
Chapter 1247 Disciple

Chapter 1247 Disciple
Liu Chen held the nine-colored glazed flag in his hand, waved it back and forth abruptly, and then plunged into the ground hard. His meaning was simple, the nine-colored glazed flag is in my hand, and from today onwards, I will be the official disciple of Elder Dugu.

Elder Dugu pondered for a moment, then turned around, looked at Liu Chen with admiration, and said slowly, "From now on, Liu Chen will be my direct disciple!"

Ever since Liu Chen won the Nine-Colored Glazed Glass Flag, they had expected it, but now when Elder Dugu said it himself, the feeling changed again, and the jealousy in their hearts became more intense.

After hearing these words, the hanging heart was really relieved, and a relieved smile appeared on his face. He never expected that this day would come so soon.

Suddenly, Liu Chen slapped the savings bag, and the nine-colored glazed flag disappeared immediately. These flags can be exchanged for corresponding contributions at the Heavenly Gate, and the contributions can be used to learn the true fairy art.

"Let's go." Elder Dugu waved his sleeve robe, and immediately disappeared with Liu Chen, while the rest of the half-step fusion realm powerhouses got up one after another and flew towards the square.

At this moment, the square was full of people, most of them were Xiatianmen disciples.

"Do you think Liu Chen will die in the Demon God Mountain?"

"Shut up!" Chen Yi and Shen Huan angrily shouted in unison.

"I, I was just talking casually." The man knew that what he said was a bit too much, so he immediately shut up.

Shen Huan and the others waited in the square for nearly two days, but they still couldn't see Liu Chen's return. They were also full of worry in their hearts, after all, they had to climb the Demon God Mountain.

There are not only powerful monsters there, but also powerful fellow sects. It is not easy to capture the Nine-colored Glazed Flag.

"They're coming, they're back!" Someone in the crowd yelled first, and everyone raised their heads in unison, following the man's gaze.

Elder Dugu was standing on the auspicious clouds, standing proudly with his hands behind his back, with a solemn expression, flying towards the square, and behind him stood Liu Chen with a face full of joy.

"Did he win the Nine-Colored Glazed Flag!"

"Impossible, he can't reach the top, even if he does, how can he defeat many senior brothers and win the nine-colored glazed flag!"

Listening to their discussion, Liu Chen smiled without saying a word, standing quietly behind Elder Dugu, feeling the surprised eyes of everyone passing over him, feeling an indescribable satisfaction in his heart.

Gradually, many strong men in the half-step fusion realm from Shangtianmen rushed over, all of them looked proud, full of the airs of senior brothers and strong men, and seemed to have forgotten what happened just now.

"The forces of all parties should take out the banners they have obtained." Elder Dugu stood on the high platform and said calmly.

"Prince League, thirty seven-color flags and seventeen five-color flags."

"League of Saints, 27 seven-color flags and eighteen five-color flags."

"Green Leaf League, 23 seven-color flags and fifteen five-color flags."


Many of the remaining forces took out the flags and streamers they had won, but compared with these three forces, there was a huge difference. Most of the forces didn't even have a seven-color flag.

"Take it out." Elder Dugu said to Liu Chen with a softened expression.

Liu Chen was startled when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized, so he slapped the savings bag and took out the nine-colored glazed flag, which immediately shone brightly, and the gorgeous nine colors blended together, stimulating everyone's excitement.

"It's really the nine-colored glazed flag, and he really won it!"

"It's incredible!"

"In the future, this child will surely make his way in the Shangtianmen, and he will become an all-powerful figure in the Shangtianmen in a short time!"

"Yunhaimeng! Nine-colored glazed flag! One pole!" Liu Chen's words were sonorous and forceful, exhausting all his strength, almost roaring out.

After speaking, Liu Chen looked at Shen Huan and the others, seeing that they had no objection, he was relieved.

Liu Chen wanted to shout out the word Yunhaimeng not long after he entered Shangtianmen, but he never had the chance. Now, it is obviously an excellent opportunity.

Not only did he fight back against the many forces in Shangtianmen who looked down on him, but he also vented the unhappiness that was suppressed in his heart.

Many people know that starting today, there will be an additional force in the Xianmen Sect, and that is the Yunhai League.

However, the three major forces of Shangtianmen had agreed that no matter what, only 55 forces were allowed to exist at the same time. The sudden appearance of the Yunhai League obviously made it very difficult for them to do so.

At this time, one side must be eliminated.

"Wing Alliance!"

People from the three major forces glanced around, but they did not find members of the Wings Alliance in the square, and even He Yi, the leader of the Wings Alliance, was also missing.

Liu Chen frowned, He Yi's disappearance was not good news, having such a strong man lurking in the dark was undoubtedly a huge threat to him.

"According to the color and quantity of the flags, rank them now!"

"No.1, Yunhai League."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the square suddenly took a deep breath, their eyes were filled with shock, and they looked at Elder Dugu in disbelief.

Originally, they almost all believed that No.1 must be the princely alliance, and it has been the same in the past, so there is almost no suspense.

But now, Yunhaimeng, a new force, has snatched No.1.

Liu Chen's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he felt dozens of unkind eyes, all from the Prince Alliance.

"No.2, Prince Alliance."

"No.3, League of Saints."

"No.4, Green Leaf League."


After the summary of the ranking was finished, the members of the Princes League couldn't bear it anymore. They swayed and flew to the center of the square, pointing at Liu Chen beside Elder Dugu, with a look of disdain, and said contemptuously, "Do you dare to accept my challenge?"

"He is only cultivating in the Void Realm, but you are a half-step Fusion Realm powerhouse, wouldn't you be ashamed to challenge him!" Chen Yi couldn't help but said.

"That's right, you are clearly bullying the small with the big!"

Unexpectedly, the man laughed instead of anger, and taunted: "Since he doesn't have that strength, get out of the position of No.1 quickly!"

Liu Chen did not speak, but cast his eyes on Elder Dugu, and immediately raised his head, looked directly at the speaker, and said in a neither humble nor overbearing voice: "Okay, so what if this No. 1 is handed over to you, I will definitely take it back someday! "

A sense of arrogance arose spontaneously, even if the person standing opposite him was a strong man in the half-step fusion state, he was not afraid at all.

"Hmph, as long as you have that strength, the Prince Alliance will accompany you at any time!" The goal was achieved, the man smiled triumphantly, turned around and flew back.

Gradually, other forces followed the example of the Prince League and challenged it.

After about half a stick of incense, Yun Haimeng, who was originally ranked No.1, became the last one.

Liu Chen smiled bitterly, and comforted himself: "It's just the ranking, there's no need to worry about it."

No.1 and the last place did not have much influence on Liu Chen, the key was that such a strong backer was enough.

After finishing the ranking, Elder Dugu made a tactic with both hands and waved his hand suddenly. Immediately, the space distance fluctuated, and a chaotic circle appeared.

Liu Chen walked towards Chen Yi from the high platform, and said slowly, "It's all right."

"It's just the ranking, we don't care, as long as you are fine!"

Everyone smiled slightly, indicating that they didn't care about the ranking.

"Okay, let's go back too!" Liu Chen shouted, and immediately led everyone back to the Heavenly Gate, but before that, everyone had to pass through the Extreme Flame Land.

Especially since they don't have the protection of red uncut jade, it's hard to avoid walking in the extremely hot place.

"Take it, and find me in Tongxian Pavilion in three days." Elder Dugu waved his hand and disappeared.

Liu Chen took six pieces of uncut jade with a smile and distributed them to everyone.

Four pieces of red uncut jade fell into his palm, Liu Chen smiled slightly, and stepped into the extremely hot place.

Layers of red halos surged, covering everyone.

At this moment, standing in this position again, looking at the familiar fiery red land of extreme flames, I will not be as uneasy as before, trying my best to resist the cruel environment.

Liu Chen glanced around, and it was obvious that everyone was in a very happy mood, with smiles on their faces.

Through this flag-pulling competition, he has the great backer of Elder Dugu all of a sudden, and it will definitely be much easier to wander around the Heavenly Gate in the future.

If they knew that Elder Dugu was the one who fought fiercely with Fu Changkong, they would probably be even more excited, because the stronger Elder Dugu was, the higher his status would be, and the corresponding benefit to Liu Chen would be greater.

They don't know these things, but there must be someone in Shangtianmen, especially the people from the three major forces.

But Liu Chen was very curious about what the Prince's League relied on, and dared to refute Elder Dugu in public, and even slapped him in face.

Besides, there is another very important thing, that is Feng Xuan.

The Upper Heaven Gate is guarded by Elder Dugu, and when they leave the safe zone, they can also hide in the Demon God Mountain, protected by Feng Xuan.

"Now that the Yunhai League has been recognized, when will we choose a site to build a foundation!"

"Shangtianmen's Fengshui treasures are countless, but most of them are taken by other forces. If we want to find a treasure, we may have to snatch it from other forces."

"Now that we have Elder Dugu as our backer, are we afraid we won't find a good place?"

Liu Chen smiled and said nothing, the group passed through the extremely inflamed land, and returned to the Heavenly Gate, before they had walked a few steps, someone came over with a flattering smile.

"Junior Brothers, please give me a thin noodle so I can do business with you." The man said and turned around, pointing to the distance, obviously he was going to take Liu Chen to a certain place.

Liu Chen kept silent and walked straight past them.

"What a big shelf!"

Those people were upset, but they didn't dare to reveal it. After all, Liu Chen was no longer that brat with no background. Behind him, there was still Elder Dugu.

After walking for a long time, the man suddenly said: "Junior Brothers, didn't we agree that this is the way to go."

"I never promised you." Liu Chen said calmly in a cold voice.

Immediately walked in the opposite direction.

The Shangtianmen is surrounded by mountains and lush vegetation. Liu Chen walked deep into the mountains, and with his strong perception ability, he immediately found a place with relatively strong spiritual power.

"It's barely possible to build a foundation here." Shen Huan frowned, a little dissatisfied.

Liu Chen smiled at the words, found a place to sit down by the way, looked indifferent, and said casually: "Who said I'm going to build a foundation here."

(End of this chapter)

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