
Chapter 1260

Chapter 1260
"From now on, we will never owe each other!" The child said calmly with his back to Liu Chen.

Liu Chen curled his lips, and nodded despite hearing the child's tone of voice very uncomfortable every time, who told him that he was the son of gluttony, and he had three powerful servants.

After finishing speaking, the child waved his hand, and Liu Chen disappeared immediately.

The scene turned sharply, Liu Chen stood on the edge of the cliff, looked down, his scalp felt numb, and his heart palpitations came to him.

The son of the ancient ferocious beast, Taotie, who has practiced for ten thousand years, turned out to be a five or six-year-old child after taking human form. What is even more strange is that he was seriously injured because of that war.

Back in Fengcheng, Liu Chen called Shen Huan, and the two immediately found a secluded cave.

Sitting in the damp cave, Shen Huan was unsettled, staring at Liu Chen in disbelief, recalling what Liu Chen said just now, it was like a fairy tale.

"These are all of them." Liu Chen patted the savings bag, and suddenly a large amount of herbs fell from the sky and fell neatly on the ground, and the strong medicinal fragrance immediately floated out along the cave.

After taking a short breath, I immediately feel refreshed, the pores of the whole body are opened, and the tiredness is swept away, making me feel very comfortable.

"Use as much as you can!" After leaving this sentence, Liu Chen immediately began to refine the herbal medicine.

Hearing this, Shen Huan gulped his saliva, and was speechless with a shocked expression. He was not because of Liu Chen's generosity, but because of the quantity and rarity of these herbs.

Liu Chen grabbed it casually, his body vibrated suddenly, and his spiritual power burst out, covering the herbs in an instant, absorbing the essence of the herbs.

Seeing this scene in Shen Huan's eyes, he wished he could grab all these herbs and refine them into pills before taking them.

Like Liu Chen directly refining herbal medicine, six parts of the medicinal properties are lost, and less than three parts are actually absorbed by Liu Chen, which can be described as a waste of money.

If Bai Kuan knew about this, he would definitely slap Liu Chen to death. Any two of these precious herbs could help him break through the bottleneck.

"Don't worry about it!" Shen Huan turned his eyes sideways, closed his eyes, and began to refine the herbal medicine.

The spiritual power of the hole flowed, mixed with the strong medicinal fragrance, and gradually blended into the body. As the medicinal fragrance gradually faded, the two people's spirits rose steadily, and their cultivation base improved rapidly.

Not long after, Liu Chen's cultivation level improved little by little, and he was approaching the half-step fusion state.

The cave under the cliff**.

Holding the Yuanshen Orb left by Feng Xuan in his hand, the child muttered to himself, "Father, where have you been?"

After finishing speaking, the child raised his right hand and put the Yuanshen Orb into his mouth, and Gulu swallowed it in one gulp. It takes seven to 49 days for the strong to refine the Yuanshen, and there must be no interference during this period, otherwise they will suffer backlash, and the light ones will regress. , the severe ones will be destroyed together with the primordial spirit.

After the child swallowed the Yuanshen Orb, a miraculous scene happened.

The original appearance of a five or six-year-old child immediately changed into Taotie, but his body was relatively small, the bony spurs on his back and arms were not yet fully formed, and the horns on the top were only slightly protruding.

However, there are a pair of dark red eyes growing under his armpit, which are breathtaking and extremely terrifying.


Taotie raised his head and let out a roar, a powerful wave of air immediately erupted from his throat, from small to large, spreading out like waves layer by layer.

The white mist outside the cave then completely dissipated, revealing a bottomless abyss. Standing in the cave, even if there is no white mist to cover it, you still can't see the bottom.

In an instant, three beams of different colors burst out from Taotie's body, shooting straight into the sky, illuminating the entire Maple City.

Like three bright pillars of light covering the brilliance of the sun, everyone raised their heads and looked towards the place where the three-color glow burst out.

It's not over yet, I saw the three-color rays of light getting more and more intense, and then a thousand-meter-long demon wolf roared and revolved around the three-color rays of light.

With that roar, there was no cloud in the sky above Fengcheng, and the sound resounded throughout Fengcheng, everyone heard it, and the terrifying deterrent force immediately suppressed everyone.

Including Liu Chen and Shen Huan during the training.

"Can you feel it?"

Liu Chen opened his eyes first, looked at Shen Huan seriously, and said seriously.

"I can feel the terrifying coercion."

The two immediately sorted out the remaining herbs, and when they hurried out of the cave, Liu Chen looked in the direction of the three-color glow in surprise, and muttered to himself: "When the glow explodes, there must be a treasure!"


The place where the rays of light erupted was in the black forbidden area, and it was not far from the two of them. As the saying goes, the two of them seized the opportunity and left after taking the treasure.

" have stepped into the half-step fusion state!" Shen Huan suddenly discovered that the current Liu Chen was no longer a strong person in the virtual refinement state, but a genuine half-step fusion state.

In such a short period of time, it was unbelievable to break through directly.

Liu Chen smiled and said nothing, but rapid progress in a short period of time would cause the foundation to be unstable. To be on the safe side, Liu Chen planned to lay a solid foundation first.

Gradually, the two followed Xiaguang to the edge of the cliff, and stood here again, especially when there was no white mist to block their sight, and when they looked down again, their heart palpitations became more serious.

At this moment, Liu Chen wasn't sure if he had the courage to dance again.

"Xiaguang erupts from here, Chongbao should be below."

Liu Chen took a deep breath, cautiously probed down again, looked intently, and said in surprise, "Huh? The glow seems to have erupted from a cave, but it's not there..."

Liu Chen hesitated to speak, his face was uncertain, what the hell is the son of gluttony doing this time.

If such a big commotion is made, many strong people will definitely come to find out. At that time, the disciples of Fengcheng in Fengcheng will suffer from a catastrophe.

Liu Chen absolutely didn't want to see that scene.

Now, we can only hope that the gimmick of the forbidden black land can bluff those greedy humans.

After living in the black forbidden area for so long, Liu Chen knew very well that the current entrance was not as scary as the rumors said.

Especially the strong ones above the half-step fusion state, although they can't be said to be unstoppable, their lives are safe, not to mention the strong ones like the elders of the dragon clan, the black forbidden ground can't stop them at all.

Once the elders of the dragon clan discover Fengcheng, there is no doubt that no one will be spared.

"Damn it!" Liu Chen stood on the edge of the cliff with an angry expression on his face, wishing he could cut Taotie into pieces.

"Let's go and see what's going on in the black forbidden land now!"

Shen Huan was startled when he heard the words, and after a while, he said, "The baby is right below, don't we want it?"

"There are no treasures below, only the ancient fierce beast Glutton!"

"Glutton...! Fierce beast gluttonous?" Shen Huan was shocked. He glanced back at the abyss, and immediately took two steps back. Fierce beast gluttony usually only exists in myths and stories, and is spread among the people.

But when he saw Liu Chen's serious eyes, he no longer doubted the truth of this sentence, and after being with Liu Chen for a long time, he felt that anything was possible.

Apparently, Taotie swallowed the Primordial Spirit Orb left by Feng Xuan, in order to enhance his cultivation, and lure all the powerful people to come, and then slaughtered them all.

Taotie's cultivation method is very cruel, otherwise he wouldn't be called a ferocious beast. Liu Chen took a deep breath, turned around and rushed down the mountain, as long as he can keep Fengcheng, no matter how many people Taotie kills, it has nothing to do with him.


"When Xiaguang erupts, there must be a treasure."

"Yeah, I just don't know which strong man will snatch it this time."

"In my opinion, it must be the dragon clan. With their background in the black forbidden land, other forces have no chance to snatch it. Moreover, the elders of the dragon clan seem to have made a breakthrough recently."

"Humph, the glow that erupted this time has already alarmed the two big families outside, the Flame Alliance, and other immortal robbers. Their forces are not inferior to the Dragon Clan at all."

Liu Chen was walking on the street, and everyone was talking about the three-color glow with great relish.

Not only that, many people from outside the city wearing different burdens appeared on the usually deserted streets. Most of these people are cultivators in the Void Realm. They shuttled through the black forbidden area, inquired about news, and prepared to share a share of the glowing explosion.

However, the real giants have all gathered in the Dragon Clan and are discussing the distribution of benefits, as if the treasure is already in their pockets.

"There are so many people here, once all the monsters enter the entrance, the monsters inside will definitely be wiped out, especially those who are strong in the Void Refining Realm."

"According to the current situation, they will be able to reach the top of the mountain within two days."

"No, no one in the black forbidden area except us knows the real situation inside the entrance. In the early stage, they should send cannon fodder into the mountain to find out the situation. When the time is right, those strong men will be dispatched."

"However, there is not much time left for us."

Liu Chen turned his head to look at Shen Huan, he naturally understood the meaning of Shen Huan's words, and there was not much time to divert the disciples.

Thinking about it carefully, the disciples inside the entrance could neither be brought into the Immortal Sect, nor could they be brought out of the black forbidden area to be resettled.

A bloody massacre is slowly brewing.

"Get out of the way for my mother, are you deaf? Get out of the way!"

Suddenly, a ferocious strong man swung his whip and whipped the man flying away, and behind him was driving a flying boat, and a young man in a fine attire poked his head out of the flying boat, frowned and said, "Hurry up. "

"Yes, yes, yes." The vicious man nodded and bowed when he heard the words, for fear that the young people in the flying boat would be unhappy.

Liu Chen looked at the young man intently. This person was not from the Black Forbidden Area. He should be a strong man from outside, but a half-step Fusion Realm powerhouse. He was placed in the Black Forbidden Area, comparable to those powerful sect masters, and should not be underestimated.

"Things that bully the weak and fear the hard!" Chen Huan clenched his hands tightly, full of righteous indignation.

Liu Chen's eyes flickered, his heart raced sharply, and he immediately had a countermeasure. With his strength, he should be able to know exactly which forces came, so he could figure out the current situation of the black forbidden land.

So the two slowly moved forward with the flying boat, and finally in a deserted place, Shen Huan erupted, revealing the aura of a strong man, directly frightening the vicious strong man to the ground.

"Don't, don't kill me!" The trembling voice of the young man in Chinese clothes came from inside the flying boat.

(End of this chapter)

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