, it will turn into ashes within a short while. Only those who are strong in the Void Refining Realm Only the unique spiritual power can resist the heat wave of the extremely hot place.

At the same time, the Land of Extreme Flame is also a place for the disciples of the Upper Heaven Sect to practice. With the help of high temperature and heat waves, they can use up their spiritual power and then recover it. In the long run, the spiritual power reserve in the body will greatly increase.

"It's about to start, follow me closely." Chen Yi was worried that Liu Chen would be injured by the turbulent flow of the teleportation array, so she held Liu Chen's hand.

I saw the eight dragon-carved stone pillars on the square emitting dazzling light, and the light shrouded all the disciples participating in the assessment of the Heavenly Gate.

Immediately afterwards, the eight dragon-carved stone pillars began to move slowly, and a golden light appeared under their feet.

The surroundings were illusory, and everyone looked extremely unreal, like a reflection in the water. Fortunately, holding Chen Yi's hand, Liu Chen could clearly feel her presence.

Not long after, people disappeared from the square one after another.

It was the first time Liu Chen saw such a shocking scene, he couldn't help exclaiming, he was already extremely excited before stepping into the extremely hot place.

"Here we come!" Chen Yijiao shouted, clenched Liu Chen's hand, stared straight ahead with serious eyes.

The golden light flickered, Liu Chen's eyes were blank, he couldn't see anything, he just felt dizzy and nauseating.

"Huh! It's finally out!" Chen Yi let go of Liu Chen's hand, wiped the sweat from her cheeks with both hands, and complained, "It's so hot!"

(End of this chapter)

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