
Chapter 1255

Chapter 1255
The man in gold seemed to be very satisfied with their surprised expressions, and a little bit of complacency gradually rose on his face.

Suddenly, there was a scream in the sky.

"and many more!"

Everyone heard the sound and looked, only to see Chen Yi, accompanied by Cui Bender, flying over quickly, especially Cui Bender looked at the man in the golden coat with a threat beyond words.

Probably saying, if you dare to touch Chen Yi, the old man will skin you!
"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Liu Chen smiled and walked towards Chen Yi. With the identities of Liu Chen and Chen Yi, the three of them would not be in danger if they entered Scarlet Phoenix Peak. On the contrary, one more person would give them strength, especially Chen Yi's excellent recognition ability.

"I'm also a member of the Yunhai League, count me in!" Chen Yi said to the man in golden clothes in a bad tone.

The man in gold was unhappy when he heard the words, but Cui Bender was still standing in the air watching, so he nodded with a sullen face and did not speak.

There is not much difference between Scarlet Phoenix Peak and other peaks, except that there is only one entrance, and it is guarded by elders all year round, almost no one can sneak in.

The gatekeeper elder greeted Cui Bende in the air, then closed his eyes slightly, without looking at Liu Chen and the others, as if he allowed them to enter and exit Scarlet Phoenix Peak.

Seeing this, the proud man in golden clothes immediately saluted the elder who guarded the door. The prince alliance is powerful and its members are strong, but in front of the elder, it will always be so weak.

The gatekeeper elder acted as if he hadn't heard of it, and immediately made the man in golden clothes look embarrassed, but he didn't dare to be disrespectful, so he could only put away the unhappiness in his heart and stepped into Scarlet Phoenix Peak.

"Elder." Liu Chen walked two steps quickly, with a respectful expression, bent slightly, and politely spoke to the gatekeeper elder. Shen Huan and Chen Yi followed closely, saluted and entered Scarlet Phoenix Peak.

The disciples of the Upper Heaven Sect behind them followed the gourd painting, saluted perfunctorily, and rushed into the Scarlet Phoenix Peak one after another.

There is a clear difference between Chihuang Peak and other peaks of Xianmen Sect. If you look around, more than [-]% of the plants are yellow. is green.

So from a distance, Chihuang Peak is still a green mountain, no different from other mountains.

Not only that, but the plants inside are also different, all are tall maple trees. The biggest advantage of this kind of tree is heat resistance, and the hotter the place, the more lush it grows.

Looking at the maple trees in Scarlet Phoenix Peak, all of them soared into the sky, they couldn't be hugged by ten people surrounded by them, coupled with the cool air, Liu Chen couldn't help wondering.

This climate is not suitable for the growth of maple trees, but maple trees grow so vigorously!
Liu Chen continued to go deeper with doubts, and gradually found that some of the leaves of the maple trees had all fallen off, leaving only the bare trunk. Looking up, he found green leaves growing on the top, which was very strange.

Looking at Chihuang Peak, after leaving the green zone and entering the yellow zone, almost all the maple trees are like this, the maple leaves in the middle fall off, leaving only the vibrant green maple leaves on the top.

"and many more!"

Walking, Chen Yi suddenly grabbed Liu Chen, looked around vigilantly, took a step forward, and stood side by side with Liu Chen, Shen Huan immediately stepped forward, looking at Chen Yi with a puzzled face.

Seeing this, Liu Chen didn't dare to be careless, and immediately opened up his senses, carefully observing the surrounding plants and trees.

The man in golden clothes suddenly stopped, smiled mysteriously, and then disappeared, followed by many disciples of the Heaven Sect. In an instant, everyone disappeared out of thin air, like a dream.

"Pass through the psychedelic forest, and I'll let you go!" The contemptuous voice of the man in gold gradually faded away, and finally disappeared.

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the three of them became serious at the same time. They glanced around and saw that there were tall and straight maple trees all around them. Apart from being a little strange, they couldn't see any other mystery.

"Why do I think it's still an ordinary mountain forest? It's nothing strange!" Chen Huan supported the maple tree with his hand, leaned on the trunk, and knocked on the trunk vigorously as he spoke, causing muffled sounds.

Liu Chen slapped the savings bag, immediately took out the Dragon Sword, and slowly approached the maple tree with the sword. When the sharp blade approached the trunk, a magical scene happened.

I saw the Longyin sword passing through the tree trunk without any hindrance, and Liu Chen slashed back and forth unbelievingly, but found that the maple tree in front of him was like a phantom, and he couldn't hit it at all.

"Strange!" Liu Chen put away the Dragon Chanting Sword, carefully stretched out his hands, and touched the maple tree, but the moment his fingers touched the maple tree, Liu Chen didn't feel anything wrong.

The maple tree feels very real to people. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, even Liu Chen himself would not believe that there is such a miraculous thing.

"Let me see!" Chen Yi frowned, and immediately came to Liu Chen's side, slowly stretched out her hand, and put it against the tree trunk. Gradually, her hands went deep into the tree trunk, and after a while, her arms were submerged in it.

Liu Chen yelled inwardly that he was not good, and pulled Chen Yi from behind suddenly, bringing Chen Yi back in time.

"What's going on? Why did it happen?" Seeing this, Shen Huan ran over and couldn't wait to ask. He could tell that Chen Yi must know more than him.

Hearing this, Chen Yi took a deep breath, her frown slowly relaxed, and a relaxed smile appeared on her face.

At this moment, somewhere in Scarlet Phoenix Peak, a group of brightly dressed people gathered together, looking at the psychedelic forest with different eyes.

"Why did you let people from the Tang family go in!" the leader of the man in golden clothes said in a bad tone with an unhappy expression on his face.

"Uh, I didn't know she was from the Tang family!"

"Crack!" Without saying a word, the man in the golden coat who was the leader slapped the man, knocking him into the air. After doing all this, he seemed to be in a much better mood, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At the same time, the leaders of the other two major forces looked at each other, looked up at the man in the golden coat, and said in unison: "Master, do you want to refine him into a puppet?"

The leading man in golden clothes waved his hand, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said meaningfully: "There are too many secrets in him, and he is likely to cause huge losses if he is refined into a puppet rashly. Wait and see, wait until the time comes." Maturity depends on you!"

"Yes, Master!"


"What are we going to do?" Liu Chen looked at Chen Yi and said, seeing Chen Yi's determined expression, Liu Chen knew that Chen Yi must have a way to deal with it.

I saw Chen Yi with her eyes slightly closed, her hands behind her back, walking towards the front calmly, explaining as she walked: "The illusion in the illusion forest is very clever, but at the same time very simple, as long as we close our eyes and have no distracting thoughts, You can definitely go out!"

Suddenly, Chen Yi walked towards a thick maple tree. If she didn't stop, she might bump into it fiercely, but Chen Yi acted like she didn't see it, and walked straight over.

Seeing this, Liu Chen reflexively wanted to pull Chen Yi back, but a miraculous scene happened. Chen Yi walked into the tree trunk with her whole body, and walked out of the tree trunk after a while.

Liu Chen and Shen Huan gasped, their eyes filled with shock, so they followed suit, closed their eyes tightly, and walked forward following Chen Yi's pace.

Even so, the powerful perception could still sense the maple tree around them, and the two instinctively wanted to avoid it, but recalling what happened to Chen Yi, the two chose not to dodge.

Suddenly, the two resolutely slammed into the maple tree, but after a long time, their heads did not touch anything.

"Don't open your eyes, keep following me!" Chen Yi's reminding voice came to the two people's ears clearly, so Liu Chen suppressed his curiosity not to open his eyes, and continued to follow Chen Yi.

"Once you open your eyes and see the scenery here, it will leave an impression in your mind, and you will never be able to get out for such a long time!"

"You must put everything aside and force yourself to forget the surrounding environment. Only in this way can you walk out of the psychedelic forest!"

Time flies, and half an hour has passed before you know it.

Right now, Chen Yi is frowning, and from time to time, she closes her eyes and looks around. Behind her, Liu Chen and Shen Huan follow her. They closed their eyes for a long time, which made them very uncomfortable. During the period, they wanted to open their eyes several times. But they were all sternly reprimanded by Chen Yi.

The psychedelic forest is too big, bigger than Chen Yi's imagination. Gradually, Chen Yi realized that closing his eyes and forgetting the surrounding environment is only the first step.

The second step is to find a way out. If you open your eyes, the psychedelic forest is changing all the time. Every time you take a step, you will be in a different place, and you will never get out of it for the rest of your life.

Only when the eyes are closed, the time of changing in the psychedelic forest will be extended, but if there is no change, Chen Yi will stop and re-judge the direction.

"How long will it take to get out of this damned psychedelic forest?" Shen Huan couldn't help cursing.

Chen Yi frowned even more when she heard this, she turned around without saying a word, and walked straight forward.

"It should be soon." Liu Chen said.

Liu Chen didn't have Chen Yi's ability to see through illusions, but his intuition was quite accurate. Liu Chen had a premonition that he would soon walk out of the psychedelic forest.

Sure enough, not long after the three of them left, Chen Yi suddenly quickened her pace and shouted as she walked, "I saw it! I saw it! It's right here!"

Shen Huan immediately became energetic when he heard the words, his feet hit the ground suddenly, turned into a long rainbow, and rushed forward, Liu Chen was not to be outdone, and accelerated forward, but the speed was far behind Shen Huan.

In the blink of an eye, Shen Huan came to Chen Yi's side, while Liu Chen only made half the distance.

"Clap clap clap!"

Loud applause came from outside, and a man in golden clothes with a high nose bridge looked down at Chen Yi, and said with deep meaning, "As expected of a member of the Tang family."

Liu Chen came from behind, and immediately opened his eyes upon hearing this.

I saw dozens of unfathomable strong men standing in front of them. Looking at their clothes, Liu Chen could tell at a glance that the men and horses in front of him belonged to the three major forces.

The Prince's League, the Green Leaf League, and the Saintess League.

The man in golden clothes with a high nose bridge in the lead is without a doubt the leader of the princely alliance!
"You two trash, if you don't have people from the Tang family to help you, it's wishful thinking to pass this level!" The leader of the Saintess Alliance looked arrogant, and didn't even look at Liu Chen.

The leader of the Green Leaf League looked serious and remained silent.

Instead of being angry, Liu Chen smiled, staring at the proud figure of the leader of the League of Saints, sizing up and down, and praised, "Tsk tsk, you really are a stunner in the world."

(End of this chapter)

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