
Chapter 1256 Pearl of Life

Chapter 1256 Pearl of Life
"Where are you looking!" The leader of the Saintess League was furious instantly, saying that he was going to rush up here to kill Liu Chen.

In an instant, the leader of the princely alliance reached out to stop him.

Seeing this, Liu Chen gasped in surprise, and in an instant, a storm surged in his mind, Shen Huan and Chen Yi didn't notice this detail, they were just glad that Liu Chen had escaped.

But Liu Chen saw a different side. Although the majestic leader of the Saintess League is not as powerful as the leader of the Prince's League, but no matter what, he is also one of the three major forces. There must be something strange.

"Chen Yi, Shen Huan, and Liu Chen, yes, you are all blessed and favored."

"Since you have passed the assessment, then I won't embarrass you, and the Wing League will be disbanded from now on!"

After saying that, dozens of powerhouses flew away one after another, and it was unbelievable that all of them were half-step fit realm powerhouses.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Chen calmed down the turmoil in his heart, and then looked up at Chen Yi and Shen Huan, always feeling that there was something in the prince's alliance leader's words, but he couldn't guess it.

"Go back and see how the Yunhai League is doing? By the way, think of a way for them."

The three of them ran all the way back to the cave.

But when they saw everything in front of them, they immediately became furious.

I saw that there was no one in the cave, and there was a note left on the table!
"Tomorrow at noon! Jiufeng Mountain!"

Jiufeng Mountain, that is the peak of Xiatianmen, who is it, and what is it for?
Shen Huan and Chen Yi looked at Liu Chen in a daze, one wave was flattened and another wave rose again.

Obviously, the person who attacked secretly was for the three of them, or to be more precise, for Liu Chen.

"I must go and save them!" Shen Huan said with a serious tone.

"Save! We must!" Liu Chen agreed firmly.

"But we can't go rashly like this, we have to save it!" A person suddenly flashed in Liu Chen's mind, that was Lin Qing, who had offended him a few times before, and felt unhappy, now it is reasonable to want revenge Original.

But just like this, it seems that Lin Qing is too stupid, who doesn't know that Liu Chen has an elder master, and Chen Yi has an elder uncle.

In Liu Chen's view, there were other reasons behind this incident.

Thinking about it carefully, I do have a lot of secrets, and a lot of them have been leaked out.

Liu Chen shook his head abruptly, threw out other thoughts, and continued, "Senior Sister Chen Yi, you should contact Elder Cui as soon as possible to make him like this..."

Liu Chen clung to Chen Yi's ear and whispered for a long time, and then a smile appeared on the corners of the mouths of both of them.

"What about me?" The bewilderment on Shen Huan's face became more intense.

"When she comes back, let's go to Jiufeng Mountain together." Liu Chen patted Shen Huan's shoulder comfortingly, quietly waiting for Chen Yi to come back.

Not long after, Chen Yi rushed back with a smile all over her face. After a short discussion, everyone went to Jiufeng Mountain immediately.


"Jiufeng Mountain is closer to Demon God Mountain, if something goes wrong, all of you will follow me to sneak into Demon God Mountain!" Liu Chen said seriously.

The two nodded slightly, and followed Liu Chen into Jiufeng Mountain.

It was noon at this time, and there was still a whole day before the agreed time. The three of them immediately found a place and sat down. Except for Shen Huan, Liu Chen and Chen Yi could not see the slightest anxiety on their faces.

"Don't be anxious, it's useless to be anxious." Chen Yi said comfortingly: "They want to catch us, they will definitely not hurt them, and there is a junior brother here, why are you worried!"

Shen Huan nodded when he heard the words, and said, "What you said makes sense." Then he turned his eyes to Liu Chen, and it was true. With Liu Chen's method, combined with the green breath, as long as they still have a breath, they can be cured.

Thinking of this, Shen Huan couldn't help feeling much relieved.

Jiufeng Mountain is remote and close to Demon God Mountain, so few people come, Liu Chen and the three of them sat for a long time without seeing anyone passing by.

Silent all night!
When the sky turned white, Shen Huan immediately jumped up from the ground, looked around vigilantly, and it took a while before he recovered.

Liu Chen heaved a sigh of relief, patted Shen Huan on the shoulder, and comforted him: "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

The surroundings were quiet, like the tranquility before the storm, adding a little depression invisible, which made the three of them feel heavy.

Looking up at the sky, there is still half a day before the agreed time, so Liu Chen turned his head and looked in the direction of Demon God Mountain. There are many people going up to Tianmen to see his displeasure, but it seems that there is only one person who really wants to take my life.

That's He Yi, not to mention that now that the Yi League has been disbanded, He Yi's family is alone in the Shangtianmen, so he is not afraid of anything. After thinking about it carefully, He Yi is indeed more suspicious than Lin Qing.

Lin Qing was born in the Green Snake League, even if he wanted to vent his anger, he would not risk offending the two elders to kidnap Lu Yueyue and the others. Even if he was reckless and ignorant, would the leader of the Green Snake League allow him to do so?
The promise is of course no, so it can only be He Yi.

"What's wrong?" Chen Yi looked at Liu Chen's anxious expression, and immediately expressed concern.

Liu Chen waved his hands when he heard the words, and said to himself: "If I were He Yi, then I must be lying in ambush near the Demon God Mountain."

Shen Huan and Chen Yi looked at each other, looked at Liu Chen suspiciously, and asked, "Could it be that He Yi did this?"

"He knows that we will definitely flee to the Demon God Mountain if we encounter danger, because we will be blessed there."

The more Shen Huan and Chen Yi listened, the more confused they became. They couldn't understand what Liu Chen was thinking at all. Now it was clearly a matter of Lu Yueyue being kidnapped. How could it suddenly become a matter of fleeing for their lives and avoiding He Yi.

"There is a way!" Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in Liu Chen's eyes, he looked at Chen Yi and Chen Yi energetically, and said loudly, "Take a nap and wait for them to appear!"


At this moment, on the outskirts of Demon God Mountain, a mysterious man wrapped in a red cloak revealed blood-red horror eyes, staring closely at Liuchen Jiufeng Mountain, with a murderous intent in the depths of his eyes.

If Liu Chen stood here, he would be able to recognize him at a glance, because he is He Yi!

Time flew by, and soon the appointed time came. Shen Huan and Chen Yi looked at the sky. It was clear that the appointed time had come, but no one came over. They were anxious like ants on a hot pot, fidgeting.

Only Liu Chen was calm and relaxed, even a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Here we come." Liu Chen suddenly opened his eyes, shot bursts of light, stood up and looked into the distance.

Following Liu Chen's gaze, he saw a group of five people slowly approaching Lu Yueyue and the young man, perhaps to annoy Liu Chen and the other three, they tortured Lu Yueyue and the young man severely.

The blood was dripping, the skin was torn apart, and it was shocking. Both of them were dying, obviously overwhelmed, and on the verge of death.

Seeing this scene, Shen Huan couldn't help it immediately, his eyes widened angrily, his fists were clenched under his cuffs, his whole body was trembling with anger, the spiritual power in his body collided violently, like a volcano that would erupt at any time.

Even the gentle Chen Yi had strong hatred and murderous intent in his eyes at this moment.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you don't feel bad?" Lin Qing walked over from behind, and rudely supported Lu Yueyue's chin with a scabbard, revealing a bloodshot pale cheek, which made people feel pity.

Liu Chen knew that Lin Qing was speaking to himself, but his expression was still calm, but his heart was already surging. He vowed to tear Lin Qing's body into thousands of pieces, and then threw his body to the Demon God Mountain to feed the monsters.

"Dog! Take your life!" Chen Huan's eyes were red, he roared, and rushed up regardless.

"Wait! Wait!" Seeing this, Lin Qing showed a satisfied smile on his face, and lifted the scabbard fiercely upwards, pushing Lu Yueyue's head back. The strong pain immediately woke up the weak Lu Yueyue.


Lu Yueyue screamed, two lines of tears flowed down uncontrollably, she was too weak to speak.

But the more this was the case, the more distressed Liu Chen and the three looked. With Liu Chen's character, he couldn't bear it now, and put one hand on the savings bag, casually preparing for a fierce battle.

Except for Lin Qing, the five people on the opposite side are all half-step body-fitting powerhouses with great strength, and Lin Qing is even half-step-fitting state. This battle is difficult, but we have to fight.

"Let her go! Tell me what you have to say!" Liu Chen quietly took out the Dragon Chanting Sword and said as he walked.

Hearing this, Lin Qing immediately retracted the scabbard, and gave Lu Yueyue to the people behind him like throwing trash, smiled slightly, glanced over the three of them, finally fell on Liu Chen, and asked tentatively.

"I heard that you have a powerful mysterious power that can restrain those who are several times stronger than yourself, including the true fairy art. I don't know if it is true?"


Lin Qing's complexion changed suddenly when he heard the words. He never expected that Liu Chen would admit it so readily. He thought to himself that that person really didn't lie to himself. If I had this power, regardless of my brother's care, no one would dare to underestimate me when I walked in the Green Snake League. Look at me.

"Good! Good! Good!" Lin Qing clapped his hands repeatedly and shouted three times, his excitement was beyond words, he waved his hand, and the people behind immediately pushed Lu Yueyue and Chen Yi forward.

Lin Qing pointed at the two of them, and slowly said: "Hand over that mysterious power, and I will let them go!" As he spoke, Lin Qing shook the sharp blade in his hand, the threat was obvious.

Chen Yi and Shen Huan looked at each other, that power has saved them many times, its strength is undoubted, but one side is relatives, the other side is brothers, it is difficult for him to make a choice, he does not know whether to stop or not.

Chen Yi's lips twitched, and she looked at Lu Yueyue and Lu Yueyue who were covered with scars, but she still didn't speak in the end.

"Deal!" Liu Chen was silent for a moment, with a look of reluctance on his face, covered his mouth with his hands, and immediately threw out an emerald green bead.

As the beads flew away, Liu Chen's face suddenly turned pale, as if he had been severely injured.

In Lin Qing's eyes watching this scene, not to mention how proud he was, he immediately reached out to catch the bead, looked it over carefully, nodded repeatedly, and was about to swallow it.

Lin Qing suddenly withdrew the beads, and looked at Liu Chen with a smile in his eyes, because he found that Liu Chen was looking at him with complacency.

(End of this chapter)

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