
Chapter 1236 Find the Difference

Chapter 1236 Find the Difference
"The top priority is, we need to find a big backer, so that we won't be repeatedly made things difficult by senior brothers and sisters."

Speaking of this, Liu Chen couldn't help but cast his eyes on Fatty, no matter how he looked at it, and everything that happened on the road, Fatty looked like a person with a very background.

"Speaking of finding a backer, the flag-raising competition in the near future will be a good opportunity!"

"Flag pulling competition?" Liu Chen was taken aback when he heard that, and looked at the fat man suspiciously.

The fat man shook the fat on his body, and said solemnly: "The flag-pulling competition was originally a trial of going to heaven, and the winner will be rewarded by the elders. It was originally just a simple trial, but it later evolved into a competition between various forces. The more forces pull out the flags, the stronger the strength and the higher the ranking."

"Generally speaking, there are two ways to improve power. The first is to come to the door to challenge. In addition to defeating the leader of the opponent, you must also send ten strong men from the alliance to defeat more than five opponents in order to improve your ranking. This kind of The method is extremely dangerous, and it often forms beams with other forces."

"Another way is to pull the flag. It's easy to say, but difficult to say."

"Because the venue of the flag-pulling competition is the Demon God Mountain in Xiatianmen, most of the weaker disciples will choose to look for monochromatic flags at the foot of the mountain, while the powerful forces will rush to the top of the mountain to look for colored flags."

"In the final analysis, the flag-pulling competition is meaningless to us." The crowd suddenly said.

Liu Chen smiled and said nothing, if it was said before, it might really be meaningless, but not necessarily now.


Time flies, and before you know it, as the sun sets in the west, Liu Chen and the others walk out of the camp in a tacit understanding, and come to a cliff, sit on the ground, looking at the green mountain peaks mixed with white clouds in the distance.

"You kid has a lot of ideas, but will this offend many people?" The fat man said cheerfully, with no trace of worry about offending anyone in his expression.

Shen Huan smiled slightly and said, "Even if I offend them, they dare not come to take revenge."

"But like this..." Chen Yi hesitated to speak, and immediately the fat man looked over with serious eyes, and Chen Yi stopped talking.

Liu Chen took a deep breath, his eyes flashed brightly, and he said, "It's just a half-step fusion state. With your methods, even if you can't defeat the opponent, it must be no problem to hold the opponent firmly!"

As soon as this remark came out, the fat man immediately smiled awkwardly, but did not speak, while Shen Huan looked into the distance, as if he hadn't heard it.

"If I use the Hunyuan palm technique, I can hold the other party back, but the two of them are definitely above me." Chen Yi said and turned her eyes to Fatty and Chen Huan.

Fatty and Shen Huan looked at each other, and immediately heard something from the words, so they didn't hide it. They both knew that from now on, they were a group that shared weal and woe, and only by understanding each other could they have a better understanding.


Silent all night.

With the loud noise, Liu Chen and the others woke up immediately, looked into the distance solemnly, and saw a large group of people walking towards here in a menacing manner, all holding weapons in their hands, it was obvious that the visitors were not good.

Gradually, the group of people approached, and Liu Chen became more and more startled as he looked at it. It turned out that they were all experts in the Void Refinement Realm, a total of 20 people.

"You really think highly of us." Shen Huan said disdainfully, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and a powerful aura was hidden in his body, ready to erupt at any time.

"Heh, a member of the Wing League." Fatty's complexion changed, and then he returned to normal, and said calmly.

Liu Chen's expression remained unchanged when he heard the words. Although the Wing League is said to be the bottom of the Shangtianmen, it is still one of the forces, but was slapped twice in the face by the disciples who just passed the assessment. Liu Chen had expected that the Wing League would come , but did not expect to come so soon.

Many powerful members of the Wing Alliance stood apart, surrounded Liu Chen and others, their eyes were full of sarcasm, other forces rushed over after receiving the news, and immediately surrounded by people, all waiting to see the good show, most of them looked Full of schadenfreude.

Liu Chen saw that among the many people around, some of them were disciples who entered the Shangtianmen in the same batch. At the same time, Liu Chen also found that although these people all carried weapons, they were not sharp weapons. If you look carefully, you will find that the weapons are not Kaifeng, that is to say, is not life-threatening.

"Heh!" Liu Chen smiled coldly, and immediately understood what was going on.

Why is there no public area for Shangtianmen? Because every disciple of Shangtianmen is the hope of the future of the Xianmen sect and the mainstay. Even one of them can't have an accident, so the members of the Wing League dare not kill them, but heavy punishments will definitely be inevitable.

"I heard that in your class, some people think they are very capable, but they still want to form a force?" the leader of a fourth-level Void Refining Realm brother said flatly, with an extremely contemptuous tone.

"Although our Wing Alliance is the weakest force in Shangtianmen, we are also one of the 55 forces. We know the difficulty of forming a force. But look at you, the strongest is only the Great Consummation of the Void Refining Realm. Why do you have it? What qualifications do you have?"

As he said that, the man slapped Liu Chen on the face, immediately his right cheek swelled up, and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. Liu Chen's eyes were fierce, with restrained killing intent, he raised his head stubbornly, and stared at the man.

"It's up to you?" The man rushed up, the speed was so fast that Liu Chen couldn't dodge it. At the critical moment, Shen Huan made a quick move and punched the man vigorously, trying to force the man back.

I saw the man sweep sideways, knocking Shen Huan into the air, holding Liu Chen's arm firmly with one hand, twisting backward desperately, causing Liu Chen to bend down, as if expressing his surrender to the Wing League.

"Just relying on you mob, do you want to form a force?" The man pressed down hard, forcing Liu Chen to scream, and immediately made Liu Chen bend over and turn around on the spot, saying viciously.

Liu Chen gritted his teeth, with murderous intent in his heart, but the expression on his face was surprisingly calm, which made people feel scared. The more things like this happened, the calmer Liu Chen became, but the Wing League has already been listed by Liu Chen The exclusion list.

"You still think that if you defeat Liu Jian, you are qualified to challenge the Wing League!" At this point, the man stomped on Liu Chen's calf bone again, making a cracking sound, which made everyone's scalp tingle .

Liu Chen took a deep breath, and continued to clenched his teeth, but he was trembling with pain, his face flushed, and he refused to say a word.

"Draft grandma's legs, there's no end to it." The fat man cursed angrily, his eyes flickering with murderous intent, and he rushed towards the man with strides, his hands repeatedly making moves, and the surrounding spiritual power desperately gathered towards the fat man, with extraordinary momentum.

"It's against you, do it!" The man roared, broke Liu Chen's arm, kicked Liu Chen over, and immediately joined the battle, his spiritual power surged and he screamed again and again.

Twenty Void Refining Realm experts against six Void Refining Realm Dzogchens are like an egg hitting a rock, but there is no chain in the end, and the battle ends quickly with screams.

The seven people, including Liu Chen, all vomited blood and fell to the ground, their bodies were severely injured.

According to previous experience, Ye Fan was able to kill even half-step Fusion Realm powerhouses, but at this moment, he couldn't beat a few Void Refining Realm Dzogchen Powerhouses.

The most important reason is because they have mastered the true fairy art and live in the real fairy world, and their strength is much stronger than the people in the fairy world.

It was almost three or two breaths, just two or three breaths, there was no suspense in the battle, and the Wing Alliance won a complete victory.

The 20 members of the Wing League stepped on Liu Chen and the others proudly, as if showing off their victory to everyone.

"Tsk tsk tsk, a group of arrogant guys actually want to form a force in Shangtianmen."

"From now on, I'm afraid no one among them will dare to mention this matter again, otherwise it will only lead to more serious revenge."

"People like them should be taught a lesson, and let them know how to write the word Shangtianmen!"

"In my opinion, they are just a bunch of self-righteous waste. The Great Consummation of Void Refining Realm can be the king in the lower Tianmen, but in the upper Tianmen, they can only do errands, hahaha."


Discussions and ridicules were heard endlessly, and the senior brothers and sisters who were watching the fun showed sarcasm smiles on their faces, pointing at the embarrassed Liu Chen and others, and the contempt in their eyes grew stronger.

Most of the disciples of this year's Shangtianmen who joined other forces secretly rejoiced that they chose the right path that day, otherwise, besides them, they would also be lying here today.

The feeling of being stared at by countless contempt, disdain, and mocking eyes, being ridiculed by countless people, and even being stepped on.

Intertwined together, turning into a hammer to beat everyone's heart.

Today's humiliation will be repaid ten times in the future!
Liu Chen clenched his hands tightly, with an unyielding expression and stubborn eyes, but half of his face was trampled into the mud by the man, and he turned his feet from time to time, making half of Liu Chen's face bloody and bloody, which was shocking.

"Draft grandma's legs, you..."

Before the fat man could finish speaking, the person on his body immediately kicked hard, trampled half of the fat man's body into the soil, and buried his entire face in the ground.

Looking carefully, there was not much blood on the surface of the seven people present, but their breaths were weak, and they obviously suffered from extremely serious internal injuries, which may damage their foundations and affect their later cultivation.

"What? Still not convinced?" One of the Wings Alliance Void Refining Realm experts kicked the fat man over, stepped on the fat man's head, and said contemptuously, it seemed that as long as the fat man said no, he would immediately crush his head.

"Submit." The fat man smiled obsequiously, and immediately moved the man's feet away from his head, but he kept cursing inwardly: Submit your grandma's legs, when Fatty and I rise up, you will beat your own mother I don't know each other.

Immediately afterwards, the leader of the Wing League waved his hand, and immediately the other members of the Wing League picked up the seven Liu Chen like chickens, and then threw them hard, and the seven fell to the same place. Immediately afterwards, the leader A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Tie them all up."

As soon as the words fell, the powerful members of the Wing Alliance took action one after another. When they slapped the storage bag, more than a dozen arm-thick ropes appeared out of thin air. Without a word, they tied up the three layers of the seven people, and only one head was exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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