
Chapter 1259 Black Forbidden Land

Chapter 1259 Black Forbidden Land
Liu Chen nodded, and stretched out his finger to the front. The smart young man immediately understood and made way for him.

After so long, the black forbidden land has not changed much except that the vegetation is more lush.

When the Fengcheng disciples saw this scene, they immediately looked up in surprise. When they saw the familiar figure, they burst into deafening cries instantly.

Everyone in Fengcheng was boiling.

I don't know why, but Liu Chen has a feeling of blood boiling, as if every cell in his body is burning, and he really wants to roar loudly, to vent the emotions that have been accumulated in his heart for a long time.

But reason told Liu Chen that he couldn't do this. As the only pillar of Fengcheng, he had to maintain his image as a protector at all times.


Shen Huan and the three immediately followed, together with the group of young people behind.

"Everyone, I'm back."

Not long after the words fell, there were deafening cheers again. Almost everyone thought that Liu Chen's return this time was for the revival of Fengcheng.

"There are some pills here, let's share them." Liu Chen patted the savings bag, and immediately divided the Zengxian Dan in the savings bag, leaving only a small part on his body.

Seeing these Zengxian Pills, the eyes of every disciple suddenly changed. They looked at Liu Chen in disbelief, the depths of their eyes were full of longing, eager to get Zengxian Pills, but no one stepped forward to grab them.

Liu Chen nodded in satisfaction, then set his sights on Shen Huan, Lu Yueyue and the young man, and solemnly introduced: "Shen Huan, Lu Yueyue, and Lu Zhengping. These three are distinguished guests, and from now on, they will The two will live here."

Maybe it's because I entered the Immortal Sect and saw a wider stage. Now I look at my disciples and feel that they are too weak.

Weak and vulnerable.

Among them, 50.00% of the disciples are only in the realm of transforming gods. Although Zengxian Dan is powerful, it is not particularly useful to them, and most of the effects of the medicine are beyond their ability to refine.

It wasn't until sunset that Liu Chen was free to leave with Chen Huan.

After all, carrying Yuanshen on your body is like carrying a time bomb. If it is discovered, it will definitely lead to murder, and even arouse the evil thoughts of half-step fusion realm or even stronger powerhouses.

"Go look over there."

The two walked around the black forbidden area for a long time, and the sky completely darkened. In desperation, the two had no choice but to return to Fengcheng.

Silent all night.

At dawn the next day, Liu Chen went out of the black forbidden area together with Chen Huan to find out the news.

Anyway, Yuanshen's affairs are not in a hurry, so it's better to go to Bing Feixue first, think about it carefully, I haven't seen her for a long time.

The two inquired from different places, but they didn't find anything about Bing Feixue, as if the world had evaporated without a trace.

"Could it be hidden?"

"It seems that we can only wait for the next auction!"

Liu Chen's brows were tightly furrowed, he couldn't find any news from outside, and he couldn't enter Fengcheng, so he was suddenly upset, and deep worries welled up in his heart.

Suddenly, a figure came to mind, Bai Kuan!

Ordinary people don't know the situation in Fengcheng, so wouldn't Bai Kuan not know?He is the elder of Fengcheng, with a high status.

The two asked many people on the sidelines, but they failed to find out any news about Bing Feixue. In desperation, they had no choice but to hold back the unwillingness in their hearts and return to Fengcheng.

"Almost forgot about this!" Liu Chen slapped his forehead, suddenly realized, and accelerated forward.

Seeing this, Shen Huan was dazed, and turned into a long rainbow in a daze, and immediately chased after it.

"You go back to Fengcheng first, I have one more important thing to do."

After leaving these words, Liu Chen's figure flashed, and by virtue of the subtle connection between Yuanshen Orb and the young master in Feng Xuan's mouth, he immediately determined his position.

According to Feng Xuan, the young master is the son of the ancient fierce beast Taotie, who has survived in this world for thousands of years and is extremely powerful.

Not only that, there are also three powerful generals under Taotie's command, namely the demon wolf Fengxuan, the ice-armored horned dragon, and the blue-winged demon bat Qinghan. .

"Why is the son of glutton hiding at the entrance?"

It stands to reason that with the protection of a powerful servant like the demon wolf Feng Xuan, basically no one in the world can harm him, but he hides in the black forbidden area and does nothing.

With many doubts in mind, Liu Chen found the place where the son of Taotie was.

This is a cliff, with no grass growing around it, and brown irregular stones exposed, which looks very barren and incompatible with the lush black forbidden land.

After walking a few steps quickly, Liu Chen poked his head out and looked down. The white mist was like an abyss, which made people feel retreat.

"It's here, but how do I get down?"

Liu Chen dropped a stone casually and listened intently for a long time. After about half a stick of incense passed, he didn't hear the sound of the stone falling to the ground or hitting other objects.

Liu Chen gasped, and couldn't help but take a step back, thinking of retreating.

Just as Liu Chen was about to leave, an image appeared on the edge of the cliff, and the white mist quickly formed and gathered into a huge monster.

After a while, the huge monster slowly rose into the sky, looking down at Liu Chen from a high position.

"The body is like a cow, the face is human, and the eyes are in the armpit."

Liu Chen stared dumbfounded at the huge monster in the sky, and muttered to himself.

What appeared in front of him was the image of Taotie recorded in the ancient books. Although it was not very detailed, it was roughly the same as this colossal creature.

"I didn't expect what was recorded in the ancient books to be true." Liu Chen was just talking about it as a fairy tale at first, but he never expected that he saw Taotie with his own eyes today.

The body is as strong as a cow, with thick and powerful limbs, buttocks with tails, a human body grows on it, and there are two arms, and several meters long bone spurs grow on the back and on both arms.

The double pupils under the armpit, although formed by white mist, are still shocking at first glance, and the head has horns.

In a daze, Taotie moved, and suddenly stretched out his right hand, rushing towards Liu Chen.

Liu Chen was slightly taken aback, and retreated reflexively. At the same time that his right hand was rushing towards him, Liu Chen felt an unprecedented pressure of terror. In front of Taotie, he was not even as good as dust, so insignificant and not worth mentioning.


At the very moment, Liu Chen crushed the token of the curse seal, and with the sound of cracking, Feng Xuan's elegant figure appeared in Liu Chen's sight.

"Young Master." Feng Xuan looked respectful, bowed his head and bowed his head, not daring to be slighted, and stood quietly in front of Taotie.

As soon as this remark was made, the moving right hand was immediately retracted, and then, misty voices came from all directions, making people confused.

"Feng Xuan, do you even want to break your oath to my father?"

It can be heard that there is a little fear hidden in the voice, it is possible that the son of Taotie is afraid of Feng Xuan who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Feng Xuan trembled when he heard the words, as if he remembered something, so he slowly stood up straight, and with a wave of his hand, the primordial spirit in Liu Chen's savings bag immediately flew out uncontrollably.

"This old servant doesn't dare." Feng Xuan held Yuanshen Orb in both hands, and handed it to Taotie in the air.

Suddenly, a strong wind swept through, and the Yuanshen Orb in Feng Xuan's hand disappeared. Following Feng Xuan's gaze, at some point, a five or six-year-old child appeared on the edge of the cliff.

She has an immature face and a petite figure, but she has a pair of deep eyes, which seem to be able to absorb people's thoughts after staring at them for a long time, which is very terrifying.

"I accept the Yuanshen, you go back."

Feng Xuan didn't dare to disobey the words, so his figure gradually faded until he disappeared.

The five or six year old boy ordered Feng Xuan, and this person was the son of Taotie, and he had three servants who were as powerful as Feng Xuan, it was unbelievable, and once again updated Liu Chen's world view.

"You come with me."

Liu Chen was startled when he heard the words, and pointed at himself, his eyes were full of doubts, the other party was the son of Taotie, for his words, even Feng Xuan obeyed, how could he disobey.

So he took a deep breath, stomped his feet, and followed them. The two of them stood on the edge of the cliff together. They saw the child stepping down without seeing it. Suddenly, the whole person accelerated and fell, drowned in the white mist in the blink of an eye, and lost track.

Only Liu Chen was left standing on the edge of the cliff.

Looking up at the gradually dissipating Taotie in the sky, Liu Chen gritted his teeth, closed his eyes and jumped down, suddenly felt the strong wind raging in his ears, and he was falling down at an extremely fast speed.

Suddenly, that feeling stopped abruptly, and a familiar feeling emerged spontaneously. Liu Chen closed his eyes and stomped hard, and as expected, he landed.

Liu Chen opened his eyes, it was a cave, when he looked back, his legs felt weak.

I am standing on the raised stones of the cliff, which can only accommodate two people standing at the same time, other than that, there are no other stones.

In other words, if Liu Chen hadn't jumped down following the child's position just now, Liu Chen should still be falling now.

Taking a deep breath, I felt palpitations just thinking about it.

Take two quick steps and enter the cave.

The cave is completely natural, without any traces of man-made excavation. It is rich in spiritual power, and there are countless kinds of great tonic herbs, many of which have long been extinct.

"Feng Xuan was sealed in the Demon God Mountain by Da Neng, and he couldn't leave for half a step. Thanks to you, he was able to send its Yuanshen Orb to my side."

"I am a person who knows how to reciprocate, so I will try my best to satisfy you whatever you want."

"Any request is fine?"

"It will be all right?"

"That's good! I want all the precious herbs here!"

Hearing this, the child's face lit up with a smile, as if he had already expected what Liu Chen was thinking, so he waved his little hand and said indifferently, "I'll give you everything."

Liu Chen was overjoyed, and immediately wandered around the cave, picking out the extinct herbs. With these herbs, it is estimated that he will soon have a breakthrough in cultivation.

In about half a day, Liu Chen took away all the rare and precious herbs in the cave, and kept some precious herbs, because once these herbs leave the special environment in which they live, they will gradually lose their medicinal properties and become inferior to ordinary herbs.

Touching the savings bag, this time it is definitely a rewarding experience, the value of the herbs lying in it is comparable to the entire Maple City.

(End of this chapter)

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