
Chapter 1235 Persecution

Chapter 1235 Persecution
Before Liu Chen could answer, the six immediately surrounded everyone back and forth, forcing them to go in the direction they pointed.

Among this group of people, basically all of them have achieved the Great Perfection of the Void Refining Realm, and they are so powerful that they can instantly suppress everyone.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect the disciples who passed the assessment this year to be so strong, and they all reached the perfection of the Void Refining Realm."

"That's good too. If we can earn more contributions, the more we will get."

"Having said that, I am more interested in the person who defeated Liu Jian. People from the Wing League want to unite. This time Liu Jian was defeated by a disciple who just passed the assessment. The Wing League will lose all face and will definitely not let it go."

Liu Chen's heart trembled when he heard the words, he never expected that things would develop to this extent, a person was beaten, and a force was involved behind him, it would be difficult for him to go to Tianmen now.

So he smiled obsequiously, walked quickly a few steps, approached the senior brother beside him, and asked, "Is the Wing Alliance very strong?"

"Hey, Wing League, the bottom of the Heaven Sect, and even their leader is only half-step into the realm of integration, how strong can it be?" The man looked disdainful, as if he could crush the Wing League with just one hand.

"What force does that brother belong to?"

"Although the Green Snake League is not the strongest force, it is also ranked seventh. Our leader is a strong man in the combined state, and his strength is unpredictable!"

Talking about the Green Snake League, the pride on that person's face became even stronger, and even his tone became agitated.

Liu Chen flattered for a while, and then quietly retreated into the crowd. He had a general understanding of the Wing League in his heart. The leader of the Wing League is a strong half-step fusion realm. Take it lightly, after all, it is a force with a half-step fusion state.

Following the [-] turns with the senior brothers, we walked about half a stick of incense, and immediately in front of us appeared a platform with a square meter of hundreds of feet, on which colorful flags fluttered and shone brightly.

At the same time, stone tables were placed under the colored flags, and a huge wooden sign was placed vertically in front of the stone tables.

The forces they belonged to were engraved on them, and Liu Chen counted them carefully. There are 52 forces in the Shangtianmen.

"Each of you choose to join a force, and then you can leave." The brother said, and immediately guarded the exit.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and every brother and sister sitting behind the stone table put on a kind smile, but at this moment, it seemed so hypocritical.

"Huh? Of the 55 forces in Shangtianmen, why only 52 came?" Chen Yi murmured with confusion after counting the forces present one by one.

"Less Saintess League, Green Leaf League, and the strongest Prince League." Fatty added unhurriedly.

Liu Chen was shocked when he heard the words, this fat man was really not simple, he knew all the major forces of Shangtianmen like the palm of his hand, he saw that the fat man found a stone pier and sat down immediately, he had no intention of joining other forces at all.

"You have only two choices now, either join one of the forces and get our blessing, or become a casual cultivator without a backer and let others bully you."

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd immediately went into commotion. They were all big figures in Xiatianmen, but they were all mixed in from small people. Naturally, they knew the feeling of not having a backer, and the feeling of being bullied.

Thinking of this, someone immediately dissuaded Chen Yi and walked out.

"It's better to waste a year than to be bullied for a year!"

Seeing a large number of people going out, the six people guarding the exit immediately showed smiles on their faces, and then their eyes fell on Liu Chen and the others with a strong threat.

Liu Chen looked away as if he hadn't heard of it, but he quickly thought about the countermeasures in his mind. It is definitely not the way to spend a long time. The opponent's strength is too high, and it is definitely not wise to fight recklessly.

fat man?

Fatty sat next to him calmly, with a leisurely look on his face. He must have a way to get out, so he walked a few steps quickly and came to Fatty's side. He saw Fatty sitting on the stone pier and fell asleep, snoring.

Seeing this, Liu Chen sighed, and looked up at Shen Huan, who looked helpless, almost the same as Chen Yi.

Time passed slowly, more than half of the fellow disciples joined different forces, and the rest held a wait-and-see attitude and did not come forward for a long time.

At this moment, the six senior brothers behind couldn't bear it any longer, stepped forward one after another, released a strong aura, and said in a deep voice: "It's fine if you don't want to join, but if you do, you won't be able to continue your cultivation at the Heavenly Gate." , because you cannot obtain contributions and cultivation resources."

"You guys are going too far, isn't there an elder to intervene?"

"The elders intervene? This is the tradition of Shangtianmen. The elders have acquiesced, so how can they intervene?"

As soon as this remark came out, the senior brothers and sisters immediately looked up to the sky and laughed, their eyes were full of jokes. Looking at Liu Chen and the others, it was like looking at a group of labor forces waiting to be developed, without that kind of camaraderie at all.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Chen felt more and more that the wider the environment, the more powerful the stage, the more chaotic it would be, and the more difficult it was for people to find a sense of security. On the contrary, Liu Chen actually found it in Demon God Mountain. A sense of security, isn't a human being inferior to a demon?

"You two, come here." One of the senior brothers yelled at Shen Huan and the fat man, and saw the three big characters of the Four Seas League written on the wooden sign in front of his stone table.

Hearing this, Shen Huan was slightly taken aback, and his expression was slightly angry. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with the tone of his senior brother, but he didn't dare not go, so he shook the fat man, and the two walked towards that senior brother together.

Liu Chen watched the two of them leave, and suddenly, an extremely sharp voice sounded, as if it wanted to pierce Liu Chen's eardrum.

"come here."

Liu Chen was furious in his heart, looking for his reputation, he saw a fat man with big ears waving at him with a bad look on his face.

Liu Chen walked over slowly, seeing the wooden sign in front of the dead fat man's stone table, he was shocked, Wing League!
"I heard that after you introduced Liu Jian into the extremely inflamed land, you came out with Liu Jian who was fainting on your shoulders not long after."

"Liu Jian is also a strong man in the Great Consummation Realm of Void Refining Realm, but he was defeated by you. Presumably you have extraordinary means and joined our Wing League. This matter will be exposed, otherwise!" The fat man said halfway, with a cold light in his eyes , threatened.

not good!

Liu Chen secretly screamed in his heart that it was really difficult to deal with things at this point.

Either join the Wing League, but if you think about it carefully, the consequences will definitely be very miserable. Liu Jian will inevitably take the opportunity to retaliate, but if you don’t join the Wing League, it will be a second slap in the face, and the Wing League will lose all face. sad.

Either join other powerful forces and seek protection.

Either way, Liu Chen was obviously unwilling.

So he smiled and said: "Senior Brother, I was able to defeat Senior Brother Liu Jian purely because Senior Brother Liu Jian was seriously injured and couldn't stand the cruel environment of the Extreme Flame Land, so the old disease relapsed and fainted on the spot, otherwise even if ten of me, Nor is he the opponent of Senior Brother Liu Jian."

The voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present, and immediately attracted a lot of attention, looking at Liu Chen with great interest.

Hearing the words, the dead fat man's face changed, his expression softened a lot, and a faint smile appeared on his face, and he continued: "That's true, Liu Jian participated in the trial last time, and he was seriously injured, but since you can defeat him, it also shows that How about your excellence? Do you want to join the Wing League?"

"Cough cough." Liu Chen coughed dryly, glanced at Shen Huan quietly, and saw that the two of them had very ugly faces, obviously being pressed very hard, and when they turned their eyes, the small part that had been sticking to it was not enough now. Ten people, and others joined different forces one after another.

"This...Senior brother...I..." Liu Chen hesitated, but he couldn't refuse in person, so he changed the subject and said loudly: "Senior brother, we discussed it before coming here. We want to form our own forces, so we can't join other forces. gone."

"Ah, yes, that's right, that's right." The fat man yelled, and immediately pulled Shen Huan out, stood with Liu Chen, and then winked at Chen Yi. Chen Yi immediately understood, and took the rest Several people rushed over.

"Build your own forces? Are you sure?" The brothers and sisters' eyes were full of shock, obviously they did not expect them to make such a decision.

If you want to form a force in Shangtianmen, you must have excellent strength, otherwise, the headquarters will be smashed to pieces in less than three days.

And Liu Chen and others are the strongest, but the Void Refining Realm Dzogchen powerhouse, if they want to form their own forces, it is as difficult as reaching the sky.

"Hahahaha, they said they want to form their own forces." The six people guarding the exit seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world. It’s my fault that Senior Brother didn’t remind you, after you walk out from here, you will bear the consequences.”

Liu Chen exchanged a glance with everyone, and immediately several people retreated.

Counting carefully, there are a total of seven people left now, except for Liu Chen, they are all strong in the Void Refining Realm of Dzogchen.

"Let's go!" Liu Chen waved his big sleeves, and immediately walked outside quickly. The brothers and sisters around him pointed and laughed at Liu Chen and the others, their eyes full of contempt.

Liu Chen knew that if he didn't join other forces, he would offend these forces at once, and it was absolutely impossible to develop steadily in Shangtianmen.

"You have motivation when you are under pressure, don't be discouraged." Liu Chen smiled confidently, Yunhai's clansman and sister were still relying on themselves to save them, how could it be difficult for me to go to the gate of heaven.

After everyone left, they quickly walked towards the mountain peak on the right.

The Upper Heaven Sect is the same as the Lower Heaven Sect, they will not assign residences to their disciples, and they can obtain everything they need by themselves, so Liu Chen and the others immediately started looking for a suitable cave.

About half an hour later, everyone found a place to leeward, temporarily settled down, gathered together, frowning.

"If I had known this, I would have joined the Green Snake League. Thinking about it, I really regret it."

"I really should promise them, and I will avoid future troubles. I regret it. This is the stupidest decision I have ever made in my life!"


The fat man muttered outside alone, his expression full of sorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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