
Chapter 1264 Killing Heart

Chapter 1264 Killing Heart

The old man of the setting sun, Hongye, the elder of the dragon clan, the master of the black hole, the five Humen brothers and other strong men gathered together to quietly observe the gluttonous phantom with serious expressions.

I saw Taotie's huge body rushing forward suddenly, the ground trembled suddenly, countless huge boulders rolled down from the top of the mountain, trees were uprooted, sand and stones were flying, the humming sound was endless, and mourning was everywhere.

How can ordinary people be the opponents of Taotie? In less than a stick of incense, they all become the food of Taotie. As more and more people are killed, the phantom of Taotie becomes more and more solid, and the aura becomes stronger and stronger.

The elder of the Dragon Clan frowned, knowing that he couldn't wait any longer, but he didn't want to be the first to rush forward.

The others had the same thought as the elders of the dragon clan, waiting for the first cannon fodder to rush up.

"Can't wait any longer!"

Finally, the five Humen brothers were worried that Taotie's strength would exceed the acceptable range, so they rushed up first, and the cave master of Batu Cave followed with a low shout.

Many strong men behind them surrounded Taotie and immediately fought with him.

Ordinary swords can't hurt them at all, and they must be attacked with powerful true fairy arts, but most of them have never learned true fairy arts.

The master of Heifeng Cave and the five Humen brothers were like moths to the flame, unable to resist at all, the encirclement was dispersed in an instant, more than half of the strong were killed and injured, and the two of them were stronger and escaped.

"Not at this time! When will it be!"

The old man of the setting sun was also worried that Taotie would become stronger and stronger, and at the same time worried about losing two powerful supporters, so he jumped into the battle.

Seeing the old man in the setting sun charge forward, Hong Ye dragged the elders of the Dragon Clan to join the battle without saying a word. Naturally, Liu Chen couldn't fall behind, otherwise he might be mobbed and attacked.

I had no choice but to put on a show and not work hard.

With the joining of these superpowers, the situation of the war suddenly turned around. Taotie stopped, and the dark red pupils under his armpits burst into red light. Anyone who saw the red light immediately became dizzy and their strength was greatly reduced.

"Everyone close your eyes!"

During the dizziness, the master of the Black Wind Cave was pierced through the body by Taotie, opened his bloody mouth, chewed twice, and swallowed it. After a while, the Taotie's aura became stronger, and the red light bursting out from the red pupils under the armpits became even stronger, even if he closed his mouth. The eyes are also affected.

Taotie Phantom suddenly swung its arms with bone spurs backwards, roared upwards, and a miraculous scene happened immediately.

The originally clear sky was immediately overwhelmed by dark clouds, the wind blew up, and after a while there were lightning and thunder, as if the end of the world was coming.

Liu Chen quietly led Shen Huan and Bai Kuan out of the battle, and stood in the distance, but his eyes were always locked on the elders of the Dragon Clan.

Suddenly, Taotie screamed in pain. Hearing the sound, it turned out that it was the old man of the setting sun who used the real fairy technique to injure Taotie's eyes. The red light disappeared instantly. Everyone opened their eyes again, but they didn't notice Liu Chen and the others. Already out of the fight.

"it is good!"

The old man in the setting sun applauded loudly, and waved his magic staff triumphantly, but he didn't notice a bone spur quietly sticking to his back.


Taotie suddenly raised his arm, the bone spur pierced through the back of the old man in the setting sun, pierced out from the top of his head, and strung onto Taotie's arm, dying with regret.

Seeing this, Hongye gasped, and felt a sense of retreat in her heart. No matter how powerful the baby is, it is not as important as life.

At this moment, there are still five Humen brothers, Hongye, the elders of the dragon clan, and more than ten Void Refining Realm experts left on the field, and the lineup has been reduced by ten times.

Not only Hongye, but also other people have the same idea of ​​retreating, but now riding a tiger is hard to get off, and retreating rashly will only lead to a worse death.

Seeing this, the elder of the Dragon Clan gritted his teeth and cut his arm open. The dark red blood dripped down his fingertips. The atmosphere was very tense.

I saw the dragon clan elder pull out a blue tendon from his arm, which exudes a good aura, and it should also be a magic weapon.

"Ruyi Rope!"

Hongye recognized the Ruyi Rope in the hands of the elders of the Dragon Clan at a glance, and exclaimed.

"If you want to survive, use your strongest means!" Regardless of the pain from his arm, the elder of the Dragon Clan shouted and threw the Ruyi Rope into the sky. Ruyi rope.

In an instant, the arm-length Ruyi Rope stretched infinitely, bound Taotie under the control of the elders of the Dragon Clan, and immediately restrained Taotie's movements.

Everyone saw that it was effective, so they sacrificed magic weapons one after another.

I saw Hongye waving her sleeves to reveal a bronze mirror, and as soon as the yellow light shone on Taotie, green smoke billowed immediately, and Taotie rolled on the ground in pain.

The five Humen brothers were not idle, and immediately formed formations, standing in different positions, the five of them connected with each other, pointing to the sky.

The sky under the black clouds immediately formed a large array of five-pointed stars. Every time the array pressed down, Taotie's momentum became weaker. After a while, the array firmly pressed Taotie into the ground.

The solid gluttonous phantom gradually became illusory, the elders of the dragon clan looked excited, and the figure flashed, rushing forward first.

Hongye and the five Humen brothers changed their expressions suddenly, and rushed towards Taotie, cursing angrily.

"Elder of the Dragon Clan!"

Hongye flipped her hands and pointed the bronze mirror at the elder of the dragon clan, forcing the elder of the dragon clan to stop. When the two were fighting, the five Humen brothers secretly rejoiced that they were only one step away from Taotie.

At this moment, the wishful rope appeared out of thin air, blocking the way of the five people.


Losing the oppression of the two powerful men, Taotie seized the opportunity to get up immediately, clenched his fists and slammed it out, beating the five Humen brothers into a pulp, and then sucked in the red leaf into his stomach.

The plot reversed so quickly that the elders of the Dragon Clan were caught off guard, and it was already too late to use the wishful rope to tie Taotie.

"and many more!"

Just as Taotie was pinching the neck of the elder of the Dragon Clan and was about to throw it into his mouth, Liu Chen appeared.

Take two quick steps, stand in front of Taotie, raise your head and shout loudly: "Give him to me!"

The closer the distance, the more powerful Taotie felt. In front of him, he was like an ant, so small that he could ignore it.

Seeing Liu Chen appear, the elders of the Dragon Clan suddenly realized, no wonder he couldn't see Liu Chen just now, and thought he was eaten by Taotie, but he was hiding aside.

Compared to this, the elders of the Dragon Clan were even more surprised that Liu Chen had a conversation with Taotie, and his tone was so strong that he couldn't believe it.

"Okay!" Taotie was silent for a long time, after destroying the dantian of the dragon elder, he threw it down from the air.

The god of death brushed past him, and before the elders of the Dragon Clan could be happy, a bone spur pierced his dantian, smashing his abdomen to pieces.

The elder of the dragon clan had a sweet throat, spewed out a big mouthful of blood, and deep despair welled up in his eyes. Losing his cultivation was equivalent to losing everything.

His heart was ashamed, and it would be better to kill him directly if he abolished his cultivation.

Liu Chen caught the elder of the Dragon Clan and immediately healed his wounds with the green breath. Taotie took a look, the phantom gradually faded, and finally disappeared.

The black forbidden land finally regained its calm, and I could hear my own breathing quietly. There was a dead silence around, monsters, human corpses were jumbled together, and the thick smell of blood permeated, like a purgatory on earth.

"My Dragon Clan Elder never begs for anyone, but I beg you for one thing!" The Dragon Clan Elder struggled to sit up, holding Liu Chen's arm with a pair of wrinkled old hands, begging.

Because Liu Chen was wearing a bamboo hat, he couldn't see Liu Chen's expression at all, but Liu Chen turned to look at the elder of the Dragon Clan, motioning for him to continue talking.

"Kill me, give me a good time." The elder of the Dragon Clan said this very decisively, and his intention of begging for death was extremely firm.

"It's too cheap for you." After Liu Chen healed his trauma with the green breath, he suddenly changed his style of painting, kicked off the legs of the dragon elder, and then turned the body of the dragon elder, making him kneel in the direction of Fengcheng.

The elder of the Dragon Clan snorted in pain, gritted his teeth and said flatly, "Continue!"

Bai Kuan covered his face and turned around, he didn't want to watch the following scene any longer.

"Please give me a good time!" The elder of the Dragon clan gritted his gums and begged Bai Kuan.

"follow me!"

Liu Chen grabbed the collar of the elder of the Dragon Clan, and dragged towards the foot of the mountain abruptly. After this battle, the powerhouses in the black forbidden area were basically wiped out, and the remaining group of people, Liu Chen and Chen Huan, could easily deal with it .

The group of people at the foot of the mountain had no leader, and would definitely endanger the people in the black forbidden land. Liu Chen didn't want what happened to Bai Lan to happen in other families.

The most important thing is that the strong dragon clan suffered heavy losses, and no one among them could stop Liu Chen from saving Bai Lan.

Puchi Puchi!

The road down the mountain was not smooth, and it didn't take long for the elder of the Dragon Clan to be bloody and dying, but every time at this time, Liu Chen would heal his wounds, protect his last breath, and prevent him from passing out.

"You..." Bai Kuan hesitated to speak, secretly frightened by Liu Chen's cruel methods and heart.

Liu Chen threw a piece of herbal medicine without looking back, and then strode towards the black forbidden area. Bai Kuan took the herb, sighed, and immediately left the black forbidden area after going down the mountain, ready to find a place to retreat and make a breakthrough.

"Why do you want to kill them all!"

The elder of the Dragon clan hesitated and couldn't answer, so he simply closed his eyes, even if he didn't look at Liu Chen's true face under the bamboo hat, he could guess it.


Liu Chen dragged the elders of the Dragon Clan past the foot of the mountain, ignoring everyone's surprised and shocked eyes, and walked straight towards the Dragon Clan. The group of people behind them were talking and talking.

They all guessed what was going on inside the entrance, but they didn't dare to go in. Some bold people followed behind Liu Chen, hoping to hear some truth.

Entering the Dragon Clan, Liu Chen immediately turned on the killing mode. Whenever someone blocked the way, he waved his hands and killed them. Without the protection and support of the elders of the Dragon Clan, Fengcheng would be an empty shell.

"Seal all exits, and no one is allowed to go out without my order!" Liu Chen's voice was cold, without any emotion.

Seeing that all the elders of the Dragon Clan were captured by him, the clever young man in Chinese clothes immediately showed his courtesy, nodded repeatedly, and then led people to seal all the entrances and exits of the Dragon Clan.

Liu Chen's actions were undoubtedly aimed at destroying the Dragon Clan.

The weak prey on the strong, whoever is strong can do anything, even if it means exterminating the clan!

The group of people in the back watched with cold eyes and watched all this happen quietly. The dragon elder who was lying on the ground only felt that his chest was hammered by a heavy hammer, and that feeling was worse than death.

(End of this chapter)

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