
Chapter 1246

Chapter 1246
After pondering for a moment, Liu Chen suddenly raised his head, threw out all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and took a long way to the top.

But at this moment, two words made Liu Chen stop abruptly.

"Feng Xuan! Don't do anything extreme!"

Feng Xuan?

Having been in the Immortal Sect for so long, Liu Chen knew more or less about some things about the Immortal Sect, and Feng Xuan was the one Liu Chen remembered the most.

Not because of anything else, just because Feng Xuan Legend is a strong person in the Dacheng realm, which is comparable to the cultivation of the master of the Xianmen sect.

"How can I allow you, a brat, to point and point at me when I do things!"

"Hmph! If you dare to hurt half of our vellus hair today, the master of the sect will not let you go!"

"Oh, Yan Chunqiu? Don't say that he is no longer a fairy sect, even if he is here, if I insist on killing you, there is nothing he can do!"

Liu Chen immediately turned his head back, and saw a large number of monsters forming a circle, and through the many gaps, he could vaguely see the strong man of the Shangtianmen kneeling on the ground.

Counting carefully, there are more than twenty people in total, all of them are unfathomable, at least they are in the Void Refinement Realm.

"Cut off your meridians before you can leave!" Feng Xuan said angrily, flicking his sleeves.

Self-cutting of meridians is not a fatal injury to those in the Void Refining Realm, they only need to rest for a few months to recover, but no one is willing to do this.

"Self-cut meridian, what a big tone, do you know that my father is..." One of the strong men in the Void Refining Realm struggled to get up and roared angrily.

But before the man finished speaking, Feng Xuan swung his big sleeve suddenly, and immediately two wind blades rolled out, roaring towards him, cutting off the tendons of the man's hands and feet in the blink of an eye, and the blood flowed everywhere, which was shocking.

"Ah!" The man yelled hysterically, rolling on the ground in pain.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Feng Xuan's complexion changed, revealing a surprised expression, and immediately turned his gaze to Liu Chen, stared at it for a long time, and finally his eyes fell on the pure white wolf teeth on Liu Chen's wrist.

His face changed again, revealing traces of nostalgia and respect.

"Come here." Feng Xuan waved at Liu Chen, and immediately the monsters dispersed, prostrated themselves on the ground, and made way for a spacious passage as if submitting.

Liu Chen was slightly taken aback, and pointed to himself. After seeing Feng Xuan nodding, he didn't dare to delay, and immediately walked in.

This scene fell into the eyes of those who were strong in the Void Refining Realm of the Shangtianmen, and they were immediately dumbfounded. This group of people are all the leaders of the Shangtianmen forces, and each of them has extraordinary knowledge. But seeing the scene in front of them, they feel that their thinking is not enough up.

Who is the demon wolf Feng Xuan?Legend has it that the peerless powerhouse who stands side by side with the head of the Xianmen Sect!
Never pretending to anyone, letting them cut off their own meridians is the best testimony, but now they are surprised by a human being.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Feng Xuan's complexion changed again, revealing a smile of anticipation.


The powerhouses of the Heaven Sect who were kneeling on the ground stared at Liu Chen dumbfounded, their eyes filled with disbelief, Liu Chen, who had been ridiculed and beaten before, actually knew the demon wolf Feng Xuan!

Everything that happened right now was like a bolt from the blue, shaking everyone's heart.

"This, how is this possible..."

"Liu Chen actually knows Feng Xuan. It seems that even without Elder Dugu as the backstage, he will be able to walk sideways to the Tianmen Gate."

"This kid is really lucky to know Feng Xuan!"


There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, but there were two men and a woman standing in the crowd, their expressions remained unchanged and they didn't say a word, completely different from the people around them, they were very calm.

The strange thing is that Feng Xuan didn't make things difficult for the three of them.

"Senior Feng Xuan." Liu Chen bowed and cupped his fists with a respectful expression.

"Follow me." Feng Xuan glanced at the group of people, and immediately flicked his sleeves. Liu Chen only felt the strong wind coming, and then he couldn't see anything.

Not long after Liu Chen left, the three of them opened their eyes at the same time, and a ray of light flashed in their eyes at the same time, all looking at the top of Demon God Mountain.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of monsters immediately surrounded and surrounded them tightly.

On the top of the mountain, two figures stood facing the wind. Looking along the trend, you can see most of the scenery of the Xianmen sect. The rolling mountains and lush vegetation are such a beautiful picture.

Blossoming white clouds drifted past his eyes, looking at the hazy scenery in the distance, Liu Chen's mind immediately flashed the entrance to the Realm of Immortals.

Feng Xuan's face is yellow and thin, with a high bridge of nose, two deep-set eye sockets, but his eyes are piercing, with vicissitudes in the depths, his body is relatively thin and weak, and he wears a vaguely plain long gown. Seen from the side, he looks quite tall verve.

"How did you get it?" Feng Xuan was silent for a long time, and asked slowly.

"From the moment I was born, it has been with me." Liu Chen took a deep breath, always feeling that it was a bit ridiculous to say this, but it was really the truth.

Feng Xuan fell into silence again after hearing the words, with deep nostalgia and sadness in his eyes.

"It must be it, it's still alive." Feng Xuan grabbed it, looked at the green aura, and said: "Young master's primordial spirit should still be in a corner of the real fairy world, otherwise this green aura cannot fall into your hands."

Little Lord!

These two words fell into Liu Chen's ears like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. This green aura was originally a piece of jade, but it was shattered later, and the aura inside merged into Liu Chen's body.

But Liu Chen didn't expect that this green breath was related to the young master.

"You came from the black forbidden land." Feng Xuan withdrew his eyes, stared at Liu Chen and said.


Liu Chen's body shook, and he immediately broke out in cold sweat. He felt apprehensive, but tried to keep calm, and said slowly, "Not bad!"

"Since the young master is still alive, the oath must still be fulfilled!" Feng Xuan snorted, and immediately a ball of light rose from his abdomen, slowly moved towards his throat, and finally jumped out from the Tianling Gai.

It was a glowing demon wolf with its eyes closed, with spiritual power flowing on it, full of spirituality.

"This is my primordial spirit, please hand it over to the young master yourself!" Feng Xuan said seriously with his eyes fixed.


It turned out to be Yuanshen!
Feng Xuan actually handed over his soul to Liu Chen who met for the first time and hadn't spoken a few words.

You must know that once the primordial spirit is refined by Liu Chen privately, so many Fengxuan will be dealt a huge blow, ranging from regressing in cultivation, to sudden death in severe cases.

"You said you want to entrust the Yuanshen to my custody? Why?" Liu Chen asked two questions in a row, his expression full of doubts, and he didn't take the Yuanshen for a long time.

"The young master believes in you, so I believe in you too." Feng Xuan said seriously.

Having said that, Liu Chen could tell that the Primordial Spirit could not be refined so easily, and Feng Xuan must have taken protective measures.

But Feng Xuan didn't know that this green aura was not given to Liu Chen by the young master he was talking about, but was forcibly taken from Taotie by the former master of Xianmen sect.

It's just that he was reincarnated after death, and the green aura merged into Liu Chen's body.

"But I carry the Yuanshen with me, so it's inevitable that I will..." Liu Chen half-spoken, and I believe that with Feng Xuan's experience, he can naturally understand it.

Sure enough, Feng Xuan pondered for a moment, waved his big hand, and immediately three pure white spikes appeared in his palm, and said: "There is my aura on the primordial spirit, and I can freely enter and leave the Demon God Mountain in the future. Secondly, these three pure white spikes , each one is equivalent to a full-strength blow from a half-step Fusion Realm powerhouse, which can protect you from any danger."

"If you encounter an irresistible danger, crush this curse seal." Feng Xuan threw another simple token to Liu Chen, with strange characters engraved on it. After staring at it for a long time, Liu Chen didn't recognize the characters on it at all. .

The two chatted for a long time, nothing more than asking about the entrance to the Realm of Immortals, but Liu Chen also learned some secrets from Feng Xuan's mouth, and his vision broadened a lot.

With a flick of Feng Xuan's big sleeve, the world spun immediately, and the scenery changed again. The two returned to the group of monsters. Liu Chen stood beside Feng Xuan, looking very close, as if they were familiar with each other.

Seeing this scene in the eyes of the many half-step Fusion Realm powerhouses in the Shangtianmen, apart from shock, it is more jealous.

Liu Chen glanced around, and immediately noticed that the three people who stood out from the crowd looked calm and looked him up and down.

"Self-cutting the meridian!" Feng Xuan's voice suddenly became icy cold, matched with his frightening face, it immediately made some half-step Fusion Realm powerhouses tremble.

"Wait!" Liu Chen's abrupt voice sounded and stopped him.

Hearing these two words, the half-step Fusion Realm powerhouse who had already made up his mind to cut off his meridians immediately raised his spirits and looked at Liu Chen expectantly.

The three of them were no exception, and a look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

"Senior Fengxuan, the disaster at Demon God Mountain this time is really the fault of Fu Changkong, and has nothing to do with the senior brothers. Besides, with the measure of Senior Fengxuan, they won't care about it."

Feng Xuan frowned slightly when he heard this, and just as he was about to speak, another voice sounded.

"Senior Feng Xuan, the juniors are arrogant and arrogant, and broke into the restricted area, but whether it depends on the old friendship, let's let this matter go."

Elder Dugu appeared in the sky out of thin air at some point, and slowly descended to communicate with Feng Xuan face to face.

"Hmph!" Feng Xuan's face darkened, he suddenly waved his sleeves, and suddenly a gust of wind swept across, blowing many half-step fusion realm powerhouses upside down, in a state of embarrassment.

Seeing this scene, Elder Dugu could only helplessly smile.

"Nine-colored glazed flag!" Liu Chen shouted.

Before the words were finished, a large flag suddenly fell from the sky, and the halos of the nine middle schools on it flowed and reflected each other, which was extremely charming. When it fell, the colored flag fluttered, and everyone's eyes were immediately attracted by the nine-colored glazed flag.

They all want to reach out to snatch it, but they dare not snatch it.

Liu Chen smiled slightly, reached out to hold the nine-colored glazed flag, and looked at Elder Dugu not far away with a smile in his eyes.

"Within three years, no one is allowed to step half a step into the Demon God Mountain!" Feng Xuan's voice echoed on the mountain peak and lingered for a long time.

When the rest of the monsters gradually dispersed, those who were strong in the half-step fusion state of the Shangtianmen dared to stand up straight, and waited until all the monsters receded and only humans were left on the scene.

Those expressions just now disappeared immediately, replaced by a high and proud arrogance.

If Elder Dugu was not still standing here, Liu Chen had no doubt that someone in this group would make things difficult for him.

(End of this chapter)

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