
Chapter 1231 Methods

Chapter 1231 Methods
Liu Chen took a deep breath, trying to suppress the feeling of vomiting, and looked up at the world in front of him.

Red is the only color in the extremely hot place. Looking around, Liu Chen could not see any other colors. The scorching heat wave hit Liu Chen's face, and it was instantly red.

"It's dangerous outside, come in!" Chen Yi took out a jade bracelet and put it on her hand. Layers of emerald green mist spread, resisting the surrounding heat waves.

Looking at Chen Yi standing in the mist, it was a world of difference. In just two breaths, Liu Chen's clothes inside and out were all soaked, his whole body was hot, and the soles of his feet were almost cooked.

On the other hand, Chen Yi, with a soft expression and a sweet smile all the time, looks like a normal person.

Without hesitation, Liu Chen rushed in. Immediately, a wave of coolness flowed through his body like an electric current.

"Phew! It's so comfortable!" Liu Chen let out a long breath, his face relaxed. If the assessment was just like this, it would be too simple.

With Chen Yi around, you can walk sideways in the extremely hot place!

Gradually, the two saw people lying on the ground from time to time, their faces were pale and weak, obviously unable to withstand the cruel environment of the Extreme Flame Land, and most of these people were in the Void Refinement Realm.

Liu Chen glanced at those people, and then looked at Chen Yi. Chen Yi shook her head and continued walking forward.

The farther forward, the more people were lying down, and there was even a strong half-step body in front of him. Liu Chen had a deep understanding of the cruel environment of the Extreme Flame Land.

I just stood there for a while, and felt uncomfortable all over my body. Even if I released my spiritual power to resist, I couldn't last too long. Sooner or later, my spiritual power would be exhausted and I would die in a place of extreme inflammation.

"Senior Sister Chen Yi, help us." A weak man in scantily clad clothes stretched out his roasted arm to Chen Yi, pleading.

Hearing this, Chen Yi stopped, looked carefully for a while, and then pulled the man into the dark green mist.

"Thank you, thank you." The man shed tears of gratitude, and immediately knelt down to kowtow to Chen Yi, but was stopped by Chen Yi.

Liu Chen smiled without saying a word, and took the initiative to support the man, and the three of them walked forward quickly.

I don't know how long I walked, but the cave still couldn't see the end. Liu Chen only remembered that there were more than a hundred corpses lying on the ground, and the accompanying people changed from one to ten.

No one knows how long it will take to go, but the dark green mist gradually becomes transparent and seems to disappear at any moment.

"No! My spiritual power is not enough!" Chen Yi said sadly with a pale face after expending a lot of spiritual power.

Hearing this, Liu Chen looked around, because the more people accompanied him, the wider the area of ​​the mist would be, and the more spiritual energy would be consumed.

After seeing Liu Chen's gaze, someone's heart beat violently, because they knew that there were too many people and they had to kick some out!
"Let me help you!" Liu Chen thought for a while, but Chen Yi didn't say anything, and I was anxious to make a decision for her.

So he pushed through the crowd and walked over to Chen Yi, with one hand on the savings bag and the other on Chen Yi's.

The green breath flickered, and a large amount of spiritual power entered Chen Yi's body through Liu Chen's body.

While breathing, Chen Yi's pale face returned to rosy, and the fading dark green mist instantly thickened a lot.It is conceivable how much spiritual power Liu Chen has input, and how strong Liu Chen's spiritual power is.

Chen Yi looked at Liu Chen in shock. She didn't expect Liu Chen to have so many means besides his fighting power, and his spiritual power was so strong.

Ignoring everyone's surprised gazes, Liu Chen smiled at Chen Yi and said, "Let's go."

Hearing this, Chen Yi suddenly realized, and took the lead to walk forward. The two cooperated like this, and walked a long distance, but still did not see the end.

Along the way, many corpses were seen on the road, some of which were only a pile of red bones, and some of which were only white powder.

Finally, Liu Chen saw a figure. Not far in front of him, a large group of people were standing, as if they had encountered some problem.

Liu Chen and Chen Yi looked at each other, and quickly ran over.Gradually, they got closer, and through the gap, they vaguely saw a magma river in front of them.

Liu Chen gasped, the land of extreme flames was too terrifying, visually judging the width of the lava river, it was impossible to jump over it.

As for tearing the void and flying over, this is completely impossible. If the assessment was really that simple, it wouldn't appear here.

Squeezing away the crowd, the single channel spread to the left and right because of the magma river. Suddenly, three roads appeared in front of my eyes. The roads on both sides did not need to cross the magma river, the only way forward.

"Let's go this way. Although it's a long way around, at least we can save our lives!"

"Anyway, No.1 has nothing to do with me, so I'll go to the right!"


Quite a number of half-step combined state powerhouses set off to the left and right, while those left behind looked hesitantly at the magma river.

"Fight it!" The half-step body-fitting powerhouse jumped up, jumped high, and went straight to the other side of the river.

It's a pity that just after jumping halfway, he fell down and fell into the hot magma river, bursts of green smoke came out, and the waves didn't even stir up.

so horrible!

If you can't jump over, you will die!

"Let's take a detour!" Chen Yi glanced at Liu Chen and said worriedly.

"Wait a little longer! Maybe they have a solution!" Liu Chen's eyes flickered, and he saw two familiar figures, the fat man from last time, and Shen Huan.

The two stood confidently beside the lava river, as if they were about to jump over.

"Two! Wait for me!"

"It's you? What are you doing here!" Chen Huan said displeasedly. He had no friendship with Liu Chen, let alone any enmity. When he saw Chen Yi behind Liu Chen, his disgust immediately increased, because he hated Someone who needs a woman's protection.

Hearing this, Fatty also turned around, was slightly taken aback, and said in surprise: "You two really look exactly alike, you can't be brothers!"

There were black lines on Liu Chen's head, he laughed dryly, and said, "Senior brother Chen Huan and I have only met each other a few times, so we don't know each other, but maybe we can be brothers in the future."

The voice was not loud, but it came to Shen Huan's ears clearly. His face was expressionless and indifferent.

Suddenly, the atmosphere fell into embarrassment, and everyone fell silent.

"What do you think that is?" Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

"Toad?" Liu Chen was taken aback for a moment. There was indeed a toad in the magma river. It was more than one meter long, with a fiery red back that was uneven, and looked very disgusting.

Obviously this is not the point, Liu Chen found that the toad only partially floated up, and after seeing the crowd of people on the shore, it immediately dived down and disappeared.

Could it be that it is afraid of people?
With a sudden change in his heart, Liu Chen immediately thought of a countermeasure, and at the same time quietly glanced at Fatty and Shen Huan, both of them had an imperceptible look of joy in their eyes.

"Wait for me here for a while!" Liu Chen withdrew his spiritual power, immediately protected himself, stepped out of the dark green mist, walked a few steps quickly, and came to the lava river.

The moment Liu Chen left, Chen Yi's face turned pale, and her body swayed slightly. Obviously, she couldn't support such a huge consumption. At the same time, she admired Liu Chen's strong spiritual power even more. Hold on!

"That kid is not going to commit suicide!" the fat man muttered to himself.

Shen Huan heard the sound and looked, only to see Liu Chen glanced at the river, and then at the opposite bank. Suddenly, Liu Chen bent his legs, as if he was about to jump across.

"If you can't jump over, don't lose your life in vain!"

A wave of heat blew past him, and then, Shen Huan's figure appeared beside Liu Chen, with one hand firmly pressing on Liu Chen's shoulder, causing Liu Chen to half-squat on the ground, unable to stand upright.

"Who said I'm going to jump over there, I just want to see if that toad is still there." Liu Chen's face was only half an arm's distance away from the river, and the scalding heat wave hit his face, immediately defeating Liu Chen's body protector force.

Shen Huan let go when he heard the words, turned his head and retreated into the crowd without saying a word, the fat man looked at Shen Huan, and couldn't stop laughing.

"Interesting." Liu Chen smiled, and when he was about to raise his head, a disgusting toad appeared and met his eyes, causing Liu Chen to sit down on the ground in fright.

This is not the one just now!
Judging from its size, this one is obviously much larger than the one just now.

As soon as the toad appeared, it immediately attracted countless eyes.

Liu Chen squatted on the ground, and suddenly felt several murderous gazes behind him. At this moment, Shen Huan appeared again, holding Liu Chen's collar in one hand, and slowly moved backwards, coming to the fat man's side.

"If you want to survive, just wait here and don't move." Shen Huan said word by word, with a serious look.

Seeing Liu Chen being taken away by Shen Huan, those murderous eyes disappeared.

Liu Chen suddenly understood that the toad might be the key to crossing the river, otherwise it would be impossible to see the toad appearing by the river, and some people would be so excited.

Suddenly, a bold idea popped into Liu Chen's mind, although it was crazy, it was the fastest way to cross the river.

"Since you found out, we'll tell you." The fat man looked around for a while, and after making sure no one noticed, he said slowly.

"The magma river can't be crossed, and even the strong in the half-step fusion state can't fly over it, because there is a special creature living in the river, the monster."

"These monsters generally don't attack humans unless someone wants to cross from above."

"However, as long as we release a large amount of spiritual power, we can lure the monster to appear, and then we can stand on the monster's back and cross the river with ease."

Fatty's method was exactly the same as Liu Chen's, full of madness.You must know that if the monster shakes its body casually, we will fall into the river and be wiped out.

"I can let you join us, because your spiritual power is very special and can quickly attract monsters."

"We need to add one more person!" Liu Chen pointed to Chen Yi who was not far away.

After pondering for a while, the fat man raised his head and agreed, "Yes! She's the only one!"

"it is good!"

Liu Chen took two quick steps, came to Chen Yi's side, pressed Chen Yi's ear, and told Chen Yi exactly what happened.

After listening, Chen Yi always had a hint of worry hidden on her face, but she didn't say it out. After all, without Liu Chen, she alone would not be able to help so many people pass the assessment together.

(End of this chapter)

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