
Chapter 1237 Entering the Land of Extreme Flame Again

Chapter 1237 Entering the Land of Extreme Flame Again
For some reason, the members of the Wing League did not seal the cultivation of Liu Chen and others, but just tied them up in a normal way.

Just when everyone thought that this would end, the mouth of the leader of the Wing Alliance raised its mouth more and more, and smiled at the rest of the Wing Alliance members. They immediately understood, took a step forward together, and bowed their legs. hands, carried Liu Chen and the others tied into rice dumplings on their shoulders, and walked towards the extremely hot place.

"Where are they taking us?" Liu Chen ignored the gazes of the people around him, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but he still couldn't figure out what the Wing League was going to do.

Not long after, the members of the Wing League carried Liu Chen and others to the Land of Extreme Flame. Looking at the fiery red entrance below, Liu Chen immediately felt a sense of crisis. He was not worried about his own safety, but the others. safety.

He was protected by the Scarlet Phoenix Armor, and he was not afraid of the cruel environment of the Extreme Flame Land, but Chen Yi and others were different. They were seriously injured, their movements were restrained, and they were thrown into the Extreme Flame Land, which was tantamount to death.

Too bad!
But after thinking about it, Liu Chen felt that something was wrong. If Yimeng really did this, the elders of Shangtianmen would definitely not let it go. After all, these are seven Dzogchen disciples in the Void Refining Realm.


All members of the Wing League took out a piece of red uncut jade and stepped into the extremely hot place.

The moment they stepped into the extremely hot place, the red uncut jade immediately released a soft light curtain, and the brilliance flowed on it, easily isolating the blazing heat of the extremely hot place, but it was only them, Chen Yi and others were not among them.

"Crazy, do the Wingmen want to kill these trash?"

"Based on their current situation, without the protection of the red uncut jade, they will definitely not be able to walk one-tenth of the distance to the Extreme Flame Land, and they will undoubtedly die."

"This matter must be reported to the elders."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted a lot of unkind eyes. Seeing this, the man had no choice but to take back his words angrily, praying secretly in his heart, hoping that Liu Chen and his party would survive the difficult time.

"Hmph! It's just a bunch of trash who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. If they die, they will die. What do we have to do with it!"


In the land of extreme inflammation.

The members of the Wing League were chatting and laughing, their expressions were relaxed, and their speed was very slow, while Chen Yi and the others were sweating profusely, their bodies were flushed, and their breath seemed to be gone at any time. If they continued walking like this, not to mention a tenth , even one-twentieth of them can't get there.

"Brother Tiger, do you really want to do that?"

"The leader's meaning. You also know that the leader never wants us to ask too many questions. We will do whatever he asks us to do. Just remember that being loyal to the wing alliance and the leader will benefit us."

"And for this flag-drawing competition, the leader has been preparing for a long time. When he was worried that there were not enough sacrifices, he did not expect that the sacrifices would be delivered to the door immediately. After this flag-drawing competition, our Wing League will never be ranked in the Tianmen Gate again. The power at the bottom, but a blockbuster, is likely to enter the top ten."

"Brother Tiger, they are dying soon."

The man known as Brother Hu was taken aback when he heard the words, stopped, walked up to Chen Yi, slowly slid his hand down Chen Yi's forehead, and finally landed on Chen Yi's neck, and said with an evil smile: "Keep them first, the flag-pulling competition is still very useful, we can't let them die like this."

Although Liu Chen was not affected, in order not to let them see it, he still pretended to be dying, and Chen Yi and the others fell into a coma.

Hearing their conversation, Liu Chen suddenly realized, and finally understood why the members of the Wing League acted like this, first insulting them, and then sternly teaching them a lesson. In fact, the most important thing was to take away Liu Chen and others logically.

"Sacrifice? The Wing League? The flag-pulling competition?" Thinking of this, Liu Chen started not to understand again, so he simply ignored it and discussed it in detail after everyone was safe.

Hearing the words, the members of the Wing League immediately released their spiritual power, blowing the red rough jade, and the light curtain expanded in an instant, covering Liu Chen and others inside.

For such a change, Liu Chen didn't change too much, but Chen Yi and the others' complexions immediately improved, the redness faded, and their aura gradually became stable, barely able to maintain a clear mind.

Time passed slowly. Walking in the extremely hot place, everyone completely forgot about the time. Brother Hu suddenly turned around and waved at the rest of the Wing League members. His kind eyes followed Chen Yi's neck all the way down.

"Yes." The rest of the people were not fools, they could tell why Brother Hu did this at a glance, so they all pretended not to know, left Chen Yi behind, and immediately left quickly with Liu Chen and others on their shoulders.

not good.

Liu Chen yelled inwardly, he must not let Chen Yi stay here.

Chen Yi, who lost the protection of the red uncut jade in an instant, was dripping with sweat immediately, her whole body was drenched in clothes, and her whole body suddenly became weak again, her eyes were blurred, her consciousness was fuzzy, and she didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Hehe, how can such a beauty be wasted as a sacrifice? It's not too late to make a sacrifice when I have had enough fun." Brother Hu hurried a few steps, and couldn't wait to come to Chen Yi, his eyes lit up, and he wanted to He reached out and untied Chen Yi's skirt.

A cold light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, and he said in a low voice, "I can't care about that much anymore!"

Except for Brother Hu, there were nineteen Void Refining Realm powerhouses present, and it was almost as difficult as going to the sky if they wanted to forcefully rush out.

The spiritual power surged and turned into a sharp irritating person, and immediately cut the rope. Almost at the same time, two extermination fingers were shot out, forcing the members of the Wing Alliance to retreat. The power cannot be underestimated.

Taking advantage of the time when they retreated, Liu Chen suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Chen Yi. Looking at Brother Hu's back, Liu Chen's eyes were more murderous than ever before.

As soon as he slapped the savings bag, the huge ax appeared immediately, and he swung it twice, and the ax wind raged with a powerful and oppressive aura, which was extraordinary and mighty.

"Liu Chen! You can't escape today!"

"Without the protection of the red uncut jade, with your current situation, you won't be able to last a stick of incense in the extremely inflamed land. Do you want to turn into a pile of bones?"

"Bie hands and feet, I can keep you safe."

Behind him came the voices of the members of the Wing Alliance, all of them vicious and vicious, clearly wanting to kill Liu Chen.

"Heh, turned into a pile of white bones?" Liu Chen roared, and the Scarlet Phoenix armor immediately appeared, with red flames beating and floating without wind.

From a distance, Liu Chen looked like a burning man, because everything except his face was covered in flames, even his hair was no exception, immediately he had an extra temperament, like a king.

"This... what is this?"

"It should be some kind of true fairy art. I didn't expect to master two powerful true fairy arts in a mere Void Refining Realm. It seems that he has a lot of secrets!"

"catch him!"


With the addition of the Scarlet Phoenix armor, the scorching heat of the extremely hot land seems to have added to the armor, and the speed has increased accordingly. Liu Chen even felt the increase in strength, and instantly threw away the strong Wing Alliance behind him.

Looking along the aisle, Brother Hu had already taken Chen Yi away without a trace, and Liu Chen was shocked when he saw this, with a worried look on his anxious face.

"The big thing is the most important thing. The three of you stay and look for Liu Chen, and the others follow me."

Seeing that they could not catch up with Liu Chen, the powerful members of the Wing League immediately discussed and left three of them, while the rest continued to move forward with Fatty and others.

"Fatty and the others are sacrifices, so there shouldn't be any danger at the moment." Liu Chen hid in the dark, looked around for a while, and then walked back quickly.

Except for the magma river and the exit, the extremely hot land is almost a straight passage. It is impossible for Brother Hu to hide Chen Yi, so Liu Chen kept walking along the passage.

As time passed slowly, Liu Chen became more and more anxious as he walked, and the worries in his heart became heavier and heavier.

"There is a river of magma ahead, could it be that he brought Chen Yi back to the Heaven Gate?" Liu Chen said to himself.

After running for about half a stick of incense, there is a river of magma not far ahead, with surging bubbles above it, rolling down, and terrifying heat rising.

Standing by the magma river, looking at three different directions, I immediately encountered difficulties.

Right in front is the Heavenly Gate, and there are many different passages in it, plus the magma river and the left and right roads. Just when Liu Chen was in trouble and hesitated, a jade bracelet appeared in front of him.

"Senior Sister Chen Yi's jade bracelet." Liu Chen walked a few steps quickly, picked it up immediately, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and rushed towards the direction where he found the jade bracelet.

After running along the magma river to the left for about half a stick of incense, Liu Chen suddenly stopped, restrained his breath, and quietly approached Brother Hu.

Since Brother Hu's attention was all on Chen Yi at the moment, he didn't notice Liu Chen who was sneaking up for a while.

I saw Brother Hu gently put Chen Yiping on the ground, and his hands slowly moved down along Chen Yi's cheeks. There was a red uncut jade beside him, and the light curtain just shrouded the two of them.

With a quick glance, the corners of Liu Chen's mouth immediately turned up, and with a strike of the Extinguishing Finger, the billowing spiritual power exploded, and even more vigorously, it shot at Brother Hu.

Immediately, brother Hu's back felt cold, cold sweat poured out, and a strong sense of danger swept his whole body, so he swayed and jumped into the air. When he turned around in the air and looked down, Liu Chen had already left the place and rushed towards Chen Yi.

"Looking for death!" Brother Hu roared angrily, and when he landed, he slapped out a slap in a menacing manner. The coercion of the Void Refining Realm expert exploded immediately, and Liu Chen was a little out of breath.

After using the Demon-killing Finger three times in a row, Liu Chen's face had already lost all color. With this coercion at this moment, he finally couldn't hold on anymore and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"True Immortal Art! Extinguishing Demon Finger!"

Liu Chen bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and made a tactic with one hand, and the spiritual power immediately gathered at his fingertips.

The black flame rose up, shot out in an instant, and went straight to the fallen brother Hu.

At the same time, Liu Chen picked up Chen Yi and kicked the red uncooked jade into the air. With a thud, the red uncooked jade fell into the magma river, turned into green smoke in the blink of an eye, and disappeared.


Brother Hu yelled angrily, even if a powerful person in the Void Refinement Realm has a place in Shangtianmen, he was forced to be so embarrassed by Liu Chen at this moment, he couldn't bear it no matter what, no matter whether Liu Chen was a sacrifice or not, he would kill him. Liu Chen was killed to vent his anger.

Chen Yi was completely unconscious at the moment, obviously unaware of what happened just now, Liu Chen controlled the release of the Scarlet Phoenix Armor, covered Chen Yi, and immediately ran at a faster speed.

(End of this chapter)

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