
Chapter 1257 Seeing He Yi Again

Chapter 1257 Seeing He Yi Again
"Tell me everything you know about this bead, hurry up!" Lin Qing said viciously.

"Put it in first!"

Lin Qing kicked the old man away, then pressed the scabbard against Lu Yueyue's neck, and threatened, "Say!"

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Shen Huan rushed forward and took the old man.

"This bead looks simple and unpretentious on the surface, but it contains majestic power and is mixed with rich life force, so it cannot be swallowed directly, it must be refined. I will be blown up by this force!"

Liu Chen was so serious that even Shen Huan and Chen Yi believed it.

Lin Qing weighed the beads in his hand, a look of gratitude flashed deep in his eyes, he thought he didn't swallow the beads just now, so he put the beads into the savings bag with a flick of his hand, and then threw Lu Yueyue out with a big wave of his hand.

As the Cambridge slipped, Lin Qing clung to Lu Yueyue's back and rushed towards Liu Chen.

"Not good!" Liu Chen yelled badly, just as he was about to make a move.

I saw a swift figure passing by, the whirlwind-like Shen Huan snatched Lu Yueyue back, glanced at it pitifully, and then roared angrily, fighting fiercely head-on without fear of Lin Qing, who was in the half-step fusion state.


When the weapons were handed over, there was a heavy metal collision, Shen Huan let out a muffled snort, and stared at Lin Qing from a close distance, the anger in his eyes was even stronger, so instead of retreating, he advanced and pressed on step by step.

Lin Qing frowned, blocked Shen Huan with his sword, and took three steps back.

The arrogant Lin Qing couldn't take it anymore, he turned his hands upside down, turned the long sword in his hand, and then struck forward with both palms, a strong wave of air rolled over, and immediately shocked Chen Huan back.


Chen Huan's arms trembled, his tiger's mouth shattered, and bright red blood flowed out, fierce killing intent gathered between his brows, waiting for the opportunity to kill with one blow.

Whoosh whoosh!
Stepping out with one step, countless afterimages wandered away immediately, dazzled everyone watching.


The cold blade pierced out, and Lin Qing felt the danger, so he dodged reflexively, but he was still a step too slow, and his arm was cut open.

Even Lin Qing, who was in the half-step fusion realm, still had some headaches in the face of unexpected attacks and illusory movements, and didn't know where to start.

On the other side, Liu Chen was not idle either. As soon as Lin Qing rushed up, the four people behind him also moved.

Chen Yi's expression was dignified, and she didn't dare to be careless. Opposite her was four half-step combined powerhouses. She turned her head and glanced at Liu Chen, who was healing Lu Yueyue and Lu Yueyue. Chen Yi frowned, and played Hunyuan palm.

Suddenly, a strong wind raged around him, and gradually formed a huge whirlwind. Chen Yi's arms were dancing, and he was throwing out palms continuously. The shadows of his palms merged into the whirlwind.

The person who rushed to the front was the first to bear the brunt of the blow, and received a solid slap. Suddenly he lost his breath, flew upside down, and lay motionless on the ground.

The other three were taken aback, their gazes became cautious, especially when they saw the palm shadow flying towards them, there was deep fear in the depths of their eyes.

Seeing a palm kill with their own eyes, they didn't want that terrifying palm shadow to fall on them.

Sure enough, the Hunyuan palm technique delayed the three of them and bought time for Liu Chen. They also knew that Chen Yi did it purely to delay time. Even so, they were still unwilling to risk their lives.

"A bunch of waste!" Lin Qing saw it and was anxious in his heart, not knowing what to do for a while!
Originally planned to gain strength, and then drive Liu Chen and others to Demon God Mountain, and someone will naturally take care of the rest, but I didn't expect Liu Chen and others to resist with all their strength, and there was no sign of fleeing at all.


Another sword thrust out, piercing Lin Qing's forearm, and when the blood-dripping sword blade was quickly pulled out from the forearm, Lin Qing's complexion changed, and he held the blade ferociously.

not good!

Chen Huan secretly thought it was bad, immediately gave up the weapon in his hand, retreated, lost the weapon, and immediately became very unfavorable. Coupled with Lin Qing's desperate fighting style, it was difficult to achieve the same effect as before.

"Okay!" Liu Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling extremely nervous. Fortunately, they have been cured, and it is only a matter of time before they wake up.

Hearing this, Shen Huan turned around and appeared next to Lu Yueyue and Lu Yueyue in an instant. The wounds on both of them had healed as before, their complexions were rosy, and it was not obvious that they had been seriously injured and were dying.

"Why haven't you come yet?" Liu Chen looked up at the sky, counting the time, Cui Bende should have appeared, could it be that something unexpected happened at Shangtianmen?
"Run!" Liu Chen put the old man on his back and ran towards the direction of Demon God Mountain, not fast, but not slow.

Shen Huan gritted his teeth and glared at Lin Qing, and followed Lu Yueyue with his back on his back. He also knew in his heart that Lin Qing was not an ordinary half-step fusion powerhouse. Lu Yueyue is in danger.

"I'll break the queen!" Shen Huan handed Lu Yueyue to Chen Yi, and stood back.

"They won't come after them!"

Liu Chen dragged Shen Huan to run together, as expected, the three of them ran for quite a while, except for Lin Qing and the others chasing after a while at a leisurely pace, they gradually disappeared.

Running, Liu Chen stopped again, and said, "Lin Qing's goal has been achieved, he dare not take our lives!"

"But he won't be so stupid as to let us go. After all, for the sake of this, he can only do one thing and keep getting rid of us."

"But he won't do it himself, because once the matter is known to the ears of the two elders, the consequences are unimaginable."

"So he wants to borrow a knife to kill people!" Chen Yi saw the blood for a while, then looked at the Demon God Mountain in the distance, recalling what Liu Chen said before, and suddenly realized.

"What should I do?"

"Now we can only wait! Wait for Elder Cui to appear!"

Chen Yi looked anxious, remembering that she had told him thousands of times, that Uncle Cui should have arrived by now, but why didn't he show up for so long.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Lin Qing was holding the emerald green bead with an excited expression on his face. Before rushing back to the Heavenly Gate, he couldn't wait to refine it. Layers of spiritual power were peeled off and covered the emerald green bead, which immediately elicited a trace of life, and then drifted into the air.

In a short while, the emerald green beads disappeared into nothingness.

"Haha! Refined!" Lin Qing stood up and laughed twice, but found that there was no change in his body, and no other power appeared in his body.

So he frowned, and shouted at the members of the Green Snake League in the distance, "Sure!"

The low shout alarmed the remaining three members, who all turned their heads to look at Lin Qing in surprise.





After shouting more than ten times in a row, there was still no change. Lin Qing's face was flushed, and he was extremely embarrassed, especially when he saw the half-smile expressions of the three members, he suddenly became furious.

Angrily roared: "Liu Chen! You are dead!"

The sound was so loud that it reached Liu Chen's ears immediately.

"I've been discovered, let's go!" Liu Chen smiled slightly, and ran away with the old man on his back.

"By the way, you didn't really give him that mysterious power just now, did you?"

Hearing this, the smile on Liu Chen's face became wider, and he said, "No, what I just gave him was just an ordinary life bead. This kind of bead looks very extraordinary, but it is actually a mass of life force inside. That's all, now he must know that he has been cheated, and he is chasing after me angrily, trying to kill me!"

"But up front..."

Liu Chen's expression darkened when he heard the words, and the smile on his face disappeared. Lin Qing was on one side and He Yi on the other. After thinking about it a little, he knew that he had a better chance of winning against Lin Qing.

But thinking about it carefully, He Yizang would definitely be unable to restrain himself when he saw that there was no movement in Jiufeng Mountain, and he would come out to find out, and then it would be over.

Keep breaking!Reverse the chaos!
Time does not allow Liu Chen to think too much, continuing to hesitate will only kill everyone!

"This way!"

After weighing the two, Liu Chen chose to enter the Demon God Mountain.

Not far away, Lin Qing rushed to the place where Liu Chen and the others were staying before, the anger in his heart was not diminished at all because Liu Chen and the others entered the Demon God Mountain, as if he wanted to kill Liu Chen with his own hands.

"Hmph!" Lin Qing stood where he was, until the figures of Liu Chen and the other five disappeared in the Demon God Mountain, then he turned his gaze away and snorted coldly.

In today's battle, not only was he seriously injured, but he also lost a half-step body-fitting powerhouse. The most abominable thing was that he tried so hard to get water from the bamboo basket, and he got nothing in the end.

Go to heaven!Green Snake League!
"Elder Cui, why are you in such a hurry to go back?" Lin Yi, the leader of the Green Snake League, swung his white sleeves and calmly drank a sip of tea, smiling.

At the same time, there are also leaders of other forces sitting around, all of whom are strong in the half-step fusion realm.

Cui Bende sat below, while Lin Yi was on top. Although Cui Bende was just an ordinary criminal law elder, he was also a genuine elder.

Lin Yi repeatedly uttered disrespect and contempt for the elders. Cui Bende had accumulated a lot of anger in his heart, but there was nothing he could do about it. Everyone sitting here today is the proud son of the Heavenly Gate, the pillar of the sect.

In time, these people will be the elders of the Immortal Sect, and the future Immortal Sect will be supported by them. The most important thing is that Cui Bende is not strong enough, otherwise he would not be trapped here.


"Eh?" Liu Chen let out a huff, and looked around vigilantly, but found nothing wrong.

Am I making things too complicated?
Suddenly, a red shadow floated from a distance, caught off guard, and immediately pushed Liu Chen to the ground, only to see He Yi stepped on Liu Chen, trampling hard, and said in a cold voice: "Liu Chen, long time no see."

Shen Huan swallowed, just looking at He Yi felt the pressure doubled, and a heavy sense of powerlessness arose in her heart, rushing forward rashly was tantamount to suicidal.

"Bah! Elder Cui is already on his way here. If you dare to touch a single hair of our hair, you will die!" Chen Yi pretended to be calm and threatened.

"Let's start with you!" He Yi raised his head suddenly, and glared at Chen Yi. Chen Yi felt her mind go blank and lost consciousness for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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